Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Changing ❯ They're out! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Changing- Chapter Five

Summary- I'm sure you know it by now.

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Last Time on Changing:

The girls are almost out of the chamber, the guys start thinking. (It's a miracle! -_^)

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Author- Well, here's the chapter where they finally come out of the room! And I am so sorry for the wait!

Gohha- Finally.

Author- Thank you to: Anime Ambreen and Poke' Manic, Gotens Angel, Kutie-Pan, Baby, hotaru420, son gomay vidal goku, N-sama, Chelsea, GokuVegeta447, Pia Bartolini, petite_angel, Chuquita, Goten Bam Margera, Bloody_X, and chibigoten124/SSJ3MysticPan for reviewing on FF.net and Media Miner, just for you guys, I'm gonna make this one big chapter.

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Just outside of the Room of Spirit and Time the Z-gang was gathered. The doors slowly began to open. "See it did open within five minutes, you owe me five bucks, Bra." A voice said from the room. "Fine, I'll give you five bucks tomorrow, Marron." Another voice said. "Man, you guys bet on the stupidest things!" The last voice said. The girls emerged form the room. Pan was wearing a red shirt with black pants that made her actually look like a girl. Marron had on a yellow tank top with blue jeans; she had her hair that reached down to her back, in a ponytail. Bra was wearing a blue shirt that had criss crossed ties at the back and blue jeans that showed off all of her curves.

Marron ran forward and hugged her Mom and Dad. Bra gave a smile and rushed ahead of Pan to hug her Mom and Dad too. Pan hugged her Mom, but ended up getting a lecture from her Dad. "I can't believe you did that! You lost 11 years of your life!" "But I can now go to super saiyan!" Pan said. Her father continued to yell, Pan just rolled her eyes. She looked around. "Hey." "Uncle Goten!" She grinned and hugged her Uncle. "So, you're finally a super saiyan now, huh?" "Yeah, we all became super saiyans." "Then I'll have to spar with you some time to see how good you've gotten." "I was counting on that." Pan said, grinning.

Bra looked at her mom. "Hey, Mom, now that I'm 22 can I get my license?" "Well, sure, I guess." "Great, I'll get Pan and Marron to get theirs too!" She turned around. "Oh, hey, bro." Bra said, seeing her brother. She turned around again quickly. "Oh, daddy, guess what. I can go super saiyan!" Her father smirked. She turned around again. "What's up, bro?" "Nothing. So you can go super saiyan now?" "Yup. Pan and Marron can go into it too. We all can do it now." "Cool." "Now, I have to go get Marron and Pan and go shopping." Bra said, walking off.

Marron was talking to her parents extremely fast. "We can all go super saiyan now, it's cool." She explained how much they had trained. "Hey, there's Bra, well, I've got to go, Bra, Pan, and I have to go shopping. Bra probably needs my help convincing Pan to go. All be back at the Kame house soon." Marron said, rushing off. She met up with Bra, they headed over to Pan. "Come on, Pan, we're going shopping." "Have fun." "You're coming too." Bra stated. "No way, I hate shopping." "Yeah, but those are the only clothes you have that aren't ripped, aren't they?" Marron asked. Pan frowned. "Fine, I'll go." She muttered.

They headed off Kami's/ Dende's lookout and to a mall. "Hey, tomorrow we can go get our licenses, hey, we can go clubbing tonight, since we're old enough." Bra said. "Hey, yeah, we can. So, we'll have to meet up at your place tomorrow." Marron said. "We'll have to pick out some clubbing clothes." Oh, goodie." Pan rolled her eyes. "You could be more enthusiastic." Bra said. "I could, but I'm not about to." Pan stated. Bra stuck her tongue out. They finally got to the mall.

"Wow, Marron, look at this!" Bra squealed. "It's perfect for going out clubbing!" Marron said. Pan came up, "I'm not wearing that." There were three clothes that the girls choose, well actually Marron and Bra choose them. One was a red tube top and long red pants with black knee shoes, that one was Pan's. Another was a yellow tube top and yellow pants, which went down to her knees, with a pair of black knee heeled shoes, which was Marron's. And the last one was a blue tube top and small blue pants, that one was Bra's. (A.N. Sorry, I'm not one on clothes that's Nic's, Andy's, and Linds's expertly. So the stuff I make them wear probably aren't fashionable.)

