Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Chains ❯ Taken ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

<center>--=* Wicked Chains *=--</center>

It had to be one of the more devious plans. It didn't involve a controlled digimon. It didn't involve an attack on anything…except…a certain someone.

Its culmination will bring about his rule and the downfall of those stupid brats that insisted on getting in his way. They would fall when they saw what he had been planning for quite some time.

He must do this thing most carefully, and slowly. His rival, unworthy though he may be, was the target. If he could pull it off with <i>that</i> one, then…It would work with any of them. The cocky flame-haired leader would end up in his grasp and into his devices.

Ken grinned behind clasped hands and slouched at <i>just</i> the right angle to inspire this new-found idea. He had done his homework, literally, memorized certain techniques and touches, reading about different experience. Oh, this new plot to humiliate and destroy the Digidestined was bound to work.

If you can't beat them in one way…

Find another.


The first thing he could remember thinking as he woke up was something along the lines of a prayer and a plea. ~Please let it just be a dream. Please.~

Of course it wasn't.

Groaning, Daisuke came fully awake and realized he was chained to something hard and cold. His arms were twisted up behind his back and his legs were numb. ~Oh shit~ his mind whispered. He tugged experimentally on the bonds, knowing it was useless.

~So dark…why is it so dark…~

His heart hammered in his chest, pulsing in time with a small headache. His entire body was stiff, and parts were numb with lack of blood flow. ~Whatever <i>he</i> used to knock him out, it was strong…~ he thought. A faint memory of feeling something clamping over his face and arms around his chest flickered. A spike of fear jolted through his body.

The Kaizer had kidnapped him, less than fifty yards away from his friends.

Gods knew what happened now.

~If it wasn't so <i>dark</i>!~ shrilled through his mind again and he made a unconscious sound of fear.

"I see you're awake," a smooth mocking voice slid through the gloom. Daisuke froze, his breath short and cast his eyes around for any possible light, but there was nothing but thick darkness and the sound of his own heart. Soft footsteps tapped, almost too loud in the dark, echoing slightly as it moved to his left.

Then to his right.

He wouldn't have been so bad if he could <i>see</i> the Kaizer, see his face and estimate the damage heading his way. But not being able to watch, or prepare… The suspense would kill him alone. The Kaizer could have a knife or something. Or worse…

And he couldn't <i>see</i>…

Wait, calm down…~The Kaizer is <i>trying</i> to scare me…~ he reminded himself and took a moment to catch his breath and force his heart into submission. "And what sick fantasy is this, Kaizer?" he spat, and pulled back as a small breeze of warm air touched his cheek. A low laugh sounded right in front of him. Daisuke got an image of the Kaizer kneeling in front of him…

"Sick fantasy? How amusing," the voice whispered to his ear, the warm breath sliding around his skin. "Well, you picked the game."

His mind shot high into the atmosphere. ~Game? What game?!~ The warm draft shifted from his cheek to his neck. ~He can't mean…oh no, this should not be happening…~ Shivers wracked his body and he jumped with a small gasp of fright as something warm traced the skin just above his collar.

Stubbornly he bit his lip, forcing back the involuntary shuddery moan as a tongue flicked warmly across his throat. A girl had never done that. <i>Ever</i>. And now, a <i>boy</i>, one of his enemies was tonguing him like he meant it.

And he was beginning to like it.

Daisuke squeezed his eyes shut. "Stop it," he whispered.

"You don't like this game, now?" the infernally dark voice sent a second shiver through him. "Do I have to think of something…else?"

Was that a warning he heard?

This unspeakable, unthinkable act…it had to be better than getting beaten up, or killed or controlled...

~No…I can't give him what he wants…~ He summoned up the courage to reply with a question of his own. "Tell me why you'd…you'd do that to me…" he hissed back.

"No," the voice replied with dark glee.

Daisuke could have screamed with frustration, but the warm breath left his neck. A hand reached around to touch his wrist and the thick plastic cuffs around them. The chain between them rattled and a hand grabbed his shoulder.


Gritting his teeth, Daisuke forced his numb legs to unfold and work. The first step sent him stumbling backwards against a muscle-hard body, his legs cramping. Relentless, the Kaizer pushed him forward.

~Has to be a dream…~ Daisuke prayed as they walked for what seemed like endless minutes. After a shorter distance that he expected, the Kaizer yanked on his manacles and turned him around.

"Here," Daisuke heard. His arms were tugged and something clicked.

