Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ What's Kami got to do with this? ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: Je n'own pas Inuyasha ou DBZ. If they were mine…hold, wait; this story is what'd happen if they were mine. Hrm. Anyway…don't sue me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought (usually)

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

The males' initial pass at the food was over, and they had now settled down to quietly nibble their shares. Which meant that they actually chewed their food as it passed between their lips, as opposed to throwing the edible matter straight down their throats. The chibi demi-Saiyans, Marron, and Shippou had taken a break from dining to play a game that involved a lot of running, jumping, and screaming. The women had finished eating by this time, and Bulma unpacked a small laboratory kit as the others tidied up. The scientist, armed with needles and test tubes, went around to each of the teens to draw blood for the rabies test. It was rather comical watching Goku as he tried to continue eating next to his son and avoid passing out at the sight of needles. Inuyasha actually refused to let Bulma touch him, and Kagome had to take a crash course in blood collection in order to get a sample from the inuhanyou. As Kagome filled the test tube, Inuyasha caught Vegeta's eyes and blatantly leaned to his mate's ear.

"Kagome, do you understand what Bulma is going to do?" he whispered, his voice barely louder than a breath and all of his boyishness pushed aside. Kagome was startled by the question and the tone. She could sense the hanyou's distrust.

"I'm not sure…" she began to reply, whispering in at a similar manner.

"Can you learn? Can you get her to explain everything that she is doing as she's doing it?"

"Perhaps Inuyasha, but I don't understand…"

"Go with her. Blood is a very powerful agent in curses, and I don't trust her mate, that undersized egotistical ouji."

"Inuyasha how'd you know that Vegeta-sama was Bulma's husband, and if you had problems with this then why…?"

"Feh wench, I'm hungry, not deaf; besides, I can smell that monkey all over her. Just…Look, there's some aura about him, under his own, and it's…familiar. Not good familiar. Like a memory from…dammit Kagome, just do what I say, please?"

Kagome was now very worried. For Inuyasha to say please, he had to be deeply unnerved. Kagome waited until the test tube was filled, then gave a short, subtle nod. Inuyasha relaxed visibly. He fehed his disdain on the whole affair, turning his full gaze onto Vegeta. The two smirked knowingly.

"Ano, Bulma-s…Bulma, would it be okay if I come with you? I'd really like to learn more about this testing process and your other inventions!" Kagome asked innocently.

'So, the dog boy isn't a simpleton, and he wants me to know that. Sending his mate with the Onna to ensure that she doesn't betray him somehow. He's actually becoming interesting,' Vegeta mused, his face unchanging behind his bowl of udon noodles. He curtly feed his thoughts to his blue-haired scientist, who was two steps away from telling Kagome that almost no one entered her beloved lab.

'Let her go with you.'

'Dammit Vegeta I don't need a kid on my heels while I'm working. I even kicked Trunks out once he learned how to walk! And why the hell are you telling me to let someone in my lab, when you won't even let Dad's cat come in the GT, on or off?!'

'The under-colored feather-headed were-Pomeranian she's mated to doesn't trust you one iota, and he won't believe a damn thing you say unless his mate can describe and verify what you've done.'

'The whole trust thing I get; I live with you, remember? But I hate people in my way when I'm working, and you usually couldn't give a flying fuck about other people…'

'Bulma, just do it…please.'

Bulma almost died of shock, but she felt her husband's stern glare on her, and managed to reel in the urge to faint. Vegeta could sense the questions as her mind contemplated what kind of evil would force him to say please, but she merely returned her attentions to Kagome.

"Sure thing Kagome! Come on, we'll let Goku eat and take the air car."

"The air car? What's an air car?" The female voices drifted off in the distance. Soon, there was a loud boom, a whir, and a panicked scream. Bulma was definitely driving again.

Vegeta sent a wave of thanks along the bond before returning to his meal. She clearly told him that he had some explaining to do, then the connection was dampened.

The remaining Z senshi filed the princes' behavior away for later analysis. Goku and Krillin thought of Inuyasha's actions as reminiscent of Vegeta's early years on Chikyuu, when he trusted no one, but usually Vegeta could care less about others' distrust. Goku raised an eyebrow in Vegeta's direction, but was met with closed eyes and disdain. Krillin made a subtle rolling of his shoulders, glanced surreptitiously at Inuyasha, and his childhood friend made a subtle nod. Both turned their eyes over to Gohan, and were not surprised to find his eyes hooded and alert. Gohan made a delicate, minute gesture with his head in Inuyasha's direction, and was rewarded with a slight ruffling of Miroku's robes. The marks had been made. Satisfied, the men returned their full attention to the food before them, and Gohan's attentions turned to a comment that his father made when he first met the group at the well.

