Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Breaking Free ❯ Feelings ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Disclaimer: Don't Own it

Chapter 11

Bulma is now with Vegeta and Chi-Chi is with Broly. How does this change them? For better or worse?

R: (Slight) Lemon, Language


Bulma found herself waking as she was thrown over a shoulder and carted off from a spaceship. Only the view of a man's ass was all she could see and a brown belt
around his waste. She groaned as the sleep fell from her eyes. A distinct soreness was between her legs as she tried to stretch, though the man carrying her didn't feel
like stopping to let her stretch her legs. " Awake are we now woman? Heh I thought after fucking you for five hours I thought you still would want too sleep but I
guess your still wanting for more." The male voice made her snap wide awake as she remembered it. ' Vegeta......'

Her thoughts were confirmed as two male voices that she couldn't see spoke. " Prince Vegeta?" One said deeper voice said. Nappa watched his prince with a
woman draped over his shoulder, he never thought the prince too do such things, but as Vegeta got closer he could understand why.

" What did you find there Prince Vegeta?" Raditz said looking at the woman's smooth bottom but was concealed with a royal purple spandex, although her body was
hidden it was still easily molded into it.

Vegeta only glared at the two sayjins easily shutting them and their idea's up. " Im taking her to my room, then we meet with Frieza understood." He said as they both
nodded and lead Vegeta hiding his prize away from all eyes. The prince of Vegeta-sei's whore, or woman was to be seen only by the prince. Though some might find
out about her it was best too keep any women from the eyes of Frieza and his Ginyu Force. More than enough had been taken away from Raditz and even Nappa,
claiming that monkey's didn't deserve it. Even though this was Vegeta's first woman he had ever brought back he did not anyone, especially the Ginyu to know about
his find.

They reached their rooms without incident as Vegeta dropped Bulma on his bed. Her eyes were open but he could still clearly see she was exhausted. He was even
surprised after the night before, she kept up with him much better then the few women he had bedded in his life. " Woman you are to stay here, never venture out from this room or assure yourself a fate you will not soon regret. There are many here that will force themselves upon you should you leave, so remain only in my quarters."

Vegeta turned on his heel and walked to the door but stopped as he looked back at Bulma. " And do get to work on my equipment or I may have to continue to
occupy myself with your body." He said with a smirk and closed the door.

Bulma only groaned in dismay before passing back out on the bed. The soft bed gently lulling her back asleep as the door that lead inside closed.

Vegeta's scowl returned as the door closed. Raditz and Nappa flanked his side as they headed down the hallway and towards Frieza's own chambers.


Chi-Chi awoke as Gohan stirred in her arms. She looked down as his two eyes slowly raised open then snapped wide awake as he saw Chi-Chi. ' Who is this!?
Why is she holding me!? Where is my father!?' He was about to power up and find out. " Gohan do not worry." Broly's voice said startling them both. Gohan lifted
his head up to look over at his father's back. " That is your mother Gohan. She never died giving birth too you, I only kept her away from you while I feared for both
of your safety. But now i've decided you two may go back together." Broly rolled back over as Gohan looked at him to Chi-Chi.

Chi-Chi smiled in spite of herself. She sat up holding the sheet as she was only in a skimpy nighte. " Gohan...." She said as tears welled up in her eyes. " Oh Gohan!"
She cried throwing her arms around his neck. Her tears running down her face as she but a bear hug on him. She finally got her baby boy back in her arms.

Gohan was startled by his mother's actions to say the least. He looked to his father who nodded his head. Tenitively Gohan hugged her back until Chi-Chi quit crying,
though Gohan could felt safe in her arms. He could remember this, as if he had known it his entire life. He hugged her back. A word he never used, yet knew rolled
off his tongue even before he could stop. " Mommy...." He said and Chi-Chi broke down even more. Her sobs drawing out huge tears. And Gohan could only hold
her more as he saw his father scoot over.

" Both of you can rest. I have things to do. And you two can both get reacquainted." Broly said gently laying Chi-Chi back down on the bed. But his mind was
different. ' Chi-Chi this is the best for you, do not say that I am not his father, if you do I assure you Gohan will think you a fake and hurt you. If he asks anything
about me or you being together just speak of your old mate and use me instead. Its not best to undo what cannot be undone.' Broly got out of bed still naked. He
threw on a spandex suit not wanting to really bother with his other outfit. He headed out but as he looked back over his shoulder he saw Chi-Chi's death glare aimed
right for him.

