Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A day at Tsubasa School ❯ A day at Tsubasa School ( Chapter 2 )
~*~Hope you all liked the first chapter! ~*~
I do not own DBZ
Oh by the way I rated this PG-13 just in case of what might appear in future chapters.
I got a review about Chi Chi and Goku's little kissy kissy moment in the last chapter about them being in love, they aren't exactly in love its just silly little kid crush stuff, nothing with all that romance stuff in it just silly kids that don't even know or under stand this kind of thing. And yes this is a AU fiction (Alternate Universe).
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A day at Tsubasa School
Chapter 2: One scary teacher, New students?!
Vegeta and Kakarrot walked into the blue painted class room, around the room were things such as a paper calendar with dates on them like the next test or something around that area, perfect test score papers and paintings the students had drawn and a huge cork board in the back of the room that had pictures from every single class trip they had ever taken in there lives as third and second graders, in front was a desk with papers on it and a green chalk board was on the wall supplied with chalk. And around the room were desks for every student with little name tags taped onto each desk to make sure every one sat in the same desk every day, there were cabinets with writing supply's and art supply's in the back of the room along with soft rubber mats for when they sat as a group on the floor and on a counter by the window was a cage with a white and gray rabbit, the name "Usagi" was written in bold letters on a piece of paper and taped to the cage.
(I think any Sailor Moon fan reading this would know what Usagi means, rabbit, sorry to stick in a Sailor Moon thing in a Dragon Ball Z fiction but I couldn't think of a better name for the class pet)
"I think our teacher still thinks were in kindergarten with the way she make the classroom look!" Vegeta said putting his bag on the desk and scowling at the name tag taped to his desk with the name "Vegeta" written on it in perfect hand writing, "Well, at lease our room isn't near the preschool wing of the school!" Kakarrot said putting his lunch box in the cubby in the front of the room by the door, Vegeta shuttered at the thought, "Those preschoolers are worst trouble makers then we are!" Vegeta said, Kakarrot nodded, "The last non preschool kid to go in that area of the school came back with his hair full of finger paint and cookie crumbs and had his hands tied up with a jump rope" Kakarrot said, "Like I said there worst trouble makers then we are" Vegeta said, "I find that very unlikely Vegeta…" said a voice by the door of the room.
Kakarrot saw who it was and his face paled, "Oh no" he said, seven year old Yamcha was standing by the door in green and orange cloths and black boots, his green lunch box in hand and orange back pack strapped to only one shoulder, Kakarrot didn't say that because he and Vegeta were scared of Yamcha, no that was the opposite, since there very meeting Vegeta and Yamcha hated each other and didn't go one day without getting into a fight with one another, and there fights got even worst when Yamcha started to try and catch Bulma's eye when Vegeta had a secret crush her first, Kakarrot knew this and there fights never ended well or with out some one being sent to the nurse office and having parents called.
They were rivals for Bulma's affections, Vegeta only put up that "I hate girls" attitude so Bulma wouldn't get wise to him until he was ready for her to find out he liked her, <Please let the teacher come in before they start up!> Vegeta really doesn't need another trip to the principles office on his record…> Kakarrot pleaded in his mind, "Vegeta…" Yamcha said in a menacing yet greeting tone, "Yam and cheese" Vegeta said smirking, Yamcha hated the nick name Vegeta thought up for him, in fact Vegeta was always coming up with even more insulting names to call the human boy.
"Its YAMCHA monkey boy" Yamcha said looking at Vegeta's tail which was thrashing around behind him showing the young Saiyans anger, "Alright that's it!" Vegeta cracked his knuckles glaring pure hate at the boy, before the boy's had a chance to kill the other a young woman with brown hair a little past her shoulders came in, she had soft blue eyes and was wearing a midnight blue shirt with a long black skirt, in her hands were a few folders filled with papers, "Ms. Kowaii is here thank the gods!" Kakarrot said quietly under his breath.
(Kowaii is the Japanese word for "Scary" why did I name the teacher that? You'll see soon!)
