Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ One order of trouble, hold the wolves... ( Chapter 12 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Kirara was back at the hot spring in roughly two seconds.

The water was turbulent, as if a great disturbance had occurred in the spring. Bath gear and clothing were scattered all over the area.

The girls were gone.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

"Someone explain to me why I can't use my claws on the wood and be done?"


Gohan sighed wearily as he pried Miroku's axe handle off of Inuyasha's head.

"Kaede-sama said that she needs the wood in a certain size in order to build a wall of sorts around the main bonfire. It irritates me to do it this way too…"


"But if the miko of a village asks you for a simple favor, you honor it, not bitch like two hanyous I know.


"Aw man, Miroku-sama, use your staff next time, ok?"

The three males had returned to the village and were immediately sent back out into the woods to chop logs for firewood. Furthermore, Kaede had ordered that the logs be a certain length and width, glaring meaningfully at Inuyasha, who had been busy stretching his claws.

The task was not so onerous as to put a damper on their mood, however.

'She knows the truth now, and she was still aroused by me. Me, Son Gohan, first-rate geek of Orange Star High! I've got to find out more about how she feels. I need to talk to her.'

Gohan stared down wryly at his lingering erection.

'Eh, maybe after she's not in heat. Heat. Heat. Heat.'

Gohan mindlessly chopped a log into chopsticks.

'Blind! I've been so blind! I have a chance, a small chance, but it's there! Kuso, I need to talk to that girl, whether she is in heat or not. Heat. Heat. Heat.'

The tree that Inuyasha had felled was neatly slashed into many large platters.

'My father told me, before he died, that the right woman, my soul mate, would be the only woman that I would be so in tune with that I could smell her monthly cycle. It is strange though. I suddenly feel energized. I feel like I could run like Inuyasha. I have a need to show Sango that I can be a good mate for her, especially now that she's in heat. Heat. Heat. Heat.'

Miroku artfully sculpted a man and a woman in an endless embrace.

Kirara landed into the clearing with a loud thud. In her mouth, she held Kagome's shirt, Sango's yukata, and the shorts that Videl had been training in.

All three males looked up at the faint traces of the girls' scents. However, there was an all too familiar scent that lay heavily on the articles of clothing. Miroku and Inuyasha were so used to the scent that they often ignored it, and Gohan had been used to it from the time he met Yamucha. However, the dark look in Kirara's eyes told them that the scent was now a problem. A big problem.

Inuyasha's eyes flashed scarlet as he picked up the scent.

"Kuso. Kirara, which direction did Kouga and his pack go off in?"

Kirara pointed her nose to the mountains.

"Does he have Videl and the others, Kirara?" Gohan asked, his voice quiet and tight. His black eyes now held a blue flame at their core.

Kirara nodded once, her growl deepening at the mention of the others.

Miroku mounted her in one fluid motion, and used his grip in her mane to turn her back to the mountains as he grabbed his staff from against the woodpile.

"What are we waiting for?" he asked, his voice deceptively mild, "Let's go wolf-hunting."

No one saw Miroku's brown eyes darken to a deep violet that matched his robes.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

'Itai, itai, itai! Any more blows to my head and I'll be as scrambled as Gohan's dad!'

Videl woke up to find herself in a torch-lit cave. The air in the cave smelt like the mountains near Gohan's home, but it should have been much colder. She felt like she was wrapped in a fur blanket…

Across the cave, she caught Sango's eye.

"Don't much!" Sango mouthed to the young fighter.

Videl nodded, puzzled by what could have Sango worried…

The fur blanket next to her stood up and stretched.

'A wolf on two legs?!' Videl thought wildly, trying to control her movements and appear as if she were still asleep.

The wolf turned to gaze at Videl. His face was scarred, and he looked like a brawler. His black fur was as shaggy on his chest as it was on his back.

'A werewolf! A wolf youkai! All of them…wolf youkai!'

"Hn, my bitch, you're awake. Good. I'm looking forward to marking and mating you," the black wolf youkai snarled, as a salacious grin marred his face.

"Fuck," Videl gasped, then shivered as his eyes met hers.