Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What's Wrong With Being a Blonde? ❯ Chapter 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

This gets angsty a bit... a helluva lot angsty. And I have Takeru here!!!! And some hints about Yamato's future occupation, I mean singing not the a*** (the forbidden word) thing. Thanks for your reviews, here I go with the next chapter.. The ratings go higher here, so be warned.

Disclaimer: you know I don't own the Digimon, you watched the show...

~What's Wrong With Being A Blonde~

Chapter 5

(Yamato's POV)

Oh, will this never end?

Yamato looked out of the window. He was imprisoned in the classroom with a load of tasks to do. He was going nuts. Taichi was sleeping on the next desk, dreaming his happy dreams about the two of them. It was very much like Taichi to ask Yamato to do his math tasks for him.



Because, I love you, stupid.


end flashback

"Ishida Yamato?" Yamato started when somebody called out his name. A woman stood in the doorway of the classroom.

"Yeah... Yes, I am, sensei!" He rushed to his feet when he recognised the woman as a teacher. When he took another look he recognised her as his music teacher from elementary school.

What, did I forget to bring my homework two years ago, or something?

"Hello," he said uncomfortably.

"You have grown up, Ishida-kun," she said pleasantly and Yamato's hand darted to feel his longish hair automatically. "Are you still interested in music? I wonder if you enrolled into any club here?" she asked.

"No, not yet.."

"You're always welcome in my club, of course," she told him. "There are several boys your age who'd love to have your company."

Yamato smiled. "Thank you." It was nice to feel loved...

Then something behind the window caught his attention. Children and teenagers hurried home and there was quite a throng but... There was a blonde boy in the schoolyard... There are few blondes in Tokyo.

Ta...Takeru...? And then with a growing sense of misgiving.. Here?!

"Um.. excuse me," Yamato mumbled and rushed out of the classroom. Takeru couldn't get here so fast after school and it is very unlikely that his mother dropped him here so that he could see his older brother. Yamato descended the stairs and pushed through the small crowd near the entrance. It was very unusual and it troubled him. He broke into running outside.

The worst trouble Yamato could imagine was Ren.

Taichi raised his sleepy head.

* * *

It WAS Takeru. Yamato's heart was beating wildly. He ran up to his brother and hugged him for an instance. He drew away, knowing that Takeru wasn't a little kid anymore to handle the display of affection with people around. Takeru was beaming at him, looking somewhat proud and hopeful. His eyes were just as sweet as Yamato remembered from the Digiworld.

"Takeru... how are you? What are you doing here?" Yamato questioned him. His voice was worried but his eyes were full of love.

"I wanted to see you," the boy answered simply. In the past two years he had grown up a lot, and was taller than most kids of his age. Ishida's line... Yamato frowned and let his worry overtake his joy.

"Alone? What will your mother say?!"

Takeru put his fingers through the straps of his bag. "Hey, I'm glad to see you too."

Yamato chuckled. "But how did you get here?"

Takeru half-turned to throw a glance back when a firm hand squeezed the boy's shoulder and a familiar figure loomed behind his back.

"Hi... Yamato," said Ren.

Colour rushed in the blonde's face and his heart missed a beat. Yamato stared at the dark haired criminal with shocked round eyes. Suddenly the day wasn't so sunny and alive with the noises of school anymore.


"Sorry, I stole your brother. I just wanted to make you... happy." There wasn't a shadow of a smile on Ren's face and Yamato knew he meant 'stole' when he said it. The blonde swallowed painfully. He'd better not touch Takeru...

"Go play, kid," Ren pushed Takeru in the direction of Odaiba Elementary. "I need to talk to your brother."

"Say hello to Hikari," Yamato nodded to him and shooed him away. Anything to get Ren's hands away from his brother. Takeru cheerfully took off.

"Hikari.. is Yagami Taichi's little sister?" Ren asked innocently. Yamato felt sick.

"Why are you here, Ren?"

"Just like I said.. Wanted your brother to remind you you have a family. Or do you not care?"

With these words Ren placed a hand on Yamato's shoulder and pulled him into the shade of trees where they were guaranteed some privacy.

"Your brother is really cute.."

"Don't you touch my brother!"

"And a blonde too. Very cute. Maybe he doesn't have your wonderful eyes, but if I get bored I might fail to notice this... I'm so lucky he looks like you, Yamato."

Ren stopped by a tree and inspected the grass under his feet.

I don't like it...

"Why would you get bored?" Yamato's throat went dry at the close look Ren fixed on him

"Why, after you give me up for that Yagami..." Ren trailed off.