"Don't…move," came next. Daisuke shivered, feeling an impending sense of dread fall on him. The breath and the <i>nearness</i> of the boy as his arms were un-chained and refastened in front of him cast shuddering doubt through him. Arms encircled his body as the chain was collected and his arms were pulled straight up. On a deeper level his subconscious recognized the subtle signals the Kaizer was sending. Part of him felt the need to respond, while a lot of him shrank in the fear of the unknown factors involved.

"What do you want?" Daisuke ventured in a dry rasp as his hands frantically felt the chain go up and up.

"Whatever I <i>want</i> is not your concern."

~Oh no…~ his heart was starting to pound again. Guilt laced through him. He was <i>anticipating</i> what the Kaizer was going to do. Anticipating those hands, and that body. ~What's wrong with me?~ He was in a whole load of trouble. If he gave into that rising need…if he danced in the Kaizer's fire…

~Can't do it…can't let him do this…don't make me want it…~ he pleaded inside, to proud to beg.

A sudden urge to see the Kaizer's face nearly floored him. He licked his lips and pushed it back. ~God I'm <i>hopeless</i>…~ He must have had his head hanging as he sighed, because warm hands pulled his head upright.


"Oh, no, just the usual," Daisuke replied in scathing self-sarcasm. The Kaizer made a curious 'hmming' sound and pushed him backwards. He expected the chain to pull up tight and keep him off balance, but whatever his hands were tied to was rolling along a short track. His feet stumbled over themselves as he skittered to keep his balance and a slab of metal grazed his back within moments.

~Against the wall.~

"Would you like some light, Daisuke?"

God that voice was mocking. His name alone coming from those lips… "Sure," he drawled in a dark tone. ~Bastard.~

"Full illuminate," he heard the Kaizer say.

Bright, painfully bright fluorescent lighting flooded into the room. Daisuke was forced to squint his eyes shut, flinching to give his eyes time to adjust. A moment later he cautiously opened them to see the Kaizer closer than he had ever hoped for, minus cape. Daisuke cursed himself as his mouth went dry.

The wild-haired destroyer smiled mockingly and placed his hands on his hips. Daisuke glanced around the room, noting the smaller than usual size and the lack of windows. If there was any way for him to escape, or find a way, he better spot it soon.

He noticed that he was also close enough to see the faint shape of dark eyes behind those dinted lenses. Daisuke licked his lips and felt those eyes follow the movement. ~He <i>wants</i> me,~ he realized with astonishment. ~Is that why?~ No on had ever wanted him. Even if it was only a shallow desire…

<i>No</i>. He wasn't going to let himself believe that it was a good thing.

Daisuke swallowed back a surge of guilt and opened his eyes fully to stare at the boy in front of him. ~Won't give in.~ he thought fiercely. ~If he wants me, I'm gonna make him work for it!~

Then he mentally smacked himself for thinking such a blasphemous thing.

The Kaizer was very close and moving closer, nearly flesh pressing flesh. Daisuke panicked and said the first thing that popped into his head. "Aren't you gonna tell me your name?" he yelped as black-clad fingers wove into his hair.

The Kaizer froze, the smile gone. "My…name?" he said slowly.

"You do have one?" Daisuke watched him warily. Anything to stall, anything to stall…

"Why would you want to know?"

His flippant remark was out of his mouth before he even thought of it. "Well, I can't scream "Oh, Kaizer" can I?" he muttered sarcastically. Then blushed a horrible red and cursed under his breath. "I mean…"

Smirking, the dark-haired boy pulled him forward and pressed his mouth roughly onto parted lips. Daisuke made a muffled form of protest as his eyes closed and a slick tongue dances with his. Body rebelling against his desire to resist, Daisuke slid into the kiss, feeling those strong fingers move slowly tilting him as the Kaizer leaned against him with a suddenly powerful surge.

And damn if he didn't enjoy the feeling.

Daisuke opened his eyes a fraction as the Kaizer pulled back slightly and reached up to pull off the glasses with one hand. His stomach fluttered suddenly as he got a close-up glimpse of exquisite indigo eyes, as seductive as the mouth that swooped back in to claim another kiss.

~Mine,~ the Kaizer seemed to say wordlessly.

Daisuke knew he was in trouble.

Abruptly, the blue-clad and self-proclaimed ruler pushed him back, slamming him into the wall with a shocking amount of force. Daisuke gasped, thoughts muzzy as he stared at the surprisingly handsome face of his darkest enemy.

