Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ Wicked Chains ❯ Ask ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

--=* Ch. 2 *=--

<i><p>~There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface



This lack of self-control I fear is never-ending


I can't seem to find myself again

My walls are closing in </p>

I've felt this way before~</i>

He was up against that wall again, this time without his shirt as deft hands traced blazing paths along his shiver-bumped skin. A strong pull of desire and arousal called to him, but he forced himself not to respond. Responding would be giving in.

For the last week the days were like this. He would get propositioned, and every time he refused, he was shown what exactly he was missing. Some days he was stuck in the room to either sleep or eat, depending on the mood of his captor. Despite the growing need to give in and let those wonderful feelings last forever, to do so would be…



Daisuke groaned just a tiny bit, trying his best to deny the facts and deny the apparent reaction as the Kaizer dropped to his knees, his shades already forgotten in the hallway, and nibbled on the flesh just below his navel. "Damn you," he hissed between clenched teeth. ~Concentrate!~

"Mmmhnn…" the boy on his knees before him mumbled into his belly. Even his <i>breath</i> sent a little shiver through him. Daisuke felt a hand slide around to cup his thigh and caress his butt.

Every day had gotten a little bit worse, and a lot more agonizing. The Kaizer, instead of stopping at just a kiss, had upped the levels of his proposal each day. Daisuke was afraid that if he kept refusing, one day the Kaizer would take him to the point where he wouldn't stop.

Either way would get him nowhere.

"Do you wish to play, today?" he heard a husky voice breathe from somewhere near his waist.

"Sorry, what? I wasn't paying attention," he responded, knowing it would definitely get a different reaction than a kiss.

He was right.

The Kaizer leapt to his feet and slammed back against the wall. "You are beginning to tire me," he warned with a low growl. "Do you think I am just <i>toying</i> with you?"

"Aren't you?" Daisuke whispered back. He was frustrated too, but that was no excuse for kidnapping him. "You can't get a date, so you kidnap me for some romp in the hay? What am I <i>supposed</i> to think you mean?" he lashed out, forgetting that the boy in front of him was his age, and had the insecurities like most teens.

The Kaizer was out of the hall before he realized he had been released.

~Damn…guess I struck a nerve…~ Daisuke winced, and rubbed his aching shoulder, sighing softly. He hadn't meant to say that.

Damnit. The Kaizer was confusing as hell and just as ornery.


<i>~Discomfort endlessly has pulled itself upon me



Against my will I stand beside my own reflection

It's haunting

How I can't seem to find myself again

My walls are closing in~</i>

A gloved fist slammed into a wired panel, sending small broken chips of machinery and glints of glass. ~Why the <i>fuck</i> am I angry?~

~I <i>am</i> just toying with him…~

~It's part of the <i>plan</i>,~ he told himself. For him, the last week's events had left him with some serious questions about his orientations and his rapidly unraveling plan. His plan, moderately skimmed down, was to make Daisuke want him, and take him, then leave him. It would break him.

Kids were notoriously unstable.

It would break him. Yet…it was taking a toll on the dark-eyed ruler. He was enjoying this way too much for a person who wasn't supposed to react to such base feelings.


He was the Kaizer of the Digital World. Emotion and relationships with others of his kind were useless!

This plan was a lot more complicated that he had expected. Daisuke wouldn't give in easy, despite his attempts at forcing back his noticeable reactions. He was stubborn and not afraid to try his patience.

Ken growled under his breath and raked his fingers through his spiky hair. ~Damn you,~ he cursed. If he couldn't rely on the plan to convert Daisuke and shatter him, he'd have to move on to another Digidestined. He knew that the skinny female Miyako would give in a lot more easily than the Leader of the so-called team.


It galled him to admit he was attracted to Daisuke, attracted to him in a powerfully upsetting way.

~But…~ a small voice whispered in a sudden revelation. ~I want him to want me…without the use of force…~ He despaired of ever finding just the right key to unlock that need. Ken sighed, and rubbed a hand over his eyes.



