Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Changing ❯ What are we they gonna do? ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Changing- Chapter three

Summary- Marron is as old as Pan and Bra. They're 11 years younger then Ubuu, Trunks, and Goten. So they decide to go to the Room of Spirit and Time to become their crushes age. This is a U/M, G/B, and T/P story. Oh and to make it more interesting Ubuu and Marron are half saiyan, so Krillen was wished to be a saiyan because Goku wanted his friend to be one, and Ubuu, uh… he's just is half saiyan. ^^ Oh, and the girls get tails later on. But in the room will they lose interest in their crushes? And if the guys realize they like them, can they win them back?

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Last Time on Changing:

They headed up to Bra's room. They opened the doors the girls weren't there. They looked around. "Hey what's this?" Ubuu asked. Picking up a book. "Hey, that's the book Bra won't let me touch." Trunks said. He opened it. "Hey, it's her diary!" "Look there's something about us in there!" Goten exclaimed.

Dear Diary,

I had a sleepover at Marron's house yesterday. I found out who they like! Course, they found out I have a crush on Goten. Anyway, Pan has a crush on Trunks and Marron thinks Ubuu cute, but I know she has a crush on him! Well, my Mom's calling. Ja,


The boys stood there blinking. "Panny, likes me?" "Bra has a crush on me?" "Marron thinks I'm cute?"

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Author- Three, wow, I am on a roll.

Gohha- *yawns* Yeah, but did you have to wake me up?

Author- Oko, you were falling asleep in math again.

Gohha- *is asleep*

Author- *sweatdrops* Okay, well thanks for reviewing all.

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In The Room Of Spirit And Time

Pan flopped on her bed. They had been in the room for 5 years now! Marron sighed from the kitchen. "Why are we doing this again?" She asked for the second time that day. "So that we can be closer to Trunks, Ubuu, and Goten." Bra answered. "You know, I'm beginning to have second thoughts on Ubuu." Marron said.

When she thought about it, why should she do this? If Ubuu really did like her age wouldn't have mattered. Besides the more she thought about it, the more it seemed like a childhood crush.

Bra sighed, she had been thinking about Goten, and when she thought about him she realized he wasn't so great after all. He was always messing up. Besides he thought of her as Trunk's little sister, if he liked her, well, why would he? She was, no had, been 11 years younger. Now her idea wasn't so cool anymore, it was kinda stupid.

Pan yawned, she was exhausted. She began thinking about Marron's question. Why are we doing this? She thought. Trunks didn't like her when she was little, why would he when she got out. He'd just like you for your body, not everything else. She thought. Damn, we were idiots. She fell asleep thinking about that.

(A.N. Don't worry this is a T/P, U/M, and G/B fic. This just complicates things for the guys.) Marron and Bra also decided to sleep. They had also been training, not as hard as Pan, but still training.

When Marron woke up she smelt food. "Morning Pan, morning Bra. What's for breakfast?" "Food, what else?" Bra said, sarcastically. "Ha, ha." Marron sat down. "Good thing Chi Chi taught Pan how to cook. You'd probably be like your mom and burn it." She said. Bra stuck her tongue out.

They all headed out into the void. Pan began to fight both of them. That's when Bra noticed it. "P- Pan you've got a, a tail!" Pan looked down, sure enough, she had a furry brown tail. "B-chan! You've got one to!" Marron said. "Look down, Mar." Pan said. (A.N. Remember Marron's dad was wished to be a saiyan by Goku so he could have someone to spar with aside from Vegeta.)

"Wow! This is soooo cool!" Bra squealed. "Yes, I have a tail! I have a tail! Wait, how'd I get a tail? I'm only ¼ saiyan." Pan asked. "Who cares, we have tails!" Marron said. Pan grinned, "Hey maybe we can become super saiyans now!" "That'd be awesome!" Bra yelled. "Sweet." Marron said. "If we can, we might be able to beat the crap out of the guys." "After calling us little and young I'd be glad to fight them." Bra said. "Then we have a lot of training to do!" Pan said, getting into a fighting position. Marron and Bra did the same. "Go!" Marron yelled. And the clash of powers began. Pan's aura was red. Bra's was blue. Marron's was yellow. (A.N. No Marron isn't a super saiyan. Super saiyan aura is gold.)

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At Capsule Corp.

Five days had passed since Ubuu, Trunks, and Goten had read the diary entry. They were training in Trunk's G.R. (A.N. Bulma made him one.) "What are we going to do when they get out?" Goten asked, throwing a punch at Ubuu well blocking a kick from Trunks. "I don't know, pretend we don't know they like us." Trunks replied. Ubuu punched both of them. "Why don't we see what's happened to them first." He suggested. "Yeah, come on, let's go clubbing tonight."

They walked out of the G.R. and into Capsule Corp. "Hey, dad." Trunks said as they entered the kitchen. Vegeta was eating a sandwich. He grunted a response. He had been a bit upset that Bra was in the Room of Spirit and Time, Bulma was now building him a new G.R. after yelling at him for ten hours.

"So what are you brats going to do when princess, Kakkarot's brat's brat, and baldy's brat get out?" "What do you mean, Vegeta?" Goten asked. "It's obvious they liked you, so what are you going to do, brats?" Ubuu shrugged. "We don't know." "They'll be your age when they get out." They blinked, they hadn't even thought about that.

"Well, I've got a meeting, see ya guys later tonight." Trunks said, heading out the door and to Capsule Corp. What am I going to do? Panny will be the same age as me, she was already cute when she was little, how will she look now? He got to the meeting, but his mind kept wondering off.

Ubuu also left, he headed back to Trunk's G.R. Marron's gonna grow up. What will I do, I already liked her a bit when she was 11 years younger then me, what do I do now? He began to train, but his thoughts went back to the problem of what he was going to do when Marron got out.

Goten was on his way home. Wonder what Bra will look like. She was beautiful when she was little, and now she'll be my age! When he got home, he saw his old girlfriend, Paris, was there. "what are you doing here?" He asked. "Well, I think our brake up was a mistake." She said. "I don't. I can't be with a girl who will follow other guys well we're out on a date." "Aw… you don't mean that, right?" She kissed his cheek. "Bye, Paris." He said, giving her a push out the door, he took the key he had given her to his house. Great, what do I do now?

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Author- Voila, Chapter three.

Douchu- *is still laughing*

Author- Shut up, baka.

Douchu- *laughs harder*

Author- *picks up some sand and throws it at Duochu*

Douchu- *Stops laughing and glares at her, then picks up some sand too*

Author- Oh, you're going down! *picks up more sand, war between the two begins again.* Well, I got to go *dodges a ball of sand* beat Douchu *throws some more sand* so please review *gets sand dumped down her shirt* Die! Opps, I mean Ja.