Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What's Wrong With Being a Blonde? ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
mediaminer.org does something strange to my formatting...
TAITO (finally)
disclaimer:... you know. no improvement still. i don't own digimon. these two own my head and my time and my computer, and do some questionable things there. And I don't own the song.
What's Wrong With Being A Blonde?
Chapter 4

(Taichi's POV)

Yamato... why?
Two days passed since Taichi saw Yamato. The blonde didn't answer phone, locked the doors and drew curtains on his windows. Taichi was going mad with frustration. There was so much to talk about..
I thought you were mine. I always did. It's not fair. It was me who held your hand when we were shot with the Arrows of Love...
Taichi fantasized about the two of them, together, loving each other. There was no place for Ren in his dreams.
It was me, Yamato. You know it. You must love me.
Taichi suspected that the blonde wasn't fond of the yakuza boy. In that case, he would just have to say the relationship was over.
This is fair.
Or, if the going got tough... the tough would get going.
Now I will only have to steal you from Ren.
"Watch out, Taichi!" Teishiro called and sent the soccer ball flying to him. Taichi kicked it into the goal.
"Cool!!" the voice full of admiration said.
Oh, no, not that nerd again.. Taichi thought. But it was. The short spiky-haired boy sprinted towards him across the school ground and stopped before him, grinning like an idiot. There was some kind of goggles on his dark mahogany hair.
"Great, Taichi-san, oh, please, can you stay after school and play with us?!" the boy begged. "You can teach me so much...? Puhleaaase?"
From his experience Taichi knew the boy would follow him everywhere, begging, if he simply rejected him. He had to find some valid excuse, like his mother went to the Bahamas and left no food so he had to cook, or like, take Hikari shopping for her wedding dress...
Taichi looked around for inspiration... and gasped. The blonde teen in the Odaiba green jacket and gray trousers stood at the school gates, inspecting the students nervously.
"Yamato, over here!" Taichi shouted eagerly and waved. Yamato came up with a somewhat wry smile.. Taichi tore his eyes from his full lips and forced back his daydream about how he pulled Yamato close and kissed him and...
"Hi," Taichi said breathlessly. "Welcome back to school, Yama..."
The mahogany-haired boy looked in puzzlement at the two. Then he pouted and folded his hands on his chest, glaring defiantly at the newcomer while Taichi was drooling over the sight of Yamato...
Yamato got uncomfortable under the boys' fixed stares.
"Hi, Tai, hi, you," he nodded to the small boy. Taichi became aware of the boy's existence, turned to him and said, "Sorry, I have to show Yamato round the school today, Dai..." he scratched his head - What's his name?..
"Come and play, Daisuke!" one of his fellows called. The mahogany-haired boy sent Yamato an irritable glance and returned to the game.
Taichi touched Yamato's hand redirecting his wandering (on purpose) attention to himself. A fit of jealousy seized him at the thought that somebody else had kissed those luxurious lips...
This Ren...
"Let's find the others?" Yamato suggested. He kept considerable distance between his friend and himself. A sweet ache flooded Taichi's chest.
Why is he moving away?
"I know about you and Ren," he blurted out. Yamato took a sharp breath and stared. The brunette took the opportunity to lean closer...
"Hey, Taichi!" A girl ran up to them. "How're you d... Yamato?" she said unbelievingly.
The last time Yamato saw her she was wearing jeans and her hair was tucked under one of her hats. It's been awhile since Sora had put on a skirt and started looking very lovely in it.
"How are you?" Sora asked. "Sorry for not calling, Taichi told us you were here but.." she trailed off blushing.
Of course, if I told you how hot Yamato looked, you would be calling 5 hundred times a day. Taichi knitted his eyebrows and gave a possessive look to the blonde. Luckily, neither Yamato nor Sora noticed it. Unluckily, somebody else did.
"That's fine," Yamato moved to her side quickly. "Let's go find the others? I'm dying to see them."
Taichi placed his hand on the blonde's shoulder (brushing his hair in the process) and smiled a content smile. Here, Yama, you belong to me... Yamato turned his face to him a tiny bit. His blue eyes were wide and wild. Taichi rubbed his shoulder and hurried him to the school.
Don't you grope MY boyfriend, Yagami, thought a grim dark-haired boy, watching the two from the inconspicuous place at the fence. You'll be so... sorry.
Inside, they ran into another familiar person.
"Hey, Koushiro!" Taichi shouted. The redhead turned and smiled.
"Hello, Yamato. Good to see you."
Yamato chuckled. Koushiro was not impressed as usual. He asked how Yamato was doing politely then turned to a violet-haired girl in huge round glasses who started to point something energetically on a paper.
"Yeah... yeah.... OK, right, Miyako... yeah... keep going. Don't you have classes?" Koushiro asked hopefully. The girl sighed and rolled her paper. Her gaze stopped at Yamato and she eyed him with interest.
"Do I know him?" she asked Koushiro.
"This is Ishida Yamato, my old friend."
"Hi. I'm Inoue Miyako.." she stretched out her hand, but Taichi pushed Yamato past her and cried annoyed, "Aren't you late for your classes?!"
Sora giggled. Koushiro sighed in relief as the four of them paced down the corridor. They didn't make much progress, because the window ahead on their left exploded in million shards and the soccer ball flew through it and bounced off the wall. Taichi scooped it and the company peered outside.
"Oooops," said the mahogany-haired boy gaping at the mess he had made. Hikari, Taichi's little sister, ran up worriedly.
"Daisuke, look at this!"
"Oh, hi, Hikari!" Daisuke's eyes shaped up like hearts.
"Were you trying to show off before my sister again?" Taichi scowled.
"Well... I... no... I mean... I was playing..." Daisuke stammered, his eyes darting from the laughing company behind Taichi to his idol and Hikari.
"Motomiya!" bellowed a teacher. "A broken window again!"
"It wasn't my fault!"
"To my office, Motomiya, and NOW!"
The boy sighed vexedly and kicked the ground, walking off and grumbling. Taichi threw the ball after him.
"Hello, Yamato!" Hikari greeted him sweetly. Taichi raised his eyebrows at her in a warning - he told her about them. Well, the part about Taichi loving him dearly... not the physical stuff. She was only 9, after all.
"Wow, I haven't seen you for ages, Hikari. You sure look gorgeous."
The girl giggled and went to her friends, throwing a funny look at her brother. Taichi gripped Yamato's hand again and dragged him to their classroom. His face spread in a smile as the blonde struggled to catch up with him.
"Bye, Koushiro!" Yamato said and shouted. "Taichi, stop it! Or I'll kill you!"
"It's music to my ears, Yamato," Taichi said.
"Hey, Taichi, over here!" Sora stood at the entrance to their homeroom.
"I want to talk to Yamato in private," the brunette strode farther. The bell rang. "Oh shit!"