It was a day later that the Kaizer made another move, initiating his plan to slowly undermine Daisuke and bring him crashing down. Both of them were seated in a semi-large room, again with no windows, and about 10 feet apart. The wild-haired captor was seated in the semi-lotus position while Daisuke sat on a small ledge, much like his bed.

Neither of them had spoken more than two words to each other, despite the Kaizer's attempts to find an opening. Secretly, the Kaizer was grinning wildly inside. It was going perfectly.

"Daisuke," the blue-eyed ruler finally said. "You are boring."

The redhead merely shot him a dark look and ignored him. Ken rose to his feet and stretched, just a bit. Slowly, as if nonchalant about the entire thing, the Kaizer strolled softly with padded footsteps around the walls of the room, tracing them with one hand.

"What is the real world like for you, Daisuke?" A pause. "And answer me."

He almost looked over his shoulder to shoot a glare at the boy strolling casually around the room, but Daisuke decided that he'd better answer. The Kaizer was almost <i>pacing</i>…"I don't know…"

"Do you like being in the digital world?"

"Sometimes I like the digital world better, but sometimes I like being home, too."

"Do you miss your home?"

"…I suppose…"

Ken raised an eyebrow to himself. "What's your family like?" He watched, as he was slowly coming back around to the ledge where the thin captive was seated, and observed a fascinating display of rapid-fire emotion. Guilt, longing, hatred and contempt, to mention the more visible.

"They probably don't know I'm even gone," Daisuke whispered uncomfortably. He raised his knees to his chin and shrugged. "I have an older sister. A mom and dad that never talk to me except to scold or yell, but it's okay. I like being on my own."

The Kaizer had stopped just short of walking into the ledge. "My mom and dad are like that sometimes. Since Osamu…" a frown marred his forehead. He hadn't wanted to mention that.


The Kaizer nodded. "He died."

Daisuke merely looked away, ignoring the eerie emotionless way he spoke. "Is that why you try and control the digimon? Because of your brother and your parents?"

"Of course not," the Kaizer snorted, but a small lingering doubt traced a path to his heart. "Anyway, like I said, you are boring."

"Thaa~anks," Daisuke muttered with a scowl. "Like you're any better."

Kaizer grinned at him, widely amused. "I can make you feel…better…"

Daisuke frowned in his general direction, trying desperately to avoid looking at him or invoking another wall-shattering approach. Somehow, without even looking around to mark his position, the redhead could <i>feel</i> where the violet-eyed teen was moving. Like feeling out a warm spot…

He noticed with irritation that his hands were shaking with tiny tremors. The silence was thick in the room, barely broken by faint breathing and footsteps.

"God you just don't stop, do you," he muttered as a last resort. The footsteps stopped, and he could tell that the lean form was standing very still behind him. Daisuke carefully kept himself still. "Why do you offer? Why do you want it so much?"

"Because I can't have it?" the Kaizer replied blithely, a faint undertone of hesitation coating his words.

Daisuke frowned harder, and pulled his knees to his chest. "It's just a trap…has to be…someone like you <i>can't</i> have feelings…not like that," he whispered under his breath.

"I'm human too, Motomiya," he heard in a bitter tone. Almost…regretful.

"So? Don't you <i>like</i> being human? Or is the plan to rule the digital world just a game to you?"

Daisuke didn't hear a sound for a long time, and didn't dare move yet. ~What will it <i>take</i> for him to let me go?~ he thought in despair. Talking to him didn't seem to work. "Doesn't matter, I suppose," he whispered the answer to himself. "You'll do as you wish, regardless." It was almost the most in-depth remark he'd found in his soul-search for the better solution to his situation.

The Kaizer still hadn't spoken when Daisuke finally broke free of his reverie, and looked around. "Since we're on the topic of you, Kaizer boy," he started, noting the way the boy seemed to lean slightly against the wall as if in need of support, his body stilled to stone, his face blank. "Why would you pick me, if this is some sort of trap?"

~Why me? Why <i>kiss</i> me, when you can probably have your choice of people?~ he silently asked.

Slim blue-clad shoulders shrugged, a faint theme of confusion. "I've asked myself that. I haven't found the answer yet." Another of those burning pauses, where Daisuke found himself staring very hard at the glasses, trying to see through the opaque lenses to the incredible eyes behind them. "How long are you planning on resisting?"

