Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Grumpy monks hit hard ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Goku shrugged.

"Sure, if you're eager to see youkai."

Chichi's eyes started to glow. In the meantime, Piccolo cautiously jumped into the well.

"Which is what most of us here would be considered as."

Chichi's face turned red. Ox horns started to grow from her head. Bulma suddenly had a throbbing headache, which pulsed along with the veins popping out on her forehead. Eighteen merely huffed.

"And me and the boys here can't go, unless you want us to be swarmed by teenage girls. Remember, this was a period of time when girls got married as young as 14 years old. Monks and princes were especially popular."

Evil gleams had filled Vegeta and Krillin's eyes, as both of them inched closer to the well.

The skirmish was brief. As the dust cleared, Vegeta, Krillin, and Goku sat on the ground with large lumps on their heads. Chichi was climbing on to Goku's back while threatening him with her frying pan; Bulma was already on Vegeta's back and trying to stuff a large wrench in a capsule. Eighteen found it better to throw Krillin over her shoulder.

"We can't go anyway. The well is sealed. I tried just now." Piccolo uttered, while meditating next to a nearby tree.

Krillin jumped down from Eighteen's shoulder, and asked the most important question.

"So, whose gonna go tell Hercule his daughter just ran off with the real winner of the Cell games, for four days no less?"

Images of Hercule's chagrin as they blackmailed him with this information flashed through everyone's head. Squabbling soon broke out, with Chichi screeching the hardest for a chance to go ruin Hercule's life.

"In a situation like this, I think we should employ democratic methods of choosing," Krillin said, as he calmly silenced everyone.

Two hours later:



"Krillin, watch your mouth."

"But Eighteen, why'd she hafta win?"

"'Cause I'm his mother!"

"By the way, where are the brats?"

"They're called children and they're with my mother!"


"Do you think we should mention the lack of bathrooms and the conditions Videl will be living in? Huh, Vegeta?"

"Kakkarotto that would be evil!" 'I wish I'd thought of it myself!'

"No, evil is when I tell him what most Saiyan males do during a full moon, especially when they're with a girl they want."



"Kakkarotto, I hail you as a true Saiyan."

"Oh finally, I'm gonna have grandchildren!"

"Aw, thanks. Come on guys, let's drop Chichi off!"

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Gohan and Inuyasha padded through the forest, moving in almost absolute silence.

Gohan felt his Saiyan blood rise to the fore, his instincts enjoying the wind in his face and the feel of his muscles moving to his will. It helped to be playing with his new pack mate, even though he missed the other members of his pack …

'Pack mate! Next thing you know, I'll be calling Videl my bitch, and openly ravishing her … Mmmm.'

Inuyasha was enjoying the race. It wasn't an everyday occurrence to meet a born hanyou. And this one smelt powerful. Gohan was easing that lonely feeling he got every time he thought of Kagome. Not by much, but it was a start.

By this time, the half-breeds had made it to the God Tree, and had chosen their branches to sleep on. Oddly enough, the branches they chose put them back-to-back, separated only by the solid trunk of the God Tree.

Gohan's sleepy mind turned to the events in the hut. His secret was out, and Videl now knew the truth. He had just told her that her father was a weak fake, that the mighty Son Goku was an alien, that Bulma Briefs was married to an alien prince named Vegeta…he had turned her world completely upside-down.

'I can't imagine how confused she is right now. My family and friends must disgust her. She'll probably hate me for trying to say that her father is a fraud, even if it is true. I've blown any chance I ever had with her.'

Gohan sighed wearily as his thoughts continued to depress him.

"Hey, Inuyasha?"

The inu hanyou was wrapped up in his own thoughts, and wasn't eager to talk.


"How did you get Kagome, Miroku, and Sango to stay with you during all your adventures?"


"Well, I mean, I would've thought any other human would be disgusted by a hanyou. I mean I can't imagine many humans liking us."

"Hn, it's true that plenty of humans hate us, but Kagome, Miroku, and Sango are special. They're better than most humans."

"I wish I knew if Videl was better than most humans," Gohan whispered to himself, forgetting the sensitivity of Inuyasha's ears.

"Feh. You really want her, don't you?"

"NANI?! How could you…what gave you that idea?"

"Heh heh heh, I saw how you reacted when she climbed on your back. You were two steps from jumping her."

"Oh like you're one to talk dog-breath! I saw how wild you got when Kagome was settling in on your back!"

"Dog-breath?! Oi, monkey-face, lemme tell you something…"

"Let's see a monkey do this!"

By this time, both half-breeds were on the ground, snapping and snarling at each other. Gohan launched his attack first, and Inuyasha prepared to dodge him.

Which would explain why neither of them was prepared for the solid thwack of a staff over their heads.

"Kuso bouzu, next time you swing that staff…"

"I'll hit you harder Inuyasha. Now, I've been chased out of the hut by Kaede, I'm tired, and I have a hangover. Shut up and let me sleep."

"Oi, just because Sango won't let you feel her up, lech, doesn't mean…"

Thwack. Thwack. Thwack.


Gohan, who was once again wearing a large sweatdrop, sheepishly hopped back up to his perch. Inuyasha grumbled loudly as he leaped back up to his branch. Miroku made himself comfortable at the base of the tree, and settled in for the night.