He only walked out and closed the door behind him, he felt hurt inside but he didn't really expect Chi-Chi too just outright forgive him for everything he had done to
the both of them. But she could later on. ' Besides she didn't try to kill me at all, or even scream and bitch at me.' He thought as he opened up the door to his room
and almost running into his father.

Broly's not really pleasant morning broke down into anger. A deep scowl dropped into his face, his eyes narrowed, his fists clenched tightly wanting to just snap his
old man's neck. " Broly come with me, we have a serious problem." Paragus said turning around and headed down the hallway. Broly only growled but followed

The few times his father had a serious problem it ended up being something bothersome but not a serious problem. The two made the way into the ship's control
center. His father and a few other soldiers took there seats as Broly sat down at the other end. " We had a breach in our security, The Ice-Ling empire knows where
we are. They are more then likely going to send the whole Kold family, everyone of their special forces, and their elites. Which leaves us outnumbered 200 to 1."
Broly's eyebrow raised as he leaned forward for this. " Though I know our own forces are stronger then any elite they have the sheer numbers outlook will not bode
well for us. And though we all know my son is a super-sayjin, even I have my own doubts about him being able to handle all three members of the Kold family."

Broly only laughed at that. " Only a super-sayjin!? You know what deeper power I have old man... So just let me use it, as you know I won't be able too beat them
without it." A evil grin spread across Broly's face. Everyone in this room knew what power Broly had locked away, they all had seen it a few times and the results
were that of an universal apocalypse. They couldn't let that free for it would kill them all, as well as their enemies.

Paragus only glared back at his son. " Be that as it may Broly, we all know you can't control yourself and will end up killing everything. I want to live to see 100 not
50." Broly's grin fell as his lips peeled back in a snarl. " Even if we did, there is a rumor suggesting that they have a weakness against you. They claim that with one
blow you will die. Though I doubt it myself, I cannot overlook it even if it is just a rumor." A large solar system was brought up on the table. "We can't win this fight
with strength alone. So we are going to send a rumor that our forces are splitting to garner reinforcements from nearby quadrants. And that my son alone will be doing
it." Paragus stretched out with a long metal rod forming a red trail and displaying the rumor he was going to send in detail. " They will more then likely send the Kold
family to check that part out, either that or separate their forces. They won't let Broly from their sights. So we will launch a quick attack and do as much damage as
possible." His fathers looked up at his son who still had the snarl on his face. " Broly you will lead this one, everything is fair game to you. But don't expend yourself to
much since the Kold family will be there to fight."

The meeting dragged on with his father's plans and strategies but Broly only ignored it all. He never cared much for strategy, but more or less today he wanted to go
back and be with Chi-Chi and Gohan. That's all he really wanted. The meeting adjourned as everyone got up to leave Broly felt the tingle in the back of his head, he
turned around to see his father telling him to his side. " Broly, I have to admit I was surprised, you killed my mistress." Broly only glared at him but his father didn't
seem upset. " No I am not angry with you, you see I found out that day after you killed her that she was nothing but a spy. She sold her body to me, and sold
everything else to Frieza. She was the leak we had about our position and she set a tracking device here on the ship so no matter what we do they will know our

" And I should care why old man?" Broly grunted as his father rubbed his temples.

" You should care boy, because they will use your so called family against you. They know about sayjin bonds and mates, they will kill your mate and take you with
her. Then they will turn the little brat into another slave for their empire, just like our prince and the last of our fellow sayjins." Paragus stopped as he looked at Broly.

" This isn't going to be an easy fight, and you know as well as I you have no control over what you do. The only people you won't kill is your woman, and that brat."
Broly formed an energy ball in his hand ready to blast his old man for daring to refer to his family like that. But a snap of his father's wrist brought Broly to the ground.
The green light emanating from his hand began to lower Broly's strength leaving him near helpless. " Don't you dare snap at me son!" His father snarled. " I have
enough to deal with, and dealing with you is especially not what I want." He released the control from Broly and he fell to the floor panting for air. "Hopefully you
learn some more respect boy." He spat and left Broly alone to recover his strength.