The blonde said nothing. He didn't even twitch. His back was stiff and his face expressionless, he knew Ren was trying to force some answer from him, no, expected Yamato to say that they would better break up and that's that. But Yamato would suffer greatly for that audacity because no one ever told Ren to fuck off without losing a part of his body at least.. Takeru was here, and Yamato was very concerned with what could happen to his brother.

"No?" Ren asked. He was angry. He was mad.

"Please, don't touch my brother." Yamato said with tears in his eyes and in his voice. "Please.."

"High time you started worrying about him."

"Please, Ren.."

Ren grabbed Yamato's shoulder and brought him closer. Yamato yelped in pain. "Listen, cutie.."

"Get your hands off him, you jerk," said a determined voice. Yamato's heart gave a huge leap and sank into his stomach for the umpteenth time that day.

"Yagami Taichi," Ren bowed. He motioned somebody to come up. Two blockheads with faces that screamed 'I'm yakuza and proud of it' appeared instantly and hurled Taichi against a tree. Yamato knew all too well what was going to happen. He bolted out of Ren's arms.


Ren held the struggling boy firmly against himself hissing viciously in his ear, "Yamato, I have my company watch over your little brother so CALM THE FUCK DOWN! ...Thank you."

Yamato racked his brain desperately for an idea that could save them all.. Taichi glowered at Ren with a plain look that said 'I'm not afraid of you and you can screw yourself if I ever will'.

"So sweet," Ren smirked.

"Ren.. let's... let's talk about this, please."

"Talk?" Ren shouted. "You want to talk now, huh, Yamato? Don't you think it's a bit late for TALKING?!"

The passing teenagers gave them quizzical nervous looks and hurried away. Yakuza wasn't a pleasant sight.

One of the big mean guys punched Taichi in the guts. Yamato winced and shivered.

"You don't understand, Ren," he said quietly. "Taichi is.."

"I understand perfectly, Ishida. If it weren't for him," Ren swung his head in Taichi's direction (another yakuza gave him a blow in the chest), "you could still be mine."

"He is my friend. Stop it. Please," the blonde stared at Taichi, who was visibly green in the face, short of breath and clutching his stomach painfully.

"Guys, take him away," Ren commanded and turned to Yamato. "A friend now, I'm intrigued. You want to talk, let's talk, Yamato. But I don't have time for you now. Unfortunately, you're kind of not my adorable boyfriend anymore."

If Ren intended to strike Yamato down with this proclamation, he was having no such luck. Yamato shouted back at him, "Let Tai go!" Then Ren slapped him. Hard as if trying to slap a common sense into his head.

"Think, Yamato, for a change! I'll take Yagami as a warrant that you'll show up. You know where. Now, take your brother home or his mom will go crazy." Ren drew near and pressed his mouth into his burning cheek. "Or maybe you want to ASK me to drive him home myself?"

Yamato jerked away furiously. There was still a chance to grab Taichi and run away... but then Takeru... he couldn't leave Takeru. Another plan: you make sure Takeru's safe and go for Taichi... There simply wasn't enough time. I can't save both of them... Only one. Yamato gave a trapped look to Ren. You! How dare you make me choose between my brother and my.. my Taichi, damn you!

"You can't bring Taichi into this!" Yamato said around a lump in his throat. "This is so wrong, Ren.. You promised.."

"I didn't bring 'Taichi' into this, you did, Yamato. Sayonara."

Ren walked to the black car waiting for him at the entrance to the school ground. Yamato watched helplessly as the blokes tucked Taichi into the car. He didn't realise he was shaking. This is too bad...

"What's wrong, oniisan?" Takeru ran up to him. His face was clouded with worry. His big brother gritted his teeth, "Nothing." Takeru must stay out of this at all cost..

"Club, Gozoku!" Ren called out from the front seat. The tyres screeched, engine roared and the car took off.

Takeru tugged at Yamato's sleeve. His brother looked blankly at him, a red spot shining on his cheek.

"Yamato?" Takeru asked. "Is it something I did?"

Yamato put his hand on his brother's shoulder and shook his head again. Why did you go with Ren?

"He told me I would see you, that's why," Takeru answered.

"Huh?" Yamato realised he had said his thoughts aloud. "He what?"

"He was waiting for me after school and he said he was gonna take me to you and I saw him last year at Grandma's... Isn't he your friend?"

"Yeah," Yamato rubbed his swollen cheek. He kneeled before Takeru and looked into his eyes. "Never ever again go anywhere with anyone without mom's permission, understand?"

Takeru nodded seriously. "Where did Taichi go, anyway?"

