Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Clash ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Same as previous chapters.

Author's Note: Well...it's been a while. ^^;; I haven't been as inspired recently as I've been in the past with this fic so this chapter got delayed. Hopefully I'll be more inspired when I write Chp 5. Thank you for the reviews. I'm glad you guys are enjoying Akira as much as I (unexpectedly) enjoyed writing him. He was fun.

Chapter Four: Clash

Nothing happened. It was the most disappointing anti-climatic moment Taichi had ever experienced. He had expected gasps of excitement, eyes full of optimism and delight. What he ended up with was jaw dropping shock. Then came the staring. Not like stalker staring - at this Taichi was uncomfortably reminded of Jun and could not help shuddering - but more like communicative staring. Glances from all of the Digi-Destined were caught and held in silence, while Ken blandly tapped his fingers on the edge of the table. Certain of agreement and assent from the rest of the Digi-Destined. Arrogant bastard.

So it was with a bit of smugness when Taichi encountered the slack jaws and perplexed faces of his companions. While he had no hostilities with Ken, in recent times his arrogance had been getting on his nerves. The way he took for granted that all his plans and orders would be followed through. The superior tone of his voice whenever he addressed them grated on Taichi like the wailing of banshees. No, Taichi added as an afterthought, it was much worse than that.

Although Ken's idea was not in actual fact bad, he knew the risks and dangers involved may not be worth the effort of getting into the tight secure headquarters. Not with 28 - 33% success rate. And Taichi was especially reluctant to lose any more of his team mates.

"It might work, actually," Koushiro's voice rang out. The silence thickened, but Koushiro took no notice. His tanned face scrunching up as he raised his hand to cup his chin. Schemes and plans swirled around his mind, transparent like the sudden glaze which overtook his dark eyes.

Taichi frowned. He knew that Koushiro and Ken had bonded in the past. It was expected, after all. Both were geniuses. Both had to be lonely. Had to have felt like they did not belong. So it was only natural they became fast friends. While Taichi knew the loneliness they felt was not due to him being a bad friend, he couldn't help but feel a tad guilty. The fact that they actually felt they did not belong in the group was enough for Taichi to call himself a bad leader. But these were old thoughts, as tiring in the present as they were in the past. Taichi had gone through every single piece of action he could have done, every single reassuring word he could have said, and in the end realized that none of it would have mattered. What he most admired about Ken and Koushiro were the very things that would always set them apart from the Digi-Destined. From normal people. He wondered what it must have been like for them to go through life and school with a whole different mindset. To never have the same interests as those around them. To always be weary with what they say, in case it may come out too complex, or too weird if one was to be cruel. It must have been frustrating too. And at this, Taichi allowed himself a self deprecating smile. Hell, it probably would've killed them if they had tried to explain one of their wordy and intricate theories on the Digital World to him. Which was why Taichi made it a rule to nod and smile whenever Koushiro chattered on about this or that. It was the polite thing to do.

So it should not have surprised Taichi as much as it did when they began taking each other's sides. Yet it did. At first Taichi was disturbed by this change. His uneasiness and discomfort brought to front by the very instincts that had saved his life on occasion, and which had screamed distrust at this sudden turn of events.

Who said paranoia was unhealthy anyway?

In the end though, it was enough for Taichi to know and recognize the loyalty and friendship each held for him. Or maybe it was just Koushiro. While Ken held grudging respect for him, Taichi in no way held any belief that he was even remotely considered as a 'friend' by the genius. Unlike Daisuke, Taichi could not breach Ken's distance back when Ken was first introduced to the group, nor could he now, when Ken was all the more unreachable.

Frowning again, Taichi sought to voice out his thoughts. To convey the sense of foreboding and unease at this risky venture.

"And it might not."

All eyes turned towards Taichi.

"There's every chance of success." Cool violet eyes focused on Taichi.

"And there's every chance of it not," Taichi replied firmly. "In fact, I think there's less chance of it working than what not." He paused. "And that's a chance I'm not willing to take - not when the stakes are so high."

