Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Are you sure that you're ready? ( Chapter 18 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Videl found a convenient rock ledge in the far end of the pool. She eased her body onto the seat, never letting go of Gohan's tail. When she was reasonably comfortable and Gohan was standing to the left of her, she let go of his tail to grab his waist and push down on his hips.

Seeing as how Gohan was mildly inebriated on the feeling of his tail in Videl's silky smooth hand, he wasn't quite as steady as he should have been, and he promptly fell on his ass with a huge splash.

The impromptu geyser stopped to show two sopping wet black-haired teenagers laughing their heads off.

When Videl finally got her giggles under control, she threw a capsule at the nearby bank. In a poof, it revealed a washcloth, a large fluffy towel, soap, shampoo, and a comb, among other toiletries.

Gohan looked warily over his shoulder at the comb and shampoo. Despite his short cut, his hair still had a tendency to snarl. And he'd been around women long enough to see the mission of cleanliness look in the young girl's eyes.

"Uhm, Videl, what exactly do you plan to do?"

'Fuck you perhaps?' she thought. "Well, you just spent about a day fighting wolves and stuff, so I figured you'd like a nice scrub. You may be the Great Saiyaman, but you still have trouble cleaning your back," she teased, as she rubbed the soap over his back.

Gohan grunted, and turned away again. She was right. It felt heavenly to have someone scratch that annoying area in between his shoulder blades that he never could scratch just right.

Videl worked contentedly, carefully checking Gohan's back and arms for breaches in the skin. He seemed to have escaped any injury.

'Typical. He's the same when he's Saiyaman.'

Suddenly, Videl felt a furry presence wrap around her thigh. She smothered her triumphant giggle as Gohan's tail continued to betray his true feelings.

Gohan was too absorbed in his thoughts.

'She still responds to me. I would never have believed it. I mean…I watched her at school and in her battles and in training, but I was too scared to get to know her. But it's as if I already know that she's the one. I don't want to endanger her though. My family and friends are always being called on to save Earth, and I don't want her to be threatened or killed because she's my woman. I need to ask her how she feels. If she's willing to take that risk…'

The electrifyingly smooth feeling of lather on his scalp lulled him into a daze. He leaned his head onto Videl's lap. So engrossed was he in her massage, he was unaware of her left hand traveling down his back.

That is, until she grabbed his tail and unwound it from her leg.

His eyes flew open, but he refused to move. He couldn't move.

Videl slowly stroked his tail, starting from the tip and flowing against the short dense fur to the base. She firmly circled the muscular base and then ran her soapy hand back to the tip, smoothing the fur back down.

She decided to follow the instructions on her shampoo bottle and repeat.

When she was finished, she cupped her hands and filled them with the warm spring water. She carefully poured the water onto his head, repeating her actions twice before the thick lather was completely gone.

Still Gohan did not move.

She gently used her hands push the tail under the water and stroke the lather out of it, gently squeezing it dry when she was done.

Gohan still did not move.

Videl became worried at his unresponsive nature. She really hadn't meant to be so free with his tail, but when it wrapped around her, she felt…

'Wanted. For the first time since dad fooled everyone into believing that he won that Tournament, I've felt more important than anything else. And, I wanted to return the feeling. Oh please, Gohan, you called me koi, please don't be mad at me.'

Gohan slowly raised his head from Videl's lap. He stood up very slowly, as if he was trying to control each minute movement. He turned and his eyes caused Videl to gasp.

Gohan was on fire. His eyes were still black, but the blue flame was back with a vengeance.

'That little temptress! She sits me down, and then uses those deadly hands on my hair, lulls my head into her lap where that, that…siren scent is calling me from, and then she practically fondles my tail clean! Then she expects me to be all ladidadeela when all I want is, is, is...'

Gohan's brain stop functioning as he roughly pulled Videl to him, literally sweeping her off of her feet. With his hands clasped tightly in her short hair and her full body weight supported on his forearms, which curled under her shoulders and over her back, he was in complete control.

She couldn't move if she'd even considered it. Not that she was thinking about anything much anymore.

Gohan growled, letting his overwhelming gaze scald Videl's exposed flesh. His eyes fell on her trembling lips.

Videl's breath was sucked out of her body as Gohan possessively claimed her mouth with his. He lashed and bruised her lips open, then buried his tongue deep within her, tasting every ounce of soft flesh within her orifice. He glanced over he tongue, paused, like a striking snake, then attacked, forcing her to feel his passion.

It was the most erotic thing Videl had ever experienced. Her own passion flared and she turned the tables on him, responding to his hard and silky caresses. Her arms moved around his neck of their own accord and she drew herself even closer to him.

Eventually they stopped, their lungs seared of any oxygen.

Panting, Gohan regarded Videl's sparkling sapphire eyes. He could see the love, but it was marred with confusion. 'She still isn't sure.'

Before Videl could speak, Gohan turned to sit on the rock ledge. He set her to kneel on his lap, and contented himself with holding her under his chin while gazing at the glorious summer sky overhead.