Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Spell of Loneliness, Love, Lies, Longing & Life ❯ A Spell of Loneliness, Love, Lies, Longing, and Life ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
A/N: I don't own DBZ or get money for this story, so be nice and don't sew me. Please review. ;-)

P.S. See if you can figure out who the people in the beginning are. ::laughs evilly::

A Spell of Loneliness, Love, Lies, Longing and Life
Chapter One:

The woman sat their hold the small baby in her arms, and she rocked back in forth in her chair. Smiling down at the small girl, as she cooed and giggled in her arms, she sighed. Oh how she had always wanted a daughter. A daughter to love, to hold and play with, a daughter to talk to when you husband and son were off doing there own thing. Oh how she wanted a daughter.
As she heard the door slam, she looked up to see the young teen-age boy walk in with a look of hate. She knew the reason he was so mad, she knew it because he would come in every day like that when he saw the couple together.

'Love. What a hard thing to understand.' She thought to herself. 'If only he could understand.' Letting out another sigh she looked down at the baby. Perhaps it was time to see if she could make the boy understand. Help he understand that when two people fall in love, even if he hates the fact, that that is the way it is and you can't keep them from each other. It was time for him to understand, understand that the two fought hard to be with each other, fought hard get where they are today, and would never give it up no matter what he said.

Taking a deep breath, she looked up at him, prepared for a long and angry conversation that was about to happen. "Come here. Sit down with me for a while."

Looking over at her he wade his choices for a moment before walking over to her and taking a set across from the table.

"Is something wrong? Did I do something wrong?" He asked concern that she was angry with him.

"Oh of course not, there's nothing wrong. I just wanted to talk to you about some thing that seems to be wrong to you." She said rocking the baby, having her giggle with happiness. " Don't you want to hold her for a moment?" She said gesturing to the baby.

The boy frowned and narrowed his eyes. "No, I'd rather not." Fast and simple, no room for discussion.

Was his anger so deep it ran all the way to the child, a child not even able to do harm to another? She thought to her self. That was it. No more. The child did nothing and yet he refuses to hold his own sister. She narrowed her eyebrows and shook her head. Enough was enough.

"You know you are being foolish about all of this."

"No. No I'm not. This has to end." His voice dripping with hate and disapproval.

"Don't you start." She warned, her voice still calm as before but daring him to test her. "Listen to me. That is all I ask of you." Her eyes begging but still calm and kind. "Just listen."

Sighing he gave in. With a slight nod she continued. "Good. Let me tell you a story."

"Umm.. a story. I hardly think it time for a story." He said a bit confused. "Look maybe we should just talk later." He said standing up.

"No. You sit back down and let me tell you the story." She demanded, this time raising her voice just a bit to show her anger that was rising. "Come on.......... Sit." Seeing that he was not making any move to sit down she glared at him. "You sit right now and let me tell you the story or would you rather me raise my voice. I really don't feel like scaring the child. Now sit." She demanded, looking down at the cooing child.

Knowing not to argue with her he took his set and showed her respect. "Ok, I guess you can tell me the story, but I really don't think it will change my mined."

"Oh, trust me. It may not change you mind but maybe you'll come to understand a few things, and make you think."

And so the story began.......

<From here on, when the women is telling the story she will not say 'I'. It will be as though I am telling the story. And any thing that has to do with sex, the boy is not told, I'm just making it good for you. Come on we all know you want to hear it and come on I'm sure the boy doesn't want to hear that shit.......... Well at lest not this one. You'll understand why at the end........ or close.>

Now it all started with these two girls. Just your average teenage girls. Now don't ask me why they chose to do it or what they thought might happen, but they felt so much pain in their life that they felt they had to. Torn by pain and sadness, hurt and lose, they did it. These girls practiced the arts of magick, the arts that many people feared and tried to destroy. They weren't afraid, not one bit. They hid their work away form the world, away from those who threatened to take the only thing they had left. Destiny and Alex. Not there real names of course, no, in fact I don't even know their real names. These names were chosen when they decided to work a spell, a spell they didn't know really truly would work. But they held hope and faith and that was the only thing they had left. Destiny a young woman with long black hair, that fell a little past her butt, and dark brown eyes that would tune into a beautiful golden brown when she was happy. Her skin, a milky peach. Alex was a bit younger then Destiny, but not that young. She had long brown hair that fell to her mid back, her bangs the same length but were parted in the front to show off her lovely brown eyes that almost matched Destiny's. Her skin the same milky peach.

Cuzens they were...... family.

Sitting across from one another on a full moon night, they smiled. They would bring some thing there that would help them........ hopefully. Or should I say some people. Destiny grabbed the candle and anointed it with oil that they both loved. Holding out the read candle before her Alex took a hold of it. Smiling they closed there eyes and charged it with all the love they had left. Feeling that the candle was ready they set it in a candleholder, lit it, and held hands both going in to a meditating state, willing what they wanted.

"I call upon Venus! Goddess of love. Come forth and hear us!..............." She spoke speaking of her and Alex's wish.

When the prayer was finished they both meditated having the room become silent. They let the candle burn for a few minutes and then blew it out at the same time. Destiny set it on her alter, and that night they had visions and strange feelings filled their bodies. Feeling they didn't know whether to be scared, or embrace them............ Soon they would find out.

Destiny kept the candle on her alter and one month from that day she lit the candle letting it burn halfway and then lit the candle the next day letting it burn. That day she sat in her room listening to her family who were in the living room. They would not dare enter her room with out permission, perhaps a peek or open the door, but they never invaded her privacy. This she was glad about. For if something happened, how would she explain it? Hours passed and the day went on. The candle became smaller and smaller. The red wax melting and bring magick to the room. Love and peace fallowing. Allowing them the wish of a new life and knowing of their power. A power they possess deep within there souls.