Vegeta sat in his room eyeing the woman as she worked. After disclosing the information to Frieza, that bastard sent it all over the universe of 'his' find. Though
Vegeta said nothing about bringing back the woman, or even if he killed her. He assumed that Frieza just thought he did. Now the entire force was going to set ship
for this alien army and false super-sayjin. In just two months they would confront this army and then eradicate it. And it that short amount of time Vegeta had to
achieve super-sayjin. He needed to destroy the Kold family once the battle started. He could deal with the others easily. But there was just the matter of this woman
making something strong enough to let him train quickly and become stronger.

She was much quicker then he gave her credit for, as she was already half way done with a set of training equipment. Though he hated to wait, she was working on
what he wanted and soon he begin training. Though as he looked at her she was truly a catch, even he had to reign himself back from wanting her. Though he knew
she would have to be discarded later, she couldn't be allowed to be around when he came to power. If she could make things to make him a super-sayjin. Then what
could she do when making other things. She could make any small army a power, hell she could make things strong enough to kill him if he gave her enough time.

Bulma on the other hand was really nervous as Vegeta sat behind her, his eyes were on her since he set foot in the room. Though he had already taken her again the
night before and again he made her give in to the pleasure. She screamed and cried in blissful fulfillment for hours. Though she hated to think about it, Yamcha was no
where near as a good a lover compared to Vegeta. She could still remember every touch and every teasing thing he had done to her. She cried afterward when he
left. She hated herself for doing this, and for giving into the pleasure.

She submitted the night before again, her body surrendering and crying out for more. She wrapped her legs around his waist and just let him go deeper and harder.
She could even feel his lips on her own, he kissed her roughly and with need. She couldn't help but kiss back though she'd rather not her body was on its own. It was
more unnerving as he watched her though. She could feel his eyes, where they were and she couldn't stop but think about what he could do to her body. But in the
back of her mind she didn't want to admit it but she wanted him to please her body like he did. She could forget everything and just enjoy what he did to her. Tears
welled up in her eyes. ' Kami! Why did it have to be so good!? Why couldn't he just do what he want and then I could move on....' She stopped herself from crying
or ruin the training equipment she was making for him.

She wired it up and soldered it up finishing the four rings she made for him. She turned around in her chair, holding the four rings. " I finished them." She said as
Vegeta chuckled, she heard him get up and walk over. She handed them up to him and he took them from her hands. " Their gravity rings that can add up to 1-50
times gravity for those area's of your body. I could of made them stronger and go higher but that would take to long. I have another idea that should be finished in a
month, it can help you train your whole body in an entire room." Bulma spoke her mood changing as she always liked to talk about her inventions and ideas. She hid
her face though behind her long hair as she didn't want to look at Vegeta. " I'll make other things later to enhance these rings but it won't be for a week or two until
they're done."

" Good woman, once you finish your new inventions I will use them." He said smirking as he saw her hair hiding her face. ' The little woman's ashamed huh? She
shouldn't be.' He grinned as he remembered her cries and screams, she wanted it faster, harder. She was starting to want him and couldn't stop herself so long as he
continued to screw her brains out. " I'll be back later woman, food is in my fridge, feel free to eat what you can." He said with a smirk. He let his gloved hand slide
through her hair brushing it back behind her ears. He knew it. Her eyes were teary. He let his other hand brush her hair back behind her other ear so that she had to
look at him. " Don't hide your face woman. I enjoy your beauty." He leaned his face down and claimed her lips with his own. His tongue passing though her lips
without a fight. Easily he made her respond as he pulled her against him. Her hands immediately fisted in his hair and she began to kiss him back.

He threw off his shirt and removed her own as he continued to kiss her with fever. Training could wait, or.... He pulled away to toss his clothes off and slipped the
four rings on him. One for each arm and leg. He turned them up to 30 and he felt their weight but that didn't stop him. He kissed her again and Bulma could do
nothing but give in.

He left her lips to her cries to stay there. He licked and nipped lightly along her neck and collarbone. Trailing his lips down her body he created a fire to build back up
inside of Bulma, she dug her hands into the bed as each ministration of bliss moved through her body. ' Not again!' She cried mentally but it didn't last as Vegeta's
mouth suctioned to one of her mounds. His tongue swirling around her nipple and his hand made her cries return.

