Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Chaos Effect ❯ Revelations ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: Well, no reviews, but still; The show must go on!

A shower, fresh clothes, and several thousand pounds of food later, the five healthy youths were ready to begin explaining. Konbu, who seemed to be the resident diplomat, stood to address everyone who had gathered around the table. That was the entire Son and Briefs families, as well as Krillin's. The formerly bald martial artist had been called after his daughter fainted. Konbu wasted no time in getting down to business.

"Twenty-two years from now, on August 3rd at seven a.m., our families were all killed." He said darkly. None of his happy, care-free nature was present in his expression now. Any questions were silenced by the heavy looks on the newcomers faces. No one doubted that this story was true, and quite probably vicious. "A man named Pilaf used the dragon balls to make a wish, that he would be strong enough to destroy Son Goku, and have his revenge. The dragon granted the wish, and Pilaf began his hunt for Goku. He didn't have to hunt long. I think we all know what kind of man Goku is. He faced Pilaf head-on, and was killed. But that… that monster didn't stop there. After Goku was gone, he decided it wasn't enough. He hunted down everyone who was close to Goku. He killed Dende, so there would be no dragon balls to wish anyone back with. Soon it was only us seven left. The last, the youngest. He found us. We fought him, and barely managed to escape, hiding in the ruins of Capsule Corp." Konbu's brows knit in sadness. "It all happened in just two days. Goku's death, then everyone else's. Before she died Lace's grandmother gave her something. The capsule with the time ship in it. We only wanted to go back a week, to stop Pilaf from making the wish, but the ship was broken. When we landed and I saw Gobo I knew we'd come to the wrong time." He said softly. There was quiet all around as everyone took in his words. No one had the heart to speak, or to ask the questions that burned in their minds. Konbu looked at them all sadly. "I know what you're wondering, but it wouldn't be wise for us to explain to much. I think even just knowing our names goes a little too far." He confessed. Suddenly Vegeta snorted.

"Brat, you've already changed time by being here. Don't do a half-assed job. Anyone idiot with a brain can guess at who most of you are." He barked crossly. Konbu seemed to consider this for a moment. He looked over at the older man to his side, who simply nodded. "Alright then, proper introductions." He declared. Then, his mood lightening, he raised a hand and jutted a thumb at himself. "I'm Son Konbu, the son of Pan and Uubu." He explained. Two resounding `thumps' filled the air as Pan and Uubu both fainted at once. Konbu blushed a bit at the display, but no one else seemed very surprised. After a moment, the two startled future parents pulled themselves back into their chairs, and introductions resumed. Konbu pointed to the tall, twenty-something man at his side. "This is Son Gobo." He said simply. The younger Gobo looked up from his mother's lap at the sound of his name, and gazed at his older self in wonder. There were several obvious glances between the two saiyans, and Konbu's mood lightened further. "This," He continued, pointing at Vegeta. "Is Vegeta Briefs, the son of Bra Briefs." He explained. Bra blinked and looked at the young man in surprise, a light blush creeping up her cheeks.

"Who's the father?" She asked gently. Veg sighed.

"You would never say, but you weren't married when I was born." He told her. There was an almost… proud spark in his voice. Everyone looked at Bra in surprise, before Konbu quickly diverted their attention by continuing.

"Lace Briefs here is the daughter of Trunks and Marron. The blue haired girl is her twin sister, Silk." He offered that information up to the table, and thankfully gazes turned to the young couple, who were smiling tentatively at each other. Krillan and Eighteen looked at Lace carefully, and she didn't flinch, only returning their steady gazes. Silk had been placed into a guest room. She wouldn't talk or eat, and Lace had cleaned her up herself. "And lastly," Konbu continued. "The two in the regeneration tanks are Sons Mochi and Enokidake, the children of Goten and Paresu. Mochi is the girl." He elaborated. All eyes turned to Goten. He looked at his family around him, then shrugged and threw a fist into the air.

"Whoo! I marry Paresu!" He declared happily. Next to him, Pan and Uubu were desperately avoiding eye-contact, their cheeks flaming red. After a minute Konbu decided to offer up even more information. "Gobo here is the oldest at twenty-five. I'm seventeen, Lacey and Silky are both twenty-one, Mochi is eighteen, `Dake is twenty, and Vegeta's the youngest at fourteen." He said. Then a soft yawn slipped past his lips. He needed sleep, as did they all, and now that explanations were over he felt drained.