Perhaps it was foolish to others or just stupid. It didn't matter to them. What they believe was their piece of the soul that no one could touch and it always will be. Maybe that is what all the magick in the world comes from the will and love and soul put in to a wish. Maybe that is all of it, maybe there is more. Maybe its all the pain and tears and hurt the goes behind it, that pushed you to will and love and pushes you to use all of you soul in one single wish. Not just the wanting but why you want it so much. And know that once a spell is done all will change as it becomes. All will change just as the moon changes faces, and the sun changes the time of day, all will change. With or with out approval of others or the maker of the spell. All will always change.

The candle became small and the flame danced on the wick, as if a child in the garden. Dancing with love and happiness for all to see. The wax dripping and bowing down to the mighty flame that danced toward the heavens. As the small candle became small a since of magick poured in to the room giving a slight edge to Destiny. She sat there still watching T.V. though, shrugging it off even though her chest became heavy and her head began to hurt from the strength of the magick enveloping the room. A slight red creped in and lit the room by the mighty flame. The sun slowly setting and saying its farewell and letting the moon kiss the earth with its bright silver light. Her heart beat slowly with a steady rhythm yet she fell a weight on her shoulders. What was going on? Was all the she could think.

Making sure her door was closed she then looked at the flame. It was near the bottom and the candle would be no more soon. Thinking of Alex she looked at the phone should she call her or wait.

'What is the worst that could happen...... right?' Was her last thought before a flash of light filled the room having her close her eyes.

"W..What's going on!?" Was the male voice that came to her ears, her eyes going wide.

Not knowing if she should turn or not she took a deep and a ' I hope they don't kill me' breath before turning around and coming face to face with two anime characters that looked very much alive, confused and if she was right really, really mad. The bad thing was she was the only other person in the room which told them she had something to do with it and turned there angry eyes to her.

'Oh great. I'm going to die. Ummm lie yeah. They wont kill you if you didn't mean to do it........ I hope.' She looked at them and decided that she was lucky she could act better then any one and gave them a look of confusion. "Ummmm ............. ok. I have two anime characters and my room and should not even excess, yet they do some how." She spoke calmly... At first, ".......... Why are you in my room!" She yelled just slightly not wanting her family to hear, even though they would not be able to see them. That she made sure to add to the spell.

They looked at each other and then looked at her puzzled. Showing to her they had no clue either.

Destiny smiled inside, still showing confusion outside, and studied them. Two DBZ characters wear in her room. Piccolo and Vegeta. Was it real? Was it actually true she made to characters real in her world? You see in her world they did not excess, but only a show for people to watch. And anime, yet here they were in front of her. As she watched them she realized that she would have to make up something to tell them, something that these two would believe. Not a very easy task at all. These two out of all the other's seemed to suspect something about everything. 'Maybe we should have brought Chichi here instead........ Yeah now think about it stupid!' She mentally yelled at herself. ' Oh well, lets see if my acting is really as good as I think. If not I'm screwed.'

She looked over at them and became afraid for a moment. What if she brought them here when they were really really evil at the time. 'AAhhhhhh just say some thing you idiots!' She dared not yell other then in her head, but they wouldn't say any thing and it was annoying the shit out of her.

"What are we doing here and who the hell are you." He asked as he stood tall and folded his arms.

Destiny started playing her part and kept her confused face on. "What?! Why the hell are you asking me? I don't know. Your the one in my room, what the hell are you doing here?!" She said sending death glares a piccolo, who had asked.

"Look we don't know how we got here, but I know for a fact that we didn't do it. That means you had to have did it." He said glaring at her. "Damnit, we were in the middle of a fight and our friends.... Well my friends are in trouble. Now send us back."

"Look you over grown house plant I didn't do it, but if you calm down for a minute I can find a way to send you back ok!" Her voice rising just a bit. She had to make sure that her parents couldn't here her. That's the last thing she needed to have them do, send her back to those people who thought she was crazy. Yeah maybe this time they would get lucky and lock her up.

Back to the problem at hand, she didn't have any idea as to how to send them back, but now that they were here she was starting to regret doing the stupid spell. 'God! Who would have thought they were such jerks?!'

"Hurry it up I don't have all day woman." Came the anger voice of Vegeta.

"Look just shut up!" Great now she was going to start hating her favorite person on the damn show.

With perfectly bad timing a knock came from the door, startling Destiny.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit." She cursed walking to the door, ignoring them both. "Yes? Who is it?"

"Your mother, who else. Your dad wants to know if you're coming camping with us. We're leaving right now and you dad isn't going to wait for you. So are you coming?" Came the muffled reply from the other side.

"Ummmm..... No mom I'm going to stay here. Ok?"

"Alright. Call me on my phone if you need something ok?"

"Ok. Bye!" She yelled watching as Piccolo and Vegeta start to go threw her things, the anger in her eyes growing with every second. Finally she heard the car leave and yelled out. "Get the fuck away from my stuff!!!"

Hearing the yell they stopped and looked at her, not really caring if she was mad.

"Look just sit down and I'm going to make a call." She turned to the phone and was about to dial the number when Vegeta decided he wanted to say something.

"We don't have time to hear you babble on the phone like a teenage girl! And how the hell do you expect to fix this?" He yelled.

"Look. I know a little magick. I can fix this..... I think." She said dialing the phone and walking out of the room. "Don't move." She said ducking her head in and out real fast.

