Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Why me ❯ Enter Taichi.... ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I am SOOOOOOOOO Sorry people for not getting part three out for MONTHS. I had major writers Block and then I forgot about the fic. I know I know I am a bad author *takes her lickens*. Anyways on with the fic.

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AND NOW WHY ME PART 3! *You hear the readers scream "BOUT TIME"* Taioragirl glares at the peanut gallery.* Okay, I get the concept, I took forever.

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"Huh....grandma...isn't that the house" Tai asked pointing to his home. "What.....Oops, sorry they all look so much alike" The elderly lady replied, stepping on the brakes. "It's okay grandma...........I can walk back" Tai says kissing his grandma good bye. "Oh and thanks for the ring" he adds holding up the wrapped box. "It must be for someone close to your heart; That's a beautiful ring" she says with a smile. "Oh.........it is!" Tai shouted as he ran down the street.

Tai was in a cheerful mood as he walked to his home. His mood was spoiled as he grew closer to his house. "What the............hell is MATT DOING IN MY ROOM?!?!?!?!?!" said a surprised Tai. His walk turned into a run. He pulled out his keys and ran to his door. Being Tai he drops his key and fumbles to get them. He finally got the door open.

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"Did you hear something Sora?" Matt stood up. Sora hoping someone was home shakes her head "I didn't hear a thing." Matt didn't believe her so he checked the hall. He watched Tai closing the door. Matt creeps back into the room. "Looks like lover boy is home......that's my Q to leave" Matt began to gather his clothes. He bent down and Kissed her. "I'll finish this.......Don't worry it will come" He said evilly serious-like. Sora turned her face as Tai slammed the door open.

"ISHIDA GET OUT OF MY RO...........SORA!" Tai suddenly seen the frozen girl on the bed. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" He noticed the binds on her ankles and wrist. It took Tai a few second to process what was going on. Tai lunged at Matt. Matt dodged it and ran towards the exit. He pulled out his knife "I'll be back TAICHI believe that!" Taichi was in hot pursuit behind Matt.. The blond boy ran as fast as he could, trying his best not to trip. Matt ran right out the door. Tai was so close, Matt turned and took a swing at Tai knocking the boy down.

Matt hopped on his bike and could no longer get caught. Tai was a bit dazed, but regained his footing "Sora.............I let you down , again.." Tai ran back to his Room.

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BANG........BANG.....BANG! Matt banged on the door to his Bands garage. "Where is the fire!" answered a boy in the band. "LET ME IN YOU IDIOT'S !" Matt shouted. The boy opened the door "Yamato your late for practice. "Sorry...........Hey if anyone asks I been here since 5:30 pm" Matt snapped. "Sure.......what ya do now" asked the band. "Let's just say I was having girl issues" he replied.

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Tai walked into his bedroom. "Thank god you came home" said Sora in tears. Tai brought in a blanket and untied Sora. "Did he hurt you?" he inquired. "I got some bruses and a few cuts......I'll be fine" Sora faintly says. Sora wrapped up in the blanket. Tai led her to the Bathroom "I'll get you your pants and a new shirt" he told the girl. "Thanks......" she whispered. Tai soon returned with her pants and a old jersey "I'll wait for you in the living room Sora" He said giving her the clothes.

Tai waited in the living room and he felt so dissapointed with himself. He didn't stop Matt. "I should have been home sooner...... I should have ran after him........." Tai whined "Don't blame yourself Tai......is Mariah okay?" she interupted "She is still asleep and unharmed......but I wanna know If your okay?" He replied. Sora sat next to Tai and cried on his chest. As she cries she told him the whole story. ".................and that's when you came in my night is shining goggles" she said pulling on the head gear. All Tai could do was look at her face.

Sora had cleaned and bandaged her cut face. Tai didn't know what to do or say. "When's your parents ganna be home?" Sora asked. "I don't know but we should call the Police and file a report" he answered. And that's what they did, unfortunatly Matt wasn't charged. His plan worked and they confirmed with his band members that he was at the garage the whole time, But the two knew the truth.

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One month later

"Sora!" shouted a brown eyed cutie. "Wait up for me" Sora turned around and was face to face with Taichi. A smile spread on her face. "Hi Tai" she responded. Their faces were so close they looked like they were ganna kiss. "Umm...Sora I never got the chance to give you that gift, plus we got to talk" Tai said with a smile. "Sure.............I would love to" she chirped.

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Later at the Kamiya house

Ding.....dong! Tai got up and answered the door. The first thing he saw was Sora's smile. Tai showed the much happier Sora into the living room. A "So...how ya feeling" popped from Tai's mouth. Sora spoke "Well....I am still mad Matt didn't get convicted. But I feel a lot safer him being in America on tour and all." Tai added "Let's hope Mimi steers clear of him. Speaking of flashy things here is what I wanted to give you."

Tai got closer to Sora and opened the box. "Listen Sora...ever since I was 11 I have loved you. I was wondering if you would go out with me" Tai whispers in Sora's ear . Sora giggled at Tai trying his best to be romantic which only makes want to her laugh harder. Sora looked at the ruby studded ring laying in the box. "OH............Tai it........it's beautiful" squealed the teary eyed Sora. She pounced on Tai and gave him a kiss on the cheek "I would be happy to go with you.......oh I love you too"

Tai jumped from romantic to excited faster then you can say Taiora. He picked up and spinned his new girlfriend. He put her down and held her close to him. Sora did the classic arms around the neck.

(WARNING TAIORA MOMENT IN 5............4...............3............2...............*peanut gallery shouts "Get to it already* Well I can't if you people don't shut up ............1)

Sora tilted her head and smiled. Tai slowly pressed his lips to hers. The boy slowly opened his mouth and Sora caught the hint. She entered his mouth with her smooth tounge. Tai did the same making the kiss more passionate. Sora fiddled with Taichi's hair and rolled her tounge passed the roof of his mouth. Tai shivered slightly and broke the kiss (Classic Taiora line in 3.....2.......1........*beats off the non-taiora supporters*)

"I love you Tai Kamiya" she whispered Tai stepped slightly back to look in her eye's "I love you too.........whoah!!!!!!" blurted Tai as he fell over the couch. Sora broke out in laughter "Oh Taichi *giggles* You Hopeless romantic. Always know how too spoil the mood"

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The next Day

Ring..............Ring.................... "You have reached the Takenouchi house hold. We are not Home right now but leave a message at the Beep BBBBBBBBBBEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!"

"Sora it's me Mimi I am coming back to Japan and I am hosting a party. Well call me back at 555-35 beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep." Mimi was cut off by the answering machine.

Update: Matt's Still on tour and was never convicted. Well not yet anyways. Let's just say Mimi's party is ganna be a night to remember.

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Not as good of a ending as I wanted but it is all that came. The ending is there as a opener to the sequel. It's ganna be called Matt's Revenge or The Party............. I am not sure. I once again apologize for not getting it up as soon as I hoped. I hope this will like make Digital Kaizer too SHUT UP! Sheesh ! IT is up be happy.
