Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ When Worlds Collide ❯ Lost ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: Same as previous. I don't own anything (characters, digimon etc etc).

Author's Note: I know, I know. It's been a while *coughs*months*coughs* but at least I haven't given up, right? There were just lots of distractions so this story got neglected but I'm hoping to do better. I have a sneaky suspicion that my writing style has changed throughout the various chapters despite my beta, Moerae's reassurances. But then, I think she's biased. Just a tad. For all those who have managed to stick to this story, I am impressed by your patience.

Chapter Five: Lost

Taichi wasn't sure what had gone wrong.

Everything that had transpired were all according to their plan; right down to the smallest details like the synchronised timing of Iori and Mimi turning towards the carefully, and painstakingly secured door while Taichi and Daisuke distracted and dispatched inopportune security guards. Right down to the determined ease in which Iori secured the timed explosive devices onto the three unexpected individual Gateways they had immediately seen; right down to the way Taichi, and his team, was seemingly successful in accomplishing their mission and directive.

Taichi should have known it was too easy. Too effortless. He should have predicted more guards and soldiers were on their way. He should have planned for the eventual overwhelming of countless bodies, each holding weapons, and each in a defensive, and yet threatening stance. Should have, could have...These were meaningless words to a dying man. Young man if Taichi were ruled by technicalities, but really, had Taichi ever been that youthful? Perhaps during their wonderful adventures in the Digital World, back when the threats to his Digimon friends came from the evil within, instead of the evil outside, right in his own world. This, more than the ravages of time and war, had worn down and jaded Taichi. Some days he couldn't even reconcile that idealistic, hot-headed child, impatient and eager to save the Digital World as only he can, with the temperamental but calm adult, who knew only that prices had to be paid to keep his world safe. Funny, how the Digital World became his world so quickly. Ironic too, that he should lose his life in any world but the Digital one.

Closing his eyes in respite from the crumbling destruction of their plans, Taichi only wished the lives of his team could be spared. Even his death was of no concern, as long as his team mates survived and fought another day. As long as the Gateways were unusable, they still had as chance.


The explosives.

The Gateways.

The timed explosives attached to the Gateways. Taichi would have punched himself for his stupidity if he could. But since every movement was watched by unwavering enemy eyes, Taichi decided to mentally slap his head. Of course! Taichi thought exultantly, hope rising within his chest. The explosion would act as a distraction for their escape and be the end of the Gateways. The perfect solution, and Taichi was too stumped by his melancholy to notice it. When had he lost that belief that everything was a possibility, and that there was always hope?

He chose not to answer as he tried to subtly get Daisuke's attention. Subtly, as he knew best anyway, but it worked. It only took Taichi several rapid hand movements and lots of eyes widening and head jerking to have Daisuke's focus, and once he communicated his knowledge silently, all systems were go. They just needed Iori and Mimi to notice them and follow through their plan. Unfortunately, and Taichi thought he would never say this, Iori and Mimi were less observant than Daisuke, and Taichi despaired they would never leave this stark compound unharmed. It was with near admitted defeat when the third Gateway from the hallway, and thus their escape, shattered into a thousand - or more - metal pieces in a blaze of smoke and blue flames. Surprised, Taichi turned his eyes to his timer. They were supposed to have five extra minutes. Now was not the time to wonder, though.

He quickly rushed to Mimi and shouted, "Let's go! Now!"

Nearby Iori gave a puzzled frown at the remaining Gateways before he was tugged along by Mimi. Taichi caught sight of Daisuke, trapped by two guards in navy blue uniform, and struggling to find a way out. There was no torn conflict, no thought as to what Taichi would do next. He knew exactly what he had, and will do. He had a team member to help, and no one was going to stop him, not even his own self preservation instincts.

