Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ All's noisy that ends okay ( Chapter 16 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

They were going to be the last to return to the village. Inuyasha had sent Kagome and Kirara back to the others. Gohan and Miroku had flown after the two as soon as they were sure that their precious cargo was safe, and met them halfway. Miroku tried in vain to understand Kagome's state, but he finally resigned himself to placing Sango and Videl on Kirara's back, and sending them all back to the village. He and Gohan continued on to meet Inuyasha.

"Uhm, Miroku…I need to ask you something."

"I'll try to answer your questions Gohan."

"What happened to you in there?"

Miroku's face grew wary and wrinkles marred his youthful face. He sighed harshly, shaking his head.

"If I'm the first to figure it out, I'll tell you Gohan."

They flew on in silence.

Finally, they saw Inuyasha, a small figure in the meadow. The hanyou barely responded as the other two landed.

"You sent the girls to the village, houshi?"


"Any bites or open wounds on them?"

Gohan shook his head.

"No open wounds. The wolves took care not to scratch the merchandise."

Inuyasha's breath came out in a raspy gasp. He finally turned to them, his face emotionless.

"Kouga had the wild madness, houshi. I killed him from afar, with a Kaze no Kizu."

Miroku's hand came up in solemn prayer.

"He wanted me to kill him in anger, instead of dying of madness. He wanted to die as a sane, respected youkai. Part of this whole mess seemed to be a plan to get me to kill him that way. It worked. Honor him, houshi."

Inuyasha turned away, and stalked off to find wood.

The males went to work building the shrine. Miroku looked up often to peer at the far off shape of the God Tree.

The sky lightened as they finished. This surprised the young men, as all of them had assumed that it was still early evening, not near dawn.

As the sun rose, Miroku looked out towards the God Tree and grunted happily.

"The girls are safe in the village. Look, Inuyasha, can you see your haori on the God Tree? I told Kirara to drop it there when all of them were safe."

Inuyasha and Gohan peered momentarily, before confirming the monk's vision. The demi-Saiyan turned to the other two with a questioning glance.

"Hey, Inuyahsa? What is the wild madness? What are the symptoms?"

Inuyasha briefly recalled everything he knew about the illness. Miroku supplemented it with the knowledge that had been passed on in the monastery.

Gohan nodded sagely as he spoke, "Rabies is what we know it as. At his stage, he was incurable. But that means we have to make sure that none of us are infected."

Miroku nodded, but wondered aloud, "That's true, but who can detect the disease before it has spread too far?"

Gohan voiced his idea with a crooked smile.

"Looks like you're all gonna meet Bulma and the others after all."

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Kaede gently washed the three girls, listening to their tale in between their sobs and gulps. She silently commended Inuyasha for avoiding physical contact with Kouga, but she was still worried. Her examination of each turned up no breaches in their skin, but she just could not be sure. She helped each girl into their bed, tucking them in gently. Shippou, who had returned to the village during the others' ordeal, ran to each girl offering hugs, cuddles, and tummy rubs. He was small, but he tried his utmost to offer any comfort he could. Finally he fell asleep, exhausted, curling Kirara to him as he offered his last bit of sympathy to the least vocal member of the group. Kirara purred her sleepy appreciation. Cats need hugs too, you know?

Kagome was calmer now that she was safe. She knew that Inuyasha had done the right thing, maybe even a good thing, but it still hurt to know what rabies had driven the proud wolf to do. She was glad that the Shikon no Tama had been safely hidden in her pack during the ordeal.

She'd told him. In the aftermath of all that had happened, she had told him. And he had called her Inuyasha no kokoro. Inuyasha's heart.

A wry smiled crossed her face. In one day, Inuyasha had finally learned of Kagome's feelings for him and dispatched the only other suitor who stood a chance. 'He must be overjoyed,' she thought ruefully, then sighed. 'And at least I know that he cares. He wouldn't call just anyone Inuyasha no kokoro,' she murmured drowsily, as she drifted to sleep.

Across the room, Sango sat up, too puzzled to sleep.

'Miroku. I finally called him Miroku, even though I wasn't thinking, I was just so happy to see him. But I never expected him to be like that! Kami, what happened to him? His eyes were violet, and he looked like a youkai! And his Kazaana! It's back, but he can control it…not just that, he can control the air! And he can fly now…it was like he asked the air to take him. I could practically feel it cushioning us as he moved.'

She let a small smile crease her lips as she remembered the priest's grope, and his kiss.

