Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Blood of life ❯ Meeting of Brolli ( Chapter 1 )
Ok everyone I know it is really mean to start multiple fan fics and well have so many going at one time. However, I promise that over my spring break which is in 2 weeks I will finish 2 of my other stories. So anyway here is yet again another new story, like the last I could not let this one drop. Hope you like it.
"Sir a ship is entering our atmosphere" said a nameless soldier.
"Where is it from?" asked Brolli in a bored voice.
"I do not know sir, what should we do?"
Standing next to the soldier in the control room Brolli thought for a second. A ship had not come to their planet in years. They where rather isolated and out of the way. So this was very rare hence Brolli had been asked to go to the control room. After a few seconds of thought he responded to the soldier's question. "We shell go and met it when it lands, however be on guarded."
On the land base stood Brolli along with a few of his soldiers, the ship possessed little threat. Looking to the sky he fallowed as small metallic ship as it landed on the ground. Under the pale light of the moon he was able to make out the words Capsule Corps on the side. Having no clue what it meant he waited for the door to open.
As it ramp slowly descended everyone looked to the entrance in anticipation. At length a figure in a black cloak appeared at the top of the ramp. It looked up to the sky for a moment if before turns its attention to them. Then slowly moving a thin pale hand to the hood of the cloak it lifted it off. Now before them was a beautifully pale woman with hair the color of the sea running down her back, looking at them with cold blue eyes.
Slowly she descended the ramp and stopped in front of group. Looking up to Brolli she gave a slight nod of her head and then spoke. "My name is Bulma, I'm from the planet earth and I humble ask that you allow me to stay on your planet."
Looking in the deep blue eyes of the woman Brolli spoke. "My name is Lord Brolli the ruler of this planet. Before I can allow you to stay here however I must know your reasons."
Sighing Bulma responded in a clam tone. "I have come here to escape someone from my past that has done me wrong, your planet is the closest civilized planet to earth."
"I understand Bulma you may stay with me in the palace. Now I will show you to your room."
Bowing her head in thanks Bulma fallowed Brolli into the palace. She marveled at the lovely architecture and wished she could see it in the light of day. After walking for about 15 minutes they stopped at a large door.
"Here is your room I hope it has your every need. My room is just down the hall. I hope you will join me for dinner this evening I would like to talk to you a little more."
"I would gladly join you for dinner, though I'm not very hungry so do not worry about making me any food" replied Bulma in a soft voice.
"Very well then I will see you there."
Once he left Bulma entered her room and looked around. There was a large window with a walk out balcony. Going up to them she looked to find the blood red drapes on ether side of the window. Pulling them closed tightly she looked around the rest of the room. There was a large bed and a small kitchen off the side which would be of little use. Across from the bed was a small door she figured to be the bathroom. Inside it she found a large dark marble tub and a shower. She could not wait till after dinner to clean off from her space travels but for now she would have to do.
Removing her large cloak she was wearing a black dress with a corset and long bellowing sleeves. She as had on a chocker with a small cameo on it and a Celtic cross upon her exposed chest. On her feet she wore black high heel boots. Lightly brushing her fingers through her hair she figured she was ready for dinner.
Bulma took a deep breath as she opened the large doors that lead to Brolli's room. She took in her breath at the sight of a small elegant dinning room, with multiple rooms leading of from it. At a small 2 person table sat Brolli who was looking at her appearance in Ah.
After getting over the shock of seeing her dressed so seductively; Brolli stood up and escorted her to the table. With a clap of his hands a few large trays of food were brought into the table. Immediately he dug in as his saiyan appetite took control however he did make sure to keep his manners intact despite eating so fast. Once over his initial hunger he looked over to Bulma who was sipping on her red wine well watching him eat. Finishing the last of the food present he looked up to her.
"Are you sure, you do not want anything to eat?" questioned Brolli for it did not escape his notice that she looked rather thin and tired.
"No I will be fine." Replied Bulma in a tired voice. "I just need some rest."
With a sigh Brolli figured he could not change her mind so dropped the subject. "Well I had intended to ask you a few questions but seeing as you are tired I will save it till the morning."
Hearing this words a look of shock and worry crossed Bulma's eyes as she tired to hide it behind a wall of unconcern. Unfortunately for her Brolli saw it and decided to find out what was wrong. "Is there something you do not wish to tell me?"
Looking him in the eye Bulma responded coolly "No I will tell you all you want to know. However, I'm not much of a morning person. Would you mind if I met you later in the evening."
Brolli found this to be an odd request but decided not to debate the point. "Very well then you can meet me in my thrown room later in the evening. Just ask one of the guards to show you the way."
With a smile Bulma responded warmly "Thank you, I will tell you what ever it is you wish to know tomorrow evening. Until then I wish you a good night and thank you again for allowing me to stay here."