Sadly thought both Yamcha and Vegeta didn't notice the teacher standing in the door way and continued to glare at each other, "Vegeta, Yamcha please take your seat" the woman said sweetly placing her papers on the desk, "But he…" both Yamcha and Vegeta said, "I SAID TAKE YOUR SEATS YOU BRATS!!!!" the teacher screamed and Yamcha, Kakarrot and Vegeta ran tripping over the feet to get to there desks as the rest of there class came in and sat down after placing the things in there cubby's. "Ok now lets take roll call, when your name is called please answer in a polite manner" Ms. Kowaii said smiling and grabbing a red folder and pulling out a pencil and an attendance paper.
"Kakarrot?" Ms. Kowaii called
"HERE!!!" He screeched making half the class deaf,
"Vegeta?!" Ms. Kowaii yelled over the ringing in her ears
"Whatever…" Vegeta called back bored
"I'm here!"
"I'm here Ms. Kowaii!"
"Chi Chi?"
"Here miss!"
"I am here…"
"I'm here!" Launch calls as she sneezes, she pulls out a plastic bat and slams it on her desk, "AND READY TO FIGHT!" Launch screamed pulling her now curly blond hair out of its long pig tails, "Insane female" Vegeta muttered leaning on his hand, "Launch please sit back down" Ms. Kowaii said with her voice dripping with so much sweetness it was making the kids sick, "I WANNA HIT! *bangs bat* I WANNA PUNCH! *bangs bat* I WANNA…" "SHUT YOU MOUTH AND SIT DOWN NOW!!!!" Ms. Kowaii screamed with flames shooting out from behind her and a vain pulsing clearly from her forehead, Launch gulped and sat back down and roll call continued.
"I'm here, I'm here…"
"Master Roshi!"
"Master Shen?"
"I the great and power Shen am here" the Crane Hermit said standing in his chair, "And may I say I am hundred time better of a marshal arts master then that moron Roshi!" he added making the turtle hermit angry, "YOU ARE NOT! YOU AWAYS CHEATED IN TRAINING!" Roshi yelled, "AND HOW DID I DO THAT?!?!" Shen screamed, "BOTH OF YOU BE QUIET!!!!!!!!" Ms. Kowaii hollered both masters fell silent and sat back down, "Well that's everyone on the list" Ms. Kowaii said getting up and walking to the chalk board just as four boys that looked like they should be in seventh or eight grade walked into the room.
"Who are you boys?" Ms. Kowaii asked, the boy with pure white skin with a long tail and red eyes handed her a note, "Were students who were put in your class at the last minute" he said, Ms. Kowaii looked at the note, "OK then" Ms. Kowaii smiled and turned to the group of kids sitting at there sits, "Everyone, met Cell, Zarbon, Frieza and Dodoria" she said pointing to each boy, Vegeta snickered, "Shouldn't you guys be in the Junior High wing of the school?" he asked as the others in the class nodded.
"Shut up! We…were left back a few times…" Cell said scratching his cheek, "A few? You look old enough to be in your last year of High School!" Vegeta snickered, "WHY YOU LITTLE!" Frieza threatened before Ms. Kowaii screamed out, "YOU FOUR GET THOSE NAME TAGS AND WRITE YOUR NAMES ON THEM AND GET TO YOUR DESKS NOW!!!" All four of them gulped and ran over got the tags and tape and ran to the last remaining desks in the room and got to work.
"Now isn't this a nice way to start off a new school day after a long spring brake?" Ms. Kowaii said her voice dripping with sweetness once again, "That teacher…has problems!" Vegeta whispered to Kakarrot, "You can say that again!" Kakarrot whispered back, "NO TALKING!" Ms. Kowaii screamed, both Vegeta and Kakarrot gulped and took out there note books, what a day this would be.
~*~Like the teacher? I wanted the teacher to be different then the one in most Chibi school fictions so I made her a sweet nice lady always ready to fall into an angry rage what do you think of this chapter please review!~*~