" Prince Vegeta!!" A burly voice cried, a large repetitive banging quickly followed. Vegeta growled angrily as he sat up. " Nappa! What is it!?" He yelled angrily as
Bulma panted, her chest heaved up and down, as he just wanted to go back to her but Nappa's voice yelled out again.

" Sire the Ginyu are outside!" That got Vegeta's attention. He turned off the rings immediately, he threw back on his clothes and looked to Bulma. ' I will not let the
Ginyu take her! She is mine and my ticket to power!' He growled as he pulled out a suit of royal purple spandex and looked back to Bulma. " Woman throw this on."
He tossed her the spandex and she did without thought putting it on. He grabbed a set of armor and gloves tossing them to her as well. " When we go outside of this
room woman you must follow exactly what I say. Some others have probably heard you and I, I didn't doubt they try to come and take you but I will not allow it." He
growled posesively. " Follow my words woman, do not let them know who you are and what you are doing. I will speak and you will only answer unless I tell you to."

" Alright fine...." Bulma mumbled in such a soft voice Vegeta almost didn't hear her. He left the room to deal with the Ginyu as Bulma got suited up in the armor. She
didn't really know what Vegeta had in mind but by the anger in his voice she probably figured these 'Ginyu' people wanted to have a go at her. The thought sickened
her but she didn't really mind if it was Vegeta. She didn't know why but it was okay even though she hated it afterwards. But guessing what other people would do to
her. She shuddered with the thought. No she wouldn't think about it. She finished dressing and walked out the door.

All eyes went to her as she saw three aliens. A red skinned man with long white hair, a large burly male with a mohawk, and the third was a tall blue alien. " Come
Onna join me." Vegeta's voice rang out as Bulma looked to him on the sofa. One leg up on the sofa and another on the floor. She walked over and to him and he
outstretched a hand for her.

Bulma smiled, although sadly she took his hand and he brought her into his lap. Vegeta's arms wrapped around her as she sat dow. " Lean into me woman, look
relaxed." He whispered softly in her ear. She sighed gently as she let her head rest on his shoulder. " Now you fools what do you want." Vegeta said coldly, as he
gently held the woman in his arms. Bulma could see the lusty gazes from the three aliens, but she kept up appearances and rested her head and the underside of
Vegeta's neck.

" You should already know monkey. You know that we Ginyu get choice for the whores first, not you." Jeiyce sneered as he eyed up the blue haired beauty Vegeta
held. He had only looked at her for a few minutes and he wanted her, his first thoughts were to just take her away from him just to humiliate him but now things had

" Whores yes Jeiyce but this isn't a whore. Please tell me you haven't noticed for who she is under?" Vegeta said glaring at them. The three looked at the royal purple
spandex and they looked to each other. Vegeta ran his hand through her long blue hair enjoying how it moved like silk.

" Cooler?" Recoome said still the slow one of the bunch.

" Yeah you idiot! Jeiyce you dragged me down here for nothing." Burtur yelled as Jeiyce was in shock.

" No way I don't buy it! Cooler doesn't send any of his warriors here, let alone some bitch!" He yelled as Vegeta smirked. The other two Ginyu agreed slightly, it was
odd that anyone from Cooler's army came here, but the suit was convincing.

" Jeiyce, Jeiyce, Jeiyce...." Vegeta said smirking. " You know about the joint attack between Frieza and the rest of the Kold family. So please tell me why Cooler
would send some of his elites to deal with Frieza, when a simple woman can handle what he wants. Its not my fault that I am irresistible to women, and you were all to
lazy to go and meet this creature. But then again I do keep up with everything. So unless you want to bother someone, I am sure Cooler or Frieza would love to
waste their time to answer your questions." Vegeta's smirk and cool voice was a flawless lie.

Recoome and Burtur only shrugged and left, they figured it wasn't worth dying over some solider girl. " Jeiyce get going and quit wasting time, it doesn't matter who
she is so long as she works for Cooler." Burtur said before leaving, although Jeiyce would rather take the girl, though he couldn't force another solider from another
commanders army to bed. Especially if she was here on orders. He only snorted and left.