"Humph Choushan, Ush chaught oush eshaish shash Piccolo wush hurr?" ("Hey Tousan, I thought you said that Piccolo was here?").

"Mmmuh mmought mm. Mmh Mmgeta!" ("I thought so. Hey Vegeta!"). Goku paused to swallow his food, giving Vegeta time to answer.

"What is it you slob?"

"Did Piccolo tell you were he was going? Why isn't he here?"

"You interrupted my dining to ask about Green Bean? Baka, I've got food getting cold because of that question!"

"Then let me answer it, Vegeta. It's none of your business Goku. By the way, why do you damn Saiyans have your tails back?"

Inuyasha and Miroku craned their heads to scan this new person. Their eyes trekked up 7 feet of white cape and blue pants to view a green face with small black eyes peeking from beneath a protruding brow. A turban wrapped tightly about the top of the head, making the large green pointy ears stand out even more. Inuyasha knew that if the creature had even one antenna, it would closely resemble someone that he'd seen many, many years ago. Miroku was fascinated by the face, which sent shivers of fear and awe up his body. His training as a priest required that he be able to distinguish between good and evil auras, and he was catching traces of both emanating from this green giant. He had to stop himself from shuddering as the being's glare swung down on the two strangers, but it was hard to keep his composure as the brow furrowed even more and the voice rumbled out a question.

"And what in Dende's name are they doing here?!"

Piccolo had come to the picnic earlier; in fact, he had been the first one there. If anyone outside of the Z senshi had seen him then, they would have skirted far around the madman who had painted himself green and pink before meditating and having a loud argument with himself. The senshi would have known that the former Demon King was merely ensconced in another violent discussion with the former Guardian of the Earth.

"What the hell do you mean I need to project you to another dimension? You and I merged if you've forgotten…which means you are not supposed to exist outside of my body."

'I think I of all people know the conditions of our merger, but I am needed elsewhere and this particular technique will allow me to attend to some…business…without having to involve you directly.'

Piccolo's normally fierce glare grew even grimmer as he heard Kami's slight hesitance.

"Alright you waste of a Guardian, what's the matter?"

'Matter? Piccolo, I don't believe I quite understand what…'

"Bullshit. You're in trouble and I can tell because you lie even worse than you fight, so you might as well tell me what fire you're trying to put out, and why Dende can't manage it."

Piccolo's head rang with a frustrated sigh as Kami tried to keep his composure.

'Look, Piccolo, it really doesn't concern you beyond using this projection technique, so you really don't have to get involved…'

"Fine, I see I'll have to do this the hard way and call Dende."

Piccolo felt Kami wince, and smirked. He'd caught the Guardian between a rock and a hard place now.

'Oh fine, if you insist. Do you remember what Goku said about where Gohan and Videl were transported?'

Piccolo thought carefully for a moment before answering.

"He said it was the past. The time of the Warring States, the Sengoku Jidai."

'At a glance, yes, but it is actually a dimensional pivot point. Anything that happens in that time and place is likely to impact on a minimum of 100 other future dimensions.'

Piccolo stifled an anguished groan as he grasped Kami's last statement. Although he loved his student (not that anyone could actually say those words and live), Gohan and his father had an enormous knack for getting into trouble when they were left alone. The mere thought of any Son adventures in that dimension gave him a swift, vicious headache as he imagined how they could affect life on Chikyuu and only Dende knew where else. Eight years was not enough of a rest period between world-threatening crises, and it was certainly no preparation for a multidimensional catastrophe. The former Guardian comforted his host as he continued.

'Do not be perturbed; Gohan and Videl are not causing any problems. In fact, they have helped to avert a crisis. No, I need to speak to someone else in that dimension.'

"What's the problem?"

Kami sighed wearily before giving Piccolo a very brief synopsis.

'There is an unknown entity that has been attempting to wreak havoc in that dimension for a number of centuries. It tends to use people, monsters, demons, even souls as tools for its means, which help it to remain anonymous. None of the Kai elders know what its goal is, but there are a number of families that it has targeted. I have uncovered a situation in one of those families that I need to rectify, and other minor issues need to be attended to.'

