Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Sonic X Fan Fiction / Digimon Fan Fiction ❯ The Adventures of Alan and Jamie ❯ The next Level ( Chapter 22 )
[ P - Pre-Teen ]
The animes in this fanfic are not own by me
The Adventures of Alan and Jamie
The Adventures of Alan and Jamie
Chapter 22: The next Level
Alan got up slowly and looked at Pain with anger and noticed he got more stronger, Alan then looked at the charizards weaker and look very old then before.
Alan: Those charizards look very weak and very old, Pain will never get away with this. You will pay for what you have done!!!!!!
Pain: Really show me what you made of kid.
Alan: Am not a kid, I'm a teenager with a heart.
Pain: Heart ha don't make me laugh
Alan: You really don't know who I am do you!!
Pain: All I need to know that you fall to my new powers and die by its beauty
Alan and Pain then charged to each other and started fighting. Meanwhile Jamie was investigating the red cloaked guy walking towards the exit of Charizards village, Jamie was hiding in the trees
Jamie: Who is that guy, I feel like I know him from somewhere.
The red cloaked guy then turned towards the tree
R. Cloaked guy: I know you're there it is useless hiding from me
Jamie jumped off the tree.
Jamie: Sharp senses you got there
R.Cloaked guy: I believe you want to ask questions about me
Jamie: Indeed who are you
R.Hooded guy: I am Ansam!!
Ansam took off his red cloak and revealed Ansam true appearance .
Jamie: You're Ansam from Kingdom Hearts but I thought the light defeated you!!!!
Ansam: No the Darkness gave me the energy to walk again
Jamie: What are you doing here!!
Ansam: None of your business
Jamie: I defeat you before you cause more harm
Ansam: I don't have time to play with lowlifes like you
A dark hole appeared on the ground and grew large to become a giant heartless
Ansam: This heartless is good in speed and attack I hope you have fun with my creation goodbye.
Jamie: Great I got a handful!!!
Meanwhile back at the fight between Alan and Pain, they both at equal speed and attack and each attack caused an earthquake
Goku: Can anyone move yet
Ash: No we stuck this way
Kazu: Great if we don't move soon we get crushed by the fight.
Renamon: We have to wait in till Alan makes Pain lift the spell from us.
Ikkie: Great we stay here while Alan and Pain cause damage around the village.
Sakura: Be careful Alan
Vegetar: Where could Jamie be when all of this is happening.
Alan punches Pain in the face and kicks him towards the ground and caused a mark on the ground.
Pain: He's good I didn't know he match my power
Alan: See I told you didn't know who I am
Pain: Then who are you!!!
Alan: They call me Alan the pure hearted chosen one of light!!!
Pain: So chosen one think you can beat me
Alan: I don't think I can beat you I know I can beat you!!!
Pain: Well let's..............
Pain suddenly felt well gigantic pain coming from his legs and his backside. Alan then looked concerned
Alan: What the!!
Suddenly pain's legs then became hind legs of a charizards and a long tail with a fire at the end of the tip of a tail.
Alan: WHAT THE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pain: Now I know what Ansam meant about half pokemon half human
Alan: What Ansam!!
Goku: Could Ansam be that guy that Jamie went after.
Alan: So Ansam still alive
Pain: I look more powerful then I was before
Alan: He's right he's power level has raised a lot, he's too powerful then my human form.
Pain: Time to test my new body parts
Pain rushed up to Alan and jumped and slammed his new charizard hind legs right in Alan's face, Alan went flying through one of the village huts and hit his back on a rock. Pain then walked up to Alan. Alan getting up slowly was then was then hit hard with pain's new tail, Alan then went flying again towards a tree and hit it hard causing the tree to fall to the ground.
Sakura: Alan!!!!!
Lee: Oh man don't want to be in his shoes right now.
Pain walked again towards Alan and picked him up by his neck and lifts him in the air chocking him a bit.
Pain: I could easily put an end to this but that will ruin my fun.
Pain then felt his whole arms in tense pain and in seconds the whole arm transforms into a charizards claws. Alan who is still being held in the air was now being chocked really painfully.
Alan: He becoming to powerful at each transformation, got to get out of this hold
Alan then kicked Pain in the face causing pain to let go Alan, Alan then fell to the ground coughing hard.
Pain: Soon I be to powerful for you and I will become a powerful pokemon who will kill every people and make some of them slaves on this plant and I will be called the most powerful pokemon in the entire plant.
Erika: ALAN WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR DIGIVOLVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pain: What!!
Alan got up and took out his digivise and his digimon card.
Alan was now standing in his champion form looking angrily at Pain.
Pain: Guess my fun not over yet!!
Goku: Hurry up Jamie, Alan needs you
Meanwhile Jamie was evading each punch and beam attacks from the heartless.