The Kaizer smiled a faint amused smile and slid the glasses back around his face, turning to leave. "Excuse me for a moment. I have some business to attend to."

Daisuke stared at him, confused. One moment the Kaizer was trying to literally suck his tongue off, the next, treating him like an unwanted friend. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he called angrily after the retreating view of blue. His back hurt something fierce, now.

"Oh, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though," he heard in reply just as the small door the Kaizer stepped out of slid shut.

The lights went off and Daisuke kicked the wall. ~At least,~ he told himself. ~At least you didn't give in.~ He was definitely in a lot of trouble. Hip deep. Never, in his darkest, most perverse dreams had he expected to be…be <i>touched</i> like that. At least, not until he married someone.

~The Kaizer is just full of surprises,~ he thought darkly. Briefly, he tugged again on the chains, thinking that he'd be able to jump up and shake them loose. No…too difficult. Twisting his hands, he caught the single loop of chain and examined it with his fingertips. The last joint was seamlessly melded into the loop above it.

How had the Kaizer unhooked it? ~don't think…don't think…~ Anything to keep his mind off the forced waiting and heightened sense of impending disaster.

Back to the handcuffs, idiot. There must be a small clasp he couldn't see or feel. Frustrated he yanked hard, bruising his skin in the hard plastic, and growled under his breath. The dark was getting on his nerves.

Absently, swinging against the pull slightly, he wondered if his family missed him yet. He had been gone for a long time, at least 2 hours. He and the team had been on the way back to the portal when the Kaizer had silently stolen him away. ~Wonder what the team's doing…~

~They're probably climbing the walls now, looking for me.~

Climb…<i>climb</i>!! Of course!! Daisuke looked up automatically, grabbing the cold metal in his hands and jumped, tensing his arms as he got high enough. It was hard, his hands were restricted to moving only 6 or 7 inches at a time. A rush of anticipation flooded through him, the adrenaline giving him an extra boost. ~Has to be a clasp,~ he thought. ~At the top.~

He had seen this done in a movie once. The guy had been hung from a hook and eventually got free by swinging up and hooking his legs over and sliding his hands free. (1) Daisuke hoped that this was a similar predicament. He grunted with exertion and curled slowly, straining to hook his leg on <i>anything</i> of substance. His heel grazed something hard; the vibration shimmered down the length of chain. ~There it is!~ he exalted silently and tried again, wrapping his leg around what felt like a thick power cable. His breath came hard and fast in the darkness, echoing almost louder than the pulse in his ears.

His hands were free to feel out the clasp, but he had to be fast. Who knew when the Kaizer would be back. His fingers were shaking slightly as he ran them down the cable, finding the beginning of the chain hooked through a closed loop.

He couldn't find the clasp. There <i>was</i> no clasp.

~How the hell?!~ he screamed inside, and tugged. "Damn chain…damn Kaizer…god damn it all!" he hissed and yanked. The chain wouldn't slip free.

But his leg did.

The short fall yanked his arms up violently as he scrabbled for a handhold, instinctively seeking to prevent the fall. His muscles screamed with sudden painful cramps and his shoes just dragged the floor. Another loop of chain had wrapped around his wrist, pulling savagely as his arm as he struggled to free himself. He pulled, gritting his teeth against the surprising pain, and something popped inside with liquid tearing. The pain shot white-hot through his left arm. Dimly, as he cried out softly, too stubborn to scream, he heard the word "release" whispered just before he hit the floor in a dead faint.

The Kaizer motioned the lights back on, already inside the room, and stared at the unconscious boy sprawled on his floor, a shocked frown on his face. ~What a fool. Dislocated his own shoulder.~ He had wondered what exactly the boy had been doing in the dark, with the rattle of the chain and the panting.

~Have to give him credit for being stubborn.~

Ken smiled in dark pleasure. ~Even better if he fights.~


This time, when he woke up, he was lying in a bed. Okay, it was a bit hard and only had one thin blanket, but it was a <i>bed</i>. Slowly, disoriented, Daisuke sat up and ran a mental inventory. The bed was a simple over-hanging ledge. ~Explains the hardness.~ he thought. The room itself was small, almost like a prison cell. It had a simple square room set back in the corner. He could just see the corner of a toilet, and a sink. No mirror. No chairs or table.

Just a simple prison. A cage.

Daisuke sighed and leaned forward to walk around and see if he could find the door, wincing as his arm moved with a numb ache that he never knew could exist. Damn he was sore. He looked down, seeing bandages on his wrists. He must have cut them a little, with the edges of the plastic. And there was a line of faint bruising from the wrapped-up chain.