Koushiro lowered his eyes, unease written in the lines of his body.

"The stakes are high, yes," Ken returned calmly, "But isn't it always? Isn't it worth a shot to destroy one of their most valuable bases? The base where they may have kept one of their most dangerous - and deadliest weapon to date."

"That sounds reasonable - and logical when you put it that way. But anyone here could die. Don't you think the lives of our friends are worth thinking about?" Taichi spoke out passionately.

"It is, Taichi. But the choice is ours."

Stunned, Taichi turned towards Jyou. Jyou, whom caution was not just a word but a rule to live by. Reliable, responsible Jyou. The one who was siding with Ken and Koushiro, prepared to risk his own life.

"I don't understand." Taichi said finally.

"Yes you do," Jyou replied gently. "You're our fearless leader. The one who impulsively runs off to risk his own life without a thought or care. But you're also the one who tries his hardest to protect everyone. What you need to understand is that sometimes…we don't need it." Jyou made his tone impossibly kind, as if trying to soften the perceived blow.

Taichi drew back, slightly hurt. He was protective of them, yes, even more so now than before…but he still did not understand. He just wanted to protect them. Save them. Doing what he should have done in the past.

Frustrated, Taichi could only rub his eyes tiredly. He knew himself to be oblivious at times. Hell, sometimes he was just plain dumb, but surely it was not that hard to get.

Calming himself down and gathering his wits, Taichi struggled to respond. He caught worried and concerned gazes from all the Digi Destined - except for one - and tried to smile. It worked. They relaxed.

"I guess that comes from all of you."

Mimi said hesitantly, "Yes it does…but don't take it the wrong way, Taichi. We appreciate what you've been doing for us," her face tilted upwards, earnest and sincere. "It's just that sometimes it can be smothering. We want to do our part too. Not just be another burden."

Taichi fell silent, but kept his face softened. The hurt had evaporated a little, but it still stung.

Taichi sighed. "Alright…A good leader knows when he's been outvoted."

Then he grinned. "And I'm one of the best."


Sometimes Daisuke just didn't understand. Or maybe he did, only just too well. He knew both the pros and cons of their mission, he knew why they needed such a plan. What he didn't understand was why it was brought about the way it did. Taichi didn't need to be unanimously voted against by their team, nor was Ken needed to instigate it. Sometimes Daisuke just didn't understand the way their minds worked.

And if Daisuke would let himself think on it, he was angry too. He hadn't wanted to watch them on opposing sides, tension rising in waves. He hadn't wanted to watch them fight, while the uneasiness in his stomach grew worse. He didn't know who to choose, and that was the gist of it. He just plain didn't know who to choose.

Ken was his best friend, the one who he loved and would love for the rest of his life, but Taichi was his mentor. His hero...a bit like a big brother. Not that Jun wasn't a great big sister - she was. But she wasn't here. Fortunately, Jun wasn't telepathic...otherwise...Daisuke shuddered at the thought of her reaction.

He was also relieved and thankful none of the other Digi-Destined noticed his silence during the meeting. Or if they had, he was grateful they didn't mention it. Daisuke already had enough turmoil to deal with. First with Ken's changing behaviour and now with the added conflict of Ken and Taichi...he just wasn't sure what to do.

First thing's first, he needed rest. Bone achingly tired, and sore all over, Daisuke was puzzled at how it all came to be. It wasn't like the old days - gees, he must be getting old - when school dominated his daily schedule and hours of soccer were his normal past time, and he still had enough energy to glomp onto Ken at the end of the day.

Shaking his head amusedly, Daisuke was unaware he had reached his sleeping quarters. He bemusedly opened the door and entered his somewhat messy room - only to find it occupied.

Ken was sitting in his usual spot, on a rusty coloured armchair which had seen better days. It had entertained Daisuke at first; he never would've guessed that the black-colour loving genius would take to an ancient, red thing as much as Ken had. Ken had been full of surprises then. Just like now, only the surprises weren't so pleasant anymore.

