Ancient History: The Forgotten Past of the Saiyans
Chapter 20: Gathering
Everyone sat around the large round stone table, the five of them summoned to gather there in the light of recent events.
"What are you going to do? They are supposed to be dead." the Group Elder said.
Person #1: "We cannot attack them, because they are now on one of the planets protected by the Ancients. It took all of us combined, just to break the barrier that protected the planet Earth millennia ago."
Person #2: "We have someone working on a project that not only will allow us to get rid of all those flagrant Saiyans once and for all, but bring order to the universe."
Person #3: "There is one member of the Ancient race alive, in my domain. He seems to have had a child with a saiyan! And they are helping the simian creatures."
Group Elder: "Really? What does this plan entail?"
They all grinned with glee at the plan that was laid on their ears by the fourth person. The only challenge to their dominion will soon be under their control, further securing their rule.
POV: Goku
'Is everyone ready?' Appuru said to every one as we were seated on Solaris, preparing to depart from Earth to Saiyara. "Yes." Tony says.
We are on our way to Saiyara. These last few days have been exciting, to say the least, being around my own kind. Again I feel a sense of belonging gathered with my kind. Everyone seems more relaxed now that they know Frieza isn't alive anymore.
All of us onboard are now traveling through space to our destination, Including a few extra items. I overheard Tony and Appuru's father talking about the government getting suspicious of his activities associated with Capsule Corp., so everything other then the usual house wares were teleported aboard to one of the cargo chambers. Bulma has stayed behind to diffuse the situation.
POV: Vegeta
I sit here on the lavatory waste bowl, thinking of what I'm going to see at our destination. Even though I would not say it out loud, this ship is impressive. It puts Frieza's ship to shame, and he supposedly had the best of the best.
This ship lacks the usual smell of metal and the hum of wires, of the others I've encountered. It is certainly comfortable to my saiyan hearing. With comforts on mind, in notice even the seat I'm sitting on is padded, providing comfort.
I exit the lavatory (my hands washed), and join the others back in the common room, as our travels will only take one hour and twenty-four minutes, from now. I reach for a drink on the buffet table, which Kakarott is gorging himself. Despite Kakarott's personality change, the 'Goku' eating habits are still strong. The two seem to be merging.
The changes in him have been gradual. Just the little things. The way he holds his food, or the way he smiles everyone, especially me. Even the way he fights is slightly different, holding his left arm a little higher, and his left foot being turned out more.
It would seem the human ways have influenced my thinking more than I realized over the years. Using words like 'he' and 'she', 'him', 'her', et cetera. Saiyan society has no such distinctions. After my father's biology lesson, the reason became quite clear. When I was five, I could only understand so much of how the universe worked.
I am pulled from my thoughts when my father as me a question.
"Up for a game of checkers?" He sets up the board on the table between us.
"Yes." And we commence the game.
POV: Goten
Trunks and I sit on the couch and watch the game between my Bondfather and Trunks' Saiyan Grandfather. Dad has finished eating, and joins us in watching the game. Soon almost everyone is gathered around the two Royals trying their hardest to trounce each other.
It is down to to two king pieces. King Vegeta is nearly trapped in one of the corners. Vegeta was about to make his winning move, when the ship jerked, sending all of the checker pieces and the checker board, to the floor.
An alarm sounded, alerting us all to trouble. We have also dropped out of hyperspace as Trunks calls it. Three quarters of the way to Saiyara, we find ourselves surrounded by ten fleets of 20 ships.
POV: Solaris
I am surrounded by two hundred armored space traveling vessels. One of them fires upon me. I will not allow harm to come to my cargo.
"I am Solaris. Why are you firing upon me?"
I can hear some people murmuring their confusion in the background over the com. channel. My sensors easily penetrates their armor and shields. Most of them are members of the fallen Cold Empire, and the rest seem to be allied with them.
"We detect saiyans aboard your ship. They are wanted for their crimes against our people. Turn them over to us. Resistance is futile."
