Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction / Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction ❯ The Ultimatum ❯ The Gathering ( Chapter 14 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Central Park, Ultimanium's Auditorium
Day 6, 11:47 PM

The crowd cheers on. A big fight is brewing.


Cloud looks at the wall clock above the TV. "It's time."

Heero double-checks his sensor array. The green digits in the corner blink. "It's time."

Vegeta fits on his battle armor while Goku, Gohan, Krillin and Trunks all prepare in the background. "It's time."

Kari pulls Davis' arm over, and looks at his watch. "It's time."

Squall swung the Lionheart and leaned it on his shoulder. "The fight will begin."

TK held up his digivice. "The fight will begin."

Trunks stood tall in his armor. He wasn't sure what to make of the ordeal. "The fight will begin."

Duo sheathed the energy scythe on the back of his mobile suit and held up the Buster Rifle. "The fight will begin."

Tai stood in front of the group, with Agumon perched on his shoulder. "And we will win."

Zidane equips the Gaia Gear and performs a quick kata with the Ultima Weapon. "And we will win."

Goku stands stern as he lights up. The Super Saiyan came to life. "And we will win."

Duo punches the coordinates of the auditorium into his computer. "And we will win."



Both Gundams walked out into the center of the arena. As the crowd became silent, a booming voice overtook them.

"Welcome - the first warriors of the Ultimatum." Ultimanium says.

The crowd bursts into applause.

"The Ultimatum.. ah, yes... a conflict of supernatural forces, cumulating in Central Park. Where would you find monsters duking it out with oversized mechs? With martial artists? Or medieval heroes wielding massive blades/bladed staves? Here, of course. Well, here comes our resident superheroes... Vegeta...Gohan... Krillin... Trunks... and the crowd favorite Goku!!"

Goku walks out first, and gets buried in a shower of roses.

"Thank you, girls.." Goku yells. "But I'm married!"

Groans and boos echo around the crowd, all coming from women. All the male members of the audience cheer and begin to dance in the aisles.

"And our third team.. current proud residents of New York, the Final Three!"

Cloud and Squall dive out of the rafters, and land. Cloud has the Revolver gunblade while Squall uses the Lionheart. They swing their blades in varying arcs around themselves and bring their swords across their face.

"Cloud's signature Buster Sword seems to be out of action today, folks."

38 people who live and die to see really big swords get up and leave.

Zidane plows out into the arena from a side entrance. Everybody oooohs.

"Zidane? No!" Squall shouts.

"Yeah, that's right, it's me, you fricking pussy! No grade-school kid is going to get you out of this one!"

Everybody ooohs again.

Even Ultimanium was shocked by the comment. "Well, friends, it looks like one of the Final Three has turned independant! What impact will his neutral allegiance have on the outcome of the match? We'll have to wait and see."


Davis handed the memory card to Ken. "C'mon, Ken. Shoot it up."

"What is this?" Ken asked as he turned the memory card around, looking at it.

"Quadruple DNA Digivolve." Davis explained. He had already installed it on the people's digivices, including Cody, who had just shown up.

"So how does this work?" Kari questioned.

"I don't exactly know." Davis said. "We'll figure it out as we go along. When we need to, Exveemon and Stingmon will DNA Digivolve, as well as Angemon and Ankylomon. We'll go from there."

As everybody went on their way out into the arena, Tai stopped and looked back at Davis. "What the... holy crap! Davis! Where did you get that? That looks awesome!"

Davis hoisted the Buster Sword onto his shoulder. "A little present."

"Are you sure you can handle that well? There's going to be some bloodthirsty types out there."

"Is a little backup weapon not out of the question?" Veemon wailed. "Bloodthirsty types, you know." Veemon whipped out a katana and continued into the arena.

"Er.. Veemon..."



The digidestined and their digimon finally made their way to the center of the arena.

Ultimanium stood up and rubbed his hands together. "Well... I guess we can finally get on with it, huh?"

Goku glanced over. "Hey!.. it's Kari! Kari! Hey!"

Kari smiled and waved.

"God, I can't stand that guy." Davis groaned.

"He's starting to piss me off, too." TK scowled. "Hey, how about we double-team him and I'll forget about the Kari incident?"