Bulma finally relaxed against Vegeta for real, she was happy to be away from the looks those others were giving him. Almost instantly she fell into a peaceful slumber
on Vegeta's chest as the three sayjins around her talked.

Vegeta only held her closer as her breathing steadied. ' That was too close'. He doubted his ruse could work for long, so he had to come up with something else to
stall them. But for now he just needed to get her back into his room without having his two associates know of what he was thinking.


( The Next Day)

Broly awoke on the sofa after a very uncomfortable night alone. Chi-Chi had locked him out of the bedroom and although he didn't know what she was doing his
mental link made every thought she had open too his mind. He listened in through her mind which was carelessly left open. Maybe she didn't have good mental
defenses or she was just letting him see, he wasn't too sure. But though he could tell she was not ready for a long while to even think of being with him, he could stand
it alone for awhile. She was alive and Gohan seemed to be much more then just happy at times.

He learned that Chi-Chi's cooking skills had wrapped the little sayjin closer to her. After all a sayjin's stomach is his second heart. The boy wouldn't shut up about it,
as every mouth watering detail was forced into his mind, even when he told Gohan too keep quiet the boy refused to be quiet.. But even by the lingering smell Broly
could not deny it smelled delicious. He ate what leftovers he could find though a little cold he didn't mind, they were still good.

Though he would much rather sleep in a bed. So long as she wished him to be away he would, he promised to let everything be willingly and he would rather let her
have her space then her wrath. Broly reached over grabbing the remote off the stand next to him for some intergalactic news. But as he watched he could barely hear
the door creak open and Chi-Chi's scent quickly filled his nose. She was trying to be quiet and obviously not want to get his attention and he was fine with that. She
grabbed a few things from the fridge, obviously a morning drink or light snack. She left them out and quietly headed back to the door.

" You don't have to sneak around Chi-Chi. I told you before that you are free to roam throughout here, I won't touch you again without your consent." He moved to
get comfortable on the sofa again as she didn't respond and he heard the door close. He closed his eyes hoping to fall back asleep, he snapped the television back off
as well.

Though his hearing picked up footsteps coming towards him. " Gohan go back to bed. Im still wanting to sleep." He grumbled tossing the sheet over his shoulder, his
face settling deep in the soft pillow. His eyes closing as the footsteps stopped right behind him.

But as the wind above him moved downwards he knew something wasn't right. He dove from his spot landing on all fours on the floor as he saw a steel knife driven
deep in where his head just was. He looked up and saw Chi-Chi's fearsome face, her hand wrapped tightly around the knife's handle. " You want to kill me?" It was a
statement not a question.

" Yes...." She said in a low voice. " You turned my son into a murderer just like you! How could you do this too him! He was just a boy!" She yelled angrily pulling
the knife from the pillow.

Broly only looked at her and got to his feet. " Have you ever bothered to understand that's all I know. I don't know anything else, I am just a sayjin relying on his
instincts. I didn't change your son at all, he's just doing what his instinct's tell him now. I didn't make him into anything, I just let loose what he was holding back.

Though I can understand why you hate me for doing it." He turned his back on her. He now regretted what he had done to him but the past could not be undone, time
could not be changed. " If it makes you feel better go ahead and kill me." He looked back over his shoulder as she looked confused. " Go ahead Chi-Chi, kill me and
end my life. Bring yourself comfort knowing that once I am dead you and your child will be subject to my father. He will use your body at his whim, or give you to
hordes of men I don't really know. Then your son can be raised just what your trying to stop. Though I am keeping his personality the same, if my father raised him,
he would only know pain and seal himself away from you. The horror I lived through is beyond anything you can ever imagine. I was poked and prodded like a little
lab experiment. They wanted to know how I ticked and how I was so strong." Broly said coldly turning around. He moved right up to Chi-Chi leaving only the couch
between them. " I had my flesh burnt, my eyes stuck with needles, my blood sucked almost dry. Do you think too imagine if I die just what your son will be put
through? He'll have to watch as his flesh is ripped apart before his eyes. The bones and muscle taken from his very being to be seen under a microscope." Broly
grabbed her hand holding the knife and brought it too his throat. " Go ahead Chi-Chi I am waiting, end my life and send me to hell. It doesn't matter too me anymore,
i've already been there and back plenty of times." He grabbed her hand and looked at her with a smile. He could see the images flash through his mind into her's as his
own memories of childhood pain and trauma were witnessed as if it were her own eyes before her. " I know pain beyond Gohan, he doesn't kill others to see them
suffer, he killed to keep me alive. Not because I told him, I asked him to do it. I asked him to let you be his mother again and he did so." He was spilling himself
before her. Every word, everything he said was what he meant inside. " He is still himself, you can change him back. Be the mother you were before, his old memories
of you will resurface and he will find you inside himself. There is nothing that I cannot undo, yet its not up to me to undo it."

