Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Why You Shouldn't Fall In Love With A Straight Boi ❯ Mr. Brightside ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

By: Daisuke Motomiya
Author: cjtokage
Disclaimer: Don't own Digimon period.
Warnings: Yaoi, song-fic, one-sided Daikeru (sorry), Taishiro (yeah), Takari (gag), Yamora (double gag),
Artist: The Killers, Album: Hot Fuss, Song title: Mr. Brightside
Single `quotes' indicates thoughts
Italics indicates song lyrics
Chapter One: Mr. Brightside
Coming out of my cage and I've been doing just fine
Gotta, gotta be down because I wanted off
Hello my name is Daisuke Motomiya and this is my story. You see I'm in love with one of my friends. Before you say it no it's not Hikari anymore, I've been over her for a couple of years now. It took me a little while to figure it out but I never really was in love with the girl, I was just subconsciously trying to make myself straight. Yes I can say it out loud now I Am Gay; I like guys in general and one boy in particular. Though to be honest I haven't figured out when my supposed attraction to Kari turned into a crush on my rival for her affections. Yes, poor little Daisuke has gone and fallen for the blonde god of rock's little bro. Takeru, how can one name conjure up so many emotions. Love, I love him with all my heart simply because of who he is. He is hope personified. He is caring, giving, he tries to be friends with everybody; even people who spend as much time fighting with him as they do getting along, namely me, though ever since I stopped chasing Kari we've stopped fighting. Hate, I hate him to the deeps of my soul because he will never love me the way I love him. Heck he will never love me period. I think the only reason he tolerates me is because Ken, Miyako, and Iori are all my close friends, probably my only friends. Jealousy, I admit it Takeru and Hikari belong together. They just click and will surely get married one day if nothing goes seriously wrong. They are true soul mates and that is something that I can never be for Take-chan.
It started out with a kiss how did it end up like this
It was only a kiss, it was only a kiss
I kissed him once, while he was asleep. It was when all four of us younger digidestined guys were having a sleepover at Ken's house. We had turned the lights off around two o'clock but had stayed up talking for a little while longer. The other three had gone to sleep a little while ago but I had been and still do suffer from insomnia. I had only recently accepted that I no longer liked Kari and had started liking Takeru instead. I decided to test myself to see if I really did feel what I thought I felt for him. So while he was dead asleep I crept over to his side and gently pressed my lips to his. This lasted about thirty seconds; I even ran my tongue over his slack lips before I pulled away. As I sat there trying to calm my raging hormones he did the one thing that will haunt me for the rest of my life. He whispered her name. Crying, I crawled back over to my blanket and watched him sleep for the rest of the night. That was when I figured out that I was falling in love with him and that he would never love me back. But like a masochist I still hang out with the two of them a lot. We go drinking together sometimes just the three of us. I don't know why they invite me along, unless they really are that sadistic though I doubt it. Maybe they feel sorry for me and that would be even worse. That's where we are right now, at Takeru's apartment drunk off our asses, me more than them.
Now I'm falling asleep and she's calling a cab
While he's having a smoke and she's taking a drag
I can feel myself drifting off as I sit here watching them smoke together. They only do it when they're drinking but it still seems disgusting to me. The guy who runs the convenience store down on the corner never cards people so that's where we go to buy our beer and Takeru buys his cigarettes.
“Dai I don't think you should try walking home in the state your in. Let me call you a cab and we'll help you pay for it. Kay.” Kari says when see finally notices me drop down prone on the couch. So as she's calling the cab company I lay here and watch Takeru finish his cigarette. I hate it when he smokes but I have to admit he looks damn sexy doing it. I watch his lips and remember the one stolen taste I had of them and I feel my eyes trying to tear up again. `Damnit why can't I get over him, he won't ever love me, he loves her.' Kari walks back over to stand by Takeru after hanging up the phone. “The cab driver said he will be here in about fifteen minutes, he even said he would come up and knock on the door so just lock up when you leave alright Dai-san.”
Now their going to bed and my stomach is sick
And it's all in my head, but she's touching his chest now
He takes off her dress now
I vaguely wave my hand to indicate that I understand and watch her pull Takeru by the hand towards the bedroom. Now as I picture them together in there I feel a wave of nausea coming on. I hold it down with some effort but when my mind begins providing wonderfully, painfully vivid images of them together in bed I cannot do it anymore and race for the bathroom. With my stomach empty I feel better physically but mentally I continue the slow painful process of coming apart. `I have to talk to someone or I might do something I won't live to regret.' With that thought in mind I go to the front door; pull on my jacket, knit cap, gloves, and boots and go to wait for the cab outside.
Let me go
I just can't look; it's killing me; their taking control
Sitting on the cold stairs in front of Takeru's apartment building I decide that I'll try talking to Jun first. After all she's my older sister and even though she's always running around with her friends surely she will stop long enough to talk with me about this. I don't think that there is anybody else who I would feel comfortable enough to discuses this with.
Jealousy turning sinks into the sea
Turning through sick lullabies
Choking on your alibis
But it's just the price I pay
Destiny is calling me
Open up my eager eyes cause I'm Mr. Brightside
Plastering on the well practiced and almost unconscious, fake smile that I display whenever I'm around other people I stand up as the cab comes to a stop and slowly make my way over to climb inside. After giving the driver my home address I sit back and watch the snow that's started falling while I was sitting on those steps, utterly………… lonely.
I never… I never I never I never
A/N: Short no? for me anyway.
Cool quote: “There's a difference between `alone' and `lonely'. You can be lonely in the middle of a crowded room. They may stem from the same root word, but
they're entirely different things.” -Sunhawk's Gundam Wing fanfic epic entitled Ions/Traditions.