Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Fighting Love ❯ A Fighting Love ( Chapter 6 )
A Fighting Love
Chapter 5
Are love is fighting,
Holding on, tightening,
I won't let go,
Unless you do though,
"So, you're telling me, that you've had a change of heart?" Gohan asked suspiciously.
"Yes, yes I am," Trunks paused. "I know I don't have any right to even think about Goten, but I see the mistake I made by fearing my love towards him."
\\ Is he lying? // Gohan couldn't help but think it. "Is this some sort of sick way at getting him back for being…gay?" Gohan asked \\ how long have they been talking on the phone now? They've been through this, and every time, Trunks gave him the same answer.
No // "Well I'll be dammed Gohan! If you don't believe me, why the hell are you wasting my time!" Trunks continued on. "I've got to get him back, got to make him understand I was afraid, prove to him I WAS SCARED!" Trunks was breathing sharply now, sucking in gulps at a time causing his throat to burn. "Alright, but if you do one thing to-"
" I WONT! You've got to trust me!" Trunks cut it. "Alright, here's what we do."
Are love is going to make it,
We have fight in our loving spirit,
I won't give up,
You can try and make me… good luck.
Gotens room
"I don't know Gohan…" Goten mumbled
"What's to know? Your either going to go, or your not." Gohan said, making it sound like he would miss out on the time of his life, and in truth, if he didn't go, he was.
"I'm still hurting over Trunks."
"You'llgetyourchanceifyoujustcomeonwegattagorightnowifyouwantit !" Gohan said fast and swift he turned and bolted out the door.
"Nani? Gohan what did you say?! I didn't catch it? GOHAN!" Goten got up. Gohan poked his head into the room. "Here put these on and make it snappy." He tossed him the close and left him standing confused. \\ Works every time. // Gohan thought as he called Trunks to make sure everything was set.
I'm tired of being alone,
I'm tired of not knowing where to roam,
I'm tired of not having you,
I'm tired of not knowing what to do.