Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sonic X Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of Alan and Jamie ❯ Light Storm ( Chapter 14 )
Power of Renamon: Sorry sorry sorry, I forgot about the fanfics during the summer time now prepare for more adventures of Alan and Jamie. Anime are not own by me
The Adventures of Alan and Jamie
Chapter 14: Light Storm
In the Medabot corporation we see Rupert and his men
Rupert: Have you found Alan anywhere.
Man 1: No sir, our men are searching in buildings, sewers and other places that he may be hiding in. We told Renamon and Guilmon to search the hospital
Rupert: Good keep up with the search.
Man 1: Yes sir
Man 2: Sir Dr Eggman is on the line
Rupert: Good put him on screen
Eggman came on the screen.
Rupert: Ha eggman what news have you brought me, have you caught Sonic yet.
Eggman: My robots are attacking Station Square as we speak Rupert but Sonic I still haven't found but I did capture Amy.
Rupert: I don't like to be disappointed by you're efforts Dr Eggman, I want Sonic to be my salve and try to capture Alan.
Eggman: Alan? Who he
Rupert: The good chosen one that I fought yesterday but that doesn't matter, find Sonic now Eggman
Eggman: As you wish
The big screen was turned off
???: Brother are you having problems finding Alan
Rupert: Had to find is the most troubling. How have you been Marik
Marik: In one peace
Rupert: I see you still haven't beat Yugi yet
Marik: That pharaoh will fall soon enough.
Rupert: Then when he does we will rule the world as brothers.
Marik: Yes but Alan can still destroy our plans for world take over if he finds he next weapon
Rupert: Don' worry my men are looking for him now. Then when he's found I will destroy him.
To the garden where we see Alan sitting by Sakura who was laying in bed out cold.
Alan: This is all my fault if I didn't challenge Sephiroth none of you would been transported to medabot town.
Squall: Don't blame you're self Alan
Alan: Oh hi Squall
Squall: Alan there something I want to talk to you.
Alan: What is it
Squall: Me and the others started a plan that might work.
Alan: What plan?
Squall: We decided to bring reinforcements to help us fight this Rupert from all over the world.
Alan: That's not a bad plan but will the darkness find out and try to get in here.
Squall: Not we put some kind of alarm that will go off if darkness tried to get in. Also the plan might work if you find the fourth weapon.
Alan looked at Sakura
Squall: What's wrong
Alan: I don't think I can do this
Squall: What!
Alan: I don't know if I can fight my own friends, I don't know if the fourth weapon can help
Alan's sword started to glow
P.H Sword: Alan if you gather all weapons of light it will boost your power and you can become more stronger then the darkness.
Alan: Really!
Squall: What's going on
Alan: I going to look for my final weapon be back later and look after Sakura for me.
Squall: Good Luck
Alan was running towards the exit in till he saw Zell running towards him. Alan stopped
Zell then run pass
Zell: Sorry can't stop got to get those hotdogs!
Alan: Oh boy.
Alan then run outside.
Alan: Lets do this
Alan grew wings and kept his digivise in his hand
Alan: Hopefully the digivise will tell me where my next weapon lays.
The Digivise then picked up a signal
Alan: Bingo the signal must be coming from that hospital
Alan landed outside of the hospital and went inside. All Alan could see was a wrecked place. Needles all over the floor and bandages. Alan walked thought the a corridor and the signal on his digivise sounded louder after each second.
Alan: The signal getting stronger.
Alan then looked up and saw a light coming form inside a room.
Alan: Its in there.
Alan opened the door and saw the medawatch floating in mid air. Then the medawatch flew to Alan and went around his rist. Alan then felt large amount of power entering his veins. Alan couldn't breath. Then all of the sudden he can again
Alan: Whoa that felt amazing well time to go.
Alan was about to go in till he heard voices.
???: Are you sure we find Alan in here
????: Of course we will.
Alan knew who it was
Alan: Renamon …… Guilmon.
Alan Started to sweat a little and started to worry about hurting his friends but he knew he had to fight them to save them. Renamon and Guilmon then came around the corner and saw Alan standing at the bottom of the corridor.
Renamon: Well if it isn't our old pal Alan, how are you doing old buddy.
Guilmon: yes we been worried about you know
Alan: You two are not my friends, you are just dark blobs that are controlling they minds and moves.
