Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bardock's Return ❯ Chapter 4

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
The blast that have collided still continued for many many hours. The blast is
steadily going back and forth . A battle never seen before, the great ki's are against
odds, suddenly Kakarot is starting to lose long, but steady losing. ChiChi felt so
helpless but to watch in horror.

ChiChi: G-g-g-g-Goku? *he ingores her, focusing all his energy into the Ki blast*
GOKU!!!!!!!!!! *still ingores her* Goku, you got stop this craziness!! *tries to hit him,
no distraction was made. Then it occured her, if she distracts her, both will die, but
then... other way around, I'll lose all my friends, my sons... my... everything. *sobs*
NOOO!!!!! Oh Goku! Please, I don't want to lose my friends! You have to teleport
out of here! This had been on for... OMIGOSH! 7 hours, 17 minutes and 11

Goku: Gee... and I still have energy left! A LOT of it!

ChiChi: Oh dear... Oh Goku! If you blow up the planet, you have to kill me too.
You are so out of control! *Goku grabs her, and teleports to Kami place*

Meanwhile when chichi pleads to stop, at Kami Place

Gohan: Gee, it's been like 7 hours! and we're all tired! OH! does any body have any

Everybody: No, but let's give it all! *Now everyone passes out*

Goku: Goku: Gee, what happened, ah no wonder, all of then did the strongest blast
beam... now that IS something. Both side gave up at the same time...

ChiChi: OH MY SONS! OH NOOO!!! No Goku! Go down and get senzus! NOW!

Goku: Ok, and my name is Kakarott! *insantly, Bardock got up*

Bardock: *jumps up, all healed* Son... s... son... gosh, you gave up too?! At the same

Goku: I guess...

Bardock: Gosh, but you would've kept going if you wanted to?

Goku: Yeah, I still have whole lot left, but my wife here convinced me.

ChiChi: Heh, heh, looks like this time I saved the world..

Bardock: Well, wow... WONDERFUL! I am soo glad you did ChiChi! Mmm, you
know what? I have to tell you something, ChiChi, after we revive them.

Goku: Already did. *everyone is waking up now, some say 'am I dead?' 'What? I
am still alive?! HOW?!' But then realized and startled by Goku's appearance.

Gohan: HEY!

Goten: YOU!

Piccolo: What the f....

Trunks: What's going on?!

Vegeta: BAKA Kakarrot!

Kakarot: Heh... guys... bye! *teleports to who-knows-where and returns* Oh
yeah, you don't have to worry about me for now bye! *teleports again.*

Piccolo: Hmph, I don't buy it. I guess we'll have to keep our gaurd up for now

Bardock: ChiChi, Gohan, and Goten, I have to tell you. Ever since I came here,
you automactically recieve my blessing which is... ah, cursed to see future, I am

Chichi: Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-WHAT?!?! No way...

Gohan, Goten: REALLY!?

Bardock: But, listen carefully, Goku did not recieve it, I made sure of that.
You may have difficult time trying to tell others what's going to happen. But all of
us four, we can easily convince others, expecially *facing toward the gang* our
friends. You guys must understand that. Please, don't ask any questions. Some
future can be very horrifying, yet, sometimes cannot change of what's going to

ChiChi: *whimpers* Why us?!

Bardock: Well, the moment I saw you as a baby. I knew you'd be his wife, so I gave
the blessing, and pass it on to your kids.

Gohan: Uh-oh! Future incoming! Dad is back, fighting us... great, he's winning.

Bardock: Exactly! So, we need to find a way to win, using that tactic that we're
fighting against. Krillin, you are responsible for turning him back to normal.
Because in about 5 years, the world is pretty much destroyed, and finally found a
way, to turn him back to normal. Just think it'll be over in 5 hours instead of 5

Krillin: Mmm, gee 5 years. What do I have to do?

Bardock: You MUST go to where your first World Martial Arts Tournament,
attract Goku there, and have a LONG talk like the past, the future and the presant.
What you say?

Krillin: Sounds, well, very easy.

Bardock: Not as easy as you think. We have to lure him there...

Gohan: But why not here?

Bardock: Most of his memeries are there other than at home.

Gohan: Oh, makes sense, OHMIGOSH! My wife! Bye!

Bardock: Uh, but can't you wait like, 5 hours?

Gohan: Then I'll make a phone call. To see if Pan can come a long too.

Trunks: Oh no...*he moaned*

Bardock: Pan?

Gohan: My daughter. That mades you a great-grandpa.

Bardock: WHAT?! Great, she have the blessing too... that makes 5! Ok, go home
and bring Pan. Ok Gohan?

Gohan: Ok bye then, get ready. *flies down to the nearest phone booth* No wait,
my house is right below Kami's. Alright! I am home! Anybody here?
*A chair spins, sat Kakarot with Pan in his hands, ready to kill her* FATHER!!!!!!!
*Knocks Goku Out.* Pan! Are you ok?!

Pan: Yeah, what's with him! What's going on? Where's mom, is she ok?!

Gohan: You better come with me, I want you to meet someone ok?

Pan: I am NOT leavi until mom is OK!

Goku: Don't worry, heh heh, I hid her well *pass out again*

Pan: Great, better bring grandpa along then. I don't want him to hurt my mom.
*flys out of the door*

Gohan: Oh Pan... Dad... let's get ya outta here. *flies out too with Goku*

Meanwhile at Kami's

Krillin: Gosh, I am nervous. Gohan is not gonna call, his home is right below.
Easier than the phone.

Bardock: Intresting, so you know what to do? Go there and wait for Goku. Only you
and him will be there. Don't worry, *seeing Krillin's worried face* we'll be hiding,
and suppress Ki too.

Krillin: Hmm, sounds risky... but I'll take it, as long he doesn't fight me...
*stretching his neck* will this work?

Bardock: Supposely.

Krillin: I guess you are right...

Pan: ALRIGHT! Will someone tell me what's going ON here?!?!

Bardock: Huh? Who's this pretty girl?

Pan: G-g-g-Grandpa?! AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But dad got you... where you get the
scars alreadY?! Please don't hurt me! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *Gohan enters WITH
Goku* What the fuck... Grandpa, and another GRANDPA?! Is there twin

Gohan: Let us explain it ok?

Pan: Yah, you better, I have a son to take care of...

Bardock: WHAT?!?! Great, that makes me Great-great-grandpa!

Pan: HUH?! You're my... great-grandaddy??

Bardock: Yeah, that's right.

Pan: Gosh... wow, that makes you a Great times 3!

Bardock: Oh KUSO! Gee, but you all look so YOUNG!

Goten: I can explain that. We wished tht we all be young forever. We're all
20 years old, but really, some of us like dad, i 100 years old about.

Bardock: Gee, that's VERY long time! That makes me... *counting* 13- years old...
and I haven't aged yet!

Pan: Well... ina bout 7 days, you will look like one, or perhaps... die.

Bardock: KUSO! Where are those balls?! I am gonna die!

Vegeta: I... I... I... I'm sorry, you'll have to wai...t a year.

Bardock: CHIKUSYO! Is there any other wishes?? That are possible???

Piccolo: Well... first we have to go uh... turn Goku good again, then he'll teleport to
Nameck 3.

Bardock: Ok, this is our chance! Gohan, take Goku to the place that we're going to.
And Krillin, *Krillin stops* Good luck, you'll needin' it. Act casual and be a good