"You guys look beat. You should get some sleep while we talk things over." Bulma suggested in concern, looking at the youths with a new warmth. Konbu nodded gratefully, and after a few more moments, he and the others meandered off to the guest rooms. Bulma had Bra show them the way.

As they walked, Bra kept glancing furtively at Vegeta. Her future son had his grandfather's hair, and serious, harsh face. But he was definitely hers as well. The blue tint to his hair, the striking, intelligent blue eyes. However his face was more elongated than anyone else in her family's. Signs of his mysterious father, she mused. Twenty-two years into the future, he was fifteen. Which meant it would be seven years before she had him. `I'll only be twenty-three then. I don't want to be a single mother!' She thought worriedly. Her plan had always been to find the perfect guy and marry him. But here, right before her, was living proof that it wouldn't happen. At least not until she already had a child.

Vegeta turned and caught her gaze with his own. `Oops.' Bra thought, realizing that she'd been gawking at him. However, a reluctant smile crept up the teen's lips, one he hadn't shown until then. The act was unusual to see in such a serious, defiantly saiyan figure. The moment passed and the young Vegeta returned to staring ahead of him. Bra forced her gaze away from her future son as she showed everyone to their rooms.

Back at the table, a fairly heated discussion was carrying on. Albeit quietly. "We can't just send them back. That maniac Pilaf is still in that timeline! Why would we send them back there?" Goten demanded, his face contorted in an uncharacteristic expression of anger. Gohan sighed.

"I know it isn't easy to think about." He said softly, looking at Gobo, who was so firmly nestled in Videl's grasp. She hadn't let him go since the time ship landed. "But, we have other things to consider. They don't belong in this timeline." He reasoned. "There's a bigger picture."

"What? The bigger picture of sending them back to die? After all they've been through?" Trunks retorted, joining on Goten's side. He'd always been edgy about time travel. Maybe it was because he felt such an affinity for his other self, the one who came back to save them from the androids. And the one who went back to a broken future. `Still, he had Mom to go back to. In their timeline everyone's dead!' He thought.

"Well, it's all speculation anyway. I checked out their ship while they were resting up." Bulma said suddenly, breaking into the argument. "It isn't travel worthy. That last trip took everything out of it." She explained. There was a pause as everyone considered this.

"…Can you fix it?" Gohan asked. No one blamed him for playing the devil's advocate, he said the things that needed to be said sometimes. Him or Vegeta. But in this case, Vegeta could only see benefit in having more saiyans around, so he kept quiet. It had been a long time since he'd gotten a good spar in. Bulma shook her head.

"Nope! Whatever I could have used to learn how to fix it has been scrambled, so those kids are stuck here. At least until I become the same genius I am in the future and build another one." She said. "But by then, we probably won't have the heart to let them go."

Vegeta caught his mate's gaze, and almost gasped. He knew that look. She used it few times, and they were far between, but he knew that look. A quick glance at Kakkarot told him that the younger saiyan did as well. But no one else had caught on. Bulma was lying. She was lying through her teeth! An inward chuckle spread throughout Vegeta. `Damn, onna, I knew there was a reason why I stayed here.' He thought. The only risk now was that Kakkarot would blow their cover. But a few moments passed, and his mouth remained closed.

Suddenly Chi Chi elbowed him in the side. "Goku, don't you have anything to say?" She asked. Goku blinked, looking around in surprise. He shrugged and let loose an infamous Son grin.

"Uh, I'm hungry?" He offered. Chi Chi sighed and looked away, shaking her head, and all around people rolled their eyes. It was typical. Vegeta blinked. `How many times has that baka done that?' He wondered. Was it all just an act?… No, it was easier to think that this one time was a fluke. Gohan sighed.

"Well, then they stay, since we have no choice." He consented. Bulma smiled happily.