Daisuke refused to reply and looked away. Something about the tone of the last statement had a ring of truth to it, but giving him an answer or a time limit would only up the stakes, up the <i>level</i> of the attack. A flush spread through him as he thought of what exactly that might take. Would the Kaizer take him right away, or would he just increase the physical attacks enough to break his mental will and send him screaming into need? Suddenly, he was back to feeling like the trapped prey, the cornered one waiting to see if he lived or died.

~Keep thinking like that, baka…~ he scolded himself suddenly, a blush on his cheeks and a myriad of different thoughts and fantasy trails spiraling off in tangents.

~Tell him,~ a sly voice urged inside Ken's head, and he frowned just the slightest bit. Telling the redhead his name was his last resort, a sledgehammer in the face of a cliff. ~Perhaps it is time…~ he mused doubtfully. He took a silent breath, his hand dropping from the wall, and took a careful look at the redhead.

Daisuke sat, almost forlorn-looking with his knees pulled up to his chest, his face turned away in retrospect. A blush was warming his cheeks; he wondered what thoughts could make him redden like that. A tiny thought wriggled in the hope that it at least involved him.

~It'll give me a chink to get inside his defenses,~ he told himself sternly. ~If he wants me…I can break him…I can make it work.~

Without a second thought, and convinced that the <i>plan</i> was more important than the insistent clamor inside of him, Ken the Kaizer took the last step forward and dropped to his knees as he spun in front of the ledge, startling the boy with the melting chocolate eyes. A savage tug freed the intensity of his eyes from the glasses and he stared at the boy in front of him, his emotions in tight control as the glasses fell to the floor with a clatter. He had already guessed that his eyes held some sort of meaning to Daisuke, so he would use them as a tool.

He watched with a breathless glee at the shift of emotions and the sudden excess of pink that graced his cheekbones. Daisuke almost seemed hypnotized as the Kaizer leaned close with the air of an important discovery, mischievous and fey.

"Ken," he said slowly, with a little fear and a lot of nervousness.

Daisuke exhaled slowly, caught up in something he didn't quite understand. "Who's that?" he replied in the same breathy voice. God…those <i>eyes</i>! He swallowed with a dry throat as his captor leaned closer, his eyes glinting with amethyst fire, close enough to kiss, to smell, feel and taste…

"My name," the boy whispered right before those sly lips caught his in a totally different kiss, light, hesitant…

As if he was asking...appealing for the touch, begging for it…

Something cracked. ~Asking…~

Daisuke found his hands tangled suddenly in spiky blue-purple hair, his mind echoing the almost too-perfect name. He heard the boy named Ken gasp as Daisuke uttered a struggling groan and pushed him back with a last-ditch effort, his face full of torment.

"<i>Can't</i>" Daisuke whispered in a harsh plea.

"You kissed me back…" Ken shivered, surprised, and almost guilty. Revealing his 'name' had meant something too. He noted with pleasure that the slim brown arms holding him back were trembling minutely.

"Please, I <i>can't</i>," Daisuke begged as Ken leaned in slowly, his face tinged.

Ken bit his lip, looking like a lost little boy as he lost the makeshift mask for moment, and whispered, "Why?"

Daisuke shuddered, trying terribly to control the feeling that his heart was falling into his stomach, the cold shaky feeling that made him melt when the Kaizer looked at him with those eyes. He blinked slowly, praying fervently for the strength to resist as he sat there, warm clothed shoulders under his hands, eyes of midnight violet and beautiful countenance staring him in the face.

Adrenaline with a touch of heady fear coursed through his blood. The Kaizer, no <i>Ken</i> was very close to him, setting off all the alarms and warnings that Daisuke had. The look in his eyes was hungry, dangerously akin to a predator. For all this attempts at pushing the enemy of his friends away, his arms felt like fried noodles. The pale face was only inches away, and after a moment, not even that. Warm tickles of breath wafted across his cheek.

