Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ DBX (eXtended) ❯ New Beginning ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
- New beginning -

13 years later...

Kids scattered as a girl walked past. Warring a big shirt and sloppy pants and a red bandanna. She snarled at some and smirked as they cowered away. Mice. Vegeta peered at a guy bigger then her, and he stared at her. She didn't like being stared at. Only she could stare. She walked up and peered menacing at him.

"You'd better stop staring mister!" The boy snickered. She smiled sweetly, stomped his toe. He bend over as she hit his stomach, before slamming her fist into his chin, sending him back knock out. Daftly cleaning her hands she strolled away. There. PMS was a bitch. Especially for the guys.

"HEY Vegeta! Good hit girl!" A smaller girl ran up to her. Idolising her. Nice to have a fan club. Even if Vegeta could care less.

"What is it shrimp." She mused absently. But not angry. Kid was obsessed. Not bad.
"I did what you asked, and kicked Kuririn in the crutch. You were right, fell like a rock." Vegeta shrugged.
"Well you know. Guys have to know their place in this world. They only use girls, bang them up. And the girls are strong enough to bare kids. So, it's only normal. We girls can take a hit to the crutch. Why not men 'if' their so superior." Chichi nodded eager.

"What will you be doing in the vacation?" She asked, tagging along with the long striding girl. Vegeta wasn't big for a girl her age. But she sure bossed boys around. And didn't tolerate girls being pushed or teased by them or any for that matter.

"Oh I planned an international vacation." Vegeta responded dreamy. Touching a pouch on her buckle. It was round. Oh yeah, and she knew what to wish for too...

"Chikyuu to Vegeta..." Chichi muttered. Waving before Vegeta's face who snapped out of her dreaming.
"Huh? What? Oh it's you. What's wrong?"
"Your...in love???" Chichi lingered on the last syllables teasing. Soar Vegeta sighed.
"Silly girl. NO I'm not in love. Never been either."

They walked into the canteen with many, many fellow students chatting and eating.
"What's your ideal man then? You always beat boys up?" Chichi asked. They sat down at her usual table. No one sat there but her. As she pulled out a big lunch box.

"Well, he has to be strong. And be able to contain me you know? I know I'm headstrong, and spirited. And I want a guy who can stop me if needed. And pick up the fight 'for' me. Their all weaklings here." Smug she sunk her teeth into her thick layered sandwich. Impressed Chichi eyed her medium sized lunch box. And the way Vegeta worked down her big lunch box's contents.

"Amazing you never get thick with all that stuff you eat..." she stammered.
"Hey. I have my mom's genes." Vegeta stated with a stuffed mouth. "And I work out, and am growing still. I hope."
Licking her fingers clean she leaned backwards. Scanning the room. Only two more hours, and miss Briefs would be on her merry way out of here!


"No Gokuu, think. You know the answer to that sum just as I do." Impatiently Gohan eyed the teen. Grabbing the pencil away from him. "And pencils are no food."

"But I'm hungry..." Gokuu whined. He hated math, calculus what ever. He wanted to go outside. Play with the dinosaurs, play with the fish and eat them too...his mouth watered thinking about it.

"Grampa? I read in a book young warriors should go into the world and train there too." He suddenly mused. Gohan eyed him.
"Yes well...not when their only 14. Now go on." Sighing Gokuu turned back to the task at hand, before peering at Gohan again.

"Grampa? I've never been to a city, why do we live all alone here?"
"Because Gokuu. I am a hermit, remember?" slowly he nodded. Oh yeah.
"Grampa? Being a hermit is boring. Do I have to become one too?"
"No it's a personal choice. And your on purpose avoiding your math!"

"Can't we train some more?" He whined.
"NO, first the sums!"
"But I don't feel like it!" Gohan sighed frustrated.
"Fine, but afterwards you do these sums with sums for tomorrow." Gokuu nodded eager as he closed the text book. FINALLY. Happy as can be, he bolted after Gohan.


"Now Vegeta, don't talk to strangers and be careful. Also, call us if you need anything..." Vegeta sighed deep.
"Mother, BUZZ OFF? I know you mean well, but I need to ask people for the balls remember? And if their annoying I'll kick them. Also father gave me a gun." She checked her pouch with capsules. Some how she knew she wouldn't have to use the weapon. But if it made her parents feel better... "I'm going now. BYE!" she bolted out before her parents could stop her. Tossed out a car and hopped inside before taking off like crazy.

"Since when did she have a drivers permit?" Bura asked weary.
"She doesn't." Raditsu muttered annoyed. "Well she has my gun and her cell phone..."
"I know. She'll be back before the night. Too scared to stay out I hope..." They returned inside. Outside of the city Vegeta stopped and took her plane out. Checked the dragon ball radar she found at the attic with the shiny one star dragon ball and smiled. Ah, to the south it was. Hopped inside the plane and took into the air. Putting the plane on auto-pilot she opened a photo album. Why she took it with her? Because she found it on the attic too. And inside she touched a faded old picture of her namesake.

