Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Why me ❯ The begining ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

D/C: I don't own digimon ......ect. You know the drill

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This is my first fic so be nice. This story is in my head so I decided to write it. Don't flame me because if you do I will take them and laugh (I think they are funny). This gets violent so if you don't like that stop reading after this.

Update time: It is four years after the digidestined are back in the real world. The digidestineds all became what they are in 02. The only difference is that Sora doesn't play tennis, she plays soccer still (I liked her as a soccer player). Mimi moving and Matt's band is still what they are. The new digidestined are not formed, yet. Tai's parents have also had a new baby girl about three years after they returned .Her name is Mariah.

AGES: Tai = 15

Sora =15

Matt = 15

Mimi = 14

Izzy = 14

Joe = 16/17

T.k = 12

Kari = 12

I am fixing my newbish errors. Spelling mistakes, grammar, ect.

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"Hello" A young teenage girl answers her phone.

"Sora? Is that you?" The older woman asked.

"Yes it is Mrs. Kamiya" Sora said giggling.

"Well, I was wondering if you could baby sit tonight for Mr. Kamiya and me."

"Sure I would love to baby sit, but why isn't Tai or Kari baby-sitting?" She wondered.

"Oh, Tai is going to visit his grandma and is being dropped off later . Kari is at a Birthday party and is staying the night. Tai will be home later, around 11 pm with your money."

"O.k then. What time do you want me there?"

"My husband and I will pick you and Tai up after soccer practice. We will stop by your house so you can change. Then we will drop you off at the house before we drop off Tai."

"Sounds good, Good bye Mrs. Kamiya."

"Good bye Sora and call me Maria. That Mrs. Kamiya makes me feel old."

"All right then........Maria." She said as she put down the phone.

"Nice girl" Mrs. Kamiya said to her self.

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Practice was over and Mrs. and Mr. Kamiya were waiting at the sidelines. They were holding their little girl Mariah.

"SORA, TAI LET'S GET GOING!" They yelled.

"Coming mom" Tai yelled back.

He turned to Sora and said "Listen I will be home at 10 okay, I don't want you to have to deal with my little sis too long, plus I have something real important I have to tell you."

"Okay Tai" she said blushing a bit.


"What.......who.....oh, hi Matt. What's up?"

"Can*cough*talk*cough* to you?"

"Sure, but I'm in a hurry"

"Well I wanted to ask you to a movie tonight as a date. We've been hanging out a lot lately and I've come to realize...I....I love you"

"Matt.................I'm speechless"

"Well........well do you love me too?"

"Um......., Matt I do love you"

"YES!!!!!!!!!!! In your face Tai!"

"Matt, let me finish!"

He didn't let her finish. Instead he pulled her toward him and kissed her on the lips. She pushed him away and slapped him.

"LET ME FINISH MATT! I DO LOVE YOU, But only as a friend. Get it through you head for the last time. My love for you is ONLY as a friend. And IF YOU EVER KISS ME AGAIN LIKE THAT I WILL MAKE YOU A WOMAN...KA PESH!"

Sora stormed off toward the van. But Matt grabbed her arm and in an angry voice said "But I love you Sora we belong together, just go out with me or..."

She cut him off "OR what?! What are you going to do, Nothing. I am sorry Matt I really am, but I have plans. I am baby sitting for the Kamiya's. So even if I was going to go anywhere to hang out with someone in a friendly matter , I am booked. Plus for your information I am in love with Ta...someone else so NO MATT!" That was close she thought. She got in back of Tai and crossed her arms. "Stupid Matt"

Tai was closing the door of the van. He looked at Matt because he started yelling "WAIT SORA JUST WAIT YOU WILL BE MINE! I PROMISE YOU!" Tai gave him the death glare, and Matt only looked back at him hurt and angry. Matt turned and ran the other way.

"Wow, Sora, you must have them boys chasing you everywhere" Mr. Kamiya joked.

"Funny" Sora said sarcastically.

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They pulled up to Sora's house and dropped her off to change. She told them to run to the store or get something to eat. They agreed, they ate, came back, and waited. Soon a freshly showered Sora came running out the house with her backpack. Tai's mouth was wide open and almost drooling. She had grown up a lot in the last four years. She was wearing her gray and maroon sneakers. They were half hidden by her tight flared blue jeans that hugged her hips. Looking up more, Tai noticed her shirt, it was red, tight, and had the word angel across it in light blue. Her hair was still wet from the shower and Tai liked how it stuck to her face. (It is the same length in the show)

"Wow...my best friend really grew up. She is so yummy looking." Tai said drooling over Sora.