"So why can't Dende take care of them?"

'He's too young, and…and…'

'And the Kai told him to take care of his own mess,' chirped a cheerful yet snide voice. Piccolo felt Kami grumble in his head, but ignored the irate Guardian in favor of the other Namek sharing his mental space.

"What happened Nail, and how can the Kai make contact with Kami without going through me?"

'They do it while you're meditating. You are so far down that you can barely hear your conscious mind. The Kai use their mental power to blanket this layer utterly and only let Kami in.'

'Well then how did you find out about it?' Kami asked in surprise. He was rewarded with a chuckle from the former Namekian warrior.

'I'm a warrior, as is Piccolo. You don't think we would leave ourselves completely open to attack while we meditate, do you? When Piccolo is deep within himself, I stay on the conscious level and vice versa. You and the Kai have been locking me in these past few days. Anyway Piccolo, the problem is that Kami has spent so much time in this dimension that he hasn't watched over this pivot point like he was supposed to. It somehow managed to survive without him, but the confusion is beginning to leak out into its…descendant dimensions. Apparently, portals have been appearing all over the place in the past 52 years, and there has been a ton of free movement between worlds.'

'So now Kami has to get around to investigating them and then somehow destroying them?'

'Exactly. The thing is, he can't do it on this side, and you can't go and do it because you are...'

'Piccolo Daimao, who was Demon King just before that period, and I bet...'

'That your appearance would cause a huge shift in the dimension, that would ripple outwards to the other connected dimensions, including this one.'

'You two don't really need to talk as if I'm not here, you know,' Kami grumbled as Nail finished speaking. 'I hope this unnecessarily lengthy explanation has assuaged your poorly timed curiosity, Piccolo. Now, are you going to help?'

Piccolo's silence dragged for some time.

'Well?!' Kami yelled in exasperation, as Piccolo ignored him.

'I thinking you goody-two-shoes!' Piccolo shouted in response. 'All right, all right, fine! I'll project you to wherever the hell it is that you're needed, but don't expect me to do anything other than that.'

'Thank you, Piccolo.' Kami gave a small sigh of relief at his host's acquiescence. While it wasn't completely true that he need Piccolo's help, he wasn't ready to make the ex-evil Namek do things in his meditative state and then erase his memories.

It was black. Pitch-black. The shade of black that only exists in places that have never, ever, ever been graced by a passing acquaintance of any form of light. The sort of black that defies fluorescent creatures, plants, and rocks, such as those that may be found in some of Earth's deepest oceans. The type of black that, if it were manifested, would consume a dark star. A black so thick, and ominous, and foreboding, that its presence was like the heavy, erasing hand of oblivion, a chaos so thick, that not even the timeless ritual of life and death existed. It was black. It was alive.

Somewhere within this mindless dark, an entity existed. And, to the utmost fear of things yet to be created and yet to die; it spoke.


In a neural network that could not be said to be fully alive, a flurry of lightless data flowed with fearsome, horrible, calculating logic. Through means that cannot be understand in the manner of living beings, all of Inuyasha's details and actions became known to this…dark. Then, Kagome's life was laid bare in this nothingness. Then Sesshoumaru's… Rin's… Miroku's… Sango's… Shippou's… Kirara's… Kouga's… Kagura's… Kikyou's…


Goku, Vegeta, Krillin, Gohan, Trunks, Goten, Marron, 18, Bulma, Chichi; all had their lives unknowing dissected into the most miniscule pieces and fed to this opaque anarchy.


Incomprehensible data fluttered together in a disturbingly perfect array of order. In the few milliseconds that a higher-order living being could withstand the data barrage, the only information it could piece together is the image of a medieval well, an image that would be scorched upon its nerves before it numbed to a nothingness fitting of the oblivion.


Author's Notes:

Ohaiyou! *Avoids flying trash and spoiled fruits from angry readers*

I'm truly sorry for not updating in about a year, but so much has happened to me in that time that stories and anime flew from my head. I hope all of you can forgive me for this notable lapse. I'll try to pick up where I left off, merging a few of my other plots to this one and taking up a new plot line soon.

Again, gomen nasai m (_ _) m. I humbly ask your forgiveness, and hope my tale continues to please you.

And, uhm, I kinda uploaded the unfinished chapter before. Gomen nasai!