Chi-Chi's eyes filled with tears not only from watching his pain, watching everything he had been subject too. She still hated him though, he couldn't be forgiven from
the things she had seen briefly flash through his mind. But he was also right in his words. She could have her old Gohan back, the cheerful happy boy she had raised.
Though he would still be a killer she could stop him from continuing it. But as she looked at Broly she hated him, she wanted him to die. Not only for raping her,
taking her child away, and forcing her into a relationship she couldn't control. She wanted him to die for what he stood for. He was evil, pure uncontrolled evil that no
matter any price should be destroyed. But even as every painful and horrid memory she had of him, and exactly why he was giving her a full opportunity to kill him? It
didn't make any sense. " Damn you...." Chi-Chi muttered as the knife fell from her hands and to the floor.

Broly only stared at her. " You can't kill me though you loath to do it. Its not because you care or you know its best, i've bound you to me and I am the same to you."
He watched as the fire in her eyes burned and he could easily see what she wanted to do to him. She wanted to drive her fist into his chest, pull out his heart while its
still beating and crush it in her hands. But she couldn't.

" I hate you so much yet I can't kill you.... why do you try and make me want you!?" Chi-Chi looked deeply into Broly's eyes and found her answer.

Broly's suffering had only grown and grown, he was nothing more then a child who knew nothing. Though he understood all of being an adult. The line between death
and dying had been crossed many times as he was still shallow minded until he had met her. ' I never had anything like this.... You were my ticket to power in the
beginning, bearing me children like the old ways I had been taught where the mighty ruled.' The images of universal control with Chi-Chi always by his side with a
swollen belly were disturbing as the many, many descendants of the Legendary super-sayjin ran amok through the universe. ' Though all of that has changed when you
whispered your mate's name. All of the pain he had bottled up inside of him after years of loosing himself to the darkness and just slaughtering those around him
broke. Not only his pride had been shattered but his blackened heart, it had begun to long for her in ways besides intimately. She could see the suffering return as a
voice inside of him cried out in the pain, releasing a side that the world never knew about, it was to hide him from that pain. She could faintly see the image off death and protection in his mind. Though it was hazy the sheer size and twisted smile made her shiver uncomfortably. ' I broke just as you did Chi-Chi, the half bond I formed between us was ripped apart and it was killing us both, as I no longer wanted to be apart of you and you the same. Our minds could no longer be together so we both suffered.' She saw as Broly was so hurt inside even after knowing what he had done. The brief comfort he got while training and spending time with Gohan kept him going for a short wile, then he succumb to the tortures of a broken bond. But as the images went further into his pain inside his head Broly cut those off. ' That must always remain with me. If you saw inside my mind when is so broken..... I cannot tell you how much it would hurt you.' Broly stepped back from her cutting the mental images from one to the other.

Chi-Chi began to sob as she beat on the furniture in anger and sadness. Kami was playing with her mind and heart, she began to understand this man. But she didn't
want to! ' Kami please why do you do this to me!?' She cried but two big strong arms encircled her gently. A head rested on top of her own.

' Do not ask him anything, they have abandoned us long ago.' Broly told her as she continued to cry in his chest. Though she hated him, she was willing to take the
comfort he could give her. She continued to cry as Broly picked her up gently in his arms and took her back to the bedroom. Her tears had died down as he laid her
down in the bed. Gohan still sleeping he let the two be together again. He brushed aside Chi-Chi's loose hair behind her face before leaving quietly.


Well another chapter down, if I am getting off track or things don't seem right tell me. Or if you think I should add something feel free to ask.

R & R