Daisuke lost his smile, his expression becoming blank. The diluted anger now sprang forth, reddening his cheeks and tightening his mouth into a thin line. Daisuke resolved not to say anything first, instead he kept himself busy by puttering around in his room - and ignoring Ken. He knew Ken could never stand being ignored for long.

"Daisuke." Right on time. Daisuke kept silent. It was always best to hear what Ken had to say first.

"I see you are upset with me," Ken paused. "But I don't know the reason why. Perhaps you should enlighten me."

"Oh? You mean you actually noticed I was upset? Even when you were oh so busily focused on undermining Tai." Daisuke responded sarcastically.

"I was not undermining Taichi. I didn't even need to! You saw how the others responded. Taichi has been very protective, an admirable quality I'm sure, but not when we are battling and every part each one of us plays is extremely important. I believe, in the end, even he understood."

Daisuke sighed. "Yes, he knew. But that's beside the point. You should have just talked to him before about this plan of yours, get him prepared. He didn't need to be hit over the head with it!"

Anger radiated off Daisuke. Anger from what had happened today and from the past, where he had watched helpless as Ken reverted more and more back...to his old self. Daisuke couldn't say it. If he did then it would come true, and if it was true then Ken was his enemy again.

He glared at Ken and prepared himself for Ken's sharp retort. He could tell it was going to hurt, what ever he said. If anything, the narrowed eyes and terse body language was a signal for danger. Ken practically had a sign saying: Beware of the Angry Genius.

Daisuke braced himself, half a dozen comebacks ready. He might not be as good of a debater as Ken, but he could out stubborn him easily enough. It was a very handy trick. But one that was apparently not going to be used. Instead of the expected blazing anger, Daisuke was taken aback by the sudden calm emanating from Ken.

Eyeing Ken suspiciously, Daisuke crossed his arms and tried to figure out the source of Ken's good mood. He knew Ken had something up his sleeve, something that would ensure Ken's victory. He wouldn't be this confident if it didn't.

Suddenly, Ken rose gracefully towards Daisuke in determined, long strides. Daisuke warily watched these proceedings, body awkwardly twisting when Ken stepped very close to him. He stubbornly refused to back away though, instead leveling his eyes to Ken's and beginning a somewhat mangled version of a staring contest. What Daisuke didn't expect was the amused glint in Ken's eyes. Instantly indignant, Daisuke wanted to know what was so funny. He hadn't liked it when people in the past were in on joke he was unaware of, nor did he like it now. But Ken had never done that to him. He had always been amused by Daisuke's antics, never Daisuke himself. And that hurt more than he would have liked to admit.

Flushing slightly, Daisuke opened his mouth to begin their argument. Before he could say a word Ken abruptly pulled him down for a kiss, meshing their lips roughly. Daisuke lost himself. Eyes closed and breath caught he could do nothing more than return Ken's kisses. Hard and rough and wet, Daisuke wrapped his arms around Ken's neck and pulled him closer. With his senses reeling Daisuke almost forgot. Almost.

He pulled back, panting deep, harsh breaths. "I know what you're doing, Ken. And it's not going to work."

"Oh? And here I thought I was just kissing you. There were other plans..."

"Yeah? I'm not stupid you know. You think you can just fuck me and things will be fine again?" Daisuke demanded.

"What makes you think I'd do that, Dai?" Ken asked quietly.

"I don't know," Daisuke sighed miserably. He was just so confused. He wanted to believe Ken, he really did, but he just couldn't shake off the feeling that there was more to it. Daisuke closed his eyes in an attempt to shut out his thoughts. He opened them at the same moment Ken cupped his chin, caressing his skin tenderly. Nuzzling Ken's palm, Daisuke allowed himself this comfort.

Whether it was a bad or good idea right now Daisuke didn't know. Unfinished arguments would only prolong their fight and he didn't want another confrontation. This one had been long time coming and if Daisuke had only managed to stop ignoring their problems earlier, they might not be having this conversation.