Things were building in this small irrational moment between his control of denying his enemy something that they were both starting to want desperately, but couldn't…<i>shouldn't</i> have… The Kaizer, this time the use of that name was automatic, meant to have him, regardless of the consent of his captive. Daisuke wasn't innocent, but the implications of the signals he was receiving were sending his mind into a basic type of shutdown. If the Kaizer had to force him…he knew that it wouldn't be pretty.

~Give in…wanna…can't…~ he thought brokenly. At the same time the boy behind the mask, Ken, the one who smiled at him in a soft way, wanted him as well. They were one and the same, yet completely different people. Torn and not understanding why he couldn't control the reactions to this dangerous mysterious boy, Daisuke fought against helpless tears, helpless <i>need</i> to feel those hands and lips, unheeding of the consequences.

God help him but the Kaizer was beautiful, and as minutes passes, seconds seeming like years, Daisuke realized that no matter what, he was doomed.

"You want me," the indigo-haired boy whispered in a soft sort of surprise. He didn't seem to expect that. Daisuke couldn't find the stinging words he sought after to push the boy away from him, shaking his head and hating the lie on his lips.

"No," he rasped wearily. ~Yesss~ he nearly shouted.

"You lie…" Ken asked after a moment, his eyes faintly hurt. He fought the urge to just forget about propriety and take him then and there, but something stopped him. It wouldn't be a triumph, a victory, if he managed to just force the shaking boy into submitting. He wanted a <i>response</i> that signified a similar need. ~I'm so close,~ Ken thought longingly.

"I won't…give in…" Ken heard the redhead gasp out. A thrill of anger shot through his system at the audacity of the boy under his control, under his <i>power</i>. The Kaizer himself was close to throwing everything down, whether it was a self-conviction due to the plan he was trying to adhere to, or an unexpected need for this odd flame-tempered boy before him.

"I can make you," he warned, still in that flash of anger. The body so close to his own trembled for a second, and admirably restrained itself. "Make it easy…consent…" he added in a second, noticeably softer tone of voice.

"No…" Daisuke gritted out. His fingers were tangled in the thick and soft mop of spiky hair. His voice, so seductive in its compelling wishful tone, was close to shearing through all the restraints Daisuke had instinctively thrown up. ~ohgodwhy…I can't <i>stop</i>…~ Fear, shame hatred and hateful desire twisted through him flooding his body and his mind with vivid pictures. It would be so easy, so simple to just let this Ken have what he wants and forget about it, but…

~I wouldn't be able to forget…~


Daisuke gasped as the blue-clad emperor leaned forward, his head sliding around so his lips brushed deliciously against the curve of his ear. Ken felt the shudder, heard the choked whimper. ~He's close…~

"Daisuke…" ~Just a little more won't hurt.~

//…and you shall…//

"I won't force you," he whispered in a sensual slow way. Daisuke hitched his breath, his hands tightening in their grip of his hair. "…<i>please</i>…"


A quick tongue flicked across the sensitive skin right underneath his earlobe. Daisuke felt his hands become fists as the feeling ricocheted through him. He should feel disgusted, sickened by this boy who desired him so badly, yet…

Nothing had ever felt so nice…The Kaizer wanted <i>him</i>, and not one of his friends. Him, because of his body, or the way he was, but <i>him</i> nonetheless. Daisuke couldn't realize the extent of the Kaizer's need, or the depth, but he did recognize the way it seemed to center on him and him only.

Neither of them ever figured out who kissed whom first, or who sent the first rushed pass against skin. Mouths meshed as Daisuke pulled the Kaizer closer, his restraint and fear and everything eclipsed out by his all-consuming need. His legs wrapped firmly around the skinny waist of Ken and his hands clutching the dark hair, Daisuke forgot a lot of his problems, his concerns, and slipped into a mode of thinking that didn't require any thinking at all.

Ken slid a hand under the tattered shirt he had removed only twice before, and never with the obvious consent of the one he touched. It thrilled him, filling his senses with white noise as he was kissed quite fiercely by his nemesis. He was straight on his knees, nearly pushed backwards as Daisuke leaned into him with a wordless moan vibrating through the kiss. He tasted like liquid spice and air…

Despite Ken's attempts to keep the attraction and effects at a distance, the response that he had carefully built upon and crafted in his enemy was trespassing into his own secret rising need. Surprising, and somewhat unexpected, this feeling. He hadn't wanted to actually <i>feel</i> something this intense as he touched or kissed the other boy. The other times he had pushed Daisuke to his limit, Ken had been able to push those other reactions to the boy away, locked and stored deep within the shadows of his psyche for later destruction.

