Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Houshi-sama, you've got bloodlust in your eyes ( Chapter 13 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

"Kouga-kun! What's this all about? You didn't have to kidnap me and the rest you know?"

Kagome stood in the middle of the cave, arms crossed over her chest as she ignored her nudity and the writhing blanket of wolf fur at her feet. Her glare was fixed on a certain young, dark-brown wolf youkai and his two underlings.

"Gomen nee-chan, but Kouga…"

"We didn't want to nee-chan, but Kouga…"


A swift movement of Kouga's arm sent both underlings across the cave.

Kagome was puzzled. This was totally unlike Kouga. While she knew the wolf-boy had a crush on her, he never kidnapped her in the violent manner that he had now. And why was he looking at her like that? She'd never seen him look so…scared.

Kouga's form was soon overshadowed by two huge shadows. A huge hairy hand slammed down onto his shoulder.

"Nii-sama, Kouga was holding out on us. See, this little tidbit here is calling him Kouga-kun."

The gruff voice belonged to a walking red carpet. The wolf youkai was covered in red brown fur. Literally covered. His face was barely recognizable from that of a wolf. His hands were more like five-fingered paws. And he had a naked Sango draped over his left shoulder like a rag. Although Kagome had never seen a rag screaming and hitting like Sango currently was.

"Hn, you're right, looks like little brother has been busy behind our backs."

This voice belonged to shaggier, larger, and scarred black version of Kouga. The face was filled with a malicious lust, as he held a struggling, nude Videl under his arm like a chicken to be slaughtered.

Kouga finally looked up at Kagome. His eyes were scared, but the look lasted for a brief moment before they turned hard. He sneered brutally at Kagome as he leered at her openly.

"Souran, Nii-sama, I'd like you to meet my woman, Kagome."

The red southern wolf, Souran, laughed heartily, and slammed his hand back on Kouga's shoulder. Nii, the black northern wolf merely smirked.

"Ah, such good hunting Kouga, not only do you get your own woman, you find some playmates for us!" Souran shouted enthusiastically, cruelly running his claws through Sango's hair to cup her ass.

Nii blatantly fondled Videl's breast as he switched her from one arm to another. He smiled coldly at Kagome as he responded to Kouga's introduction.

"Good, we can have a mating party in front of all the packs. And it will be fun…especially when the girls struggle."

Nii's smile widened, as he smelled the fear pouring off of all three girls.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Inuyasha's heart lurched in his chest. He had felt her. He had felt Kagome's emotions as though she were standing in front of him and the only thing in her heart right now was fear.

He was concentrating so hard on that feeling that he almost squashed Shippou, who lay dazed at the foot of the mountain.

"Oi, I found Shippou! Come down you two!"

Miroku felt his heart race as his mind formed a sudden image of Sango, fear written all over her face. Her lips worked as if she was saying something, but Miroku could only make out the words help and his name.

Gohan's heart stopped dead in his chest, as his mind was suddenly flooded with Videl's fear. Whoever had taken her would pay and pay and pay.

Gohan and Kirara landed gently behind Inuyasha. Shippou had recovered by this time, and he raced up Inuyasha's hakama to cling to his haori like lichen to a cave wall.

"WAH!! Inuyasha you have to save Kagome! First Kouga came, and he caught me, then these two big bad wolf youkai were behind him, and they were saying that they smelled women in heat, and I told Kouga not to touch Kagome, and his eyes went all funny-like, then he called the pack and they attacked Kirara, and then they went after Kagome and Sango and Videl and took them out of the hot spring, and they were fighting but the wolves were too strong so they took them, then Kouga dumped me here and told me to run for you quick, that he didn't know how long he could stop them from raping the girls and and and…"

Inuyasha and Miroku, used to the kitsune's babbling, gleaned the most important information from his tirade in roughly two seconds. The wolves had been out near the springs for some strange reason. They had sniffed their women in heat. They had taken them. Rape was imminent.

Gohan had only heard two words, heat and rape. He was up in a flash, sniffing for the wolf trail.

Three figures left Kirara and Shippou in a whirlwind of dust as they raced up the mountain.

"Here! I found it!" he yelled to the others, as he unconsciously flared into Super Saiyan level one. His blond hair billowed as his eyes turned to a cold, merciless ice blue.

Inuyasha's eyes, which had been flashing in between scarlet and gold since Kirara had alerted them, froze in a deep scarlet hue. Blue irises slowly bled into those pitiless orbs. Claws and fangs stretched longer and grew sharper as Inuyasha lost control.

"Miroku, you should stay here, you can't fight all the wolves in there." Gohan suggested calmly.

Inuyasha turned to find Miroku panting heavily, his eyes hidden by his bangs. He sniffed the air, smelling an unrecognizable youkai-like scent, which seemed to be emanating from the monk himself.

Miroku's breathing slowed, and he raised his head. His eyes were completely violet. His right palm, where the air void had been, was glowing.

"I come," he growled, then loosed an inhuman howl to the wind.

Inuyasha, then Gohan joined in. The stones on the mountain quaked before their entry into the cave.