Yamato clasped his hand around Takeru's protectively and didn't answer.

"I need to get you home. Mom's probably called the police. Come, 'touto."

* * *

Yamato was sitting curled up in the subway train. It was sundown and two hours before Ren's club opened. His nerves were a mess.. Taking Takeru home brought the strain off him but not for long. He was jumping with every sound.


They didn't even kiss properly. Stupid Tai didn't know how to kiss.

Yamato stared out of the window at the flashing lights. It was getting dark.

What am I to tell Ren? I don't want to be with him, not anymore, not ever... He's gonna kill me. Or worse - he's gonna kill Taichi. Oh god, I must do anything to get Taichi out of this.

That's right, it's all my fault.

The blonde fixed his gaze outside of the window. The wall of the dark tunnel was streaking past. He was hurled through Tokyo to his ultimate destination. His thoughts rushed through the pulsing blot of nerves that was his brain. The blue eyes were completely blank.

Taichi. I need to save him.

I can't live without him.


In Ishida's apartment Yamato threw his school bag in the corner and changed quickly. He pulled on his jeans and a white and green t-shirt. He clasped the belt on his waist and fastened the clasps of the black motor-ride gloves over his wrists. His hand ran automatically through his hair, messing it properly. In the kitchen he scribbled a note for his father and pinned it to the fridge. The thought about getting some dinner nearly made him sick. Tucking his arms into the sleeves of his leather/jeans jacket he went out.

He made it to the corner of the street when a car running at full speed stopped by and the driver got out and barred his way.

"Get in."

Yamato lingered. The face was familiar. What was his name?

"Get IN!" The driver hurled him on the back seat and slammed the door. The black car took off.

"But for Ren-sama, I would smash your pretty face with a hammer," said the driver.

"Gozoku," Yamato moved away on the backseat, now remembering the driver's name. He sometimes took him home or to Ren. "Where are we g..."

"Hold still, blondie," threatened the young man tearing one hand from the steering wheel and pointing a knife at Yamato. Yamato swallowed. This was more serious than he wanted to think about.

"Where's Taichi?" Yamato whispered fascinated by a quivering blade.

"Shut the fuck up!"

Yamato jerked back. The brown eyes glared at him with hatred from the mirror.

"I would so much like to rip you open..." the man said through his teeth. "If only you got Ren-sama really mad... If only a word was so much as whispered against you..." The yakuza dropped his knife into his pocket and grabbed the steering wheel again.

Yamato stared at the back of his head with wide eyes.

The driver hit the brakes before the back door of Ren's club. He got out and yanked Yamato out of the car nearly tearing his arm off in the process.

"Oh!" Yamato cried, "Hey, I can get out myself, tha...."

Then he was thrown against the wall and his head connected with the stone so badly it sent sparks in his eyes. Yamato grabbed the wall for support and stared through the blur at the approaching man. He felt sick. The psycho WAS going to kill him...

"Gozoku," commanded the familiar voice. A stream of light fell from the open door. Ren pulled the blonde in his arms protectively and Yamato clutched Ren's shirt to keep upright, still feeling dizzy from the hit.

"Go upstairs and take Yagami down."

"Tai..." Yamato muttered.

"Come, Yamato." Ren scooped him up in his arms like a baby and entered the dark corridor. Yamato stiffened at the thought of being carried but he didn't protest. It was kinda Ren's territory and Taichi was sorta his hostage.

"So, Yamato," Ren panted. "You are heavy. You aren't eating sweets, are you? 'Cause I'd like you to stay slim."

Yamato didn't come here to discuss his weight. He ignored the remark.

Ren dumped him on the couch and Yamato sat up quickly not wishing any funny thoughts to enter into the elder teen's head. Ren brushed his fingers over the swelling spot on his temple.

"Hurts? I'm gonna kill him." He kissed the scratch. Yamato reeled back.

Ren got mad and locked his hand on the back of Yamato's head and yanked him close for a long kiss. Yamato fought but then a cold piece of metal was pressed into his back and he held still. Ren stopped the kiss and smiled fondly before his eyes turned to slits and he hit the hand with the knife away from the boy.

"Fuck off, Gozoku!" he snapped, "I can deal with him myself!!"


"SHUT UP!!!"

At that moment Yamato saw Taichi. "Oh god..." he gasped.

The brunette was propped against the wall, his hands tied up. He had been locked in a closet for past five hours without food or drink (Yamato wouldn't bet on Ren's merciful side). They probably beat him. He had a sick look about himself.

Yamato rushed to him. "Taichi! Taichi, look at me, please, look at me!.."

