Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Tears from the wind. ( Chapter 19 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

Sango tugged her…the monk to the half-sunken boulder in the middle of the spring. She let go of Miroku in order to clamber up the rock, and took great care to find a comfortable position to seat her sore body in. She finally came to rest with her feet dangling in the water, the small ripples splashing her knees.

Miroku was still in the water, his head level with Sango's stomach. He looked intently at her as she squirmed on the rock. His eyes, which had returned to their normal chocolate-brown, feasted on her every erotic movement.

Until her container of soap-like plant gel embedded itself in his head.

While he soothed the growing lump, she placed her bathing supplies neatly to the left of her. When she was done, she took his hands from off her hips, swatted him with her open hand, and then placed his hands palm-down on her thighs, his fingertips lightly grazing her lower abdomen.

"Grope me, Houshi-sama, and the next time I do something nice for you will be when Inuyasha goes completely bald."

Miroku gulped nervously, even as his heart sank at the way she chose to address him. He was really beginning to hate the title houshi-sama.

Without further ado, Sango used the gel in the container to soap Miroku's hands and arms. When Miroku raised an eyebrow at her actions, she was quite straightforward in her answer.

"Houshi-sama, I've known you for two years. The last place that you'll ever get attacked is your back. You keep that and your chest far away from any enemy. That's why your weapon of choice is your staff. Avoids any confrontation that could mar your good looks."

Miroku grinned.

"Aa, Sango, you know me too well."

Sango smirked, and settled down to work. She briefly trailed her fingers along the back of his left hand before grasping it in her two. Using her thumbs, she firmly massaged the flesh between the bones, smoothing away much of the unconscious tension caused by grasping a staff for nearly twelve years. She moved over his wrist and forearm, scanning him for any broken skin.

Satisfied that her…the monk's left arm was not bitten, she moved to his right. She preformed the same treatment, then sat back thoughtfully to observe the semi-comatose monk.

He stood with his eyes hooded, a very serious expression on his face. He seemed to be pondering the events of the past day, and she did not like the expression creeping into his eyes. His hair hung limp behind him, framing his face. His stare turned to concentrate on his right hand.

Sango followed his stare, remembering the past two years. All of the days and nights when she watched Miroku in a similar position, albeit with clothing on, worry endlessly about his lifespan, or lack thereof. Some days later, his happy face and antics would seem nothing more than a brittle layer that barely kept the overwhelming doom away. On those days, she would make herself more accessible to his gropes or allow him to peek just a little longer than necessary, silently cheering him up.

Miroku was surprised when Sango turned his right palm up, and then placed the hand back on her lap. She seemed to be considering the hand. 'Wondering when the Kazaana will appear to suck her up probably,' he inwardly winced.

"I've never seen your right hand before, Miroku," Sango stated.

The statement was innocent enough, but Miroku was pulled alert by the husky undertone in her voice and the use of his name.

If that didn't get his attention, her fingertips whisking over the area once dominated by the Kazaana did.

Miroku hissed at the excruciating pleasure that drifted up his hand. He had not expected the removal of the curse to leave the skin there so sensitive. The new flesh and nerve endings jumped into action, causing him to catch Sango's hand in his own.

Sango, surprised by his reaction, slipped off of the boulder. Miroku wrapped his left arm around her hips to stop her from crashing into him, trying to avoid an accident that would send both of them underwater. She ended up standing in the water, pressed against him in an attempt to regain her balance.

They stood like that for a long time, just staring into each other's eyes. Tentatively, Sango shifted onto her tiptoes, and pressed her lips to Miroku's pair. He gasped, his mouth falling ever so slightly ajar, and she took that chance to gingerly run her tongue over his even teeth. Warmth suffused her body as Miroku cautiously mimicked her gesture, raking over her upper teeth.

Slowly, carefully, Sango deepened the kiss, exploring his mouth with an eagerness that made up for any skill she may have lacked. Miroku opened himself to her, giving her control, only using his tongue to herd hers back to areas that brought him pleasure once her initial inspection was complete. Still shy, Sango returned the favor, allowing him time to investigate her sweet oral cavity.

Finally satisfied, Miroku raised his head, allowing Sango to breathe deeply. He stroked his thumb over her soft cheek, trying to slow his heart.

"You understand, Sango, that I don't know what's happening to me."

"Hmm," she acknowledged, "But don't think that I will let you go and hide behind that happy mask anymore when I know your hurt. I'm here now, and I'll be here forever. I have no intention of losing you, so we'll just have to feel our way through this together."

Miroku tried to stop the treacherous tears from flowing. Sango only pressed him closer to her, twining her arms around his neck while resting her head just below his chin.

"I love you, koikaze."

Miroku stopped trying, as the sun wrapped the couple in a blanket of warmth.