Taichi used the element of surprise as he ran at full speed towards one blue body, hoping his momentum would distract the other guard and give Daisuke an opening. It was not a well thought out attempt at rescue, but Taichi knew it would work. What he hadn't counted on was the second explosion, stronger than that of the first, and releasing that much more energy due to its relative closeness. Taichi, as a result, landed with a grunt on the floor, only managing to dislodge the weapon in the man's hands. Surprise was on all three faces before Daisuke turned and threw a hard left punch at the armed guard. He then ran and knocked the other guard to one side, before slowing down and giving Taichi his hand. Taichi grasped at it and allowed the strength of his second in command to pull him to his feet.

They ran.

Pumping tired strained legs, they ran towards and past the third Gateway, in an attempt to circle around and escape through the large holes created from the earlier explosions. Taichi only glanced back once, but once was enough as he was confronted with the image of blaster guns aiming straight at them. Split second reaction followed as Taichi shoved Daisuke away from him before leaping aside to avoid the deadly burn. Taichi watched in silence, and in slow motion, as the force of his leap carried him up and into the glowing, circular surface of the third, and last, Gate.


Taichi sighed in pure contentment as he floated. He felt an urgency, a need to arise. There was something he was supposed to do; a very important something. He struggled, torn between a relaxation and harmony he had almost never felt before, and the insistent call to duty. He wanted to go, God he wanted to, but hadn't he lived with the burden? Why should he? At all? Surely there was someone else to take his place...he wasn't that important, really...


The spirit frowned quizzically up at the deep, twinkling sky. He tilted his head in befuddlement as waves of prism-like white rays diverged from a dark golden centre, and travelled outwards in gradually slowing velocity. He was even more confused when a large bundle was speedily dropped through the centre and heavily falling through the cold air molecules of night. As he listened to the loud thud, he trained his eyes towards the disappearing phenomenon; leaving the night sky once again shining prettily with its dark, soothing colours.

Curiosity was an unnamed but familiar emotion to the spirit. He had no idea of his being, nor of his creator, and yet, he was spellbound by the two-legged flesh and blood figures that were so much like himself in his world. Or perhaps, he was in their world, he would always muse, never coming to a conclusive theory. It didn't matter. He was in no hurry to discover all the mysteries this world, his or theirs, had to offer because really, did he want to leave?

No, he wanted to stay, and not only that but to stay near one particular flesh and blood figure, with shining brown hair and warm, warm eyes. She charmed him, with her knife edged sadness and her peaceful joy, her animated face filled with life. He watched in wonder as another life grew within her and then outside her; tiny limbs branching out and shaping into familiar arms and legs. He developed a soft longing to tousle the wildly bushed hair of the child and embrace and comfort the strong mother, but he knew it was futile to want. He was different, no matter how hard he tried to emulate those around them.

He allowed the dejection for a moment, letting himself feel what he hid inside during his daily excursions before brightening up, his curiosity peaked once again. The mysterious object fallen from the sky had ended up in the park, a favourite place of his, where he spent most of his time up on the trees, watching the world around him. And because he saw where the object landed, he wanted to see what it was.

Walking steadily, and feeling much better, the spirit eyed the trees and shrubs with fondness. He liked the simple, pleasant things that were in this world, and he enjoyed nothing more than to enthuse himself into his surroundings. The mysteries were just an icing on the cake, as many of its inhabitants always say; and he just loved the exploration.

He twisted his lips in disapproval when he noticed the broken branches and scattered bushes circled around a prone figure, but he let it go, because obviously, it wasn't anyone's fault. He minutely, one small step at a time, made his way towards the huddled lump on the ground, wincing slightly at the remembered loud thump when said ground and prone figure met. Once he was near enough, he stared intensely into an unconscious face framed by wild, dirty brown hair. He stood still.

Then, his mind erupted.

Several images at a time trampled his mind. Memories, old memories that had been locked away and thought forgotten released themselves and suddenly, he knew. He knew what had happened. He knew how. He knew who he had left behind and what he promised. He also knew how he could keep it.

Gathering his strength, his will, the spirit closed his eyes, and directed himself straight into the stranger-who-was-not. He forced himself to flow into the lying body, and mould his entire being into what it once was. Flesh and blood and so very alive.

As his mind melded with the other's, as his spirit joined the other's in painful bliss, Taichi had only one thought.