'He was so worried I would be frightened of him. And he was right to worry. But I saw him and I just knew that underneath everything, he was the same Miroku I've grown used to. The one I think I'm falling in love with."

She fell back onto her blankets to muse herself to sleep.

Videl lay in the covers shell-shocked.

'It's true, all true. I've finally seen a gold warrior transform, and I'm sure that it wasn't a trick. The power radiated off of him, and washed over me, through me. If it took Gohan all of that power to defeat Cell, my father is the most successful fraud on earth! Next to the Son family…how could they let him take the money they earned, leaving them poor?!'

Her tresses shook as she silently berated her father for his deception.

'Gohan! I wish you could have trusted me from earlier. Not that I deserved it the way I acted. I didn't like the way my heart shook around you. I mean, I even cut my hair for you before I even knew what I was doing! Oh Gohan, I'm so scared of this feeling.'

But anger and confusion could not stop sleep from claiming her.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Miroku groaned as he watched the sun rise for the second straight day. He scrubbed his face with his hands, feeling the stubble on his cheeks and chin.

'Kami, for just a little sleep!'

He turned to find two pairs of eyes, one gold, one black, peering into his face.

He yelped and dropped back on his rear. Hard.

The twitching vein just above his nose swelled into prominence just before Inuyasha managed to grab him by the scruff of his neck and shake him like a rag doll.

"Na-n-na-na-nani?! Kuso, kisama bakayarou hanyou, drop me now!"

Inuyasha complied, a little too abruptly.

Gohan peered at the crumpled monk.

"He looks the same," he declared, even as he sniffed the monk's ear rather loudly. "He smells like a human again."

You would have thought that these two had learned better by now.


Many lumps stood up from the area between the ears of the two half-breeds.

"He uses the staff the same," Inuyasha rued loudly, rubbing the new lumps.

That paused Miroku's tirade. He blinked rapidly as he acknowledged the first time that Inuyasha hadn't threatened his life after being walloped.

"I had you worried, didn't I Inuyasha?"

It was Inuyasha's turn to let the veins in his forehead throb.

"Your eyes turn purple, your palm starts glowing, you start manipulating wind, and you have a Kazaana you can control, AND THEN YOU ASK ME IF I'M WORRIED ABOUT MY FIRST MALE FRIEND?!?!"

Miroku cowered behind Gohan, who cowered beneath the newly built shrine. Gohan could swear he heard someone laughing out Inukkoro.

Miroku slowly eased from around Gohan, and slumped to the ground in a cross-legged position.

"Inuyasha, I'm as clueless as you are. I was just…enraged. One minute I was thinking about how Sango is my soulmate, the next, I'm hearing she's in danger and my mind is like…a purple haze. Then, a door inside me opened. That's the best way to put it."

"Oi, that reminds me, since when could you smell women in heat?"

"Not just any woman, you silly pup, Sango. Sango is the first woman I have ever scented in my life. She's the only one I'll ever smell again. That's how I know she's my soulmate."

"The whole door to a greater power thing is really familiar to me, but not even Krillen could do much with his pure human strength. So Miroku, when did a youkai bloodline mix into your lineage?"

"I wish I knew Gohan. I really wish I knew."

Miroku kept Souran's ravings to himself. He needed more time to ponder them.

Gohan was highly upset by all the unsolved mysteries surrounding these people. He was beginning to consider this strange group of fighters his friends. They were his age, unlike the Z-senshi. They had hormones that were just as confused as his. And the last thing he needed to do was lose people who could relate with the problems he had dealing with normal people, furthermore each other.

'Hell, they even have fun like I do,' he inwardly smirked, as he watched Miroku tease Inuyasha about his comment.

"Your first male friend? I'm so touched!"

"Bouzu, if I hear anyone else with that I'll cut your fucking heart out!"

"Ou, I hope Kagome won't be jealous…"

"BITCH I'm gonna tear your throat out through your ass!!"


"Ecchi!" THUMP "Hentai!" THUMP "Stop running away on that breeze and let me kill you!"

Gohan sighed and followed The Destructive Duo back to the village to clean up.

"You're almost as cute as Gohan in his Super Saiyan body…"

"Hey, leave me out of this!"

Inuyasha whipped his head back to the shrine once more. He was sure he'd heard someone mutter something familiar…

"Look after Kagome, baka Inukkoro…"

"Suck my cock, wimpy wolf," Inuyasha quietly responded, a slight smile on his face as he turned for home with the sound of canine laughter in his ears.