Getting up from the table Bulma headed to her room wearily. Upon entering she went straight to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower. Placing on a simple black spaghetti strapped top and shorts she crawled into bed. Making sure to pull the thick blanket completely over her head she went into a deep sleep.
Brolli sat impatiently throughout all of his meetings for the day. He was anxious to meet up with blue haired woman again and could not wait for evening. This request however still continued to puzzle him for sure she would be tired but to sleep all day and night that was odd. Looking outside the large window in the thrown room Brolli saw that the sun was setting. Then as if on cue the doors to the thrown room opened and in stepped Bulma wearing her cloak and hood.
Bowing slowly to Brolli she looked out the windows quickly before turning away. This action did not go unnoticed by Brolli along with her attire. He found it rather odd that anyone would wear a cloak on such a warm evening and a black on at that. But, then as the last of the sun slipped away he saw her slowly remove her hood and then pull off the cloak. Bulma was wearing an outfit much like the one from the previous evening only with purple instead of blue.
"Brolli you asked to see me?"
"Yes, Bulma I'm pleased that you are here. I hope everything has been to your liking thus far."
"Yes very much so"
Sighing Brolli figured it was unlikely he would get any answers out of her without direct questions. Getting up from his thrown he walked down to stand in front of Bulma. Extending his hand he spoke calmly "how about we take a walk as you answer some of my questions."
Lightly slipping her arm in to Brolli's Bulma fallowed him out of the thrown room and to the gardens. Once there she spoke "what would you like to know?"
Well thinking of what to ask first Brolli remand silent and just watch her look with wonder at all the lovely planets. "How was your flight here?"
"Rather good, it took about a month but I went into a statuses sleep at the time so it was not long at all."
"What is your home planet like?"
Sighing Bulma looked off. It was hard to think of home and what she left behind. Looking to the ground she spoke softly "It is beautiful much like here, there is much ocean and wild life. The people are for the most part kind but not with out their faults."
Seeing the forlorn look on her face Brolli felt a ping on his heart. It was sad to see such a exotic creature in such pain. "Do you miss it much?"
Looking off to the mountain ranges Bulma shuttered then spoke "yes."
"Then why leave?"
Not wanting Brolli to see the tears forming in her eyes Bulma turned her head to the ground. "I left to escape what a wrong that had been done to me."
Thinking over her answer Brolli started to seem blood not much but there was defiantly some. Wondering if the Bulma was hurt he took her face into his hands to look at it. What he saw shocked him.
Brolli's shocked expression did not go unnoticed by Bulma who shuttered to think what he thought of her tears.
Getting over the entail shock Brolli spoke "why do you cry tears of blood?"
In a whisper Bulma replied "because I'm a vampire."
Having no clue what this was Brolli asked. For he had heard that people from earth where humans, even seen a few. Bulma most defiantly looked like one, but never had he seen them cry in blood. So he questioned her "what is a vampire."
Biting her lip Bulma sat pulled her head out of Brolli's hand and went to sit on a near by bench. Taking a deep breath she explained "a vampire is a human, turned blood drinker. We are also known to be immortal though I have only been one for a year. Day light is our enemy and in it we can die." With a pleading expression she looked to Brolli hoping he would understand. "It was not my choice to be what I am and it is because of this I came here."
Slowly sitting down next to Bulma Brolli took all this information in. He saw how she looked at him hoping he would not kill her for what she was. But he knew he never would. The whole idea of what she was actually intrigued him greatly for his was a race that lived off blood so to speech, and she was a creature that truly lived of blood to live.
Looking at her pleading face Brolli smiled "it is all right I do not think less of you for what you are. In truth it helps explain many things. I'm sure you are hungry from the ride here, are you not?"
Bulma nodded lightly in confirmation in truth she was famished. Having not eating in over a month her body needed refueling. When she had first set off on her little trip she had forgotten about things like food in her need to get away.
Wiping the tears of with his thumb Brolli tasted them, earning him an odd expression from Bulma. Chuckling lightly he decided to answer her curiosity "Bulma we are a race that lives of blood, not literally of course."
Once she understood what Brolli had said Bulma smiled and hugged him for his understanding. The shutter that went through Brolli's body did not go unnoticed by her well she hugged him. Whispering lightly in his ear "thank you."
Not really sure weather or not he like the close contact Brolli stood up and held his hand out to Bulma. Then with a smirk he said "lets find you something good to eat any preferences."
"Yes, something with red blood that is alive."
"Very well then I will take you to the dungeons there you can pick any prisoner you want for they are all set to die. Though if you prefer you can have one of my guards" responded Brolli calmly.
Shuttering Bulma spoke "I do not take the lives of the innocent."
This only made Brolli smirk more a little before speaking softly to himself, "we will just have to change that." Then in a tone Bulma could hear he answered her question "very well then the dungeons it is."
Alright everyone there it is the first chapter. I hope you liked it as always read and review.