"You are mistaken. I am the ship. The captain will be with you shortly."
POV: Appuru
I have just finished writing in my diary. The others are playing games in the common room. Suddenly the ship jerks and I am tossed off my bed. Solaris informs me of the situation telepathically, via the neural interface in the headband of my gi, and teleports me to the bridge.
"I am Appuru, Captain of Solaris. How may I help you?"
"I should have known you would be a saiyan. You, your crew, and your ship will be impounded until your trial, or enslavement. Resist and you will be executed. Prepare to be boarded."
"Not today. Besides, revenge is not becoming." I end the transmission.
Solaris tries to open a subspace window to escape, but it seems we are in some kind of dampening field. Soon we are being fired upon, since Solaris is blocking their attempts to beam onto the ship. Yes we could blow them away with little effort, but we would be no better then them in that regard. The shields are withstanding their blasts with little effort. So we have some time to make a plan.
POV: Bardock
"Bardock. I have an idea that might help us get out of this situation." Tony says to me. The royal family and my family are sitting around a large rectangular cobalt blue quartz table in the main conference room.
Our plan is in progress. We are configuring the extra escape pods to counter the dampening field, if we can't trick them with the cloaking device. The plan is to launch them and set them in an equidistant orbit around the ship. We are done! The cloaking device managed to confuse them for a short while. But since we are surrounded, we cannot plow through them without being detected. Now to test our handiwork. The pods have been launched and are ready.
POV: Tony
It's working! The hyper drive has been powered up and we are ready to continue our journey. The project is a bust when, we are being fired at. We have no choice but to fight back and fire at them.
Solaris has manage to take out their dampening field generators with relative ease. Several of our adversaries were fatally wounded in the defensive attack, but we transported them aboard flash-repaired the wounds and teleported them back to their respective ships in full health.
By doing that, the message sent was clear: We have no malicious intent. But we are not to be trifled with.
POV: King Vegeta
I wanted to destroy them so badly. But my experience living with Appuru has taught me anything, it is that allowing you enemy to live in shame, is much more rewarding.
At last! Our transport is parked in high orbit around Saiyara. Soon all our things are being transported down to the surface. This will be our home until the eight planets of the dragon system are fully teraformed. One of them will be reserved as a memorial for the previous inhabitants, erased by war.
Thinking back, I can still remember the crisp air and the blood red dunes, off of the Yamazaru Sea back home. This planet is similar to both Earth and Vegita. Lush vegetation, desert areas, marshes, thriving wetlands, rolling hills and skyscraping mountains. Saiyara has the tallest mountain in the system, measuring at almost 75 miles high.
POV: Trunks
All that are not in stasis, are present on the fields that surround the landing pad, kneeling with their left fists over their heart. Grandpa commands everyone to rise. They do so with their fists still in place.
"This is my son, Prince Vegeta." He says. Dad steps forward to stand by his side.
"This is my first of two grandchildren, Prince Trunks..." I step forward. "...and his mate, Goten." Goten stands next to me, looking on in awe of all the saiyans present.
I'm glad I learned the people skills I needed as CEO of Capsule Corp.
Goku just smiles at everyone, but not the usual toothy smile.
"My son has a few words for you all."
POV: Goku
"My youngest is with her mother on the planet, Earth; the place I've called home for over twenty years, their time..."
I'm not one for long speeches. At least it seemed long. I'm getting rather hungry again. My stomach growls loudly alerting Vegeta to my current state. Soon I am called to stand and Gohan and I are on display before a huge crowd of people. After it's all over we are ushered into the large mess hall of the facility.
Wow! I've never seen so much food! I can barely contain the drool, as scan the contents of the tables, with various meats, fruits, vegetables and desserts.
Since I have the brain damage repaired, I have become more aware of how I eat. Now that I have finished eating, I head to my assigned quarters for a nap, before I go to the sparring area.
Chapter 21: Free for all.