* * *

Yamato watched him warily throughout the lesson. What does he want to talk about? How did he find out about Ren? Does he realise how dangerous this is?...
Taichi's eyes were glued on his lips again, as he kept turning his head over his shoulder. So delicious... Another daydreaming sequence shot through his mind.
"YAGAMI TAICHI!" the teacher hit the blackboard and half the class woke up from their slumber. Taichi stared down the book, expressing shame with his stature.
I need to talk to him, I need to see him every day... every night... he thought in determination.
I can't escape Taichi no more... Someday, Ren will find out and what then? Yamato bit his lips.
"Ishida, read the next sentence. Ishida Yamato?!" The teacher was getting angry.
"Gomen nasai," Yamato felt hot under everyone's stares and glared in the book.
Taichi was given another good reason to eye Yamato. If only I could take his sweet face in his hands and kiss those trembling lips again...see that desired expression in his sky-blue eyes... If I could...

* * *

Everywhere Yamato went, Taichi followed. He was goggling at him from a safe distance until Yamato was thoroughly fed up. He wished Taichi came up and then Yamato would make him see the POINT of not spying on him.. The long hall during the lunch break stayed clear of the students. Yamato turned around only to find Taichi three steps away.
"I need to talk.." Taichi whispered.
"Yeah, me too!" Yamato rounded on him.
The brunette suddenly thrust his hands out and pinned Yamato to the wall. He pressed his body to the astonished blonde's tightly and breathed down his neck. A hungry look came into his eyes.
"Yagami, let me go!" Yamato said, the last words came out somewhat breathlessly as Taichi began to run his fingers over his lips. The blonde shuddered.
"Yamato..." Taichi purred, then proceeded to kissing him.
The blonde tried to squeeze himself into the wall to escape the kiss, but his attempts sent him sliding down the wall and into Taichi's lap, until eventually he was jammed between the brunette and the wall.
Why am I always being cornered by rabid boys? Yamato thought desperately. Time to dye my hair black or else..
Taichi's left hand was massaging the skin of his head, pushing through his blonde hair; his right hand was rubbing at his hip. Yamato was like hot wax by now. He relaxed into the kiss before discovering that Taichi didn't have much practice in those things. Yamato quickly overtook him and kissed him deeply. Taichi was a bright student.
"I'm not sure I know who you mean but..." a childish voice sounded in the hall and abruptly trailed off.
"Hey!" a familiar voice exclaimed. "Careful, kid, I nearly toppled o.." And in a shocked tone it continued, "Taichi??"
Taichi tore away unwillingly from Yamato's mouth and turned around. Jyou with a very funny face stood next to a small boy from Odaiba elementary, whose eyes were startling green and very large at the moment.
"So this is the one you were looking for," the small boy said and took a deep breath before spluttering out. "Well, if you don't need me anymore..." and running away. (a/n it was Iori, yeah, I know you guessed already)
"Jyou, don't just stand there, help me!!" Yamato fought to get away from Taichi.
"I didn't see it, did I?" Jyou stared at the two.
"No, you didn't!" Yamato pushed the brunette away and stood up, straightening his hair.
"Why're you always pushing me away, Yama-chan?" Taichi with a blissful smile on his face rose to his feet.
"ALWAYS?!" Jyou shrieked.
"Hi, Jyou!" The blonde hid behind his back when Taichi reached out to pull him into another embrace. Taichi made a dash for him but Yamato turned Jyou around to keep safe away from the brunette.
"Hey, stop using me as a wall!" Jyou wailed.

