Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction ❯ Wishing Well ❯ Sippou knows what? ( Chapter 22 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wishing Well

Disclaimer: I don't own Inuyasha or Dragon Ball Z. Even my pants are on loan. Don't sue me.

Disclaimer: This is my first fic. Expect it to suck. Don't hurt me.

Legend: "…" = speech

'…' = thought (usually)

~~~ = beginning/ending of flashback

In the early morning drizzle, a dark shape could be seen trudging towards a small village.

A sound. The shape stopped, seemingly to wait. It was soon joined by another dark shape.

The two shapes trudged on to the village, seemingly unaware of each other's close presence.

A breeze. The two shadows stopped. A third shape dropped out of the gray sky.

All three shapes moved towards the village without so much as a word.

The sun rose, unexpectedly it seemed. The three shapes morphed into colors. Red and white lead the way. Navy and purple followed. The rearguard was blue and orange.

"Kuso, damned rain, damned wolves, and damned half-brother," the red and white spot snarled. Light fell on the speaker's face, to reveal a wet, exhausted Inuyasha.

"I'm a priest, or I'd know more words to accompany yours," the navy and purple blob agreed, the voice betraying him as a drenched and somnolent Miroku.

The blue and orange smear on the landscape yawned broadly before responding.

"The English language has tons more words. Bullshit, fuck, motherfucking ignorance…let me sleep and I'll remember more for you," the muffled voice of Gohan murmured.

The trio trudged onwards.

--------------------------------------------- Elsewhere -------------------------------------------------

Kagome peered drowsily as she heard the noise again. She sat up, rubbing her eyes, as she smiled at the familiar sound.

"Sango-chan, wake up, the boys are back."

Sango all but jumped from her blanket.

"Videl-chan, they're back!"

Videl sat up suddenly, wincing as the sunlight streamed through the hut.

"How can you two tell?" she mumbled sleepily.

The faint sound of miserable grunting trailed through the window.

"Oh. Never mind," she smirked, as she put up the futons.

Kagome scurried around, dragging her pack out to find some more food. Sango teased the smoldering fire into a merry blaze, warming the rain-cold room.

"Tadaima," Inuyasha yawned, his mouth almost swallowing the remaining features of his face.

The others trudged into the girls' hut, mumbling something that sounded similar.

Their sleep-bleared eyes opened wider at the scene.

Before them was a cheery fire, which started drying their rain-soaked bodies. A pot of instant soup stood bubbling over the fire, and three of the most beautiful women alive sat before them, holding three warm blankets.

"Ohayo!" chimed the three visions of beauty, as they covered the men with the blankets.

'Heaven,' Inuyasha sighed inwardly, 'I've died and I'm in heaven. No one's taken care of me like this since Mother died. It must be heaven.'

After everyone was seated and the males had consumed four bowls of soup each, Kagome urged Inuyasha to give a report.

"Gohan led us all over the place, since he seems to know the area in his time," Inuyasha began, licking his bowl as he talked, "I didn't realize that the mountains stretched so far, and I've got some interesting rivers and springs flowing through them. It's good land."

Miroku took up the thread of conversation at this point.

"We had to search all over for the wolf boundary marks, destroy them, and then let Inuyasha leave his mark. Fortunately, Ginta and Haggaku knew them all, or else we'd still be up there. Then we had to leave an offering at Kouga's shrine, and relocate the wolf clans near there. Kouga's spirit should shield the tribe once they care his shrine."

"Kouga even had a message for me from my dad," Gohan continued while handing his bowl to Sango so she could fill it up, "He said to tell Kaede hello, and kept trying to get me to tell him what happened. After I calmed him down, I told him we'd be back tomorrow with a surprise. He said that he and mom went to tell your dad, but he was bu…he wasn't there. Then we came home."

Videl nodded absently. She knew the truth; her father probably wasn't even home when Gohan's parents went over. Hell, even if he were home, he wouldn't be worried in the least. He never seemed to care about what she did as long as the press approved of it. Then it hit her.