"Son" his dad said sternly.

"What...oh...uh... did I say that out loud" Tai said nervously, blushing like mad.

Sora saw this and giggled. She got in the car and sat down. (Not crossing her arms I might add)

The car pulled off and headed towards Tai's home.

(Authors note: Tai does not live in a apartment he lives in a house. Guess his dad got a bonus or something. You decide. Their house looks like the apartment only it has more space. Kari and Tai don't share rooms anymore and have huge queen size beds with posts and a headboard. Hey, they had more kids they needed a bigger house ^_^ plus it works with the story. Also forgive me if you are a fan to a certain character that is about to ...ahhhhhhhhhh I won't give out the details of the story. I talk too much.... so I will just shut up now.)

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The baby started crying as Mrs. Kamiya handed Sora the baby. Sora held up the baby and said " Hey little one...It will be okay. You know crying is not lady like in public" The baby stopped crying as Sora said this, and smiled looking into the kind eyes of this girl. Sora giggled "Good girl" Sora loved children and hoped for some herself when she grows up. She said good bye to the Kamiyas and started to walk towards the door. Then Tai yelled "THE KEY IS UNDER THE PLANT, CAN'T SAY WITCH ONE, LOOK FOR IT!"

"THANKS TAI" she yelled back. She looked under the plants and got the key. She opened the door turned and waved.

"She is ganna make some lucky guy very happy" Mr. kamiya said to his wife.

"Yes dear she is" she responded

Tai was only smiling as the car left down the street.

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Some one was watching her as she put the key back under the pot. He saw her shut the door. He was on his bike. He put the bike in some bushes and waited for the moment to strike. He knew when everyone was going to be home. He had enough time to go in, have fun, and leave before anyone knew. He smiled evilly and whispered to himself "Got you now Sora-chan. Soon I'll have you. Even if you don't want me."

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Sora played with Mariah for hours. Mariah got hungry and started to cry. The baby-sitter picked her up and walked to the kitchen. She got a bottle ready and put it in the microwave. Sora shut the door and looked at the clock. "7:00, she should start getting tired soon." The girl started the microwave and waited. BEEP...BEEP

The bottle was done. She tested it "Perfect". Sora feed the baby, burped her, and soon Mariah was asleep.

" 7:30 PM..." she thought as she put Mariah in her crib. Sora went to go watch some TV.

Nothing was interesting to her, so she soon feel asleep.

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Sora awoke to the baby crying. She got up and ran to Mariah. The little girl needed her diaper changed.

Sora changed the baby and rocked her back to sleep. She put the baby down and went back to the kitchen for a Pepsi. She looked at the clock, it said 9:00. "Tai should be home soon" she said a little excited about what he had to tell her. The 15-year-old walked back to the couch and watched some more TV, only to fall asleep again.

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The young man looked at her through the window, he then looked to his watch.

"Perfect 9:10, just enough time before he gets home" he said evilly "Time to play, my Sora" he said in a playful manner. He walked to the door quietly. He got out the key from under the flowerpot. He unlocked the door, opened it, and locked it behind him.

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Sora was startled when she heard the door open. She got up and looked at the clock.

" 9:15, Tai is that you.... Why are you home..." she stopped as she got to the hallway.

Sora froze when she saw him. 'What the hell are you doing here?" She yelled at the young man.

He just turned the locked the door and turned to the angry yet frightened girl. "Sora, time to play"

He said in a mocking voice as he tackled her to the ground. She struggled as he pinned her down. She got one hand free and with all her might she punched him straight in the jaw. He fell over and she kicked him in the nuts. He groaned in pain. "Your ganna pay for that Sora" He got up and pulled her by her red hair. She fell on to the ground hard. She wanted to scream, but didn't want to wake up the baby and put Mariah in harms way. She moaned in pain as he pinned her again. He came face to face with her. He started to put his hands further down her body. He saw her shirt "Angel my ass....." he said looking in her eyes. Sora stared back to those eyes she knew oh to well. She couldn't believe this was happening. She managed to push him off her. She ran towards Mariah. She was ganna grab her and run out the window. But before Sora got there her leg was grabbed and she fell face first on the hard wood floor.

Please read and review. No flames.................... Unless your point is to make me laugh.