The phone rang once.......twice....... three times........ and.......



"D? What's up?"

"Ummmm, can you come over here? It's really important. I mean it." She pleaded.

"Um.... I think. Hold on." In the back you could here her talking to her mom. "............. Uh, yeah, my mom will drop me off in a few. Later."

"Later." She replied before hanging up the phone and walking back to her room to see two angry faces looked at her. Sighing she shook her head. "I called a friend. She'll be over to help in a minute. Just chill for a while, ok."

"Chill? What in the hell is that suppose to mean?!" Vegeta yelled at her.

"It means sit you're fucking ass down. God!!!!" She said throwing her hands in the air. "I said I will try and find a way to get you back to your world, just chill!"

Piccolo too a look around the room as the two argued about not yelling at each other. As he looked to his right there laid her bed, at the end of it, her desk and TV that set against the wall. Next to that he saw her computer, which they were standing in front of, the door not even three feet a way. Turning around to see behind him he saw a table with a bunch of candles, a few books, a knife, bowls, incense and other things he guess that was use for what she called magick. But what caught his eyes was the remanding of a red candle sitting on the long table that looked like it had just been burnt. Tilting his head just a bit he noticed that a strange energy still lingered in the air. Turning he noticed it was surrounding Destiny like a small invisible smoke stream.

"What was the candle for?" He asked narrowing his eyes at her as she turned around. As he watch he saw a small spark of worry in her eyes before is vanish just as fast as it appeared.

"Oh, I was working a spell........ I think that may be why you're here." She said hanging her head down so that she look sorry. 'Goddess let them believe that...... fuck why do you have to be so snoopy and suspicious.'

"So you did do it." Vegeta said looking at her.

"Not on purpose. It was an accident. I think I said something wrong and that's why you here. I can't really say exactly what I did wrong. As you can see I have a bunch of your pictures in this room. It could have been anything to trigger it." She said gesturing to the walls that were covered in DBZ posters.

Piccolo and Vegeta turned and looked at the walls for the first time noticing the walls did in fact hold pictures of them.

"How..... how this possible?" Showing disbelief in his voice.

Destiny looked at them and thought for a moment, studding them. 'Well Piccolo looks a little confused. As for Vegeta...... well I don't think anyone really knows what he's thinking.' Smiling she continued to play her little game, knowing she would win either way for she held all the pieces. 'Lets see how you react to seeing your selves on TV boys.' She thought with an evil smirk.

"Well here I'll show you. Your probably are very confused. Look." She said as she slipped a tape in to the VCR and watching the screen.

Piccolo and Vegeta both watch in surprise as it played a part where Goku and Piccolo killed Raddize. Piccolo shaking his head in disbelief. 'That's not possible. It can't be.'

" You see in our world you a TV show.....People watch you guys. No one really knows that you guys exist well except for me now."

A sudden knock at the door of her room knocked Piccolo and Vegeta's attention away from her.

"And now her once I tell her....... You guys stay here for a minute." She said walking out of her room and shutting the door. Leaving the two staring at the TV and watch the battle seen play out.

Turning around she came face to face with Alex.


"Ahhh!......(Breathing hard).... Don't do that!" She said hitting her on the arm.

"Haha. Sorry. So what did you want?" Alex asked with confusion in her voice.

Destiny slowly took a breath and exhaled. "Ok. You're staying her tonight ok."

"Hold up I always like staying here, but I want a explanation. Something's up and I want to know what. Come on spill it."

"Ok, ok. But promise you wont go all ballistic on me. Ok?" She said holding her hands up in defeat.

"Ok I promise on Piccolo's soul." She said with a big grin, she had the biggest crush on him, probably in love with him.

Destiny rolled her eyes. 'There goes Piccolo's soul.' "Ok. Here it is. Piccolo and Vegeta are in my room, they're being ass wholes and getting me made, I'm starting to regret bring them here, but right now I'm showing them a tape of the old DBZ making sure not to show them the future, they think the spell was an accident so don't fuck it up." She said with a glare.

Alex looked at her for a second with a blank stare be fore falling to the ground in a fit of laughter. Destiny looked down at her with a frown watching her hold her stomach; wonder if she was going to pass out soon with the lack of air.

"Ah... any way. Really what's going on?" She said pulling her self up to a standing position.

Destiny sighed, fully know that Alex was going to have a heart attack as soon as she opened the door. "Ok..... look. Just promise you wont scream. Ok?"

"Yeah, yeah." She said pushing passed her and walking in to the room.

Destiny closed her eyes and braced her self.

"Holy fucken fly!!!!!!!!!!" Came Alex's yell.

Destiny turned and walked in her room to see Alex standing there with her mouth open, the guys just staring at her. "Ok just breath Alex.....They're really real, now calm down and breathe." She said rubbing her shoulders.

"Holy shit, wow.......... A hi, I'm Alex." She said looking up at Piccolo, who still didn't look at all to happy. At this she lend over to Destiny and mumbled. "They're pretty ticked off huh?"

"Na, I think they always look like this." Came the plain reply.

Vegeta stepped in front of Alex and looked down at her before looking at Destiny. "Alright she's her now send us back. Now." Came his threat.

"Look mister. I said she's coming over to help me find a why to send you back, now would you back the fuck off." She glared at him.

"I was in the middle of a damn fight woman, and I-"

" Does it look like I give a flying fuck!!!!" she yelled in his face. "I'll try and send you back at the exact time you left the fight, if that will make your royal ass happy!!!!" She yelled standing her ground.