If he was going to rule the Digital World, there was no use for his emotions. Emotions can undermine the true power of a person, bring them down and make them weak… He was the Kaizer…he had no need for friends or love or affection or the like. He…

He had <i>never</i> felt anything like this. Ken was feeling passion at that moment. Pure drowning passion as it stormed through Daisuke and into him, instantly translated from their desire, the need to feel accepted and not-alone.

~This…doesn't make sense!~ a part of him whispered in confusion, detached and hidden from the events of the small prison room. He rarely heard that voice and it made him take a moment to open his eyes, Daisuke's body pressed against his as the redhead went after his throat with a warm mouth. Lips traced his cheekbone, his jaw, before fastening onto his mouth again.

He got a glimpse of dark chocolate eyes, hooded and glinting, before the <i>feel</i> of those lips sent him into another spiral of passion, leaning into the kiss and welcoming the slickness as a tongue danced across his. He shivered, distracted from worrying about the complications, and murmured something in the back of his throat. ~…mine…finally…~ a sly triumphant voice snickered inside. There wasn't a part of him that denied the hold that Daisuke held over him at that moment, although there would be serious doubt later on, like all people who are unused to love.

At the moment, though, too confused and thrilled and overwhelmed to stop anything, Ken slipped into an aching sense of irresistible longing for the redheaded boy. Nothing in the world could make him let go; it felt just too <i>good</i> to him.

~What is this?~ the small detached part of him wondered. Daisuke had managed to push the two of them onto the floor and was happily making out with the enthusiastic Kaizer. It would be quite a passionate show, if Ken ever decided to rewind the film and re-watch his 'victory' over Daisuke.

He wasn't quite thinking of that though. More or less, he was tentatively exploring the mildly intoxicating feeling that originated with kissing this boy. He had felt a glimmer of it the first time. Now, it seemed to be a full-blown firestorm for both of them.

Ken gasped, his muzzy train of thought broken as Daisuke rolled on top of him, kneeling like a young gorgeous deity without his shirt, panting and wild. Sun-browned hands and arms wove a deft pattern on his skin.

Idly wondering how his shirt had gotten lost, Ken swallowed as fingers traced his chest, teasing around nipples and ribs. Daisuke seemed fascinated by his skin or his hair.

~By <i>me</i>…~ something asserted inside. Ken curled his lips into a fey smile and caught at the lean muscled wrists, yanking him close to kiss as Daisuke tumbled against his chest. One khaki-clad leg slid between his and they both shifted slightly as the new contact send shivers down each of them.

This was definitely a different feeling. Ken, losing his grip on the wrists, ran his nails down the tan sides, his mouth still locked with Daisuke as his left arm curled around the neck. Daisuke shifted again, experimenting with this new movement and feeling, those nails scraping roughly down his side again.

It took him moments to get a steady grinding pressure into the Kaizer, hoping his sides weren't bleeding. Daisuke heard a soft moan and opened his eyes, inches from Ken's face. The blue eyes were smoky and dark; his face was flushed. The part that wasn't mindless with pent-up desire laughed in conquest. Ken obviously wanted him just as much. It was a good feeling, knowing the impervious Kaizer, whomever he might be in the real world, succumbed just as easy to the games of sex as he did.

For the rest of the time, his thoughts were decidedly lewd, and murky at best. It didn't take very long for Daisuke to squirm out of his clothing, and since the Kaizer was already naked, felt no qualms about this last important step.

Ken watched him with slightly wide eyes; his hair was relaxed enough to hang around his face. Daisuke found this aspect appealing, like a frail being never seen or touched before. ~Looks innocent,~ he would remember thinking, and smiling wickedly as he remembered that Ken was the one to start this. The redhead smiled wider, twisted above the boy and continuing his grinding pressing act.

