Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ What's Wrong With Being a Blonde? ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I'm grounded with no admittance to computer much less to Internet... Parents... They don't understand it when I have inspiration in the middle of the night and type away till six in the morning!
Disclaimer: same as before. No money, no Digimon.
Warning: gets limish-lemonish! More like my favorite NC-17!!!
What's Wrong With Being A Blonde?
Chapter 3

(Yamato's POV)

Yamato stopped before a brightly lit nightclub. It was the one Ren owned, their usual dating place, and also one where Ren liked to deal with people he didn't want to see living.
"Hello, Yamato-kun." Yamato was on time, the bouncers greeted him and suggested he got inside quickly.
Yamato found Ren behind their table in the shadowy area of the club. Ren smiled kindly at him and waited till Yamato sealed a quick kiss on his lips. After that, the boys sat close to each other on a cozy sofa. Yamato scanned the area for 'new faces'. Some were extremely amusing. Ren liked the guys with gay issues. Yamato chuckled inwardly recalling one red-haired guy getting pissed and sick of Ren and Yamato making out on the sofa and getting drunk enough to interrupt them.. Ahem, interrupt Ren. After Ren's smacking his head against a toilet seat for half an hour and making him crawl and beg for forgiveness, the redhead developed a sort of ADORATION for gays. After all, he wanted to keep living and preferably in one piece.
Then again, think of Taichi. Suddenly all this wasn't so funny and Yamato swallowed uncomfortably. There were times when Yamato was scared of the black-haired yakuza out of his wits, Ren was a real maniac when if came to things he owned, Yamato being one of those things...
"So, how's this Taichi's thing, anyway?" Ren asked casually. "Does he bother you?"
Yamato flashed him a glance. It was almost supernatural he should mention the brunette right now. What if... No, he can't suspect anything... You know he can. What's the point of this question? Ren must have fished out every bit of info on Tai.
You know him more than I do, bet. Yamato thought grimly. Another disturbing thought shot through his brain. Careful, Yamato, he's testing you.
"No, he's okay. He helps me get ready for school."
"Really, how nice of him," Ren buried his fingers in the blonde's hair. "He seems to know you very well.."
"We've been friends since elementary school", the blonde answered with the sincerest smile. He hoped that it wasn't jealousy he'd just heard in that voice.
"Friends? You hardly talked to him, Yamato", Ren pointed out.
Yamato schooled his face and forced a smile.. He knows that much...
"Well, two years ago we went to a summer camp and became friends there, got to know each other, the stuff..."
"But your summer camp was cancelled in a day," Ren nervously tapped his fingers on the table.
Yamato twitched and stared at his drink. What to say?
"You are not hiding anything from me, Yamato?" Ren asked softly.
Yeah. To tell you the truth, me and Tai and a bunch of kids from Odaiba just went and saved two worlds, while in the Digital World. You won't believe it but we've been travelling there for months and it's been few minutes in the real world. The Digiworld is a place where the digimon live... but hey, Ren, I say you're totally clueless, so why not go there yourself and meet Gabumon, visit Vamdemon's castle, have a cup of coffee with Pinocchiomon on top of Spiral Mountain, or chat with Gennai...?
Think, Yamato!
his brain screamed.
"Uhhm," Yamato shifted by Ren's side, "To tell you the truth..." A bright idea crossed his mind and he apologised to Sora in that instant, "I had that crush on one girl, Sora, she was really in love with Taichi, and I was pissed off naturally.. Hheh...It was just another of these kid soap-operas... I beat Tai up.. ehrm.. sorta.. and then he told me he cared about another girl all along, Mimi (SORRY, Mimi!!!) and we decided to be friends since.."
Yamato sighed. Lame, Yamato. He carefully looked at Ren.
Ren wasn't buying the story but didn't show that. The black haired leaned in and kissed Yamato on lips.
"Well, good, I thought I'd start to get worried", he told the blonde.
Yamato put his hand in black hair and kissed Ren deeply on mouth in answer. His nervousness got a little better.
"There's nothing to worry about, Ren."

