Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Changing ❯ Time's almost up! ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Changing- Chapter Four

Summary- Marron is as old as Pan and Bra. They're 11 years younger then Ubuu, Trunks, and Goten. So they decide to go to the Room of Spirit and Time to become their crushes age. This is a U/M, G/B, and T/P story. Oh and to make it more interesting Ubuu and Marron are half saiyan, so Krillen was wished to be a saiyan because Goku wanted his friend to be one, and Ubuu, uh… he's just is half saiyan. ^^ Oh, and the girls get tails later on. But in the room will they lose interest in their crushes? And if the guys realize they like them, can they win them back?

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Last Time on Changing:

"Wow! This is soooo cool!" Bra squealed. "Yes, I have a tail! I have a tail! Wait, how'd I get a tail? I'm only ¼ saiyan." Pan asked. "Who cares, we have tails!" Marron said. Pan grinned, "Hey maybe we can become super saiyans now!" "That'd be awesome!" Bra yelled. "Sweet." Marron said. "If we can, we might be able to beat the crap out of the guys." "After calling us little and young I'd be glad to fight them." Bra said. "Then we have a lot of training to do!" Pan said, getting into a fighting position. Marron and Bra did the same. "Go!" Marron yelled. And the clash of powers began. Pan's aura was red. Bra's was blue. Marron's was yellow. (A.N. No Marron isn't a super saiyan. Super saiyan aura is gold.)

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Author- Well I'm onto the fourth Chappie!

Leila- Good for you! I'm happy! Happy! Happy!

Author- What's up with you?

Leila- I'm going on a date!

Author- Say wha-?

Leila- Well, I'm off shopping with Nina and Aialia. See ya, Chalks.

Author- *blinks* Bye.

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Bra sat on her bed. In a few days they would be out of the room. She felt excited, yet nervous. Daddy will be upset that I left. But I can't worry about him; I've got him wrapped around my finger. But what will I do with Goten? She shook her head. Trying to clear it. Never mind him, you're over him!

Marron sighed for the millionth time. She was trying to choose what to wear for when they got out. Red with black? No how about the yellow one with blue jeans, yeah, perfect! Ubuu won't be able- whoa girl! What are you thinking he doesn't like you! Remember that. She nodded, she knew she was right. She was so over Ubuu.

Pan threw a punch. Three more days, that's all you have left. She, Marron, and Bra had already become super saiyans. But she still wanted to train. Where are B-chan and Mar? Hm… probably choosing what to wear. Come to think of it, they'll drag me shopping when we get out. She looked down at her torn shirt and pants. She couldn't wear this, her father wouldn't like that. I'll just torn on whatever clothes haven't been torn or ripped. That'll do. Now, what to do when I see Trunks, wait! Why am I thinking about him? I don't even like him anymore! At that she turned to a super saiyan and began punching the air harder and faster.

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Trunks was pacing in his room. In two hours Pan would be out. And she'd be his age. It seemed perfect. He liked her and he had found out she had a crush on him, so what could go wrong. Panny's the perfect girl to take out on a date! She's not like the others. "Brat! Stop pacing!" Vegeta was at his doorway. "Hey, dad, what's up?" "Your mother's called you four times for dinner, brat. Now let's go, I want to eat." "Sorry, dad, guess I spaced out." "You were thinking about Kakkarot's brat's brat again." "Her name is Pan, and, yes." "Thought so, you've been like this for two weeks now, it's annoying, so stop it!" "Sorry, but she comes out in two hours, two hours!" "Yes, so?" "Uagh! Never mind dad, let's go eat." "Finally." Vegeta snorted.

Ubuu was training, well not really training more like thinking about Marron. In two hours, she'll be out in two hours, I'll see her again! A lot of the time he could sense Marron's ki head to Capsule Corp. Then he went there to train with Trunks. Now he realized it wasn't just to train. She was cute then, now. Wow, I can't wait till she gets out. He decided to meditate, but no matter what he did he couldn't keep his excitement down. I'm suppose to be the calm one. Guess Marron can make me do a lot. She's made me really excited. He thought. Then he forced himself to calm down, Marron wasn't even there and she was making him excited, if he didn't calm down, what would he do when she finally got out? He felt himself slowly calming down, he had to relax.

Goten sighed. In two hours, ah! I can't wait, the suspense is killing me! Bra will be grown up, but I don't care! She's always beautiful. No matter how old. And now she's my age! She'll be gorgeous! He looked at his watch. It read 7:20. Only five minutes have passed! She won't be out for an hour and fifty-five minutes! Ah! He hit his head on the wall. It caused a small dent. "Oops." He said. "Guess I shouldn't do that anymore." He said sheepishly. He looked at his watch again. Ah! Three minutes! I'm gonna die! Goten sighed again.

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Author- A the suspense. Hate me don't ya? Well, next chapter should be up soon. ^^ Then we'll find out what will happen when the girls finally get out of the room. Please review. Ja!