Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Get my Son son back here! ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Kaede made sure the half-breeds were well out of earshot before speaking again.

"It is strange to find a half-breed from the future. And the girl does not seem to be fully human. Miroku, I want you to keep an eye on him. Sango, try to learn more about Videl."

"Kaede-sama, do you think that they could be after the Shikon no Tama?"

"I do not think so Miroku, considering the power of the Dragonballs that Gohan talked about. However, we cannot afford to be lazy now that the jewel is whole once more."

Sango fended off the monk's hands one more time before grabbing her gear.

"Of course, Kaede-sama," she agreed, before glaring daggers at the seemingly innocent monk. "I think it is better that I spend the rest of the night with the girls. I feel much safer with them," she declared as she stalked off to the guest hut, muttering about hentai, ecchi houshi.

Miroku maintained his innocent façade until Sango had left. Then he quietly picked up his belongings and sauntered off in the direction of the God Tree, muttering curses against hanyous and women.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Krillin and Piccolo landed in the clearing where they last felt Gohan's ki. Goku and Vegeta were already there, examining an old well.

"This is where your brat's ki was last," Vegeta stated, peering down the well's depth.

"But how could a well cause Gohan to disappear? What sort of trap is it?" Krillin asked, not exactly thrilled to find anything capable of making Gohan disappear.

"There's an aura around this well," Piccolo said as he approached it. "It's like quicksand, sucking you in if you get too close."

Goku stood apart from the others, trying to understand the memories that flashed before him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Kaede-sama! Kaede-sama! Look at what me and Tail can do!" A chibi Goku hung from the God Tree by his tail, then swung through a number of acrobatic feats using all five of his limbs before landing in from of Kaede.

"Hmph, that's very good, but don't you think you should find another tree to play in?" Kaede's eye drifted pointedly to the still figure of Inuyasha, sealed to the tree. Vines had already started to grow around him.

"Uh-uh, Kaede-sama, I like this Tree, with Inuyasha. I think he watches me play, and I see him smile sometimes!"

"Very well, Goku, but I have to go back to the village. Come back inside before nightfall."

"Ok, Kaede-sama!"

Goku turned back to the tree, where Inuyasha rested peacefully.

'You feel kinda like me! Except you have doggy ears while I have a tail. Oh well, I still like you!'

He gave Inuyasha a quick pat on the head before scampering up the God Tree.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"BAKAYAROU!!!!!!!" Vegeta snarled, trying for the upteenth time to get Goku's attention.

"Who? What? Huh?" Goku snapped back to the present.

"We've been calling you for the past 10 minutes while you were off in La-La Land!" Vegeta was beginning to wonder if the Earth-Saiyan even cared about his son.

Goku looked back at the well, then laughed uproariously.

Piccolo put a restraining hand hand on Vegeta, and willed away his sudden headache to confront Goku. Before he could even say a word, said Saiyan held up a hand to stop him.

"I know where this well goes."

Three eyebrows arched up into the air.

"It's a door to the past. Back in time to the days of the Warring States."

The eyebrows went up a little higher.

"And how, pray tell, my dearest, oldest buddy, do you know this?" Krillen said smoothly. Only the large vein throbbing over his left eye marred his expression.

"'Cause I've gone there before."

The clearing was suddenly filled with the sound of three violent facevaults.

"Don't worry about Gohan, he's safe. He'll be back in about four days, after the full moon is gone."

The clearing was suddenly filled with the sound of three violent facevaults. Again.

Unfortunately, Chichi, Bulma, and Eighteen had arrived by then. Krillin smacked his forehead, muttering about wives unable to keep a secret.

"FOUR DAYS!!!! GOKU, YOU GET MY SON BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!" Chichi shrieked, her eyes bleeding slowly to red.