They headed back to Capsule Corp. The guys were there. "Hey, bro. Whatcha doing?" Bra asked as she and the other two passed the living room. "Deciding what club to go to." "Oh…" "What are you doing?" Trunks asked. "Uh… we're going clubbing too." Trunks raised an eyebrow. "Really? Maybe we can all go together." "Sure." Bra then saw Goten and all of a sudden didn't want to go clubbing with the guys, she didn't want to face him yet. She wasn't sure why, but she just didn't want to face him yet.

Pan glared at Bra when she told them that they were going with the boys. "Why'd you do that?" Bra shrugged. Pan sighed and slowly put on her clubbing clothes. "I hate this." Pan muttered. "Oh, calm down, it's only for tonight." Marron said. Pan rolled her eyes. (A.N. Gee, she does that a lot.) They headed downstairs. Pan saw the guys, well, actually she was more paying attention to Trunks. (A.N. sorry, but I don't feel like making something up for the guys, soooo, you can decide what they're going to wear.) Wow. Trunks looks… hang on, Pan, don't fall for him again!
Trunks looked up. He saw Pan. God, is that Panny? Wow, she looks great. Perfect, that's the word to describe her. Pan looked at him. He smirked. "Hey, Panny." He said. Pan gave a small smile. "Hi, Trunks. Ready to go?" He nodded. "Great let's go."

Marron came down the stairs and gasped when she saw Ubuu. Whoa, he looks really hot. Nani, I can't go thinking that again! She meet his eyes.

Ubuu looked at Marron. Man, I can't believe that's Marron, she looks like a goddess! He looked at her eyes. (A.N. Marron's eyes are blue- greenish in this.) You can get lost in those eyes…He smiled at her. She smiled back, though it was more of an I-can-do-this-smile.

Bra came up from behind Marron. She tripped but someone caught her. She opened her eyes and came face to face with Goten. Aw, Goten looks great, better then-, hey, stop thinking that! "Thanks." "No prob."

Goten smiled at Bra. She grew up so much… she's gorgeous. She's a princess, one that I'm in love with. Bra slipped out of his grasp and stood straight. "Well, the car is this way, let's go!" They all headed out. "Hey, why don't we fly?" Goten asked. "Because people would wonder." Trunks said. "Oh, yeah." Goten laughed at his own stupidity.

They finally got to the club. The girls headed in. "So, what are going to do?" Marron asked. "Hook up with some guys." Bra said, grinning. "Right." Pan muttered. They headed into the crowd. "Hey, gorgeous." A voice behind Bra said. She turned around, a boy with brown hair was there. "Want to dance?" "Sure." They headed out to the dance floor. As they were dancing the boy asked, "What's your name? I'm Ben." "Bra."

Marron sat at the bar. "What can I get you?" She lifted her head, a boy was behind the counter, he had blond hair. "Uh…" She began. She grinned. "How about a dance later?" "Sure, I get a break in a few minutes anyway." He said. Sure enough, he was behind her a little while later. "Let's go, uh, I'm sorry, I didn't get your name." The boy said. "Marron." "Hi, Marron, I'm Drake." They headed into the crowd to dance.

Pan looked around, she saw Bra and Marron dancing with some guys. "Great, they already hook up with people." She muttered. "Excuse me, but would you like to dance?" A boy from beside her asked. "Huh, me?" "Yes…" "Pan, my name's Pan." "Pan, I'm Mike." He had black hair. She nodded. "Sure, let's dance."

Ubuu got into the club and looked around for Marron, he spotted her dancing with another guy. He raised his ki a bit. Then a girls face blocked his way from seeing Marron. "Hey, handsome. Want to dance?" He frowned at her. He pushed her away. He headed over to Marron. But his way was blocked again. Some girl grabbed his hands and started to dance. He sighed. Why is Marron dancing with him? I thought she liked me… Of course! She doesn't know I like her, I'll just have to show her I do.

