Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bardock's Return ❯ Chapter 11

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Goku launched forward, trying all his best to finsh off Kakarot once and for all.
Kakarot easily dodges them all the punches and tries to attack back. They are
exact equal in power. This goes on for 3 hours.

"Well, it seems that you can punch me. But just so you know, I
am equal to your power and knowledge. This can go on forever you know. I can predict
your moves as well you can do mine. It is been 3 hours and we still haven't land a single
punch on each other."

"Yeah well, you got a point there," both stop fighting and lands, to talk some more.
"So what are we gonna do?"

"Hmph, well, DIE!!!!" Kakarot let out a ki blast at him, and Goku easily dodges that one.
"That proves it..."

"What proves it Kakarot?" Goku asked, sternly.

"Which one you would like to listen first, how I created my body, or how are we to finsh this
fight... or perhaps, one of the battles."

"Hmph... I'd like to know how you got your own body?" Goku answered, with some thinking.

"Very well,"

"And what do you mean, 'one of the battles'?"

"Slow down Goku, I'll get there soon. When Dende searched for me when we were knocked out,
I made myself, an powerful image to make my own. Before I did that, My soul left your so-called body.
I went somewhere to create my own and came back inside your body so I can scare that mate of yours
and to scare you of course and summoned my body I created. Then take that from there to now."

"I can't believe you, but I believe you... shut up Kakarot...." Goku is partially provoked.

"I know you are provoked. Go ahead Goku... " Goku doesn't move. "I knew it, Anyways, want to know
how to finsh this battle and the war? The war have just begun."

"The war have begun long ago, when you first controlled back on first Namek when I went Super." Goku
said, angerily.

"Yeah, you're right. Anyways, give us a week so we'd be a tad different in strength, and knowledge. What do you
say?" Kakarot asked.

"Same thing I was thinking." Goku admitted. "But I didn't think you'd really admit that..."

The Z gang comes in, and everyone looks from Goku to Kakarot to Goku and back to Kakarot. They both look
angry, so they can't tell. Dende is fusturated, Vegeta... well, we don't know what he is thinking. Trunks, he looked
shock, Chichi came back, scared. Everyone is speechless.

"Damn, is there any end???" Trunks cursed.

"Maybe not, this might take years..." Dende frowned.

"Hmph, no it won't," Vegeta smirked at Kakarot. "It's you Kakarot," pointing to the wrong one.

"Huh? YOU even can't tell Vegeta??" Goku asked, bit surprised. Vegeta let out a small yelp, surprised
and not expecting it.

"What the fuck... I am NEVER wrong ever before IN MY LIFE!!!!" Vegeta screamed, very shocked.

"This is SOOO sad!!!!" Trunks cried again, ashamed of his father.

"SHUT UP!!!!!" Vegeta yelled at his crying son. "FOR KAMI'S SAKE!!!! OR I WILL NOT BRING PAN
BACK!!!!" This shut Trunks up right away, fearing that he will see Pan again... in after life which will be too

"I wish that we were bonded so I'd die along with her..." Trunks said very depressed. This scared Vegeta.

"DO NOT SAY THOSE THINGS!!!! We need you HERE!" Vegeta got really worried for his son,
"That is VERY weak thing to say, shut up and stand up like a brave, proud man, LIKE I AM!!!"

"YOu mean, you USED to, or still is after this incident..." Krillin pointed at Vegeta. This provoked
Vegeta. He growled very loud at Krillin.

"Eep..." Krillin said.

"Wait a minute..." Vegeta said, "isn't Krillin dead?" Everyone nods, starting to get scared of him.
"I AM DREAMING!!!!! ALL AN ILLUSION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Vegeta screamed really loud. But
the words of Krillin stuck in his head, 'You mean, you USED to, or still is after this incident..' He screams
really loud to get the words out of his thick headed skull. Kakarot and Goku looked at each other and nods.
They both knock vegeta out, sensless. Everything became quiet again. But not for long. Dende sweat drops,
and everyone followed suit.

"Ahem, anyways... kakarot? Goku? Is that right?" Dende asked.

"Yeah," both replied.

"Oh man..." everyone moans.

"But we both have a plan!" Both smiled cheesely. Everyone lost thier balance, even vegeta stirred.

"It sounds like that you're getting along... but you're not?" Chichi asked hopefully, worried that she'll have 2
husbands, after all, she did after all these years.

"That is right honey," Goku said, but we both agreed to fight another battle in seven days. Se we'd be tad different
from each other, and who knows who will win..." Goku said.

"Well, I must be off now... bye!!!! ENJOY LAST SEVEN DAYS!!!" he left with a evil laughter. When out
of ear shot and out of view, Goku spoke again.

"Don' t worry, I'll win."

"As always..." Chichi smiled.

"Can you come with me to somewhere special. Remeber my promise? I will not leave you ever again.
So, come with me to my special training. only TWO people can come. That is me, and my wife.
the place where I can train for seven years in 7 days... " Goku stated.
"Do you know where, what I am thinking?" he smirked. Dende, Trunks, Sunkun, Aroash, Josh, Vegeta, Tein,
Yamucha, and last but not the least, Choazu. They all look at each other, smiling. Bardock and Grandfather Gohan
are confused.

"Um, where?" Bardock asked.

"yeah, where? Or, is that even possible?" G. Gohan asked.

"Room of time and spirit, back on Dende's look out." Goku explained. "Just remeber, this fight is between
ME and kakarot and no one else will fight him. Not even in the next 7 days. Got that?"

Everyone nods, little nervous by his 'seriousness'.

"OH Goku! I will come!" Chichi agrees, then Goku picked her up and called for Flying Nimbus and flew off.