~You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss...
But you know but you know that you...
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart...~

A song drifted up from the open window. Taichi chuckled.
"What are you doing here, Jyou?" Yamato wondered.
Jyou froze with a painful expression on his face. "I remembered it before I stepped on you two making out like crazy," he complained. He gave a cautious glance to the teens. "When did it start?"
"About a minute before you showed up."
"No, I mean, your...eh .. relationship."
"Same answer."
"I wanted to talk to you, Yamato.. but you were so sweet and I couldn't resist..." Taichi shrugged.
"I've had enough of your talk," Yamato snorted.
"Excuse us." The brunette ignored Jyou and pulled the blonde into an empty classroom. "Dump Ren," he said.
Yamato gaped at him. "DUMP Ren?! Dump REN???"
"Why not?" Taichi asked innocently.
"He's ... he's..."
"Not so gorgeous as I am?" Taichi helped.
"Forget it," Yamato stared out of the window, his face gloomy.
"I love you."
Yamato gasped. He locked his eyes with Taichi's for a second. Then he stormed out of the room and ran away.

* * *

I said that, didn't I? Taichi stared into nothingness. Why did I... Hell!
"YAGAMI TAICHI!" the teacher bellowed for the hundredth time. "WHY DON'T YOU PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR LESSONS FOR A CHANGE!"
"Gomen..." Taichi sighed and turned the page over. His classmates tried to stifle a laugh. He started to read the passage but it was a wrong one, so the teacher warned him to stay awake or else...
Taichi felt something hit his head. A crumple of paper landed on his desk. Taichi stole a glance back to the blonde, met his insistent stare and read the note hastily.
#It's just lust #
Taichi took a deep breath. He scribbled an answer.
#No #
The answer came flying back at once.
#It's dangerous #
#I don't care #
He almost heard Yamato sigh heavily.
#Idiot. Imbecile. Cretin. Psycho. It's just because you're obsessed with blondes?!! #
#I am IN LOVE with a certain blonde at the moment! ^_- I believe I was in love with this blonde since the Digiworld...#
Yamato sent him a furious look and Taichi smirked.
#Liar #
#Want me to prove it? #
#You wouldn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >.<;;; #
#Why not? Don't think the teacher can stop me # Taichi blushed with excitement when no one paid attention to them. He added #Besides, you wouldn't really mind #
#Oh yeah?!!!!!! 0_o! I don't know #
#Say yes #
Taichi waited for the answer, smiling widely. He never got it because the teacher grabbed the paper in mid-air and scowled at the two teens. He unfolded the paper. Taichi and Yamato exchanged horrified looks.
Taichi propped his back against the wall in the hall. Yamato stood opposite him with his hands in the pockets of his gray trousers. The sun, streaming through the window on the blonde, laid golden patches on the floor. The wind played with the light strands of hair that were the same colour as the sun. Taichi was bedazzled. He licked his lips and enjoyed the spectacular sight.
Yamato had a soft smile on his lips. He was sure that if they moved, the teacher would rush out of the homeroom and kick them out of the school. Yamato leant back and assumed a lax posture. He wanted to draw Taichi in his arms, he wanted to kiss him gently. He didn't feel that intimate towards anyone before, not even Takeru... He looked at the brunette with a warm gleam in his sapphire eyes and held his breath. Both boys wanted to be in each other's arms but the two steps worth of the corridor separated them. So they stood still, in silence, glaring at each other, slowly turning crazy.
Someday, their childish love may blossom into something mature, but to find that out Yamato had to accept it now.
Suki to itte? mouthed Taichi. A smile tugged at Yamato's lips.
Taichi shifted with excitement and ran his eyes comfortably over the blonde.
Do you think Ren or anything else can stop me?

a/n Yeah, I said 'all Digidestined' I know what it means... It was pretty difficult to get Jyou and Iori over here so bear with me. Besides, Mimi is in America and happy...
We don't know Ken for a year more.. He's somewhere in the Digiworld. He's not happy, obviously he's working on his Kaiser's fancy dress... And Takeru, well, he's the next chapter.. Wait, I think, I actually got all of them!!! ^_^
TAITO finally! And I didn't make them go straight to sex because - first, it's school, second, Jyou and Iori were there, third, they are thirteen years old! (scratch the last one it doesn't count)
gomen nasai - I'm sorry.
suki to itte - say you love me (from a SM song ^_^)
next chapter: Takeru, angst. A lot of Ren. Hate him! And if you don't hate him by now.. O_0 !!!!!!! *author jumps head first into the wall and start a rant about how some people love evil guys* (I know who I'm talking about ^_^)