No handcuffs though. Slowly, he looked around, rubbing his sore shoulder.

"You know, if I hadn't been waiting for you to try something like that, you would have woken up screaming."

Daisuke jumped and looked around. "Bastard…" The voice seemed to echo from around him.

"You dislocated your shoulder with that foolish attempt. Stupid. You could have hurt yourself seriously."

"Where are you, dammit?" Daisuke jumped to his feet, irrationally upset at being called stupid. ~I get called stupid all the time…I shouldn't get mad…~

"See that little black square? Camera, genius," the voice of the Kaizer mocked. "I don't have to be in a room to see what you're doing." A pause. "And I get no thanks for re-setting your shoulder. Not surprising." Ken watched the image of a furious Daisuke clench his fists, leaning back in his chair.

"You're a fuckin' asshole, Kaizer. A real <i>ass-fucking hole</i>!" Daisuke yelled back, and heard a trill of brilliant laughter.

"Oh, such a wicked pun…Are you offering?"

"What?! Like <i>hell</i> I'm offering, you fag!"

"Ah, a pity."

Daisuke bared his teeth at the camera. "You kidnapped me, remember? I don't think I'll do anything you want willingly."


Daisuke stared at the camera, willing the Kaizer to show, willing him to step inside this cage and face him. After a long moment of one-sided staring, the redhead heard simple question.

"Hungry yet?"

Daisuke grimaced. His stomach insisted on being filled. "No," he lied flatly.

"Hmph…liar…but if you don't want to eat…" the Kaizer trailed off.

His stomach protesting in a faint grumble, Daisuke turned his back on the small black camera and crossed his arms. "I don't care. Let me starve."

"Perhaps later, but for now I'd rather have you in perfect condition."

A panel slid sideways into the wall and the Kaizer stood as a dark silhouette against a grayish gloom. Daisuke felt his heart thump and a slow fear-like feeling twist through his stomach, but he forced himself not to show it.

"Come on," the boy said. "Time to eat. I promise not to poison you."

"Don't treat me like a stupid child, Kaizer." He saw a brow rise in mock alarm. ~He just doesn't let <i>anything</i> get to him…~

"Who said you were a child?" The Kaizer eyed him from behind those ugly yellow-framed lenses. "You surely don't <i>look</i> like one."

A blush stealing slowly up his face, Daisuke spat to the side and stared at him with narrow eyes. "You can leave anytime," he stated.

"But I thought you were hungry, so I came to invite you to dinner," the boy revealed. "If you don't want those manacles back on those bruised wrists, and I'm sure they'd be painfully tight, now, come and eat with me."

The warning was unmistakable. Daisuke stalked forward after a hiss of anger and growled as he went past. He heard a low chuckle, feeling those eyes on him, assessing him and analyzing. Goosebumps spread over his back, and his neck prickled. He stepped into the hall and waited patiently for his 'keeper' to come, standing stiffly. A hand took his arm and pushed gently. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a blur of blue-violet hair and a wide mocking grin. The door swished almost silently back into its seamed groove.

Daisuke gritted his teeth and walked on, trying to commit the layout and the shapes and any special marks to memory.

Ken watched him out of the corner of his eye, secretly pleased that he had gotten precisely the right reaction. Daisuke reacted with fear and disgust, yet…

He <i>responded</i> as well. A good start. Ken grinned wider. The plan was well on its way to destroying the life of Daisuke and getting rid of those other children that called themselves 'destined'.

Idly, the indigo-eyed ruler wondered how long it would take Daisuke to stop fighting against the obvious attraction he refused to acknowledge. He seemed stubborn enough to last quite a few weeks.

But a constant shifting pressure?

He would crack. Most assuredly.

~I <i>will</i> get him…~

Ken made sure that he was leaving a lot of options for his 'guest' to choose from. It wouldn't do to resort to violence. The thought of striking him was unsettling to say the least. Might as well make the boy miserable or embarrassed. Definitely, a blush on that tanned skin was exquisite.

"What are you grinning at?" Daisuke finally snapped over his shoulder.

The Kaizer nearly snickered, but he curbed the impulse with iron-bound will. "Your lovely ass, my boy," he stated matter-of-factly, and snickered inside again as Daisuke went pink, muttered something and faced the front.

Oh this would definitely turn out to be interesting.

~~A/N~~ 1) I actually saw this in Lethal Weapon. *grin* so you get the idea.