Jamie: Fast yeah right, this will be easy.
Jamie then flew towards the heartless's head but suddenly the giant heartless vanished and reappeared behind Jamie and slammed him towards the ground, the heartless then put his foot towards Jamie but Jamie move out of the way in time.
Jamie: I guessed wrong
Jamie transformed into his pure hearted syain and flew fast as he can towards the heartless but the heartless then punched Jamie twenty times in super speed and his last punch then made Jamie fly though towards five trees and felt a huge pain on his left arm.
Jamie: Where did those punches come from, I didn't even see them.
The heartless then charged towards Jamie and crushed him by using the palm of his dark hand, he then removed his hand and saw Jamie laying on the ground flinching in pain.
Jamie: I need to be in Super Syain two to beat this heartless or I be finished .
Meanwhile back at the fight between Super Renamon and Pain . They were now at equal speed and each blow became a blinding light. Super Renamon then landed onto the ground , same thing with pain but followed with a small vibration on the ground.
Super Renamon went into his battle stance staring towards pain.
Pain: It's good that you powered up so called chosen one or otherwise this fight would be boring.
S. Renamon: He's toying with me, he knows that the more he carries on fighting the more he transforms and gets more power. I got to stop him now or he beat me with his hands tied behind his back.
Pain: What's wrong have I worried you or is it that you relies that f ighting me is pointless because I can transform at any minute.
S. Renamon: I don't care how much powerful you become I will beat you!!!!
Guilmon: Come on Super Renamon!!!!
Pain: Let's get this over with before I tear out your fox suit!!!
Super Renamon charged towards Pain and punched him five times in the stomach and kicked him in the chin and swung his leg into Pain's face. Pain then used his tail and caught Super Renamon's foot and swung him around and slammed him to the ground face first.
Pain was about crush Super Renamon with his hind legs in till another in tense pain rushed on his back and soon after a charizards wings grew out of his back, His red jacket was now in sheds with his black t-shirt. His body was now orange and the centre was white. The only piece of clothing he had on now was half ripped blue jeans.
Pain: Yes more power, soon no one will stop me.
Just then Super Renamon doubled kick Pain in the face causing him to fly towards the park area and crashing onto the ground causing the dust to fly in the sky .
Pain: YOU WILL REGRET THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Meanwhile Jamie opened his eye's to see dust flying in mid air.
Jamie: Look's like Alan's fighting that red jacket guy, wish I can help.
Jamie got up to see the gigantic heartless staring down on him.
Jamie: I' m going to beat you no matter what.
Jamie put his palm together
A blue beam went towards the heartless but the heartless caught the beam and tossed it towards Jamie. Jamie tried to jump away but the beam hit the ground causing him to fly towards a tree.
Jamie: How did he do that, no one and catch a beam and toss it away like a ball.
The heartless then raised his palm towards Jamie and fired a gigantic red beam towards Jamie but Jamie flew to the sky before the beam hit him.
Jamie: That was close
Just then the Heartless caught Jamie and started squeezing him
Meanwhile Pain just hit Super Renamon towards the ground. And landed onto the ground.
Pain: I noticed my transformation as stopped so I must have missed one charizard
S. Renamon: Missed one, Flames!!!!!
Pain was about to pick up Super Renamon in till they heard a roar behind him. When he looked back he saw Flames charging towards him. Flames shot out his flamethrower towards Pain. Super Renamon jumped out of the way.
Eddie: No one comes to my village and cause harm to my people.
S. Renamon: Eddie!!!!!
Eddie: (shocked) Is that you Alan!!
S.Renamon: Yeah I' m in my champion form known as Super Renamon!!!
Eddie turned to see his daughter hiding in one of the underground shelters.
S. Renamon: A n underground shelter
Eddie: Yeah it's an emergency exit just in case something happens I better get going come on F lames
Eddie turned to see Flames pined on the floor by Pain who used his hind legs on Flames neck.
Eddie: Oh no Flames!!!!!
S. Renamon: Let him go now!!!!
Super Renamon jumped towards Pain but Pain caught Super Renamon by using his tail wrapped around his neck. Pain then picked up Flames and tossed him in the cage that was connected to the absorbing machine.
Rika: Eddie do something!!!
Eddie was stunned i n fear
Goku: Oh man this i s not good
Pain: And now for you
Pain tossed Super Renamon in the air and flew after him and punched him in the stomach fifty times. Once Super Renamon was about to fall Pain flew above him and slammed his hind legs to the stomach and used him as landing. Super Renamon cried out his deepest pain.
Sakura: ALAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Pain: Now to make me complete.
M eanwhile Jamie was still being squeezed by the heartless
Jamie: I can't die here, I must get out of this hold
Jamie tried to break free but failed
Jamie: He's too strong and am running out of power
Just then Jamie heard a pain cry coming from Flames.