"Why I outa!!" He threatened raising his hand.

"Vegeta leave them alone! They're the only ones who can fix this." Piccolo said stopping him and taking a set on the floor by the closet. "They may annoy you but they're just kids."

Alex's head shot to the side to glare at him. "Kids!! Just kids! Do I look like a fucking kid!?"

Piccolo didn't move at all, only looked at her. "No but you sure do act like one, seems to me like you need to grow up."

Alex crossed her arms and walked over to the bed to set down, mumbling. "You already grew up for the both of us you over grown idiot."

Destiny sighed loudly and walked around Vegeta who was still in front of her glaring down at her. She walk over to her alter and sat on the floor, starting to go threw her book. "Lets see if we can find any thing in these." She said handing a few to Alex.

Alex took them frowning slightly, this was not suppose happen this way. Why was Piccolo being so mean. Man he wasn't this mean in the movies... Well she would be to if someone pulled her in to a world she didn't want be in. 'Man this sucks. Now I get to go threw all these books when we both know we wont find a spell to send them back.

Destiny looked up from the book she was reading. Vegeta leaning up against the wall by the door, Piccolo hasn't move from his spot and Alex seemed to be thinking, her face blank with thought. She lend over and pulled a blank piece of paper she had next to her book and began to write, before slipping it to Alex.

Alex took the paper and opened it.

*Hey you ok?* What was written. She smiled and grabbed a pen from the alter, and began to write back. The letter being passed back and forth as guys watched in suspicion.

*Yeah, I'm fine. It's just that they're a lot meaner in person. Man I didn't think I could ever hat Piccolo, but he's being such a jerk.*

*Yeah, I know. Vegeta is not exactly on my 'A' list right now. I'm thinking about kidding his ass....... Think all win.? :: laughs:: yeah right. I'll get my ass kicked. *

Alex laughed as she read, and began to reply.

*Yeah you're probably right. So how are you going to send them back? Oh and I hope your planning on sending us there too. Even if they are being jack assess. I don't want to be here any more. *

*Don't worry I don't plan on sending them back alone. Tonight I'll create a spell, but I'll have to wait till they go to sleep............ I hope they sleep. *

*Ok, cool. What about Jessie? Are we going to take her as planed? *

*Yeah don't worry about it. I got it covered.*

*Ok. I'll call her tomorrow. Ok *

Destiny read and was about to write when Vegeta began to walk over to her.

"What are you to talking about!? I demand to know."

Destiny quickly crumbled up the small piece of paper and put it in her mouth, swallowing as fast as she could with out choking on it.

Vegeta stood there not sure what to do, it wasn't like he could get it away from her now. "What was on that!?"

"None of your business. So go back to your wall and hold it up like you were doing before." Destiny said calmly looking down at her book as though she was reading.

Vegeta narrowed his eyes and walked back to where he was, angry, as Alex tried not to smile.

Five hours later Alex was asleep on Destiny's bed, Destiny was at the computer going threw file after file, making it look like she was looking for some, the whole time wanting to fall asleep. And Piccolo and Vegeta was in the same spot.

Destiny's head slowly slipped off her hand as she rested her eyes. Her head shooting up before hitting the desk. She rubbed her eyes, tired of surfing the net not being able to look at any thing at all.

She looked over at Alex and glared. 'I hope your all nice and happy and dream land. Man I need some sleep and I need to make that fucking spell to. Damnit all to hell!' She looked over at Vegeta and Piccolo. They were in the same spot but with there eyes closed. 'hmmm.... I wonder if they're asleep. God how can they stay in one place for so long, there like robots...' She thought before looking up at the clock. ' 1:00 a.m.!!! No fucking wonder! I need some sleep.' She sighed.

She walked over to Vegeta and patted his shoulder not expecting what happed next. The very second she touched him she was up against the wall with his hand around her throat. She looked up at him and he looked very pissed.

"Don't you ever touch me. Is that understood?" he said looked down at her. His face only a few inches away.

"I..I just was going to tell you were you could sleep." She tried not to show any fear..... Truth be, told she was fucking scared to death.

He slowly let go and took a step back before looking over at Piccolo who was now awake and standing up. It seems he woke up when her heard Destiny walk over to Vegeta and was prepared to stop him if he tried to hurt her.

They both looked at each other as if discussing something in silence, before Piccolo looked over at Destiny. "Why don't you show us where to sleep. I think could all use some."

"Yeah, um this way." She said walking out of the room and across the hall. " You two are going to have to share a room, there are two beds so don't worry about sleeping in the same one." She said turning and leaving them to their room.

As she walked back in her room she closed the door and went to shut off the comp, as the screen went black she heard Alex turn over and look at her.

"Hey sorry I feel asleep. Where are they?"

Destiny frowned. "I put them in the other room. Well after Vegeta had me by the throat against the wall."

"What! You got to be joking. You ok??" Alex said a bit afraid she was hurt.

Destiny smiled. "Hey I'm tough girl. I'm fine, but he sacred the hell out of me." She said laughing, Alex doing the same.

"Come on." Destiny said, leading Alex to the floor to sit down and talk. Now that the guys were gone, the two could finally get down to business. The spell.

"So how are we going to do it?.... You know the spell. And Jessie. Do you want me to call her?" Alex already going for the phone, as she asked.


Alex turned around and looked at her confused. "What?"

"It's after one. Come on, let me show you how I wanted to do the spell." She said crawling over to computer and grabbing some white sheets of paper so she can sketch out what she was going to do.