"They can all stay here, we have plenty of room." She offered. There was some murmured conversation, but the matter was quickly agreed upon. CC was the center of activity for the Z fighters anyway. Suddenly a shrill beeping sound filled the air. Everyone with saiyan blood in the room winced and covered their ears, as Bulma look down at her wrist watch. "Ah! The tanks!" She exclaimed, jumping up from her seat. Her head snapped up and she looked around. "Goten, Goku, you come with me. Everyone else stay put. We don't want to scare the living crap out of those kids by surrounding them." She instructed. Goten and Goku nodded and followed her to the regeneration room. Nervousness swept through Goten. He was going to meet his future children, here, now. What if they thought he was a geek?

They reached the tanks, and Goten looked at the two teenagers floating in the filmy green liquid. Both had Paresu's hair, but beyond that, their features were all Son. Soft, friendly, warm and naïve. Nervousness was washed away as Goten felt an odd protective feeling settle in. Bulma pressed a button, and the tanks began to drain. Together the three of them pulled the two teens out, wrapping them in towels as they looked around in blurry surprise. "Daddy?" Mochi asked. Before Goten could answer, she flung her arms around him. "You're alive! You didn't die! You didn't!" She sobbed. Without thinking Goten wrapped her in a warm embrace.

"Shh, it's okay, don't cry." He said. Nearby Enokidake was staring at them dazedly.

"But, we saw you die. We saw all of you die." He said darkly. Mochi released her death-grip on Goten and looked up at her father's face. Having gotten a closer look, she gasped, surprise evident in her warm, round brown eyes.

"You're so young!" She exclaimed. It was hard to see, since saiyans aged so slowly, and had she not known him so well it might have been missed. But little things, tiny wrinkles and deeply grooved marks from years of laughing, they were part of the map that was her father's face. But they weren't here anymore. Foggy memories began to fill Mochi's mind. Being carried by Gobo onto a ship. Landing, hearing voices, seeing faces. Fearfully hanging onto her brother as she wondered if they would die. "What happened?" She asked.

"…You've gone twenty-two years into the past, by using a time machine the Bulma of the future made. It didn't work right and you were thrown back here." Goten told her gently. He guided her to a seat, as Goku did the same with Enokidake.

"The past…" Enokidake said thoughtfully. He squeezed his eyes shut. "So, it was all real?" He asked. No one answered. No one had to, the question needed no answer. It's very asking provided one.

"…Come on, I'll take you to your rooms." Bulma offered. Neither youth resisted as they were lead away. Goten watched them go with concern, not quite sure how to handle this new circumstance.

"Dad?" He asked after they had left. Goku looked at him expectantly. "What's… Does it always feel this strange? I haven't even had these kids yet…" He said, not exactly making sense, but he was more than a little muddled. Goku placed a hand on his shoulder.

"It doesn't matter son, if they're yours, then they're yours." Goku said sagely. Then he smiled. "Vegeta would probably call it a `saiyan bond' or something." He reassured him. Goten nodded meekly and watched as Goku sauntered off.


"Dad!" Konbu shouted, plowing into his father, barely shoving him out of the way of a ki blast. Before him the monster that Pilaf had become laughed insanely. It was a grotesque thing, it's green skin stretched and mutilated beyond normal laws, teeth jutting from it's gaping mouth at all angles. There was no time to speculate on the near-miss as another blast rocketed towards them. There was no time to dodge. Uubu suddenly spun, shifting himself so that the blast would hit him dead-on. Konbu barely had time to scream as he and his father were flung backwards. His body cracked painfully against a mountainside, not stopping, but continuing to plow through the rock. But it was not a pain he couldn't take. The rock barely scraped him. Before him, however, he watched as his own father was incinerated. Konbu screamed.

"Konbu-chan! Konbu-chan! KONBU!" Konbu's eyes burst open as he heard the voice call his name. Tears were streaming down his face, and his blanket was thrown onto the floor. He sat bolt up. Guilt washed through him. A bad dream, and he had been screaming aloud, hadn't he? What a mess. The door to his room was open. Enokidake and Bulma stood there, staring at him in surprise, and Mochi knelt at her cousin's side.