His head hurt. He couldn't think, he didn't want to think, only feel. And Ken had always been so good at making him feel...

Gently closing his eyes again Daisuke murmured, "I want things to be like before." He waited for Ken's reponse, calm and tranquil, knowing what ever happened would indicate the future of their relationship. When he was met with silence, Daisuke opened his eyes and stared at a conflicted Ken. He saw the turmoil in his eyes, the indecisiveness which always made its presence known whenever Ken bit his lower lip. All this and more ordered Daisuke to comfort him.

"What if it's not possible?" It was said so softly that Daisuke could have easily missed it.

"Anything's possible. I just want you...not to change." He ended, frustrated.

"Everything changes."

"I know...but I want good changes. I know I'm not saying this properly, and I really don't know how to say it, but I can't just not anymore." Daisuke knew he was babbling, he knew he wasn't making much sense but he continued anyway. "Everytime I see you, so focused, so - determined, I'm reminded of the - Kaizer. It's everything, Ken! Everything! Everything you do...God...even the way you dress! At first I thought I was imagining things, you know. But then you started getting mean. You started not caring about people. All you wanted to do was win. And now this thing with Tai...it's like you're trying to take over."

"I wasn't. I simply wanted - I." Ken paused. Daisuke kept silent, his cheek pressed lightly against Ken's hand. He could see Ken's struggle. Daisuke had always thought that he was the king of denial, he preferred to not know unpleasant things, but Ken had surprised him. What a pair they made.

"And if I tried?" Ken said faintly in a sigh. Daisuke hid his smile under a mantle of seriousness, barely able to contain his relief and happiness at this victory.

"You can't just try and fail, Ken. I want you...to be you again."

"Of course I'm me. Who else would I be?" Ken said wryly.

Daisuke gave a small glare, but chose to ignore the dig since Ken had made a concession. "I want you to be the good you."

"Not the bad me?" Ken teased, his hand stroking Daisuke's cheek in a tender caress.

Daisuke grinned. "I might be able to live with the bad you for a while."

"Is that so? Lucky me then…"

Ken kissed him. Softer, tender and irrevocably sweet, Daisuke melted, tightening his arms and pressing his body closer against Ken's. The atmosphere turned surreal, dream-like in a pleasant hazy way. Daisuke didn't mind. He never wanted Ken to stop touching him, caressing his skin in that loving focused way. Never wanted to stop those warm skimming kisses along his bared throat.

Dimly, Daisuke was aware he was being led towards his bed. Ken must be really good at this multi-tasking business, Daisuke thought bemusedly, he's nibbling, touching and moving me towards the bed all at the same time. It was amazing really. Daisuke couldn't help but let out a giggle. It was a moment before he realized Ken had stopped. That was not good.

He pouted strategically. "Kennn…." Ken chuckled and slowly went back to doing what he had been doing. Daisuke smiled sloppily and wrapped himself around Ken.

It wasn't long before they were moving in an age-old timeless rhythm, skin taut and shallow breaths were panted. Daisuke could feel, smell and taste Ken all around him, surrounding him in an overwhelming mist. He could feel Ken's moans, vibrating against his neck and sending pleasurable shivers, the softness of Ken's skin, lightly rubbing against Daisuke's. He could feel Ken's hardness, moving inside him, driving him slowly mad.

Upon reaching their climax, Daisuke curled himself around Ken, comforted and secure. He fell into a deep dreamless sleep, reassured. He knew everything was going to be alright.


Ken waited, staring up at the ceiling. There were times when he hated himself, hated what he had done and will do. Daisuke thought he could change him, and he was partially right. For a little while Ken had enjoyed being...kind. He liked having friends, going out and just being a normal teenager. He enjoyed being what Daisuke wanted. Needed. The only regret he held thus far was in disappointing him. But as he had learnt in the past, fate was a bitch. Sooner or later Daisuke would be taken away from him. Just like the others. And the only way to fight her was to gain control of your life, your destiny. To destroy all opposing forces. By whatever means possible.