Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Bloody hints... ( Chapter 14 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

The three wolf youkai pricked their ears as they heard the howl on the wind. Nii negligently ordered the black wolves milling around his feet to check the cave entrance. Souran sent a large portion of his red wolves to protect the interior passages. For some reason, Kouga's wolves were not to be found.

Kagome knew that howl. That was Inuyasha, a youkai Inuyasha. He had come for her. She needed to stall for time, or she would be nothing by the time he fought his way to her. She knew her best chance for survival lay with Kouga.

"Kouga-kun, what are they talking about?" she inquired, silently willing Lady Luck to be on her side.

Kouga scooped Kagome up as if she were a bride.

"Come further back into the cave. They can't interrupt us here."

As the wolf youkai moved back into the cave, Souran answered Kagome's question.

"Well, little tidbit, when youkai take mates, they mark each other and then mate as wildly and as often as possible. The mark and the mating is our way of laying claim to another person. Much more effective than that stupid human ceremony called marriage."

Nii continued talking as the wolf youkai dropped their cargo on the floor against a cave wall.

"When a youkai and a human mate, the youkai can mark the human, but the human doesn't usually have the strength to mark the youkai. It leads to a one-sided bond."

Sango tried to use her arms to protect her modesty, even as she picked up the conversation again. 'I must have some sick fascination with my own death, but this conversation gives the boys time to find us.'

"What does a one-sided bond do?" she asked hesitantly.

Kouga shook himself like a man waking up. He stared intently at Kagome although he was answering Sango's question.

"A one-sided bond makes you property of the youkai who took you. You girls are about to become the slaves of the Wolf tribe."

The three girls huddled near each other as the wolves closed in on their prey…

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Yelps of pain filled the cave. Blood rained from above, as red and black pelts went flying into the room.

A carpet of mangled wolf bodies lined the entrance of the cave. Many more wolves had simply disappeared.

Inuyasha's hands and forearms were slick with blood. His haori had been ripped open to reveal many shallow cuts on his chest and shoulders. His eyes were crazed with bloodlust, even as he searched for Kagome in the enveloping darkness.

Sometime during the bloodbath, Miroku managed to out the torches that had been in the wall. Not that the darkness was actually an impediment to him at the moment, to the dismay of the red wolves that met the wrong end of his staff.

"They're somewhere in the back," Gohan rumbled, as he mindlessly crushed the life out of a black wolf.

Screams filled the air once more, followed by evil laughter.

The males ran through the twisting passages of the cave, following the sounds.

Flashes of pink light flared, punctuated by blue bursts. The sound of combat filled their ears as the hunting males ran to the battle.

Eventually, an enormous room opened before them in the gloom, and two bursts of light, one blue and one pink, gave Inuyasha, Gohan, and Miroku a snapshot of the struggle.

Sango stood with her back against the far wall, her hands fisted as she fended off a large, shaggy, red figure. Her face was painted with desperation and fear, and she was using her agility and every trick she knew to keep the youkai from grabbing her.

Videl's hands glowed briefly as she gathered her ki for another blast. She had only started practicing ki blasts with Gohan a few days ago, and her lack of experience was showing. It took her longer and longer to gather the energy for effective blasts, and she was growing weaker by the second. But a grim determination shone in her eyes, as she ignored Nii's chilling sneer to direct her blast at a vulnerable point on his body.

Kagome's fight was much different. Whereas the other two wolves seemed to be leisurely hunting their prey, Kouga seemed desperate, throwing rash yet deadly attacks at the miko, attacks that she was forced to repel with her purifying magic. Unlike the other wolves, Kouga was panting heavily. Despite Kagome's caution, she had made a number of serious wounds.

Gohan calmly walked towards Videl, utterly ignoring Nii, who stood aside in shock. Videl stared at Gohan, her eyes slightly wild as her battered brain and exhausted body forcefully tried to collapse.


"Aa. You look like you've been through a lot. Come, let me take care of things here, then I'll take you back to the hot spring for a nice bath."

"B..but Gohan, the wolf man behind you, he wants to rape me and make me a slave and and and…"

"Shhh, koi, everything is okay. Just sit here for a bit while I…talk to this fellow."

