Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Its The Way You Go About It! ❯ Bakura ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The first chapter of the boys from my favorite anime's advice on dating. Enjoy! First off, Bakura!

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Well, you want my advice on dating, do you? Its simple really, you have to have a good evil laugh! I'm not kidding, the chics dig it! I picked up this one brown headed girl, all because she liked my evil laugh....(A/N: Rachel-Thats sooo not the reason I went with him!) So, evil laugh is the key. How do you do an evil laugh, you may ask? You just need to think of something diabolical, like, becoming overlord of Earth and destroying all life, or something that you enjoy thats evil. Then, it should just come out. Trust me, do that infront of chics and then they're putty in your arms! ....What? NO! Rachel, you shouldn't be so dramatic, I wasn't cheating on you with that blonde girl, she just grabbed my ass! Now you might want to know 'What if she thinks I'm cheating?', am I right? Well, let me tell you, if shes like my old lady, she'll nag and nag and say you don't love her. Don't be discouraged by this talk, let them cool down and she'll be your again in no time. Women, if you pay attention, are very easy to read. If she says 'I want you to do the dishes.' she really means 'I want to know if you'll help me around the house, and if you do, you'll get laid.' .....Sorry, the bane of my existance just said it actually means 'You better do those dishes, or you don't get laid'. And if they sigh and go all pouty, its cause they want to be cuddled, ugh! Now, if your like me, and you don't like cuddling or being cuddled, simply tell her. It may get you slapped, but if shes a pushover, she won't try to cuddle you again. Of course, it doens't work for me, Rachel just slaps me. Well, I'm off to the bar!...NO! Its guys night out, you can't come with me Rachel!...Great, I made her cry, I'm sooo sleeping on the sofa!

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Hope you enjoyed it. R and R!