Goten got in and saw Bra with some guys, dancing. He started over, his ki raising slowly. "Go-chan!" A girl grabbed his arm. It was Paris again. "Hey, Go-chan, let's dance." "Paris, we're over." He said. "You, didn't really mean it, right." She pouted and tears gathered in her eyes. "Paris… I meant it, find someone else." She frowned and dragged him to the dance floor. Goten looked around and couldn't see Bra anymore. I don't get it, doesn't Bra like me? What's wrong, then. Hey, I never said I liked her, that must be it. Now, to get Paris off me…

Trunks headed in. He raised his ki when he saw Pan dancing with someone else. He went up to them. "Trunks!" He looked over, Cindy, (A.N. From chapter two) was there. "I'm sorry about that." She said, hugging him. "Cindy, let go." "But, I love you!" "No, you love my money, now let go, Cindy." She frowned. "But I'm your girlfriend!" "Not anymore." She let go. "You'll regret that decision, Trunks." She walked of. Trunks headed up to Pan. Well, at least where she used to be. Another girl grabbed his arm. She started dancing. Where's Pan? Why didn't she wait for me? Doesn't she know I love her. Wait, no, duh, she doesn't! I forgot that. Guess I'll have to show her.

(A.N. I was going to stop it here, but, I'll continue)

Pan and Mike sat down and ordered some drinks. "So, Pan, I was wondering if you wanted to go out again on Saturday." Pan nodded. "Sure, I'd love to." Not! Her mind yelled. You want to go out with Trunk's. And you're not over! Stop lying girl! She shoved that thought out of her mind. Mike had started talking about himself. He stopped after a while. She then grabbed his hands and they headed out on the dance floor again.

Bra smiled, Ben was a good dancer. Bet Goten's a better one. Admit it, you want Goten, you're using Ben to get over him. Oh, wait you are over him. Just kidding. Her mind said. She shook her head to get that thought out and to go with the music. She looked at Ben. "Want to do this again?" She asked him. He responded my kissing her on the lips. "What do you think?" He whispered in her ear. Well, he isn't a great kisser, not as good as Goten anyway…


It was Christmas party at the Brief's house. Bra had just come down. Goten came over. "Hi, B-chan." He said. He gave her a kiss. She looked at him, a bit confused. He pointed upward. There was some mistletoe. She walked over to Pan and Marron, touching her lips. She looked at them. *I think I'm in love!* She said in her mind. "Hi girls." "Hey, Bra." Marron said. Pan got up. "I'm gonna get some punch, want any?" Bra nodded. Marron shook her head. "I'm not thirsty, but I'm a bit hungry, so I'm going to go to the kitchen for some food. I'll see you guys later." Bra stared off into space. (A.N. I'm also going to say what happened to Pan and Marron in the Flashback too.) Pan headed over to the table. Trunks was there too. "Hi Trunks." "Hey Pan, having fun?" "Yup!" "Cool, here." He handed her a gift then gave her a peck on the cheek. "Merry Christmas." He walked away. She looked down at the present. She began to open it. "Wow." It was a gold necklace with a gem shaped as four star Dragonball in the center. She put the necklace on. She grabbed some punch and headed back to where Bra was sitting. She gave Bra her cup and sat down and stared off into space. Marron blinked when she saw Ubuu in the kitchen. "Hi." She said. He smiled at her. He had an apple in his hand. "Want some?" He asked. Marron shrugged. "Sure." He split it in half. "Here. Merry Christmas Marron." He handed her half and gave her a light kiss on the lips, then walked out. Marron looked up. *Mistletoe I love you!* She thought when she saw it hanging up. She did wonder why it was in the kitchen, but not like she cared, Ubuu had kissed her! She headed back into the room and sat down near Pan and Bra, then she stared off into space too. (A.N. Got to love space.)

*End of Flashback*

Marron smiled at Drake. He looked back at her, then at his watch. "Oh man, I'm sorry, my break's over." "It's okay." She said, sighing. He gave her a peck on the cheek then headed back to the counter. Then he turned around and handed her a piece of paper. "It's my number. Give me a ring, kay." She nodded. He left. She found Bra and Pan and told them she was headed out. She smiled as she remembered what Pan said. "No fair! I thought I'd leave first, *sigh* guess you beat me too it." … She got outside. Well, Drake's not too bad. Then again, I was thinking of dancing with Ubuu the whole time… She took to the sky when she saw no one looking.

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Author- Voila, longer. Please R+R. Ja.