She then crawled back in front of Alex and proceeded to show her what the plane was, what they needed, and what every one what going to have to do. About two hours later, they fixed every thing they thought needed to be fixed or changed. Putting the spell together and seeing if they had it the way they wanted. After that, they went threw all of Destiny's tools and working supplies to see if they had every thing. Destiny then printed it out on the computer, just to make sure it looked like they found it on the web, so that the guys didn't start to use their brains and figure out what really was going on.

"Finally all done." Destiny said o herself.

Alex smiled and fell to her knees. "Thank god, I don't think I can read a nothing thing. Look! Look..... Oh my god I can't look. I've read so much I've gone blind! Noooo!!!!" She said rolling around on the floor laughing. Destiny throwing pillows at her watching her block them.

"Your such an ass."

"I know." Alex reply happily.

By 5:00 they were in Destiny's bed out cold. The thinking and going threw every one of Destiny's working supplies and books left them tired and dizzy. Their eye's burning form reading and staying up joking around was a bit too much.

The next morning:

"Hey. Wake up." Piccolo was standing bye the bed looking over Alex, whose head was hanging off the side of the bed. Her feet stretched out, her hands hanging off the bed, in the same manner of her head. Destiny laying next to her, using Alex's stomach as a pillow and her feet curled up to her stomach as she slept on her side.

Piccolo and Vegeta had just came in to find them like that, and not doing a very good job of waking them up.

Piccolo sighed. "Hey. Wake up....... Now!!!" Came the roaring yell, have the two only move a bit. "Aren't you two listening, get up! It's already 7:00 in the morning!"

Alex turned over on to her stomach, having Destiny head fall to the bed. Alex groaned and pulled a sheet over her head, not bothering to cover her body. "Oh, you goda be shitten me."

"Get your ass out of bed!" Vegeta yelled.

"I'm tirrrrred." Came Destiny's muffled plea from under the pillow she put over her head.

"Your lazy is what you are. Get up." Piccolo ordered.

"Go to hell. We're going to sleep." Was her muffled reply.

"Yeah." Alex said raising her hand and then putting it back down. "You go to hell and we go to sleep. Cuz Alex is sleepy and no want to talk to you. Go awazs." She spoke in a child's voice.

"Hurry up or I'll flip this damn bed over!" Vegeta yelled down to them.

Destiny pulled her self up and crawled across the bed to kneel on it in front of Vegeta. Face to face.

"AAAAAALLLLLLRRRRRRRIIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHTTTTTT!!!!" She screamed, not yelled, but screamed her lungs out, and with great pride watched as Vegeta covered his ears.

Vegeta let his hands drop form his ears, his hands forming fists, before leaning in closer to her face. "Woman! Don't you ever scream in my face!" he yelled.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I hurt the poor saiyan prince." She said like a mom cooing to a child. "Well to fucking bad!"

"If it wasn't for that spell, I would have killed you by now!" Vegeta yelled back.

"Oh yeah, you probably would! Seeing that you don't now any other way to handle something, other then killing it!!! What's wrong? Your brain not smart enough to finish a verbal fight!?"


"The both of you, Shut the fuck up!" Alex yelled sitting up in bed and holding her head. "Damn. Happy Piccolo? Every one's up. God, no sleep last night and now no sleep today." She mumbled getting out of bed.

Piccolo watched as she got out of bed and then turned to Vegeta and Destiny who were still glaring at each other at the bed. "Did you find any thing? I'd like to get back and help fight Freiza."

"Yeah, yeah." Destiny said getting off the bed and walking around Vegeta. "I got the damn spell but I need to call some one."

"What! Again!" Vegeta yelled. "Don't you ever stop talking!?"

"I tell you what! I'll stop talk as soon as you stop being such a fucking, insignificant, stupid, stuck up, yelling, I'm the prince, conceded ass, of a bastard!" She yelled, and then smiled as it left Vegeta standing there with a face of anger, since he didn't have a comeback.

"That's enough." Piccolo interrupted. "Destiny call who you need so we can do this spell and get back."

"Yeah, yeah. Hey Alex, call Jessie and tell her to come over."

Alex nodded, grabbed the phone and went out side the room to make the call. Not wanting Jessie to hear the voice of the others. After getting Jessie to come over no questions asked she came back into the room and told Destiny she was on her way. Having the four now wait in silence........... Hearing a muffled cuss under one their breaths every once in a while.

About thirty minutes later Jessie came knocking on the front door, having Alex and Destiny run out of the room and to the font door to answer it.

"Hey!" Came the excide voice of Jessie, as Alex opened the door. Jessie had shoulder length hair that was a dark brown, almost black but still looked brown. Her eyes the same color.

Alex smiled and invited her in as Destiny got a coke out of the fridge and then walked back to them.

"So should I tell her or you?" Alex asked.

Destiny shrugged and smiled. "Maybe we should just show her.

"Show me what?" Jessie asked confused.

"Just fallow us and don't scream." Destiny said leading her to the room.

Jessie stopped half way to the room in fear. "Wait, why would I scream? Is there something scary in there, cuz if there is I'm not going in there. What is it? A snack? A spider. Oh you did something bad didn't you?" Jessie began to babble, having Alex and Destiny smile at how cut she looked.

"Don't worry. In fact it's pretty cool at first....... Then you hit the annoying part." Destiny explained, remember how full of them selves they are.

"Umm... ok but there better not be something gross in there."

"Come on." Alex said dragging her to the room.

Destiny walked in and turned around to see what Jessie's face was going to look like. The second Alex push Jessie in the room, Jessie got a full look at what was in the room, or should we say whom. When she did she let out a scream and turned around trying tog out of the door.