"S-sorry. Just a bad dream. Sorry. I didn't mean to do that, I'm sorry." He said softly. Embarrassment coursed through him. `How weak of me!' He berated. `I lost myself, I can't believe I did such a thing.' His inward thoughts tormented him. A smile came across his face, the shield he had to wear, and he felt himself forcefully lightening his mood. He couldn't let them see that. "You're better, that's good." He said to Mochi and Enokidake. In the dim light, something caught his eye. He pushed back a thick strand of Mochi's hair. A scar stretched along her cheek, marring her face where her wound had been. "Will that not heal?" He asked, desperate to change the subject, to hope they'd forget his previous display of weakness.

"Eh?" Mochi asked, blinking in surprise. Konbu mirrored the move.

"You haven't seen your reflection yet?" He asked gently. Sudden fear swept over Mochi's face, and he regretted saying such a thing. But before he could reassure her she dashed out the door. Enokidake rolled his eyes.

"Way to go, genius. That was smooth." He snorted. Bulma looked at him in shock. Such words, she would expect from someone of Vegeta's bloodline. Certainly not from Goten's son! It was such a very odd thing to see. None of the Son men would ever get out a remark like that. Konbu sighed.

"Why are you people here, anyway?" He asked. His voice was tired, but not annoyed. Enokidake snorted again.

"Because you were screaming bloody murder." He said. The air suddenly grew heavy. There was silence, and Konbu fought for words to fill it with, but found none. Why had he asked such an obvious question? Now they were certain to remember his outburst! Without a word Bulma pulled the door to his room shut. Enokidake's brows were knit, and he looked frustrated, angered by something. Bulma knew such a feeling. He was angry at himself for choosing such a bad placement of words. `Screaming bloody murder.'

Enokidake clenched a fist. "Damn. He was probably SEEING bloody murder. I'm such an ass." He said harshly. Bulma blinked. Where had this kid gotten his personality from? Videl? It certainly wasn't Goten or Paresu. And it wasn't completely like Vegeta's, either, since he didn't seem to have an overwhelming ego. Just a sharp tongue.

"I'll take you to your room." Bulma offered, not sure what else to say. The boy nodded, and they went the rest of the way, catching up to Mochi. She was standing infront of one of the hallways mirrors looking mortified.

"Oh no! Oh no oh no oh no!" She said sadly, running a finger along her narrow scar. Bulma patted her shoulder consolingly.

"Don't worry dear, scars add character." She tried to say comfortingly. Mochi shook her head.

"I look like Yamcha!" She whined. Bulma let a soft chuckle escape her lips.

"Oh, hun, you're much prettier than him. But if you really don't like it we can always cover it up!" She offered. Mochi suddenly brightened.

"You're right, make-up! What a great idea! Thanks Bulma." She said, and without hesitation wrapped the older woman in a hug. After a moment they parted, and the blue-haired scientist led her new guests to their rooms. Mochi disappeared into hers first, right next to her brother's. Bulma turned to go as Enokidake turned the knob to his door. His voice stopped her, however.

"Bulma-san?" He asked thoughtfully.

"Yes?" She replied, curious as to what the boy would have to say. His eyes narrowed again as he considered something.

"Back home, Pan-chan and Konbu, they had a very impressive understanding." He explained. "They do not like to be weak. Konbu hides himself a lot, he always has, he gets it from Pan-chan. But the two of them were very close." Enokidake closed his eyes. He turned the knob to his room, and slipped inside. The door swung shut behind him, and Bulma was left to ponder what he meant. Pan was close to her son. Well, that was no surprise, Bulma knew what it was like to have children. Then it hit her. `He wants me to send Pan to talk with Konbu. Of course! Why didn't I see that?' She thought, whacking herself over the head. The kid was trying to apologize for his words, and make it up to his cousin. Had he been Vegeta or Trunks the display would have been immediately obvious. But, as he was a Son, it took some getting used to. And despite his demeanor Enokidake was obviously a Son.

Bulma went downstairs, glancing at the clock on her way. Ten p.m. When had it gotten so late? She looked around. No one had left, but everyone had found other things to occupy their time. The younger ones were sprawled around the living room, Uubu and Pan fastidiously avoiding each other as they tried to watch T.V. or look at magazines. Goten was holding a thoughtful conversation with Trunks, who currently had a pillow planted upon his lap. And, on that pillow, Marron's sleeping head. Krillen, Chi Chi, and Eighteen were conversing seriously at the table, while Vegeta sulked around and Goku searched for snack food. Bulma sighed. It looked as though no one would be going home to night. That meant a few people would have to share guest rooms. But right now she had something else to deal with. She walked over to where Pan was sat, crossed-legged on the floor, staring at the T.V. with a bit TOO much attention. Especially when it was a commercial for a dish-washer that was on. She tapped the young demi-saiyan's shoulder. Pan looked at her in surprise, jumping a bit as she was startled.