'Wait a minute, what does he mean Kouga had a message from my dad?!' she thought, as she regarded Gohan with shock.

Sango sat there staring at Gohan with wild eyes.

"Ano, Gohan, isn't it somewhat unnatural for your father to be able to communicate so freely with the dead?"

Gohan laughed uproariously.

"My dad's been dead twice, and every member of the Z-senshi except me and Yajirobe has seen the check-in point of heaven. We practically have reserved seats in the waiting room."

Inuyasha and Miroku shuddered as they remembered the way the shrine had glowed while Kouga's disembodied voice gave Gohan the message. Hell, even Kouga's spirit had sounded awe-struck and dumbfounded. The spirit had secretly confided in the two that Gohan's father and friends were regular legends in the dimension of the dead.

The others drew away from him with queer looks on their faces. Their foreheads were decorated with enormous sweat drops.

"What? So my dad has a connection to dead people! Is it so weird?"

"Of course not!" Kagome assured him nervously.

Gohan pouted.

"Anyway," Videl said, taking the bowls away from the men to be washed up, "the festival starts later today. We have a lot to do before then, so we've got to start the day now."

"That's right," Sango agreed, as she put the garbage in a plastic bag for Kagome to throw away in her own time, "I've got to finish the obi for the kimono."

"And we have to help the village women prepare the feast," Kagome added, turning away to gather the girls' bathing equipment.

They turned back around to find the boys snoring. Inuyasha's feet kept twitching like he was chasing some prey. Miroku's hands kept groping imaginary women. Chewing noises occasionally marred Gohan's light snore.

The girls tiptoed quietly out. Kagome stopped back for a second to rub Inuyasha's ear and listen to him purr in delight. In his sleep, he smiled.

The first thing Inuyasha noticed when he woke up was the presence of a large pink ball. The second thing he noticed was the dark sky through the window.

"Baka Inuyasha, wake up! Kagome has left you for Shippou because you won't come to the festival, you…ITAI!!"

Inuyasha removed his hand from Shippou's retransformed head and stood up from under the blanket that had been thoughtfully draped over him.

"Baka, dress and stop exposing yourself to everyone!" Shippou screeched at the hanyou, who stood scratching various body parts. Kirara, who stood in the doorway, demurely covered her eyes with her front paws.

Gohan's eyes cracked open as Miroku accidentally brought his staff on top of heads of Inuyasha and Shippou.

"What's wrong?" he yawned as he sat up, stretching.

Shippou turned to scold Gohan about his nudity, considering the thin strip of blanket that barely covered the area between his thighs and his stomach.

"Shippou is waking us up just in time for the festival," Miroku replied, as he pulled a large bundle from just outside the hut.

"And how could you go outside like that?!" Shippou squealed, as the monk opened the parcel.

"Baka kitsune, everyone's by the bonfire," Inuyasha commented, "Bouzu, what's in the parcel?"

"Our clothes. It looks like the girls laundered them for us."

Inuyasha's face blushed as red as his haori.

'Kagome undressed me to get my clothes while I was asleep! And I was too tired to notice? Baka, baka, baka, baka…'

As they dressed, Shippou sat in the doorway sharing a rice ball with Kirara, muttering to himself.

"I dunno why they like these goons, Kirara. I mean, when I thought Inuyasha was gonna be all noble like a landlord should be, ordering Gohan and Miroku around like two trusted, responsible lieutenants, I was gonna tell them about the things I noticed about the girls today, but now he's being his baka self again and the monk is being mean and Gohan is being baka too, so there's no way I'll…tell…them?"

Shippou felt eyes on his back. He turned around to face brown, gold, and black orbs blinking at him.


A large clawed hand reached for his tail, dragging him up into the air. A brown tail shot out to grab the rice ball that fell from the kit's hands, and the nervous jingle of rings came from somewhere.

"Now, brat, what exactly did you notice, hmm?"