"Let me out! Look at them there going to fucking kill us. Let me out!!!!" She yelled as she tried to get of Alex and Destiny's hands. They were both holding her back as she tried with all her might to get out of the room and find safety.

"Jessie calm down, they're not going to kill us!" Alex yelled, trying to get over her screaming.

"Yeah..... so..... just calm......down." Destiny said grabbing her and pulling her back, then locking the door. "There no one leaves the room till Jessie calms down." She announced with a smile.

Jessie widened her eyes and hid behind Alex, trying to get as much distance between her and the very talk, mean looking namick, and the dangerous, angry looking prince.

Alex swayed a bit, from behind held on by Jessie, but she soon regained her balanced and sighed. "They're not going to kill you. Ok."

"Ok, what ever you say but I'll stay back here just in case." Came Jessie's reply.

"Ok, then. Lets go out side since you know about them and talk." Destiny suggested.

"Yeah I like that idea. Lets go out side." Jessie said walking to the door and waiting for her to open it.

"Why in the hell you keep leaving the damn room? Your hiding something, I know it." Vegeta said walking up to the three girls.

"I can't be hiding any thing. I didn't even know about you. I'm the good one." Jessie said fast, hoping he'd leave her alone.

"You may not be, but I know these two are." Vegeta said stopping in front of them.

"We're not hiding any thing Vegeta, we just want to calm her down so back off." Alex said, a bit worried about Jessie.

"Yeah right."

"Yeah, I am right. Now back the fuck off Veggie, you're scaring her!" Alex yelled. Before grabbing Jessing arm and walking out of the door.

As Destiny walked out she looked back at them. "We also need to see if Jessie will help us with the spell...... there will be some conditions every one will have to agree to. But I want to tell her so that she doesn't freak out on us. So leave us alone or I'll make sure you never go back. Got it."

"Are you threatening me?" Vegeta said with a low deadly voice.

"No.... I'm promising you. And I'll tell you one thing. I never make a promise I can't keep, and won't keep." She said before walking out of the room, leaving both him and Piccolo shocked that she had threatened them.

A few minutes later the three girls came walking back in the room, Destiny hoping that every thing would go the way she hoped and the other two happy about what they all talked about.

"Well are we going to do the spell or wait another damn day?" Piccolo asked.

Destiny smiled. " Oh we're going to do it today but you may not like what we have to do in order to make it happen."

Piccolo frowned not liking where this was going. "I didn't think so. So what is it we have to do?"

"Well you see, you guys can't do the spell with out three people from this world. That's why I got Alex to call Jessie. So the spell is going to work but it will trans port us with you."

"What! Hell no! You're not coming with us!" Vegeta began to yell.

"Vegeta." Piccolo interrupted, having Vegeta look at him. "I don't think we have a choice. They're coming with us."

"Fine! But after I kill Freiza I'll kill you and the three bats along with the earth." Vegeta threatened.

"Yeah that's real original." Alex said quietly having Destiny smirk in agreement.

"You better watch your tong brat." Vegeta warned, only to have Alex roll her eyes.

"What else?" Piccolo asked ignoring Vegeta.

"Well," Destiny began. "In order for this spell to work I have to use some blood from each of you."

"Why is that?" He asked.

"Well, if you will let me finish... Ok I take the blood from one of you and put it in to one of use, which will then turn us in to half of what you are. And then take the other one's blood and do the same. Leaving one of us a full human."

"What! Why do we have to do that for the spell?! It doesn't make any since." Piccolo said starting to believe that they were up to some thing as well.

Destiny narrowed her eyes in anger. "Look! I don't know why the spell calls for it. It just does. I didn't make the spell so stop asking me!" :: Actually I did make the spell.:: Destiny thought, smiling in her mind. " So as I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted by the talking house plant. One of us has to be made in to a half saiyan and the other half namick, leaving one of us human. I already talked to Alex and Jessie and they said they could deal with it if they have too. Now do the two of you have a problem with it?"

"Yes I do!" Vegeta yelled. "Neither of you are worth of being even a half saiyan! I wont stand for it!"

"Fine." Destiny said sitting down and picking up a book to read.

"......What....." Came Vegeta's shocked reply.

"You don't want it to happen so it want happen. You guys will just have to stay here with us." Destiny said as if it wasn't a big deal.

"I'm not staying here with your ass!" Vegeta yelled. "Fine! We'll do it your way. I'll just kill you after all this is over."

"Threats, threats, threats. Man can't you just sit down and have a friendly conversation once in a while." Alex said walking up to him and putting her hand on his shoulder, with a friendly smile.

Vegeta slowly turned his head, looked down at her hand on his shoulder and then looked at her with a deadly look.

Alex laughed nervously before pulling her hand away. "..... guess not." She said walking back to Jessie.

"Ok well I guess we can get started, then, since our great prince is ok with all of this." Destiny said getting every thing out.

After getting every thing out, and waiting for the sun to set, she then got every one to fallow her outside so they could get started. Making sure every one knew what they had to say she put them all inside a circle she marked into the ground. The five elements marked in the ground around the circle. The order was clock wise: Piccolo, Alex, Vegeta, Destiny, and Jessie. She had to make sure when they formed their circle in side the marked circle, that marked circle was big enough so someone wouldn't step out of it accidentally and break it. This fact being that Destiny had to make a pretty big circle in the ground. The tools they needed lay in the center of it on a table.

Destiny looked around at the others and smiled. "Oh yeah this looks nice.... I'm so good." She said to her self.

"Get on with it woman." Vegeta pushed.

