Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Bonding ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Don't own it.



Chapter 3.





Vegeta walked into the kitchen. It was lunch time and he was hungry. He walked straight to the refrigerator, but found it empty. He growled and stormed out off the kitchen. "Onna!" he screamed, but got no answer. 'She must be sleeping or something.'

"Lazy bitch." He muttered under his breath as he walked up the stairs.

Suddenly he stopped and sniffed the air. His sensitive senses where picking up Bulma's scent, but there was something very wrong with it. "Fear." He whispered when he recognized the all to familiar scent. 'Bulma had been afraid.' He quickly ran up the stairs and into the hallway that let to her bedroom.

"Onna!" He yelled. "Bulma, answer me!" The closer he came to her bedroom the thicker the smell off her fear became, but it mingled with something else. "Blood." Vegeta now ran to her bedroom and threw the door open. What he saw in there made his stomach churn.





There on the bed, in a pool off blood lay Bulma. Her eyes wide open staring blankly at the ceiling.

Vegeta turned his head away in disgust. He had seen things like this many times before in his purging days for Frieza, but he had never expected that seeing Bulma in this position would pain him so much. Sure he was attracted to her, but that was only physical. 'Wasn't it?'

Putting his personal feelings aside, Vegeta went to Bulma's side. He checked her pulse and sighed in relief as he felt it. It was faint, but there. Vegeta looked her over. He needed to get her to a Regeneration Chamber and fast, but he knew she wasn't strong enough to survive the journey. 'Damn it! I wish I had a Senzubean.' He sighed. Vegeta knew there was only one way to give her the strength she needed. 'But do I really want to do that? I'll be stuck with her forever if I do.' To his own surprise, the idea off being stuck with her forever didn't strike him as unpleasant. 'But what about her? What will she think about it.'

Vegeta growled. He didn't have time to worry about this. He would do it and worry about consequences later. With a nod off determination he bent over down over Bulma and bit down in the juncture off her shoulder.


While Vegeta drank from her blood, he transferred some off his strength into her. After a while Vegeta pulled away, panting. He slowly lifted her up in his arms and raced down to the medical labs, now confident that she would survive long enough for him to put her in a tank. When he reached the medical labs he put her in a tank and closed the hatch. Vegeta sighed as he watched the healing fluid fill the tank.

'And now I wait.'






A/N To Maccam: Thank you so much for your review. I'm glad you like the story. I promise this will not be one off those stories you read. Sure Vegeta saves Bulma, but from here one out it will be verry diferent. I'm sure you'll like it.



A/N 2: please check out my other story called Concubine. I promise it's good.












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