Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Lord Inuyasha ( Chapter 21 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought (usually)

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

They managed to stop Inuyasha's head banging before Jaken's voice rang through the area.

"Arararara. Make way for Sesshoumaru-sama, kisama wolves."

Inuyasha jumped up, growling.

"Miroku, go reintroduce your fist to Jaken's head. Ginta, Haggaku, tell the wolves to retreat. I'll summon you later. Gohan, come with me!"

A whirlwind announced their departure. The girls waste no time in preparing themselves for battle, Kagome lowering her arrows over her head, Sango changing into her working outfit, and Videl slipping on her training gloves.

A chorus of howls rose to the sky, and the village was abruptly bereft of the slightest presence of wolves.

Jaken, who was on the verge of toasting a number of wolves with the Two-Headed Staff, suddenly found himself flung away by an unnatural gust of wind. A kindly thorn bush stopped him.

"Itai itai itai! Where did that wind come from? I was about to clear the way for Sesshoumaru-sama and the air was still…AAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!"

Two violet eyes peered down on the ugly beaked toad.

Inuyasha and Gohan, who were following Sesshoumaru's scent, winced as they heard the familiar crack of the monk's staff.

They screeched to a halt as a hideous smell filled their noses.

"Kuso, he's brought that oversized ogre with him again. Gohan, change to your youkai form and lead it away from the village."

Gohan nodded as he powered up, calling the ogre's attention. With an enormous roar, the huge beast swatted at the demi-Saiyan, who merely flew back, then threw a Kamehameha along the outstretched arm. When he was sure that the ogre had him back in it's sights, he zoomed away from the village. The dumb brute roared again before following Gohan's trail.

Inuyasha stood still in the dark, eyes, nose and ears working to pick up his brother.

"Kisama, I know you're there, now come out. I've been having a bad day, so don't get me started."

"I'm amazed you even know what day is, kisama otouto. Your human bitch may actually be able to improve your intelligence."

Sesshoumaru regally floated down in front of his annoying brother. He cocked his head slightly as he sniffed him.

"So, it's true. You took the Mountain Wolf Tribe as your followers."

Inuyasha snorted in disgust.

"Their leader was mad. He tried to use me to end his misery and stop his rivals. He didn't expect me to rule the wolves."

"Ou? So you mean to say that you have no interest in the land? It is good to know that you aren't so presumptuous as to think a wretched hanyou like yourself should rule over youkai. You won't mind giving it to your onii-sama, will you?" Sesshoumaru stated nonchalantly, even as he raised his poisonous right hand.

Inuyasha grinned as he flexed his claws.

"Hn, I may not want to rule, but I'll be thrice-damned if I let my dear brother take what is now mine."

Miroku landed next to Inuyasha, a lumpy-headed, unconscious Jaken in his right hand and his staff in his left. He threw the toad at Sesshoumaru's feet.

Sesshoumaru didn't even glance down as the pile of green lumps and warts rolled past him. He narrowed his glare on Miroku.

"Hmph. You are truly a worthless hanyou, brother, that you've kept company with offal like that bouzu for so long. Even if he isn't all human."

Gohan returned to land on the other side of Inuyasha. His hair and eyes gleamed brightly against the night sky. A ki leash in his hand traveled upwards to wrap around a certain struggling ogre.

Sesshoumaru's eyebrows quirked up a millimeter.

"Hmm? So, brother, you really have found a rare saruyoukai hanyou. One stronger than you."

Inuyasha grunted, then pulled himself upright from his aggressive crouch.

"So, you just came to see if the rumors were true. Well they are. The monk can work wind, the hanyou is from a different world. Satisfied? Or are you nervous that I may make a foray into your lands, hmm?" Inuyasha smirked.

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed again at Inuyasha's taunt.

"The day that this Sesshoumaru fears a kisama hanyou such as you and your worthless group will be the day this Sesshoumaru kills you all. I will let you play king for now, but when I think you overstep yourself, you will die."

Sesshoumaru rose gracefully into the air as he spoke, then turned for home.

"Sesshoumaru-sama! Wait for your loyal Jaken!" the green lump cried, as Gohan loosed the ogre so that it could follow its master. The trio watched them until they were far out of sight.

They met the girls and Shippou riding Kirara on their way back to Kaede's hut. They all turned back to the village as Inuyasha related what had occurred.

"Wow, Inuyasha, you actually sound like a real lord now. Especially with the way how you ordered everyone to their positions and they obeyed you!" Shippou cried, "Who ever knew a baka like you had the…"


Miroku frowned thoughtful.

"Now that you're a minor landlord, Inuyasha, we should probably post sentries along your borders."

Gohan nodded.

"If that was your, uhm brother's…"

Inuyasha's snarl somehow formed the word half-brother.

"…half-brother responded to the news, you can be sure other youkai are not going to be happy, especially other wolf youkai."

By this time the group was once again in front of Kaede's hut.

Inuyasha sighed miserably, then grabbed Kagome, who gasped in surprise as he planted a swift, harsh kiss on her lips.

"Bouzu, monkey-face, we leave in ten minutes. You better spend some time with your women." Inuyasha muttered irritable, before he uttered a harsh bark for the wolf clans.

Gohan whined as he tickled Videl. He curled her to his chest, his arms around her waist, and her stomach's warmth on his fingertips.

"Kuso, Inuyasha can't you just trust Ginta and Haggaku…" he trailed off as he remembered the duo, "Shimatta, never mind that idea."

"There is no rest for the wicked," Miroku muttered, as he smothered Sango's face with sloppy wet kisses, ignoring the lumps she left on his head.