"Fine by me."

"Urrgghh!!" Zidane yelped. "More skids!"

Cloud looked over. His eyes grew wide. "What the fuck!! That guy has my sword!!"

Squall sweatdropped. "Er... Cloud... there's been something I've been meaning to tell you..."

"YOU!! You gave my sword to that kid? He'll probably wind up lopping his own head off when he swings the damn thing! I know better than to trust you... I'm going independant!"

Ultimanium couldn't believe what was going on. His four teams had already fragmented into six.

Ultramagnus walked onstage. He had foregone his battle armor in place of a dark green t-shirt and grey-white camoflague pants. "We ready to go?"

Ultimanium turned to Ultramagnus and eyed him over. "Er.. man... that clashes like hell."

"Yeah? Okay, don't keep the crowd waiting." Ultramagnus said, ignoring his comrade.

"Okay, people!" Ultimanium yelled. "We have our teams, an.."

Vegeta looked over. "What?! It's that blasted robot!"

The Deathscythe turned its jointed head to the Saiyan beneath him.

"What?" The comm yelled. "You mean YOU were the one who hijacked my Gundam?!"

"No, it was me." Zidane laughed.

"I defeated it." Vegeta announced.

"Shut the hell up! I was the one who took it out of commission, you shithead!"

"Do you DARE call me such abominations?! You're taking too much time shooting your mouth off to be of any threat to me!

"I'm breaking off from this freak show!" Vegeta growled. "This fight is personal."

Krillin rolled his eyes. "Aren't they all."

7 teams. Ultimanium grinned. This is gonna be goooooood.

"Hey, actually, now that you mention it, I think this would be a great training oppritunity. Gohan, I'm breaking off and fighting alongside the kids from the airport. You will engage that team only."

Gohan froze. "...um... er.. okay."

Mimi ran up from the arena exit, followed by Palmon. "Huff... glad I could... who are the... fighters... huh?"

Mimi looked up at the towering Gundams ahead of her. They indeed struck a bell.

She pointed at the Wing Zero. "Hey, aren't you that mobile suit that fought that other.."

Heero sighed. He already knew what was going on here. His final battle against Xex had been mass broadcast across media all over the planet to make the colonies' push for peace offical. One target included the Jumbotron in Times Square. And, Mimi was one of the crowd to experience it.

"Forget it, lady," the Wing Zero's comm sighed. "Get back to your team."

Mimi looked over to see Squall standing alone. "Heeey!"

Squall's expression was that of utter terror.

"Did you get dumped by those other bums?" She giggled. "C'mon, Palmon! Let's join up with him."

"I'm up for it!" Palmon wailed.

Kari's jaw dropped. "Mimi...!"

"This IS only a training exercise, isn't it? C'mon, it'll be fun."

Ultimanium was totally lost at this point. "Alright, people! Shut up and get on with it already!"

Everybody froze.

Ultramagnus stepped forward. "I believe our lovely staff up in Technical have sorted out your teams and measured your individual power levels. They will be marked on our screen from the start to the end of the match.."

A large display on the far side of the arena lit up.

Keyvan : And the readings are as follows...

*** Digidestined + Goku ***

50 HP - 0 MP

40 HP - 15 MP

45 HP - 0 MP

30 HP - 0 MP

40 HP - 0 MP

45 HP - 0 MP

35 HP - 0 MP

40 HP - 0 MP

1000 HP - 200 MP

Veemon grinned. "Oops. Someone mind digivolving us?"

The team held up their digivices and D-Terminals, respectively.

"Er.. Davis..." Kari mumbled.


"Why do you have MP and we don't?" Tai asked.

"Well, I..." Davis looked down at the Buster Sword in his hand. Two green jewels stood out.

Davis grinned evilly. "Materia... I forgot."

"Matei-what?" Yolei yelped.

250 HP - 80 MP

200 HP - 60 MP

450 HP - 120 MP

300 HP - 250 MP

250 HP - 350 MP

200 HP - 120 MP

250 HP - 50 MP

(Author's note... I compounded all the stats in this section generally on how often these people get their asses kicked. So if I'm a bit inaccurate, hate mail would generally be in order, though I will try my hardest to bat it out of the sky. Thank you. Oh, and if you're wondering, no, Biyomon never showed up.)

