Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ ~*Somethings don't Mesuer up to Love*~ ❯ A normal day a normal BASHING!! ( Prologue )
//~13 years after Super Buu( kid Buu, Evil Buu, ect) was defeted the Z fighters all lived in peace. Goku (and everyone that died! you see I don't qwite
know what happend cause YTV [that's what program I have to watch it on cause I don't have the chanel GT is on >:P] chickend out on me and I didn't get to see the rest of the fight *-_-*) and everything was back to normal...~//
HOUSE!!!!" ChiChi yelled.
"B-but ChiChi I j-just got hungery" Goku said.
Goku just stood their with that goofy exspresion on his face looking down at ChiChi.
"ChiChi I'm sorry..."
"IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT NOW!!!" ChiChi yelled while taking out her frying pan.
"NO WAIT CHICHI STO-" *BONG!!!* Goku stumbled down to the ground holding his head, sceaming in pain.
Sundenly they heard footsteps coming down the Stairs. Goten came down with a worried expression on his face.
"Mom, Dad I heard someone scre-"
Goten looked at his mothers hardend face, then at her frying pan, and then at his screaming father.
"I'll go now.." Goten said quietly.
and then he ran up the stairs.
I ran up the last couple of steps to see Gohan staring at me in the face.
"So what was the problem, Goten?" Gohan asked in consern.
"Mom hit dad with the frying pan agian."
"oh"Gohan sighed in releif.
"Why don't you go to Trunks's house, Goten. Mom will probubly be highstrung through out the day, so you might wanna go there" Gohan said.
"k." I said.
I ran to the front door, passing my parents along the way.
"Mom, Dad I'm going to Trunks house!"
There was no reply.
I just srugged and flew out the door, leaving some of my Ki behind me.
I flew over to the front door of the Capsul C. home and knoked loudly.
"HEY TRUNKS OPEN UP IT'S ME GOTEN!!!"I yelled. I herd some footsteps coming to the door. Once it opened I didn't see Trunks but it was his wife, Aki. She was holding her new baby girl, Sisna in her arms.
"oh hello, Aki!"
well how'd you like it so far:D I'm not in the picture untill the next Chapter so you'll have to wait:D