Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Hot springs bring relaxation ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

"…and that's how it all ended."

Miroku had finally finished the story of the Shikon no Tama, Naraku, Kikyou, Kagome, and Inuyasha. Inuyasha had tried hard not to join in, but he couldn't stand how Miroku was portraying him as a two-timing, arrogant, irritable bastard. He wasn't a two-timer!

Gohan was surprised at the adventures this group of people had stumbled into. He thought the Z senshi were the only people who could possibly end up in these types of situations. Naraku's form seemed eerily similar to Cell's, and Gohan found himself fighting the horrible flashbacks.

The men had talked so long that the sun had risen. The village was awake and they hadn't gotten a wink of sleep.

"Shimatta, I hate when I don't get any sleep," Miroku muttered angrily.

Gohan groaned loudly.

"I would love a good soak in my dad's bathtub. Or one of those hot springs that are all around Krillen and Master Roshi's island."

Inuyasha leapt out of the tree, almost crash-landed into Miroku, and smirked wildly as the frazzled monk threatened him from his position on the ground. With a self-satisfied smirk, he turned to Gohan, who was busy stretching.

"We've got a hot spring nearby, and we should be able to soak for a while before the bitches wake up…ITAI!"

Miroku's staff stood out from between Inuyasha's ears, as Gohan sniggered behind the monk.

"You mean before the young ladies wake up, don't you Inuyasha?"

Inuyasha rubbed the tender lump on his head, and silently vowed to drown the monk.

"Shut up bouzu and let's go. Feh!"

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Sango woke up, feeling rather unrefreshed. She had tossed and turned all night, trying to remember just when her treacherous body had begun to miss Miroku's gropes. She sighed quietly as she tried to find her yukata and bath items.

Videl woke up bleary-eyed and woozy, her cheek feeling like a swollen mess. She really wished that Gohan had told her he was an alien before she thought of conning him into hitting her.

'Itai, itai, itai! I need a cold compress.'

Videl tried to move her muscles, but the landing in the well seemed to have left them cramped.

'Mou, I need a hot bath to soak in, THEN a cold compress.'

Videl sorted through the few capsules she had to reveal one that was marked TOILETRIES.

Kagome woke up with her eyes stuck together. A quick rub revealed that her tears, which she had cried in her sleep, had dried her lids shut.

'Baka Inuyasha, why don't you care?'

Kagome reached absently in her pack for her bathbag.

All three girls finally became aware of the others' existence. Sango smiled wearily as she grabbed her bath gear.

"Videl, you have a choice between a hot springs and a cold river. Which would you prefer?"

Videl thought carefully.

"Which one is Miroku not at?"

Kagome and Sango laughed knowingly as they remembered their own struggles to hide from the lecherous monk. Kagome slipped her arm through Videl's right arm, as Sango slipped her own through Videl's left.

"Miroku hardly ever goes to the hot springs, it's too far for his lazy butt. We'll be safe there," Kagome answered with more cheer that she felt.

"Ok then, onwards!"

The world trembled before the three grumpy girls on a mission of cleanliness.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

The monk and the two half-breeds were comfortably settled in the hot springs.

"Ah, this is wonderful! All those fights with Naraku seem like a distant nightmare here."

"For once I agree with you, bouzu.

"There's nothing like a dip in a hot spring after a hard day," Gohan agreed.


The three males sank lower into the water. Each one wore a satisfied smile of content relaxation. Each one was curling up to happy thoughts. Each was hit by a wave of the most wonderful scent he had every whiffed in his short, strange life.

'Tangy, so crisp. Like an early autumn day. Much like Sango…"

"What is that bold scent? Jaunty, happy…kind of a bully. Smells of ripe fruit and Videl…"

"Hn…light scent, like fresh spring flowers. Innocent, but eager for life, like Kagome…"

The realization hit each male at the same time. The response was the same as each male jumped out of the water in shock, forgetting their nakedness.

Kagome, Sango, and Videl stood stunned as the man of their individual dreams jumped up in surprise.

Kagome felt the air in her chest rush out in a solid wuff. Her eyes flew across Inuyasha's naked form, taking in the sheen of the water on his sunlit-body. She watched as a single drop of water fell from his left ear onto his shoulder, and then slowly trailed down his broad chest and over his hard abs to slide effortlessly in and out of his navel. The drop slid lower and lower, eventually tangling with the other drops lodged in his pubic region. Kami!!! How was that supposed to fit in anything other than his own hands! And how could it be getting bigger!

Sango had been groped by the monk many times, and had never understood the compulsion. Now, as she saw the houshi naked, understanding began to dawn in her eyes as her own hands twitched convulsively. Miroku was perfection in pale marble, hard and whipcord lean. Each plane of muscle was etched, and slid effortlessly into any position. He had the build of an acrobat; so smooth was he that Sango could only imagine him to have been sculpted. She could not find one undeveloped muscle on his body, but she did find one very overdeveloped one. One that grew under her gaze.

Videl felt her eyes stretch impossibly wide in an attempt to view all that Gohan had hidden from her. How he'd ever accomplished it, only Dende knew for certain, but she was suddenly glad to have been the only female in Orange Star High School to see the splendor that was Gohan. His shoulders shot out from his broad neck, to taper down to battle-hardened narrow hips. His legs were like young tree trunks, firm, even though a hint of the supple movements they were capable of could be seen. His tanned skin rippled like velvet over his abdomens, and…Videl's eyes stretched wider at the sight of the rapidly rising organ below his waist.

It took the girls all of three minutes to complete their scrutiny. In that time, Inuyasha, Miroku, and Gohan stood and felt uncomfortably like bulls about to be slaughtered. What turned the tides against the girls were their individual scents and their monthly reproductive cycles.

Inuyasha and Gohan smelt it first, not just the change in the females' scents to that of heavy arousal, but also the mind numbing allure of…

"Heat. Kuso, Sango's in heat," Miroku whispered breathlessly, trying to breathe as shallowly as possible.

Inuyasha would have time to ponder why Miroku could smell the changes later. Right now he was busy trying to control his instincts. Gohan stood oblivious to all but Videl, until his mind decided to run on autopilot; letting his Saiyan instincts take over.

Drawing himself to his full height, Gohan let his heated gaze run over Videl's small, fit frame. When he made eye contact, he grinned lasciviously, licking his lips in a sultry motion before he murmured out,

"Like what you see, onna?"

The words cut the tension like a knife. Inuyasha had won the battle with his instincts, but after so many occasions where Kagome had accused him of being a hentai, he couldn't let this chance to tease her get away.

"Feh. Miko, hasn't anyone told you it's rude to stare?" Inuyasha growled, letting some of his passion show in his eyes.

Miroku smirked, throwing the others their clothing.

"Leave them alone, can't you see they're trying to look but not touch?"

The three girls came out of their reveries with a jolt.
