Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Baby Chronicles: Goku and Vegeta ❯ The voices that plague Krillin ( Chapter 1 )
Disclaimer: As you could have guessed, I STILL DON'T OWN DRAGON BALL Z! -=goes into denial=- actually I do…It's all mine..MINE I TELL YOU…-=sees all the evil glares and runs away=- OKAY I TAKE IT BACK!
Author's Note: First Chapter! Just go on and read it and tell me how much it sucks ^-^;;
Chapter One: The voices that plague Krillin
Gohan stumbled down the stairs of Capsule Corp. as he ran. When he reached the bottom he raced into the other room almost running smack into Marai Trunks.
"Whoa there, Gohan." Trunks cautioned.
"Are they gone yet!?" The pre-teen half-saiya-jin asked with eagerness.
"Yep, just left a few minutes ago, and since they are going by hover craft it should take them a good 10 hours to collect all the dragon balls."
"Alright!" Gohan cheered and ran to the television.
Trunks looked to see a retreating back and opened his mouth, "Gohan, we're suppose to baby-sit our fathers. Remember?"
Gohan stopped and looked back at Trunks who, in turn, pointed to the playpen which contained two sleeping saiya-jins, one dressed in blue and orange footsie pajamas and the other in red. "Aw! Trunks! Just look at them! They'll be asleep for hours and even if they do wake up, Bulma made that playpen saiya-jin proof!"
Trunks eyes narrowed as he glanced over at the two little ones, "I'm not so sure..."
"Come on Trunks! Lets see what's on TELEVISION!" With that said, Trunks reluctantly followed Gohan into the next room and flopped down on the couch to see what was on.
As soon as they left, a young prince rose his head up and looked around. "Good, the big peoples are gone. Now me and kakawot can escapes." said the young Vegeta as he looked over at the snoring Goku. "KAKAWOT! YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSE TO WEALLY GO TO SWEEP! WE'S WERE PWETENDING!" Yelled Vegeta.
A startled baby Goku sat up and yawned then looked over at Vegeta, "Sowwy Veggie."
"Nows, Kakowot, we gotta train!"
"Okay!" agreed Goku.
Just then, the door bell rang and Gohan jumped up to answer it.
"Oh hey Krillin." greeted Gohan.
"Hey Gohan, do you and Trunks mind if I hang out with you guys for a while?" asked Krillin.
"Yeah sure, come on in." Gohan backed out of the way so Krillin could get inside then quickly closed the door. "Trunks and I are in the other room watching-"
Krillin cut off Gohan by saying, "What are those two doing?"
Gohan looked over to the playpen where Krillin was staring and saw his father, along with Vegeta, bouncing on their butts. His eyes widened at the sight. "HEY TRUNKS! COME SEE THIS!"
Trunks ran into the room and looked at Gohan. "What's up?" He then noticed how both Krillin and Gohan were staring behind him and he turned around. His eyes, too, became wide. "MY FATHER IS HOPPING ON HIS BUTT!" With that said Trunks ran upstairs and was back down within a minute holding a video camera. "Can't miss a moment of this!"
They all laughed as Trunks taped the bouncing babies. Then Gohan peeked into the other room. "Whoa Trunks! We're missing the climax!" Trunks stopped recording and the two ran back to the television leaving Krillin alone with the playpen ridden saiya-jins in the room across from him. Krillin looks to the room next to him and then at the babies, "They aren't very good baby-sitters..." he concluded. "Oh well, I wanted something to do and hey, this could be fun! Now first things first, bottles! Baby saiya-jins must need a lot of bottles!" So Krillin ran off to the kitchen for his project.
"Awight, thats enough twainings," decided Vegeta as he stopped bouncing.
Goku nodded in agreement as he wiped sweat from his forehead.
Vegeta sat in thought for a while so Goku leaned over and poked him. Looking at Goku, Vegeta growled, "What's you want Kakawot!?"
He blinked and said, "I made a poopy..."
The young prince starred and then clapped his hand to his nose. "KAKAWOT YOU BAKA! MAKING'S A POOPY IS NOT PART OF THE PWAN!"
Ashamed of his smellyness Goku began to cry...loudly.