"Pan, would you come with me, please?" Bulma asked. Pan leapt to her feet and nodded vigorously.

"Sure, of course, why not?" She said hastily. It was obvious that she was desperate to avoid her awkward situation with Uubu right now. Bulma lead her off, back towards the guest rooms. Once they were clear of even saiyan earshot, they paused, and Bulma turned to speak to Pan.

"I want you to talk with Konbu." She said firmly. Pan blinked. The colour drained from her face, and she opened her mouth to speak. However, nothing came out, save a slightly muted squawk. Bulma raised a hand nonetheless. "You don't have to say anything fancy or maternal, just go into his room and talk with him. Today you just died. He needs to see you, it'll help, I'm sure." She said. `Maybe something like this will help that poor Silk girl.' Bulma thought as she reassumed her walking, and practically dragged Pan to Konbu's room.

"Isn't he sleeping?" She asked. Bulma shrugged.

"If he is, then wake him up." She urged, then pulled open the door, and gestured for Pan to go in. The demi-saiyan took a deep breath. She was going to talk to her son from the future. A son who, right now, was the exact same age as her. Gathering herself she stepped into the room. The door clicked shut behind her. `My son, and Uubu's son. This… strange.' She though apprehensively as she walked towards Konbu's bed. He was stirring. At first she thought he might be awake, but as she heard his murmured words, she realized he was still asleep. His brows were knit in anguish as he lay there, sweat beading off his forehead.

"Konbu?" Pan asked quietly. Her first impulse was to sit on the bed beside him, but she fought it and instead kneeled on the carpet, looking at him contemplatively. "Konbu?" She asked again, a little louder this time. He opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"Mom?" He asked lightly. "Was it a dream?" Konbu asked her. She frowned at the sudden pain she felt for this boy, and shook her head.

"You had a dream, but I don't think that's what you meant." She answered softly. He sat up, looking down at his hands as he held them in his lap, thoughts racing through his mind. Pan looked at him carefully. His profile was rounded, his features soft and gentle. He had his mother's delicate nose, with his father's wide eyes, and wild dark hair. This boy before her was her and Uubu, represented by one person. It was amazing. Tentatively, she reached out a hand, touching his own trembling ones. Pan gasped as suddenly Konbu wrapped her in a hug.

"I'm sorry, it's weak of me, but I need to hug you Mom." He told her. Pan blinked in surprise. Weak? Well, sure, crying and whining and such was weak. But… Showing affection wasn't. After all, he'd been through so much, it was amazing he was this pulled together. Not broken like Lace's sister. She returned the embrace.

"Don't say sorry, it isn't weak." She told him. Konbu shook his head.

"Of course it is. When you show others your real self, it makes you weak, it lets them in. You know that." He told her, then he pulled away, his expression indistinguishable in the darkened room. Pan looked at him in surprise. What kind of person was she in the future? Had she taught her son all these things?

"…Letting the wrong people in is dangerous, that's right, and some things are weak. It's weak to cry. But… Not always." She told him.

"…You're different from her." Konbu told her softly. "Mom would never say that." He said. Pan lowered her gaze, drawing herself up to her feet. What could change her views like that? Was her future self really so cold? Or… Was her future self just right? Maybe she would live to have few epiphanies along the road. But, something about this, it just didn't feel natural. Pan looked at the doorway. There wasn't much else she could do. "Why did you come?" Konbu asked.

`Why did I come?' Pan thought. Because Bulma told her to. She narrowed her eyes. No, if that had been all there was, then she wouldn't have come at all. There had to be something more. What was it? She turned and looked back at the boy before her. "My son needed me." She answered softly. That was all it could be. `I've known him for only a few hours. How can this be?' Pan wondered. But Dende gave no answer, so with a quiet sigh she left the room.