Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Chronicles: Goku and Vegeta ❯ Just a little fun ( Prologue )
Disclaimer: I do not own Dbz…I do not own anything! =(
Author's Note: If you wanna know how these two become babies then read this! Oooor just skip ahead! ^-^ whatever you wanna do…
Deep within the far reaches of the universe; a place where neither human nor saiya-jin have reached, lies a feeble planet with a race of magic possessors. These monks of magic spend their days looking over other planets through a television device that they created to entertain themselves.
One day, they decided to watch a planet called Earth. Uncanny as it sounds, they zoomed in on none other than the Son family who where out on a picnic with the Brief family. The magic users watched most intently at the relationship between the two older men of the family whom they came to know as Vegeta and Goku. They observed the hatred Vegeta seemed to hold for Goku, and the oblivious character of Goku himself when confronted by Vegeta.
To make things more interesting when they watch planets, they usually chose specific people or things to mess with so their show is more entertaining. As they looked at each other with a gleam of glee in their eyes they decided then and there who they would use their magic on. Of course they chose the duo of Vegeta and Goku. Now all they had to do was decide on an interesting event, something that would cause much entertainment. They all agreed that they were in the mood for a comedy so a brainstorming session began. One of the monks suggested the they make the two fall in love! But the others gave him a look of disgust and the idea was soon obliterated. The next idea was to rid the world of food, on account of how those two seemed to enjoy eating so much. Some nodded that they would find that comedic but figured that the characters would die out too soon and then they would be returned to their bored state.
Finally a decision was made by one of the older monks. Seeing as to how the two saiya-jins seemed to have such a strange relationship, he purposed that they wipe them of some of their memories. Then, as an added bonus, they could shrink the two down to the age of babies in that world and observe how the events went from there on. Everyone agreed with the aging monk and all together began chanting in front of the two holograms.
On Earth, Goku and Vegeta began to feel the world spinning around them. Their minds were going blank and size seemed to diminish. Their companions had yet to notice the events taking place but within a couple of minutes they were brought to the realization that, where there had once sat Goku and Vegeta, there were two miniature sized baby versions. Shock was contagious throughout the picnic. The first to approach the infants were Gohan and Marai Trunks. They bent before their father's and looked at them. Grins were plastered on their faces and they picked up their fathers.
"Daddy! Look at you! You're so cute!" cooed Gohan.
"Not as cute as my Daddy!" Trunks said as he pushed his nose up against his fathers.
Gohan growled slightly, "No way! My daddy is much cuter!"
"Nuh uh," replied Trunks, he lowered Vegeta and stuck his tongue out at Gohan.
During this argument the two babies looked at the people holding them and listened to the repeated word of, Daddy.
"MY DADDY IS CUTER!" screamed Gohan.
"NO MY DADDY IS!" defended Trunks.
"...d-d-.....d-d-d-da-...daddy..." sputtered Goku.
"daddy daddy daddy!" Vegeta started to sing.
Gohan and Trunks shut up and stared at the two babies they held.
"YOU SAID YOUR FIRST WORD!" they cried in unison.
Both babies gurgles at the attention and soon the other occupants of the picnic joined the father and son duos.
Everyone began discussing how this could have happened, after coming up with no logical explanation they decided that the best thing to do was just gather up the dragonballs and wish the two back to normal. The only problem was that it hadn't been a full year since the last time that they summoned the dragon. The dragonballs would be dormant for another 2 months. The picnic ended then and everyone parted. ChiChi and Bulma returned home with their tiny husbands and son.
The next two months flew by rather quickly with the babies receiving much attention from their wife and sons. Then it came time for the dragonballs to become active again so ChiChi and Bulma got together with their husbands and sons and decided that the two women would go out and collect the dragon balls while Gohan and Trunks watched after their fathers. With that said, the two left...