Trunks ran in quickly and picked up the crying baby. "Aw, what's wrong Go-" Trunks face turned a light shade of green and he set Goku down. "There is no way I'm changing that thing! GOHAN! YOUR FATHER NEEDS TO BE CHANGED!"
Gohan walked in and immediately gagged at the aroma filling the room. "Why do I have to change him!?" He complained.
"He's your father," reasoned Trunks.
As they argued over who would deal with the diaper situation, Krillin came in with the bottles. Surveying the scene, he piped up and announced, "I'll change Goku."
The two teens looked over at Krillin and said you unison, "You will?"
Krillin nodded and put down the bottles. Shrugging, the other two "big peoples" left to watch the show. He made his way over to the playpen and picked up Goku. Taking a few moist towels and a lot of powder, the job was done in about two minutes. "There you go buddy!"
"Oh wow! Veggie I'm cweans again!" Goku exclaimed cheerfully to his fellow baby.
"Yeah, yeah big whoop..."
His black eyes stared in shock, but Krillin quickly shook his head and grinned. "Heh I almost thought I heard you guys talk but that's crazy!" Krillin explained, mostly to himself. He placed Goku back in the playpen and went back to retrieve the bottles. Twenty bottles of milk were placed in front of each baby. "There you guys go. Drink up now!"
They obediently began drinking and Krillin slunk down into a near by chair and watched them. When they finished, Vegeta turned himself to face Goku.
"Okay Kakawot, now we's gotta learn how to stand! Then we's can gets out of dis pwace and take over da world!"
Krillin sweat dropped and muttered to himself, "I'm going crazy, Vegeta did not just say that..."
"How's we gonna do dat Veggie?" asked Goku.
"Well, maybes if we's just hold onto the side of these bars then we's can pull ourselfs up!"
"Oh, awight!"
"......" Krillin stared at the two babies as they crawled to separate corners and began pulling themselves up. Many thoughts of madness ran through the little mans head. These two can't really be plotting to get free? Could they? I mean, they are just babies. But how come I can hear them talk. They were shrunken to three months of age! They can't talk yet!
"Hey Veggie! Wook at me!" called Goku.
The struggling saiya-jin raised his head to see a standing Goku and growled. "Darn it! How did he surpass me so qwuickwy!" With Goku's new ability being mastered, he waited for Vegeta. With his legs shaking beneath him, baby Vegeta pulled himself up until he stood tall.
"Ha! See Kakawot! I can do it too!" Vegeta said smugly.
"Wow! That's gweat Veggie but now what's we gonna do?" asked Goku.
Vegeta silently growled at Goku's preaching and then thought. "Well, nows that we can stand...we should learn to...walk!" He announced in conclusion.
His confused companion blinked and then asked, "How's we gonna do that Veggie?"
Baby Vegeta narrowed his eyes and sighed. "Like dis, Kakawot." Lifting his tiny foot off the ground, he placed it in front of him. Then he proceeded with the next foot until, BAM, the prince was kissing the ground.
Goku dropped down and crawled across to Vegeta. The prince was poked several times before he groaned, "Kakawot go away." He then say up and growled. "Let's just pwactice okay?"
With a nod, Goku returned to his corner and stood himself up again. Vegeta too, returned to his face and diligently worked on the walking; hopes of being the first to ascend floated in his mind.
Krillin reached up to his chin and shut his mouth which, during the whole spectacle before him, had dropped open in shock. "They are talking to each other and they're plotting to get out and destroy the world!" After coming to that conclusion, Krillin ran off to the other room two get Gohan and Trunks.
He dragged the two away from they're show and into the next room. "Krillin, your hearing things. There is no way those two can talk yet!" complained Gohan while he was being dragged.
"Yeah, Krillin, they aren't old enough." added Trunks.
Krillin dropped them in front of the playpen and crossed his arms, "You just wait..."
Trunks and Gohan looked at each other and shrugged, then turned to the playpen.
"I DID IT! I DID ITS FIRST!" cheered Vegeta as he accomplished walking the length of the playpen.
"Wook Veggie! I do it too!" called Goku as he too had made it across.
Vegeta growled silently and nodded, "Vewy good Kakowot..."
"See! What did I tell you!?"