*** DBZ ***

800 HP - 150 MP

500 HP - 100 MP

250 HP - 40 MP

*** LPOS (Lone, Pissed Off Saiyans) ***

950 HP - 300 MP

*** Gundam Duo ***

"Gundam Duo?" Heero moaned.

"Duo? Two? Hello, would Gundam Heero make anymore sense to you?" Duo shouted.

Gundam Deathscythe
1500 HP - 0 MP

Gundam Wing Zero
1800 HP - 0 MP

*** Hopeless Guy and a Hopeful Lady ***

"If that's what you're pointing at, you die now." Squall muttered.

"Ooooh!! That's sounds so cool!" Mimi squealed. "I guess we ARE destined!!"

Mimi holds up her digivice and the transformation begins..

500 HP - 0 MP

45 HP - 0 MP

150 HP - 300 MP

*** The Anti-Skid Squad ***

"You damn skids!!" Zidane wails. "I'll beat all your asses!!!"

700 HP - 500 MP

*** Lost Greatswords Anomonyous ***

"Give me the damn sword and I won't kill you. ... is crippling fine?" Cloud sighs.

650 HP - 400 MP

Ultramagnus flares yellow. "And just for fun..."

*** The Enforcer ***

4500 HP - 1200 MP

"No way!" Vegeta grunts. "The stupid computer made a mistake.. there is no person more powerful than a Saiyan!"

Ultimanium rolled his eyes. "He IS a Saiyan. SSJ4, I believe."

Everybody in the audience oooohs.

"Blasphemy!!" Vegeta scowled. "I make sure of it that you are defeated!"

Davis shuddered. "I don't like this..."

Ultimanium's eyes turned a deep red. "Maybe I should join in and give you something to REALLY complain about."

Ultimanium shot an arm toward the sky. "Cometh!! Mastermune!!"

Keyvan : Gotta love that Mastermune. ;)

A small stave shot down through the roof of the arena at terminal velocity and imbedded itself in the ground in front of Ultimanium. With a flick of the wrist, the battlestaff was out of the ground and twirling in Ultimanium's hands.

Serge : (shaking head furiously)

Keyvan : What the hell do YOU want? Okay? This is MY Mastermune, I can call it a battlestaff if I want!

Serge : (stamps foot down)

Kid : Damn it, Keyvan! Oi! Call it a swallow, for bloody hell! Serge here is going to go into a fit!

Keyvan : Security! Disarm that bitch.

*Several security members hop into mechs and chase Kid and Serge away*

Kid : Bugger! Don't think you've gotten away with this, eh?!

Keyvan : (sighs) Damn, I wanted them for a future fanfic too. Oh well. On with the show.

"That looks suspiciously like a thief sword to me."

"Shut up, Zidane," Ultimanium said. "We don't want another incident with the green flaming fist, do we?"

That shut Zidane up. "....sorry."

"Alright, then. Ultramagnus will be on hand to make sure no backstabbing goes on. Well, at least not anymore than what's going on right now. Screw up, and you answer to him."

Ultramagnus grinned out to the teams. His punch landed against his free hand, making everyone jump back.

"I'll be back to deal with you after," Vegeta shouted. "I have to take care of these weaklings first."

Mimi looked up to Ultramagnus. "Omigosh! That outfit is just ATROCIOUS!! There's more clashing in that suit than Davis'!"

Davis sighed.


"Don't piss him off too much," Ultimanium said. "I want this to last more than 2 minutes."

Everybody leaped into their positions. This was it. It would start any second now.

"Skid." Zidane grunted.

"Freak." Davis muttered.

"Tin can." Vegeta scowled.

"Muscle-bound weirdo." Duo whispered.

"Son." Goku announced.

"I'll take you any day." Gohan whispered under his breath.

"Dorks." Trunks said above them all.

"Take that back!!" Yolei yelled.

And with a full out battle cry, the seven groups charged inwards on each other. It ended here. Exveemon couldn't help to think how the digidestined would be shaped by this fight. Likewise with the other groups. All the groups were well trained.... and last man standing would be defending the earth from the aftermath that would follow.