Renamon: Alan how can you say such a thing
Alan: Enough! I know you two want to fight me and take me to that scum Rupert so lets do this already
Guilmon: You fight your own friends, I think you don't have the guts to do this.
Renamon: He's right you don't have the guts to fight, but you are right about one thing we do want you to take you to our master.
Alan: Well you have to fight me first.
Renamon: Very well.
Renamon then noticed the medawatch around Alan's rist
Renamon: I see you found you're fourth weapon
Guilmon: What!
Alan gave off a smirk
Alan: Yup and am going to use it to kick you're butt
Renamon: This place is crowed lets head towards the roof
Alan: Lets do this now.
Guilmon pressed a button on the Elevator and the doors opened. Renamon and Guilmon went inside and Alan then went after them. Renamon Pressed the button and the Elevator was moving up Alan then noticed the dark blobs on Renamon's Left leg and the other one on Guilmon's Right Claw. Then the Elevator doors opened and everybody left. Alan then went to the far side of the roof while Renamon and Guilmon stood by the elevator.
Alan: Is this going to be one on one or one on two.
Renamon: One on two
Guilmon: The darkness never play fair
Alan: I noticed
Renamon: Lets begin shall we.
Alan and Renamon started to walk up to each other and then they started running at each other. And then they jumped in the air and stated attacking each other. Each fist that they throw hit each other and each kick that they throw hit each other.
Guilmon: Pyro Sphere!
Guilmon shot each off his attack towards Alan but each attack kept missing as they kept moving in top speed. Then finally they both broke away. Alan landed and slide backwards and Renamon did the same. They both gave off a smirk.
Alan: Not bad Renamon
Renamon: Your not bad yourself
Guilmon: Yes but he's too fast.
Alan: This is fun I never had this kind of fight before but Renamon kept up with my speed I need to go faster.
Alan brought out his digivise
Alan: Here I go
Renamon: Not if I can help it
Alan was about to slash his Hyper Speed card when Renamon hit Alan's Digivise away.
Alan: My digivise!
Renamon then punched Alan in the face and kicked him away. Alan Landed hard.
Alan: No
Alan got up and his digivise went back to his belt.
Alan: That's new.
Then All of Alan's Weapons began to glow brighter then ever.
Alan: What's going on
Renamon: Now What
P.H Sword: Alan use you're hidden light power and destroy the dark blobs
Alan: How
P.H Sword: use me and call the pure lighting to help you but you must believe that you must defeat the darkness no matter what.
Alan: No matter what even if they my own friends.
P.H Sword: you're friends won't get hurt only the darkness will.
Alan: Okay!
Alan drew his Pure hearted sword and started to believe that he can defeat the darkness and then the pure lighting strike Alan's Sword and then started spinning around him.
Meanwhile Back at the medabot Cooperation.
Rupert: What was that
Rupert ran towards his window and looked outside and saw pure lighting striking the hospital.
Marik: What is it brother
Rupert: He found his final weapon
Back to the roof hospital
The pure lighting was still spinning around Alan and Alan's Eyes was now pure white.
Guilmon: Renamon what's going on here.
Renamon: I don't know
P.H Sword: Okay Alan now strike them
Alan: But what shall I shall call this attack
P.H Sword: call it Light storm
Alan: LIGHT STORM!!!!!!
Hugh pure light blasted straight towards Renamon and Guilmon while sparking in lighting. Then went straight through Renamon and Guilmon and destroyed the dark blobs.
Renamon and Guilmon then fell down onto the floor while the ground still sparking in electricity. Alan then ran towards Renamon and Guilmon. Alan then kneeled beside Renamon and put her on his lap.
Alan: Renamon are you okay
Renamon who was still half awake raise her claw towards Alan's Face
Renamon: Thank you Alan
Renamon then passed out
Alan then gave a smile and picked up Renamon and Guilmon over his shoulders and left the hospital.
Meanwhile back at the Medabot Cooperation
Rupert: No how can this be.
Marik started to walk away
Rupert: Where are you going brother
Marik: Back to battle city so I can try to defeat little yugi, goodbye Brother this visit has been disappointing.
Rupert: Alan when you come here I will kill once and for all.
Davies: Man what a show will Alan defeat Rupert and save Jamie and the others. You have to read the next chapter of The adventures of Alan and Jamie.