Gohan's eyes became teary, "Aw Trunks, did you see that!"
Trunks nodded and sniffed slightly, "Yeah, our dad's just took their first steps into manhood."
The two then hugged and cried.
Krillin blinked and stared. "What are you two doing!? Who cares if they can walk! That's a bad thing considering they want to take over the world! Didn't you here them talking?"
Cracking up at the ranting, Trunks and Gohan rolled on the floor for a while laughing until both sitting up and staring at Krillin. "Gosh Krillin, all babies say things like googoo ga ga...really it's normal." explained Gohan.
"Googoo ga ga? That was no googoo ga ga! That was "I DID IT! I DID ITS FIRST!" and "Wook Veggie! I do it too!"
There was silence for a few minutes until Trunks chimed, "Krillin I think you need a rest, I mean even if they could talk; my dad would never let Goku call him Veggie."
"...but he did call him Veggie!" defended Krillin.
Gohan stood up and put his hand on his older friends shoulder. "Yes he did Krillin. Not only that but pigs can fly, hell froze over, and Bulma decided to shave her head!"
Trunks cringed at the last remark but quickly shrugged it off, "Krillin you really should take a nap or something." Krillin dropped his head in defeat and nodded slightly. "And Gohan, the next show just started," Trunks informed the other half saiya-jin as he ran back to the television. Gohan followed close behind and soon Krillin was once again alone with the two "talking" infants.
Goku walked over to Vegeta and nudged him slightly, "How comes the bald big person made the uder two big peoples wook at us?"
"I don't really know, but from what I heard...I think he can understand us." Vegeta reasoned.
Goku's eyes widened and he turned to Krillin who was still standing, and staring, at them. "Can yous understand us?"
"Yes," Krillin replied plainly as he sunk to the ground and accepted his fall to insanity.
"Cool! Hey Veggie? How comes he can understand us but duh uder big peoples can't?"
Vegeta blinked and looked at Krillin, "Well, uh, isn't it abious?"
Goku shook his head, "Nope, espwain it to me."
A sweat droplet ran down Vegeta's forehead while he thought, "Erm, wells, you gots the big peoples and well..."
Goku nodded with a grin on his face for Vegeta to continue.
Suddenly, Vegeta's mind lit up and he began explaining quickly, "All duh big peoples got hair right? But we's don't and nider do he! And we alls smaller den the big peoples and so is he, so that means that he must be a weally big baby!"
"Weally!?" Goku asked. "Wow, he's a weeeeaaaallllyy big baby."
"I'm not a baby!" Krillin growled at them and then his face dropped. Why was he talking to them! He knew he wasn't really hearing them, it was all in his mind. Just one of those 'your mind is playing tricks on you' kind of things.
"Just ignore him Kakowot! We's got to get back to our pwan." consulted Vegeta.
Goku looked back at Vegeta, "Okay!"
Vegeta walked over to the side of the playpen and tapped on it, "We's gotta find a way to bweak dees walls..."
Krillin cringed but then a thought crossed his mind and he was put to ease. Bulma had told him earlier that the playpen was saiya-jin proof and these two could hardly walk! It was obvious that they were stuck in there. Feeling like things would go fine until the others got back with the dragonballs, Krillin walked over to a couch and decided to take Trunks' suggestion for a nap. I mean, maybe he was going crazy!
Vegeta sat down and humphed. He couldn't figure out a way to escape. Sure they could walk now, but what good was it to their purpose if they couldn't get out!? Turning his head to the side, Vegeta noticed something in Goku's hands. "Kakawot? Whas that...?"
Goku looked up from his toy and grinned. "It's a haiwpin I took out ub that ChiChi persons head when she's was huggn' me."
"Oh..." Vegeta answered as he returned to his train of thought but then his head shot back to Goku again. "Hey! Why didn't you tells me you got that!"
Looking back, Goku shrugged, "I dunno Veggie..."
Vegeta shook his head and then walked over and held out his hand. "Give it to me, Kakawot. I's can us it to get us out ub here."
"You can? Okay!" Goku chirped as he handed Vegeta the hairpin.
