Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Deja vu, boo ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

The monk and the two half-breeds were comfortably settled in the hot springs.

"Ah, this is wonderful! The girls' kidnappings seem like a distant nightmare here."

"Once again, I agree with you, bouzu."

"There's nothing like a dip in a hot spring after a hard day," Gohan agreed.


The three males sank lower into the water. Each one wore a satisfied smile of content relaxation. Each one was curling up to happy thoughts. Each was hit by a wave of the most wonderful scent he had every whiffed in his short, strange life.

'Tangy, so crisp. Like an early autumn day. Much like Sango…"

"That bold scent, jaunty, happy…kind of a bully. Smells of ripe fruit and Videl…"

"Hn…light scent, like fresh spring flowers. Innocent, but eager for life, just like Kagome…"

The realization hit each male at the same time. The response was the same as each male jumped out of the water in shock, forgetting their nakedness.

Kagome, Sango, and Videl stood stunned as the man of their individual dreams jumped up in surprise.

Does this scene seem remotely familiar to you?

"Heat. Kuso, after everything that's happened, Sango's still in heat," Miroku whispered breathlessly, trying to breathe as shallowly as possible.

Inuyasha no longer had to waste time pondering why Miroku could smell the changes. And he'd be damned if he tried to control his instincts. Gohan stood oblivious to all but Videl, willing his mind to run on autopilot; letting his Saiyan instincts take over.

Of course, women just have to be unpredictable.

All of the women wordlessly stripped. That alone would be a problem for our heroic males, but then when the girls proceeded to jump into the springs…

'Goddamnit is she trying to kill me?!' was the thought that ran through our heroes' assaulted minds.

Videl grabbed Gohan's tail as he stood in shock. If that didn't stop his heart, she proceeded to drag him to the farthest, deepest end of the heated pool. And hey, who was he to stop her?

Sango snagged the youkai-monk by his dragon tail and forcefully moved him to the little island…well, rock, in the middle of the pool.

Which left Inuyasha and Kagome standing near the head of the hot spring. Alone.

Which made the hanyou exceedingly nervous.

'What's this girl up to now? I know that look in her eye…she's planning to sit me and drown me I bet.'

With those thoughts in his head, it could explain how he utterly ignored the fact that Kagome had stepped behind him.

She looked pensively at skin on his back, trying to find any open wounds. Unfortunately, the hanyou's rigid, wary stance made it hard for her to ignore his muscles, which twitched nervously every once in a while.

"Oh stop, Inuyasha, I came to tend to your wounds and help you clean up. Now keep still."

That pretty much got his attention.

"No osuwari, osuwari, osuwari? No sitting, no hentai, no yelling?" he asked nervously, his ears twitching behind him to catch her voice.

Kagome blushed lightly, remembering her previous reaction. She took her soap and washcloth, and proceeded to massage his back.

"No, Inuyasha. I can't do that to my savior. Well, not today."

Slowly, under her gentle, cleansing touch, the hanyou relaxed.

When the companionable silence had stretched for some time…rather, when Kagome was finished cleaning and checking his back and shoulders, she slowly turned him to face her, her flushed face darkening even more.

Inuyasha looked down at her and remembered all that she'd confessed in the cave. She loved him. She told him this in his most dangerous form, and he saw nothing but relief and joy in her eyes at his arrival. He believed her. Oh how he believed, but there was a small problem…

"Kagome, Inuyasha no kokoro, I-I…"

Kagome shushed him with a finger on his lips. They both trembled under that brief touch.

"Inuyasha, I need to talk while I'm still bold enough to."

Inuyasha complied, his eyes completely mystified.

"Inuyasha, I…I have been in love with you for a long time now. You remember when I told you I would stay by your side through it all? I…that was the first time that I was sure. But you had already made your decision to join Kikyou, so I…couldn't tell you.

Something happened just before Gohan and Videl came. I was alone, under the God Tree. I was thinking, and trying…to sort my feelings out. Kikyou came to me."

At this, Inuyasha's breath entered his body in a ragged hiss.

"She questioned me. She badgered me. She asked me whether I could love you enough to stay here, away from my family, friends, everything I ever knew before you."

Inuyasha heard his heart slow in his chest. Each solid thump seemed to get further and further away.

"I told her yes. And then she said that I deserved you, and she…she left. She gave up the last of her soul."

Kagome looked down from Inuyasha's face as she said this. At least, she tried to. But large clawed hands stopped her face. They softly, yet firmly brought her eye back to his gaze.

Inuyasha's gaze broke through the last of Kagome's defenses. Tears welled into her eyes as the loneliness, the passion, the apprehension, and all the feelings that he had hidden from her poured through that gaze.

Nothing prepared Kagome for the kiss.

Inuyasha used his mouth to tell her all that he had felt throughout the past two years, but he abandoned the inadequacies of speech for a more direct method. His lips and fangs delicately nibbled and teased Kagome's closed mouth, mirroring the curiosity he had felt at first. When these actions caused her to gasp, his tongue cautiously ventured past her teeth, tenderly raking across the sensitive ridges and tips of her canines. His tongue slid past the tip of her own, and both jumped back from the touch. Tentatively, his ventured closer, and slid against hers again. Slowly, gently, he coaxed her out into the open, and she responded. When she got bolder, and jousted with him, he shrank back. Then, it was her turn to slip inside his mouth and tease him back into the open.

Suddenly, Inuyasha let his passion slip. He wrapped his arms around Kagome's tiny waist, hauling her up to his chest, pressing her against his total length. His mouth dominated hers, as he sampled her flavorful bouquet like an expert wine taster, taking small samples and rolling the intoxicating taste over his palate.

It took a while for the lovers' lungs to complete their desperate S.O.S. for air. They broke away, panting heavily. Kagome's eyes were bright and sparkling as she opened them wide. Inuyasha's pair was heavily lidded, with red-gold fire burning in them.

"Oh Inuyasha!" Kagome cried as she threw herself against him, tears springing unbidden from her.

"Aa, Inuyasha no kokoro. I understand. Wakata," he murmured, as he cooed and cuddled her to him.

The sky smiled gently down at the couple.