Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Goku...stay still! ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Videl watched as anger and fear scampered across Gohan's face. She knew that Gohan was lying. "Gohan, doesn't your family live near where they say a giant ape monster once roamed? And that well wasn't really far from your house. Besides, the annual Full Moon Madness celebration was going to take place in 3 days. That's the celebration we hold every year to commemorate the last time the moon was ever seen," she explained to the audience in the hut.

Gohan really wished that he wasn't so in love with Videl. He really wanted to snap her neck.

Inuyasha was suddenly in Gohan's face. The fear he felt rolling off of Gohan was similar to the fear he oozed every time the New Moon appeared. He grudgingly admitted that he felt a sense of kinship with this new hanyou.

"Just talk. It's not like any of us won't believe you." After all that Inuyasha and the others had seen in the past two years, he was sure that nothing could faze him.

Gohan suddenly felt tired. He'd been keeping the secret for so long, and in two seconds, a half-breed, supposedly like him, had found out that he was lying. If Videl glared any harder at him, he'd probably have a hole in the back of his head. And at the moment, he just didn't care.

So he talked. And talked. And talked.

He started with his father's adventures, running through the arrival of his uncle and then Nappa and Vegeta. He vividly recalled the events on Namek, and the arrival of the androids. He stuttered through the Cell Games, refusing to meet the shocked look on Videl's face as he detailed his father's death and the final defeat of Cell by his hands. He talked till the sky lightened to the grey-blue of dawn.

Inuyasha wished he'd shut up.

'What the hell is with this hanyou? Aliens? Planets? Dragonballs? And the girl looks like it's the first time she's hearing these things. I thought we were doing strange things!'

If Inuyasha was stunned, Videl was totally flattened.

'Kami! Or is it Dende? I mean, whatever! If Gohan is telling the truth, he's the great Son Goku's son! And all of the Son and Briefs males are gold warriors! And all of the gold warriors are aliens! Or at least part-aliens. But Dad says that they're just fakes…but Gohan says he destroyed Cell! If he did, why didn't he and the Z senshi challenge my dad? Argh, I don't know what to believe!'

Kaede sat through the whole story, nodding as if she understood everything.

"Your stories about your father allow me to understand something that happened many many years ago.

On a full moon night, a giant ape youkai, an Oozaru, as you call it, came from that same glade where the well is situated. It raged in that forest for the entire night, destroying many trees. It was two steps away from the village when dawn broke. As the sun cleared the sky, the beast began to shrink. By the time I and the other warriors reached the area, nothing was there but a naked, sleeping child."

Gohan really didn't like where this conversation was going.

"The child was unremarkable except for three visible things: his hair, which shot off in all directions and could not be tamed by any comb," Gohan was slowly turning a deep shade of red that no one save Inuyasha saw.

"A monkey tail that seemed to be extremely sensitive," death by Frieza would have been preferable to the way Videl was now looking at the demi-Saiyan.

"And teeth that were much larger than any normal child's own."

Gohan mentally recited every curse he had ever learned from Krillin, Piccolo, and Vegeta as images of chibi Goku danced in his head. Why, oh why, did his father have so many adventures in his youth? Couldn't he stay still as a brat? Kaede continued, oblivious to the boy's discomfort.

"We realized him to be a youkai child, but he was like Shippou, very cute and naive. We took care of him after he woke up, and he helped clear the damage with his inhuman strength, although his appetite nearly cost us that year's harvest. On the evening of the next full moon, I blindfolded him, because I suspected that the moon triggered his youkai transformation. He seemed too young to control his powers yet, and the village could not afford another disaster. The day after that, he left to go play in the clearing he emerged from, but he never returned. I believe this is your father, Goku?"

Gohan nodded wearily.

"Sounds like my dad. He did a lot of wandering before he met Bulma."

Sango came out of her deep reverie, snapping her fingers as she pried the monk's hand off her hip with her weapon.

"Of course! The well you came through is a fabled Time Well. It is said that these wells only work at certain times of the month, or year, to open doors into new worlds from this side. You are fortunate that the well you came through works every month!"

Videl liked this girl's enthusiasm, and the way she managed to clobber the monk before his hands could roam, "So that means Gohan and I can go home in 4 days!"

Kaede nodded sagely. "Yes, as it seems that time flows the same way in your world and ours. Now, with that settled, I would like to offer you and your companion lodgings in a hut at the end of the village …"

Gohan swore that everyone could read his terror-stricken eyes. 'Me, and Videl, alone, in a hut, for three days!' Before Videl could agree, he spoke out.

"That is not necessary, Kaede-sama. I can sleep just fine in a nearby tree, or something. I prefer the forest to a building any day. I can't sleep around so many snoring people," Gohan apologized profusely.

Inuyasha shot a brief humorous gaze at Gohan before he turned away to stand up.

"Feh. We can share the God Tree then, and let the bitches share the room." He pointed out Kagome and Videl with his chin.

Kagome had to grind her teeth to stop herself from sitting the arrogant dog demon till his neck snapped. As it was, she couldn't stop the five she snapped out before turning to the others in the hut.

"As amazing as it sounds, I actually agree with you, Inuyasha. If you don't mind, Videl?"

"It's not a problem for me. Lead me to it, before I fall asleep on my feet," Videl replied as she stood yawning and swaying.

Kagome grabbed Videl's hand and calmly stepped over the semi-comatose form of Inuyasha in the doorway.

"Since you're from a more modern time, I'll finally have someone to complain with about the lack of a good blow-dryer!"

Giggles marked the passage of the young bitches … women, as they went through the village to the guest hut.

"Bitch …" came out as an unearthly groan as Inuyasha crawled to his feet. Gohan tried to assist him, despite the huge sweat drop currently covering the left side of his head.

"Uhm, how about we go to this God Tree," Gohan suggested, mischief slowly creeping into his voice. "I'll race ya!"

Inuyasha's ears perked at the thought of a race, but his face remained impassive as he replied.

"Only if you keep your feet on the ground. No racing on top or over the trees."

"A footrace, huh? No problem, you're on!"

"The tree is straight over there," Inuyasha said as he pointed to the God Tree that towered over all the others, "Ready … HEY YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO WAIT TILL I SAY GO!!!"

Inuyasha shot after the dark blue blur that was Gohan, muttering all the way about damn cheating strangers.