There was a growl from the couch and Ren said sharply. "Yamato!"

At this point Yamato couldn't care less. He freed Taichi's hands from the ropes and tried to massage some life into them. Taichi whimpered in pain.

"Tai, it's me. Yamato! Tai, please..."

The brunette leant onto his chest and slowly came to his senses.

"..Can't feel my arms... neither my feet," he croaked. Yamato brought him close worriedly fingering his sides for signs of broken ribs or worse, knife cuts.. Taichi whimpered loudly when his fingers ran over his bruises.

"'S'kay.. Tai, 's'kay.."

Taichi groaned.

Yamato shot a fierce glance at Ren. Behind him, Gozoku was suggestively playing with his knife.

"Ren, you nearly killed him!!" Yamato shouted. The yakuza narrowed his eyes and closed his fist over the hilt of the knife.

"Interesting... How much do you care for him?" Ren asked calmly. Oh, he was toying with Yamato...

"I DO care 'cause I actually FEEL something towards people!!! Tai's my friend and I'm not of your bloody gang!" Yamato raved on. He knew he was dead meat by next morning.

Ren twitched in distaste. Gozoku moved from behind the sofa.

"And I just didn't see you suck his face off at school," the dark-haired boy began. "Or are you like that with your friends, Yamato, sorry.."

"SHUT UP!!!"

Gozoku started towards him, but Ren put out his hand to stop the man. Rage as well as surprise was building up in his eyes. He didn't expect the little cute thing he owned to shut him up. It was a grave mistake.

"You don't know anything! Taichi saved my ass who knows how many times and I swear I won't let him die!!!" Yamato felt tears sting his eyes. The last thing he needed was to burst out crying... Get together, Yamato!

"Go away from him!" Ren snapped to him.

Yamato pressed the slowly reviving brunette to his chest and shook his head defiantly. "I won't, you asshole."

"Yamato, it's my last warning..." (And Gozoku bent his head ready to attack..)

"FUCK YOU," Yamato said. He was really freaked out now but he didn't back off. He couldn't. There was his friend's TAICHI'S! life at stake.

"Stay away from him!" Ren turned sharply to his bodyguard. "Yamato if I don't hurt Yagami, will you let go of him?"

"Like I'd believe you.."

"You have no choice."

"Really?" Yamato begged. "You really won't hurt him? Please..."

"No, I won't."

Yamato considered this. Taichi's heartbeat thudded in his chest and his own rushed one echoed it...It was the sweetest sound in the world to him... He untangled himself from the weak brunette but didn't move from his position by the wall.

"Yamato, do you know what my father has told me today?" Ren said quietly.

I don't want to know.

"To kill you both."

"Well?" Yamato licked his dry lips. "Why?" I need a plan to get us both out of here. A kingdom for an idea..

Ren smiled softly. He could tell what the blonde was thinking. And he was ready to provide him with a plan of his own.

"Did you ever hear of the 'family honour'?" Ren asked. "You insulted me. You tried to cheat on me. I'm glad that I stopped you short. I am really really glad, Yamato."

Yamato glared at him. "I didn't..." Almost..

"Oh come, Yamato. In two days the situation would have gone out of my control and you and Taichi would have ended up cut into pieces in the back alley... You stained my family's honour and you'd expect to be killed for that," Ren continued in a low voice. "First you cheated on me.. People from other clans started laughing at us. My father can bear I'm gay but THAT kind of insult he can't bear."

"I wasn't cheating on you, Ren." Yamato shook his head.

"Maybe. It doesn't matter. Your carelessness started the rumours. That was enough to cut some cute blonde head off."

"But I wasn't..!" Yamato argued in exasperation.

"It really doesn't matter."

The blonde stared at him breathlessly.

"Come here, Yamato. It's not late yet. Just come here. I won't touch Yagami." Ren said soothingly.

Yamato complied though he felt bad about leaving Taichi on the floor. Inside he was crying.

Ren wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders and whispered to him intimately. Yamato gritted his teeth.

"You can still make things look up, Yamato."

"How?" the teen asked in the same hushed tone.

"Try to convince people we didn't break up." The dark-haired teen stroked the side of Yamato's face. "In the meanwhile I'll find myself another boyfriend and kinda... discard you. No offense, love."

Yamato swallowed. Ren's fingers got way too deep in his hair and the other hand slid down his back and rested on his jeans.

"It will save the family's name.. AND you and Yagami." Ren added.

Yamato bit his lip in deep thought without noticing a predatory look coming into the elder boy's eyes. Neither registering the sharp gasp emitted by Ren when Yamato sighed.