"Oh chill out veggie. And shut up till it's your turn to talk, I don't want this spell fucked up." Destiny said getting a bit irritated.

"Yeah, just shut up and let her cast the circle." Alex said crossing her arms.

After Destiny cast the circle she began to speak, holding her hands up towards the heavens, having the others do that same.

"I call to thee, great God and Goddess, Lord and Lady, Father and Mother! Come forth and hear us, and ad us in this magickal working on this beautiful night! We come here in our true form, I ask thee in return to show us that you are present! Show us!" She spoke in a respectful and strong voice.

The silence was heavy and Destiny started to feel as though her spell was not going to work, making her heart sink with sadness. She was about to let down her hands when the marked circle in the ground began to glow and a beautiful sent of flowers came into the air. A sign that both the Lord and Lady were at their sides, waiting to see if the five mortals needed their ad.

Piccolo a bit confused at how this was working. He knew of Guardians, they were like gods, but they were not immortal, they just aged much slower the others. He never heard of Gods who practically made the universe millions of years ago and are part of a religion. The power they sent off when they were just in your presences was amazing, he guess if they were there in true form that the power would probably be overwhelming and deadly.

Alex kept her eyes close and parted her lips a bit as she felt the warm energy flow around her body. So worm and......... soft, she could practically see it glow in her minds eye. She was hoping it wouldn't end.

Vegeta on the other hand was a bit angry that a regular human being could call on Gods with this much power and strength and get them to help her what ever her problem may be. This angered him, because to him a female earthling should not have that much control. It was recluse. To him women had to many emotions and to have mood swings while handling power like this was just plain out deadly, and, as said before, recluse.

While Vegeta was trying to hold back on letting his anger out, Destiny had her eyes closed with a smile on her face. The feel of the energy surrounding her made her feel so safe...so full and whole...so happy that's what she loved out if all of it the feel of being happy. Some thing that always came with the embrace when she called upon them, and the sent that filled the air, the beautiful smell. The smell of hundreds of flowers, it was like she was in a field of them. She was a bit sad that it would be over soon.

Jessie on the other hand was zooming with energy. The Lord and Lady seemed to like her child like light that radiated from her. Her innocence that came from her attracted them and they seem to be feeding her more energy as a gift to her for that innocence. Jessie's eyes were wide at the feel of this and was a bit curies as to where exactly it was coming from, having her turn her head to look around her with her hands still held up high. :: Where is that coming from. I know you close. I bet they're hiding.:: she thought.

After feeling that every one was ok with the presents and feeling of the Lord and Lady Destiny began again, letting her hands fall to her side, the others doing the same. She slowly walked up to the table and picked up her dagger, then motioned for Jessie to come to the table and stand on the other side in front of her.

Destiny slowly held the dagger up to Jessie the tip of the blade resting on her forehead. "You are of this earth and will remain of this earth...... Young and pure...Let your blood flow threw your mortal body and give you life. Human you shale remain. Bye my will, so bless it be!"

Jessie took the dagger from Destiny, holding it in place at her forehead. "Of this earth and will remain of this earth... Young and pure... Let my blood flow threw my mortal body and me life. Human I shale remain. Bye my will, so bless it be!" She spoke softly before laying the dagger back on the table.

As the two-walked back to there places, Piccolo and Alex went to sand at the table in the same manner. Every one deciding earlier that Alex should be the one to be half namick. (We all knowing why! ^-^)

Piccolo picked up the dagger in is hand and looked at Alex. "Are you sure about this?" He asked once more.

Alex smiled; happy that he wasn't being as mean as he was earlier when they said she would be the one to be half namick. "Yeah, now come on, I don't fancy having to stand out here all night." She said as if she was irritated, when in fact she was happy.

Piccolo nodded and took the blade, cutting his palm with it. He let the blood flow from his hand in to the goblet that sat on the table, having the blood mix with an herb for balance as he spoke. "A namick by blood, strong and wise. My blood is given to thee with acceptance. Let it mix with your blood and form a balance. Let this blood flow threw your mortal body and give you life. Namick and Earthling you will become, and shale remain. By my will, so bless it be!" His voice strong, still confused as to why this had to be done.

Alex smiled to her self and picked up the goblet that now held the blood of Piccolo, lifting it to her mouth and drinking it. She then set it down and spoke. "A namick by blood, strong and wise. Your blood is given to me with acceptance. Let it mix with mine and form a balance. Let this blood flow threw my mortal body and give me life. Namick and Earthling I will become, and shale remain. By my will, so bless it be!"

Once the words left her mouth a light surrounded her and a feeling took her over as she felt the change began. Her skin became a beautiful light green, her hair color faded into a dark purple. Her bangs that where parted, turned into a dark blue. Her ears a bit pointier, and her new antennas formed on her forehead. The first female namick. And boy was she beautiful.

The Lord and Lady making sure that this new creation that they let be made by the five and with the help of their power was made of beauty, all ways making sure that any creation they helped with was of the best it could be. And they were very pleased with the out come.

Alex held out her hand amazed at how you looked and felt. The others watching on in amazement as Destiny smiled, happy she made one of her cozens wishes come true.
"Holy shit, Destiny.... You have no idea what this feels like. Its like, like they entered me..... The God and Goddess. I could feel them change me..... It was....... It was....... Wow. Man I can't explain it." She explained as best she could, still shacking from the feeling and new instincts she had.

Piccolo stared at her for a moment. Seeing the first female namick was kinda mind-boggling and he wasn't sure how he should react to it. Serious he thought. He should act serious. "I think we should finish this." She said walking back to he spot.