Gohan brushed his hands over Videl's bruised cheek, and she gave a small sigh of happiness. She knew she was safe again.

Nii was not amused and very confused. As the yellow-haired youkai walked over to the girl he had intended on taking, he had never felt more ignored. Yet, his instincts were telling him to run, run far and fast and forever. He couldn't understand it. The youkai was younger than him. He had a pretty face, no scars to show that he'd been in any battles. He growled impatiently as the youkai gently placed the girl against the wall.

"Hey, you, pretty boy! What do you think you're doing touching my prey, ne? Come here let me see if your spine is as yellow as your hair…"

Nii's threats died in his throat with a whimper as Gohan turned to face him.

'Those eyes! There's something wrong with those eyes! I think…I think he scares me…'

Gohan smirked, and then Nii was sure. Oh yes, this youkai scared him.

"So, you're the one who happened to kidnap my woman?"

"Y…y…your woman? I didn't smell a mate on her…"

"Oh? So you take advantage of any mateless woman you smell?"

"Yes…I mean no…I mean I have the right to!"

"Oh really?"

By this time, the two men were staring eye-to-eye. Gohan's smirk had left his face, which frightened Nii even more.

"I think you need a challenge."

"Nani? Challenge? Why?"

Gohan firmly grasped Nii's throat and began to force the air out of his lungs.

"Because I can hear the weeping souls of a whole lot of mateless women that you've taken advantage of. And they want your blood."

Gohan's hair grew as he went up another level. Howls of pain flooded the area as his fists, elbows, knees, and feet went to work. Soon, only the dull sound of flesh on flesh could be heard. Then, silence.

Nii's corpse slipped out of Gohan's hand. The face was barely recognizable. The body was twisted at odd angles, and bones jutted out in peculiar places.

Across the room, Miroku had roughly grabbed Souran and thrown him out of the room. His violet eyes scanned Sango, who slumped spinelessly against the cave wall.

"Miroku? Miroku…you're really here?" she whispered, as her sore body trembled.

"Sango, you're sore, rest a bit. Here, take my outer robe."

Miroku stood in his blue inner mai as he wrapped his purple outer houi around and under Sango.

"Miroku…your eyes…"

Miroku flinched. He sighed quietly as he finished wrapping her.

"Do I scare you? I'll have Kirara take you back to the village if I scare you," he responded quietly.

Sango looked at him thoughtfully, then shook her head as she felt his hand slip over her buttocks.

She whacked him on the head as hard as her strength allowed her to.

"No, Miroku. You don't scare me. You're still my…the same old lecher."

Miroku's heart soared. He swooped down to kiss her lightly, then turned to confront Souran, who had finally made it back to the room.

"Nani?!" the furry red youkai bellowed. "A youkai who thinks himself a bouzu, eh? I'll teach you youngling, what it means to challenge Souran."

Miroku's eyes blazed as he brazenly laughed at Souran.

"Souran, oh Souran! Pafh! You are as nothing when compared to me."

Souran roared as he charged towards the annoying monk. The monk negligently lifted his staff, then twirled the golden head to the youkai.

A gust of air blasted Souran back three feet before he could stop himself. Only the air between himself and the monk moved.

Miroku grinned, and set his staff on the ground. The wind stopped as abruptly as it started.

Souran had been forced to his knees in the gale. He stared at the youkai-monk, fear etched across his muzzle.

"What…are you?" he gasped, as he tried to catch his breath.

Miroku's grin grew as he lifted his right hand towards the youkai. The center of his palm glowed, then a dark spot began to suck the light in.

Souran felt the air behind him rush towards the monk, but instead of buffeting him, the air seemed to be sucked into his palm…

"An air void! A Kazaana! B…b…b…but only one youkai can control such a disturbance of air! You can't be a windworker! They're all dead, all dead, and their human allies cursed!" Souran raved, as foam flecked his lips in panic.

Miroku's grin faded as the Kazaana grew. He listened dispassionately to Souran's screams as he was suctioned into the ravenous Kazaana. When Souran had disappeared, the skin on Miroku's palm closed, leaving nothing but the smell of blood and death.