Carefully, the devising youngster began straightening out the pin. He then went over to where the main control box was located and dropped to his knees. Vegeta got down on his stomach, then reached through the bars and under the control box. It was a circus of wires under there, but Vegeta knew that one of them was bound to set them free once he broke it. One by one, he plucked at the wires and broke them. He would then sit up and stare at he the door but each time it remained closed. Snap, nothing, snap, nothing, snap, nothing, snap, nothing, snap, nothing, snap, nothing. Vegeta sat up with a look defeat on his face. The boy had plucked every wire but the door to the playpen still remained closed unless...maybe he missed something. Checking one last time, the princes eyes lit up at he sight of an orange wire. Aha! That had to be it! In a few swift motions, the door swung open. The two stared at the open door leading to the outer world, their freedom, the world they would plague with their havoc.
Goku looked in awe at the door. "What nows Veggie?"
"We weave you baka!"
"Oh yeah!" Goku exclaimed and then stood up. Together he and Veggie walked slowly to the door and through it.
Vegeta looked around at the freedom he had consummated. He starred with homage at his surroundings and then at Goku. "Ha! This is it Kakawot! Alls we gotta do it get some suppwies and then we can go take ober the world!"
Goku shook his head from a daze and stared back at Vegeta, "Awight, but what suppwies are we gonn-" The saiya-jin's question was interrupted by a loud snoring noise on the couch. Both babies turned to see the "big baby" sleeping loudly there. They looked at each other with evil thoughts in there minds but then Vegeta looked back in the playpen.
"Kakawot, befores we go anywhere we should pwobabwy make decoys soz that no big peoples know that wes are gone," decided Vegeta.
With that said, the two returned to their cell and picked up the teddy bears they had been given. By Vegeta's order, they stripped themselves of clothing and dressed the bears. Once that was all done with, Vegeta and Goku sat the "babies" in a corner making sure that their backs faced the outside. After they finished, they quickly ran out again and shut the door swiftly behind them.
"There we's go! Nows we gotz to get to work on the uder stuff for duh pwan!" Vegeta announced cheerfully. Then, yet again, they were interrupted by snoring on the couch. Vegeta couldn't take it anymore, he marched back into the playpen once more and grabbed his stuff giraffe. Goku watched, curiously, as Vegeta marched up to Krillin with the stuffed animal dragged behind him. As another snore escaped the short mans mouth, the stuffed animal was briskly put inside. Vegeta then walked back to Goku with a satisfied smirk on his face. That look, however, was quickly erased when the snoring was turned into snorting. "Darn this big baby!" cursed Vegeta as he stalked back over to the couch. He looked over the monk and contemplated until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to find Goku was beside him. "Whats is it Kakawot?" he asked in annoyance.
Goku grinned in a goofy way and suggested, "Maybe's he's gotz a cold and needs some medicines."
Vegeta thought for a moment and then nodded. "Yeah, maybes daz it. Kakowot you give him duh medicines."
"Me? Okay...um..." Goku looked around thoughtfully as his eyes came upon a bowl of dog food that was across the room. "Oh der is some medicines!" He ran over and picked up the bowl and then returned back next to Vegeta. As carefully as possibly, he and the bowl made their way on top of the big baby. "Um Veggie? Hows he suppose to takes duh medicines?"
"Well he's snorting so stick it up his nose!"
"But..." Goku began. "Veggie, he dun have a nose."
Vegeta's complexion faltered as he climbed up next to Goku. Surely enough though, there was no nose. "But then how is he snorting!?"
Goku shrugged as he held the "medicine" on his lap. The two looked over the monk to find where they should stick the medicine.
"I guess," Vegeta said finally. "that we's should just stick it evewywhere! We's are bound to find duh wight spot!"
"Okay," Goku agreed. Oblivious to the small saiya-jins crawling all over, Krillin was soon covered in dog food. They stuck it in his ears, down his shirt, and in his pants. The dots on his forehead even showed the attempt of the babies. When they finished and had returned to the ground, they set off to find something to eat when Vegeta shivered.
"Kakawot, I fink wes need to gets new cwothes..."
Goku sneezed but then nodded.
Nude and freezing, the two babies ran out of the room leaving Krillin covered in dog food with a giraffe firmly in his mouth.