Alex looked up with a smile, to Destiny, before skipping back to her spot.

Destiny and Vegeta then walked up to the table and began the last changing.

Vegeta took the dagger and in the same manner cut his palm and put let the blood fall into a separate goblet, mixing with the herb, and began to speak. "A saiyan by blood, strong and cunning. My blood is given to thee with acceptance. Let it mix with your blood and form a balance. Let this blood flow threw your mortal body and give you life. Saiyan and Earthling you will become, and shale remain. By my will, so bless it be!" He said, still not liking any of it.

Destiny took the goblet in her hand and frowned a bit. She knew Vegeta wasn't happy about any of this as thinking about ending this all. She looked up into Vegeta's cold eyes and figured if he ever found out the real truth, she really would have no chance with him......... but if she went threw with this she would have more of a chance. She would be strong, powerful..... she would be part saiyan...... the only female saiyan.... Was it worth it? It was something she had always dreamed about. To be a saiyan. She smiled. Even if she didn't end up with him she would still hold something of his, something he gave her.

She slowly pulled it up to her mouth and drink it, before speaking. "A saiyan by blood, strong and cunning. Your blood is given to me with acceptance. Let it mix with mine and form a balance. Let this blood flow threw my mortal body and give me life. Saiyan and Earthling I will become, and shale remain. By my will, so bless it be!"

Again, as soon as the words left her mouth she felt the same feeling enter her body as the change took place. Her hair became a dark, dark blue it looked almost black. Her eyes fallowing the same color and a pain shot down her spine. The next thing she knew, she could feel her new form tail wiggle its way threw the small hole she cut in the back of her jeans.

Destiny stood there shocked as to how saiyans feel. It was wired. She still looked pretty much the same but the way she felt was all together different. The others watch in amazement in the same manner of before. "W..w..wow...... holy shit.... I..I...feel so..."

Alex smiled. "I know. Wired huh?" She asked getting a nod in return.

Destiny looked up to see Vegeta walk away and bad to his spot. :: Probably made:: She thought.:: Oh well.:: She then walked back to her spot and raised her hands having every one do the same.

"I call on thee one last time! Hear us! Lord and Lady, hear us!" She spoke. And motioned for Piccolo to continue.

Piccolo did so and continued. "I call upon the element earth! Come forth and claim your sign bring with you the rich soil that we sand on and is needed to support every life! Claim you sign!" Suddenly a cloud of moist dirt blew in and formed into a twister of dirt on top of the sign she had marked in the ground, never stopping.

Alex then took her moment to speak, for it was her turn. "I call upon the element air! Come forth and claim your sign, bring with you the clean air we must breath to live, for nothing can survive with out it. Strong when needed, gentle when wanting! Claim your sign!" A gust of wind blew in and formed a twister of it's self on top of the symbol air.

Vegeta then took his turn and spoke with a strong voice. " I call upon the element fire! Come forth and claim your sign, bring with you the burning flames, and power you posses! For nothing can stop you and any thing that does dies the your mighty flames! Claim your sign!" Flames of fire appearing over the symbol in a twister of strength.
Destiny smiled, every thing was going the way it was suppose to. Her voice came out soft but strong. " I call upon the element water! Come forth and claim your sign, bring with you the clean clear water, in which every one needs to survive! Gentle and soft, but strong if not careful! Claim you sign!" A twister of water forming over its symbol.

Jessie then spoke, in her turn. " I call upon the element spirit! Come forth and claim your sign, bring with you the innocence and love, pure and strong! For every thing living needs it or there would be no life! Come and claim your sign!" Another twister of silver light forming over its symbol.

The five of them stood there watching, as the elements seemed to grow brighter. Destiny taking as a sign she decided to finish it. "Elements of five! Lord and Lady! I have called upon you to stop time and space! A wrong has been done and now must be made right! Souls of three taken with, souls of two! Time stop with in the circle and the moment it was done, appeared back as though they were gone a second of time! Darkness take use threw and back! On to us with no harm brought, God and Goddess and elements of earth bid farewell! As this is willed so mote it be!

The elements grew bright and the presents of the Lord and Lady grew more stronger, and the next thing they new there was a bright flash of light appearing form the middle of the center of the circle, having them all close their eyes.

When they opened their eyes they were in a different place. They were on namick. And Frieza standing in front of them in his last form.

Alex looked around and then behind her, sadness and anger forming on her face. Dende was laying dead a few feet away form her. She assumed Frieza had just killed him.
Turning back around she saw Frieza standing there so sure of him self. " Hey Destiny... you remember right." She quietly said, knowing her new saiyan hearing would be able to pick up was she said.

"Yeah. I do." Destiny said looking at Frieza with a look of hate, after seeing Dende. "Jessie stay close."

"No p..problem." She said behind the other two girls.

Destiny turn to say something but stopped as she saw Vegeta fly pass them strait at Frieza. "No!" Destiny yelled, knowing her wasn't going to survive this fight.

"Destiny! You can't tell him. It will change every thing." Alex said grabbing Destiny's arm, sad that he would die. "Don't worry he'll come back." She spoke softly so that the others wouldn't hear as hey watched the fight began.

"I..I know, but still." Destiny said looking at her with worried eyes. "He's going to die." She said turning back to the fight and wanting to kill Frieza herself.

A/N: Ha! First chapter out! Want another one? Soon I hope, I got a lot to do but I try real hard to get it out for you. Please review and tell me what you think. I love to hear from you. Tell me if any thing is wrong in the story and please read my others. ^-^ Pretty please?