This felt so much better without the clothing, Ken realized as Daisuke swooped down and kissed him soundly. ~Who cares about taking over the world…this feels…good…~

<i>~There's something inside me

That pulls beneath the surface~</i>

~Better than good,~ he re-assessed after a particularly teasing bit of movement. Where did Daisuke <i>learn</i> this? Ken realized he was panting, and, as he gathered his wits, faintly moaning. He was definitely moving back against the boy's thrusts, though. He reached up to roughly caress the side of the tanned face with a de-gloved hand, tonguing the ridge of bone just under the skin of his shoulder.

Somehow, they had switched positions again, and Ken was on top, his limbs hopelessly tangled with Daisuke, his hands grasping, seeking and holding tight. For a long while they wrestled in this manner, sweat and musk filling the air with a natural scent.

Ken reached down with a pale long-fingered hand and curled it around the throbbing member trapped between their bodies, pulling and teasing as he nipped at the palm of the broader hand that ran over his face. He heard a shivering exclamation of startlement and pleasure hover in the air from Daisuke's lips. The sound thrilled him. <i>He</i> caused this.

Tightening his fingers, crouched over the glistening body of his conquest, Ken opened his passion-hazed eyes and grinned with feral delight at the squirms it produced. Skimming fingers ran up his sides, fluttering like butterflies as he pumped his hand slow enough to be maddening, but with enough force to send his head spinning.

Daisuke rocked into the motions, the thoughts of touching the Kaizer or kissing him gone from his head. This feeling…this incredible feeling… He never realized that he was the one making the helpless whimpers, the tiny moans as Ken leaned down to take a rising nipple between his teeth. His body was on <i>fire</i> and there was no way to stop it…

Not this time.

~Too far…~ his mind sent a last parting shot and retired into the dim realm of hormone-induced fog.

"Want you…damn you…have to…<i>must</i>…" the midnight-haired dictator muttered with hissing breaths against his damp skin. Daisuke felt them all pass right over his head. He'd do anything at all if Ken would keep doing that.

"Daisuke," a voice whispered close to his ear.


Insistent hands pressed at his legs. The hand had been replaced by the delicious shifting weight of the slimly built boy. Daisuke obediently raised his leg, feeling an arm curl under it and hold it in place. He had a rudimentary idea of what was going to happen, but it still felt so <i>good</i>…Something solid pressed against him, and without even knowing it Daisuke felt the urge for this next level seep into him. He raised his hips the slightest fraction and felt himself stretch as Ken began his entry.

A hand fluttered down to rest firmly on his hip, drawing up his other leg as the very tip of Ken's penis slid forward, slicked with its own secretions.

Right about then Ken forgot about control and hunched forward, preparing himself for that first initial thrust. Then, as Daisuke hitched his leg in a 'come on' manner, Ken released the breath he hadn't realized he had been holding and slid the rest of his length inside with bitten off cry.

Daisuke arched beneath him, his raised hips off the floor and his clenched fists pushing him upward. He hadn't expected it to hurt, but the Kaizer was lucky in his first move to graze the slight spot that send pain-numbing signals to the center of Daisuke's being.

This was something he wanted, most assuredly. He threw a wild glance up at the boy clutching his legs and swallowed. His eyes wild and half-lidded, pouting in an open-mouthed display of desire, Ken shifted his body in the nearly natural movements of sex. Muscles flexed beneath his skin, and as Daisuke felt those undeniable warnings of returning to that heightened sense of arousal, he thought that the wild-haired teen was beautiful.

Love and Hate have but a thin line between them.

<i>~Consuming, Confusing

This lack of self-control I fear is never ending


I can't seem to find myself again~</i>

~~A/N~~ Well, the song lyrics are from Linkin Park. I like the song. It seemed to fit. :). Erm….what else…and Yes, I deliberately left you hanging at the end. It's part of the…plot. Hmm…I think I have a plot…I'm only thinking about 3 chapters ahead, tho.

Eh…well…email me or something, if you want. I don't mind. I get so little mail nowadays….but anyhoo, thanks for reading!! Hopefully I'll get the next part out soon!!