* * *

(Tai's POV)

Taichi was musing over his and Yamato's kiss. He had won the whole couch to himself and sprawled on it. He was in Teishiro's apartment and the boys were supposed to talk about soccer practice. Taichi couldn't focus though knowing that the blonde is somewhere out there... His lips were still burning.
Geez, why is Yamato such a homophobe...
"Tai, snap out of it," Teishiro said annoyed. "You keep smiling stupidly."
"Shut up."
"C'mon, I know the blonde is involved," Teishiro pressed the topic.
Taichi cast a side-glance at his teammate.
"Oh no, it's not that Yamato guy," Teishiro protested.
"Are you talking about the blonde with Hakada Ren?" his elder brother came up at once, interested.
"WHAT?!" Taichi sat bolt upright. What did he say?!!!
Akiji giggled. "I would know since I work at his nightclub, wouldn't I?"
"It's not funny, oniisan," Teishiro said gloomily. Teishiro had the pleasure to observe earlier Taichi's crushes, and he knew how obstinate the brunette could get...
"No!" Tai exclaimed in vigorous denial. "Not Ishida Yamato!"
"That's him."
"NO!" Taichi's heart sank. He stared at one point on the carpet. Something horrible was happening with his heart...
"Taichi," Teishiro placed his hand on his shoulder. "Wake up. Remember the night we met them.. I bet, you never paid attention to Ren! And been flirting with his boyfriend all night long too! Stupid Tai..."
Taichi did remember, now that it was mentioned.. He mistook Yamato for a girl because Ren had his arm placed on Yama's waist...
Tai growled.
"What's with you?" Teishiro drew back in a fright.
"A jealousy fit," Taichi murmured. Ren's arm on his waist.. Yamato moving swiftly away as he caught sight of Taichi.. These looks sent by a tall black haired boy... Hakada Ren. He then missed the whisper Teishiro gave to everyone. "The owner... big... My brother's boss. Say hi to him and don't stick out.." Yamato driving him away after Taichi forced him to a kiss.
"NO! He's mine!" Taichi shouted.
"Don't be silly, Tai!" Teishiro cut him out. "Akiji.." he pleaded.
The eldest brother looked gravely at him. "Don't push it, Yagami. Ren belongs to a powerful yakuza clan. You'll get yourself into a bloody mess. And I'm talking serious."
Taichi stared at him in shock. Yakuza? Yamato?.. Hold it... "What, you want me to leave Yama alone?!" he asked incredulously.
"Uhu," both brothers nodded. "No kidding, Tai," Teishiro added.
"NO WAY." Taichi got up stubbornly and went to the door. He had to think it over. It was worth thinking..
"Where are you going?"
"Have to see Yama."
"Tai, he's at the club, right Akiji?.. He's with Ren," Teishiro followed him to the door. "You can't go."
"How long they.."
"They met a year ago," Akiji explained. "Hey, I can tell you something here. They never went beyond kissing. I would know, wouldn't I?" he added smugly.
Right. Tai nodded in acknowledgement. His heart was flopping up and down in his chest and a stone settled in his stomach.
My Yamato...
"Promise, Tai?" Teishiro asked.
"Hey!" Tai give him his best winning smile and went out, slamming the door behind himself. 'Hey' was not a promise, right? Right. Taichi, you aren't gonna lose this one. You simply can't.

* * *

(Yamato's POV. Early next morning.)