Jamie: Flames, no not him he suffered so much already
Jamie kept hearing the pain from Flames, Jamie then started to remember what Eddie told him about Flames.
Jamie: No not Flames I got to help him, or he will never trust a never human being again. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FLAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie power level started to increase a lot and light energy started to shine out from the palm from the heartless. Jamie was then coved in a blinding light and his hair then became the same hair like in super syain two. Onec the light dissapered Jamie had transformed into the pure hearted syain two
Jamie: I will defeat you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jamie's light then shined onto the heartless and the heartless stared to shed away and disappeared from the blinding light. Jamie then landed onto the ground.
Jamie: I can't beli eve it I' m a pure hearted syain two, Now I got to help my friends.
Jamie then flew towards the village.
Meanwhile back to the fight Pain was now absorbing the life energy from Flames. Super Renamon got onto his knees and looked shocked,
Eddie: NO FLAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
S. Renamon: No flames!!
Pain Head then transformed into a chairzards head. Flames now looked old.
Eddie: Flames has suffered so much and there was nothing I can do to save him.
S.Renamon: (looking at Eddie) Eddie right Flames had suffered so much when he was a charmander but after seeing what Pain did to Flames makes my blood boil.
Super Renamon then looked at the other chairzards
S. Renamon: I only wish I have the power to de fend these chairzards pride.
Just then a blue card appeared in Super Renamon's claw
S. Renamon: Huh a blue card
P.H Sword: Quick Super Renamon use the card
S. Renamon: Right
Super Renamon took out his digivise
Everybody: Metal Renamon ?
Metal Renamon was in a gold armour and left the eye, feet, claws and tail revealing
Pain: What another one!!!
Rika took out her digivise and pointed towards Metal Renamon
Rika: Metal Renamon ultimate level, special attacks Plasma storm and the power paw combo.
Henry: Wow! Alan reached the next level
Erika: This one will make great news when I head home, Brass hand me my camera
Brass: Yes miss Erika
Metal Renamon then released some of it's light energy to restore the life force to all of the chairzards making them young again.
Pain: What the, how did you do that
Metal Renamon: Easy I made a wish and it came true.
Pain: Well no matter I still have my pokemon form , I beat you and make you wish you was never born!!!
Metal Renamon charged up towards Pain and punched him thirty times in the stomach in fast speed then Metal Renamon hit Pain in the air and followed him. Metal Renamon then punched Pain in the stomach and elbowed him in the neck causing him to hit the ground hard.
Metal Renamon: I will finish this
Metal then flatten out his claws
Metal Renamon: Plasma Storm!!!!!
A white beam then shot out towards Pain, Pain then went flying towards the cage and the cage door closed on him. Pain was now out cold.
Brock: It's over Metal Renamon has beaten Pain.
Misty: Hey we can move again
Medabee: About time was about to become a rusted medabot.
Eddie then ran towards Flames
Eddie: Flames are you okay.
Flames nodded.
Eddie: Oh thank goodness.
Metal Renamon then landed onto the ground, Jamie then arrived.
Jamie: What it's over
Goku: Jamie what took you.
Jamie: Sorry I had a fight with one mean badguy.
Vegetar: I noticed that you're a super syain 2
Jamie: Pure hearted super syain 2
Vegetar: What ever.
Metal Renamon then walked up to Flames
Metal Renamon: Are you okay
Flames stood up and flamethrower the sky.
Metal Renamon: Am glad
Eddie: In fact all of the pokemon are safe thanks to you chosen one
Metal Renamon: It was nothing am glad to help
The next day, Alan and the others were about to leave to Station Square
Alan: Well thanks for everything Eddie it was great learning about other chosen ones.
Eddie: Make sure you find those stone tablets on your journey they will help you to unlock more of your powers.
Alan: I will
Jamie: What's goanna happen to Pain
Kate: The officers from Medabot town are coming here to put away Pain in jail.
Ash: But won't he break out
Eddie: No the officers said that he be in a special jail cell.
Brock: Good to hear it.
Eddie: Alan there is one more favour I like to ask you before you go.
Alan: Yeah what.
Eddie: Take Flames with you, Flames will get stronger by going to different places
Alan: Does Flames want to do this
Flames stepped forward and roared
Alan: Okay I be glad to take him with us
Alan unequipped a pokeball and threw towards Flames.
Kate: Take good care of
Alan: I will goodbye
Villages: Bye!!!!!
Alan and the others then left the village waving back to the villages.
Davies: Wow what a battle will Alan control his new powers, Will Jamie learn new battle moves, and will there ever arrive at station square. Find out in the next chapter of The adventures of Alan and Jamie.