"Can I take Taichi home?" he gave up finally.

"Well,... there's another thing." The yakuza boy pulled him into his lap. Gozoku guarded Taichi. Yamato grew worried over his best friend and didn't pay attention to the hands sweeping over his sides and lips nibbling on his hair. "You see, if you're with me, you'll be okay, but Yagami is... a problem. I can't keep him out of trouble. He would come after you and he MIGHT get killed by my father's men for that."

Yamato looked at the teen with his most innocent expression, knowing its killing effectiveness. "Ren, pretty please?"

Ren smiled sadly and shook his head.

"But Ren?.." Yamato snuggled up to him. "I'll stay here for the night? For two nights... For a week... I won't talk to Taichi... I.."

"Oh, Yamato... I can't."

The blonde glanced back at Taichi and Gozoku. "I'll do anything you want! Just, please, make sure Taichi is alright!"

"Anything?" came the hoarse whisper and Yamato froze. Ren's hands were a good way under his t-shirt. Yamato's breathing quickened.

"Well," he corrected himself belatedly. "Almost."

"Almost," Ren harshly drew away and wouldn't meet Yamato's pleading eyes.

Yamato stared at him and realisation dawned at him. So, that's what you want, you bastard.. Gozoku growled in a warning when Taichi stirred on the floor. Yamato for a brief moment panicked and trembled. No, he couldn't mean it./ But Ren made himself pretty clear: either Yamato would sleep with him or Taichi would.. die... The blonde was boring his accusing stare into Ren's impassive face. Million thoughts raced through his brain.. He was only thirteen.. After what happened in the shower, Ren wouldn't notice. He wasn't exactly gay... Ren was quite indifferent to that. He hated Ren... Like Ren cared.. He didn't have a choice. Last time in my life, I'm cornered by you, you pervert..

Ren sighed wearily and made a movement as if to get up.

"Anything," Yamato whispered finally.

"You don't mean it," Ren turned to him and brushed his fingers over his chest. He was excited.

"Why not?" His head was dizzy and his stomach was floating in space. He was horrified. "If you let Taichi go.."


".. I..." Yamato drew air sharply, "I...will..." he searched for words, "..sleep with you.."

Ren squinted his eye at the blonde. "I don't understand?"

"I," Yamato let out a long breath and muttered, "will have sex with you."

"But you don't want me, Yamato!" Ren mocked him. He enjoyed the torture Yamato was undergoing. To drag him into bed was a piece of cake! Lucky thing this Taichi showed up and helped him! What a laugh.

Yamato raised his horrified blue eyes at him and blushed fiercely. He had never in all his life hated anyone more than the smug teenager before him.

"Please.. I want you."

Ren smiled. "Well, if you want me, Yamato..."

Yamato hid his face into Ren's shoulder and nodded vigorously. He couldn't hold back tears anymore...

"Gozoku, take Yagami home but very carefully. You heard me?.. Good."

Taichi was lifted from the floor and led away on shaking legs. But suddenly life came into the brown eyes and he jumped away from his captor. "Yamato!"

The blonde jerked but didn't raise his head. "Go home, Taichi. I'll be fine."

"Are you crazy?! We're coming together or I'll stay too!!" the brunette shouted kicking at the man who grabbed him, lifted him and tried to drag him away. "We're always together, remember?!!!" he shrieked.

"Taichi.. Please!" Yamato was shaking already drained out of all his energy and will. "I'll see you soon." Thank god, he didn't hear what Ren and I were talking about. Poor Taichi... Yamato wanted to go with Taichi... He wanted to be comforted.. Kissed... Loved.


I know.

The door slammed shut behind the enraged teen and Yamato was left at Ren's mercy.

"Love..." Ren said fondly, blocking the screams of rage behind the door that were growing weaker. He stripped Yamato of his jacket and covered his neck with kisses. I hate you. He pulled Yamato's face up by the chin and licked away his tears.

"It's gonna be okay.."

Hate you... He locked their mouths in a deep kiss darting his tongue in and out. Don't touch me... He pulled away and tousled the blonde hair caressing the boy gently with a hand on his stomach and near the rim of his jeans.

"You'll like it."

Hate you. Ren pulled Yamato up and led him to his bedroom.

a/n I can no more... Ren, you bastard! Breathe...

Don't flame me because of Ren, I hate him too.

Finally, angst... And I'm still hoping for a happy ending??!!! 0.o....... Lemme think about it for some more time...

OK, it'll be a happy ending. Taito. Period.

If you want to point out my mistakes you can do it in review or by e-mail, I'd love you!!