Yamato was at Ren's house, taking a shower. He had to return home before his father realised how long he'd been out. Yamato used to stay at Ren over the last month and share his bedroom with him. No sex, as agreed. But Ren enjoyed having him around.
Yamato turned and found Ren watching him. Oh, shit. Yamato almost shuddered. Prickles ran up his back.
"What's wrong, Ren?" he asked, turning slightly away to hide his blush. You don't find a guy in your bathroom every day.
Not exactly your bathroom. said a small annoying voice that didn't like the look of things.
Shut up.
Ren ran an admiring check on the blonde. Suteki... Ren came up to the soaking blonde. His closeness and nakedness turned him on. Yeah, he promised... But. But Yamato didn't know what he was denying himself.
Hentai, Yamato thought and took a deep breath. He wished he knew what Ren had running on his mind right now.
He yelped when he felt Ren slide his hand down his back. His breathing quickened. He was shocked when Ren got under the shower fully clothed. The blonde clenched his fingers over his tube of shower gel. Yamato's eyes finally got wide when the black haired teenager pressed him into the wall with the weight of his body.
"Ren..." Yamato struggled free. Ren knocked the tube out of his hands and it landed on the floor splattering the gel everywhere. Yamato froze.
"'S 'kay," Ren kissed him on mouth and let his hands travel along his body. Yamato forgot to breathe. It was scary. On the other hand Ren's fingers were turning him on very fast.
"Yamete!.." Yamato whispered in panic, but then Ren' kisses grew hungrier, he forced his tongue inside the blonde's mouth, leaving Yamato gasp. Ren stepped back a little and glared with approval at the frightened teen. He looked mad - his black hair were damp and sticking about his face and his shirt and jeans clung to his body, outlining it under the material, making his erection visible.
Ohmygod, how do I get myself out of this? Yamato was hyperventilating. Thoughts raced through his brain.
"Don't worry, Yamato," Ren smiled. "I won't hurt you."
His hand reached down, and Yamato whimpered, his eyes shut. Ren once again was kissing him, switching his attention to his neck and shoulders, running his tongue along the water streams down his chest and stomach.. The black haired dropped to his knees. Yamato leant against the wall, trying to stiffle his moans. He was hard, he wanted it...
He tried to replace Ren with Taichi in his mind... God! He gasped; it scared a hell of him and injected more pleasure into his body.
"Yamato?" Ren asked softly. Yamato bit his lip and stared down at the boy. "You would like me to go on...?
"There will be no sex, I promise," Ren added, strocking him.
It was another choice he couldn't make. Yamato nodded.
His brain switched again to picture Taichi. Yamato closed his eyes and made sure he was crying out Ren's name...
Ren didn't let him come. Yamato was writhing in pleasure when the black-haired stood up and roughly turned him around, so that Yamato was pinned to the wall, and Ren was pressed against his back.
Panic shot to Yamato's brain, but it was a dull panic.
"I don't...please.." he managed to say with his tongue turning over heavily and unwillingly into his mouth.
Ren said nothing. His fingers moved insistently on his body, and he was pressing closer, panting into Yamato's ear and groaning quietly. Yamato wondered what WOULD happen anyway. He cried out in protest as Ren's hand released his crotch. Ren turned his face to him forcefully to crush his mouth on the blonde's in a wet sucking kiss. The teenager started rubbing himself over Yamato, his hand resuming the lost grasp.
As the pleasure hit him, Yamato found himself imagining Tai again...
"Oh my... Ren..." he moaned.
Ren moved over him in imitation of a dry sex though it was very wet and soaking, with the water streaming down on them.
Yamato came. He stared down catching his breath, watching water swirl around his toes and plummeting down through the holes on the floor.
Slowly his mind regained his place into his head, and familiar sensations returned - he felt water running down the sides of his face, Ren biting his shoulder...
Yamato shivered. Ren let go of him. Yamato could tell with his back to him that the black-haired was smiling.
"Good," Ren said.
He threw off his clothes, pushing them in a damp heap in the corner. Yamato watched him with caution. He was tired and he eyelids were heavy. "Tired? Gozoku will take you home," Ren pressed his lips to Yamato's cheek and took in a long breath. "Smell good... You're cute when you're blushing, Yamato."
Yamato accepted another of these hateful kisses on the lips and tried to smile.
He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to either.
"Jaa mata, love," Ren said and exited the bathroom.
Yamato closed his eyes, worn out. He wanted to go home, and he wanted Tai.

A/N Ahhhh... boy, I'm sleepy too.. Don't even have the strength to make an appropriate ending. Hey, which of my endings were appropriate?! And this chapter finally has lime-lemon.. Glad? I KNOW it's not Taito.. but things are moving on, 'kay?! Yes, next chapter I'll bring on Taito...and.. ahem. There maybe rape you know.. Interested? Yes, next chapter includes all Digidestined.
I'm such a pervert - making Ren jerk off on Yama-sama.. I hate Ren! *puts up a pic of Yama and Tai holding each other and smiles silly*
Oniisan - older brother
Suteki - beautiful, cool
Hentai - pervert
Yamete - stop it
Jaa, mata - see ya