And her great something mother, and mom's name sake and her big brother. Briefs family, she read below. From left to right, starting at the back, Bulma, Vegeta, Bura, Trunks. She also had found a note in the back. All yellow and frail. On it she had read that this Vegeta guy, used to be a prince! She had royal blood! Not many could say that. Smug she eyed at her ancestors. He stood so proud! So cool. Sighing she closed it and opened a travel journal. Also old. But still in good shape. She opened it at page one.

I've left home in search of the Dragon balls. If myths are correct, I finally will find a lover. Boys are so retarded in the city! But then again, what boy would be worthy for a stunning woman like I am. Not many that's for sure. I mean, brains, looks, body. I'm so blessed. Anyway, I'm now heading south to number one. Should be easy enough. I wonder what this supposed eternal wish dragon will look like, some small lizard? Don't really care, as long as it grants my wish. A boy worthy for me, miss Bulma Briefs. The girls at school will be SO jealous!

Vegeta closed it sweat dropping. So her grandmother was thinking very high of herself. No biggie. With use of this diary she'd know what to expect. And she never read it before. It felt better to read it as she followed the same trail. She opened her own and wrote down what she did as well. Maybe good for a grand kid in the future.


Gokuu smirked as he performed the warming up exercise. Breaking builders for fun. Behind him Gohan read a book. Still eyeing Gokuu on occasion to comment on his techniques.

Both glanced up as a plane with a pterodactyl flew over their heads. An explosion followed. Alarmed Gohan rose.
"We better see if anyone survived. Quickly before that pterodactyl finds him." Gokuu nodded as both ran quickly to the crash site.


Vegeta glanced at her diaries. Mm, she actually should land and take a car from here. If she wanted to completely follow her grandmothers trip. Peering down she spotted a landing area. Flicking the automatic pilot off she wanted to descent when she yelped. A huge head of a Pterodactyl glanced hungry at her. It's eyes glowing. Gulping away the first fright she stared angry back as her plane flew on, the big flying beast keeping up with simple wing movements.

"Get lost you bird! I'm not food! Go find something better!"


Above Yema coyly opened a book for V's. Just in case. He hoped not, it was so nice and quiet these last 14 years.


The beast merely licked it's huge teeth. Vegeta sweat dropped. Nothing was written about big hungry Pterodactyls! Angrily she paged the old diary until she stumbled on her grandmother getting caught by one, and taken along. Aw shit. Maybe reading in advance was better...The beast slammed with it's tail on her cockpit. It shattered under the impact as Vegeta barely in time protected her face for the raining fragments. When it stopped she winced at the hard blowing wind. Oh shit...

"YOU RUNT OF A BIRD!" She howled as she tried to pull up the plane. It was heading for mount Peos! Now if only she could pull up in time and get that damned Dino! Gritting her teeth she glanced up at the bird. Who again licked it's mouth as it made a tail round house and slammed her tail off!

"ACK! Now I can't steer!!!" Furious she capsulated the diaries and other stuff. Stuffed it in her pocket with her other capsules and climbed out. Rotten bird! Licked her lips as the bird eyed her curious and leaped the distance that separate them. She caught the tails tip. AW SHIT, miscalculated...wind was more strong then expected. She slid a bit. She gulped as the plane crashed against the mountain. The Dino made a steep rise. Almost straight up!

"AW SHIIIT!" Flinching she managed to put hand over hand and reached the back. The Dino in flight bucked and kicked like a mule. Panting she held on to a wing bone. This couldn't take too long. She was getting tired quick.

Peered at her short skirt and eyed the Dino who glanced back with a big annoyed head.
"Now don't tell about my pink nickers you beast." She snarled. Only clean pair she found this morning. "Never let mothers pack your bags. You lose all your clothes. NOW LAND!" Instead it made a looping. Yelling she clamped for dear life.


Yema cried in glee. The proud prince of Vegeta-sei. Stuck on a bird. Not only that, warring pink nickers! PINK. Vegeta warring his much hated pink!


"KNOCK IT OFF!!!" Vegeta cried out as her grip started slipping. No hands...no fingers, stay put! BY KAMI!!! yelping she fell and grabbed a paw instead. Clamping it with arms and feet she sighed relieved. Until that oath started shaking it that is.

/Don't be scared of height of that bird, just KICK IT./ a male voice howled at her. She peered around. Huh? Well it might work.

"HEY BIRD!" the big head turned to her as it extended it's leg where she clung to, like it stood in something dirty. Gathering her last power she smirked. Coaching it's head closer. Suddenly she kicked it as hard as she could. Quickly clamping the paw again. The beast blinked stupidly. Ack, should have known her kick would fail. The eyes of the beast turned into the skull as they dropped like a rock.



Smug Yema eyed his corrections. There. Gokuu was nice, he didn't like Vegeta. So lets spike his former life in her subconscious! RICH. No power, no Ki, no Super Saiya-jin, he'd be so annoyed. And all he ruled was the subconscious. And even then only slightly. But he would be conscious of everything he...err new him-her did.


Pissed Vegeta sat cross-legged in the dark universe around him. Fun, a laugh indeed. He was STUCK. And it seemed in a girls body with no powers what so ever. Har-har.


In fright Vegeta crawled over the unconscious beast to his back and held on to it. Hoping it would make the landing less painful. She suddenly glanced up. Runt! Dug in her pocket and took out capsule 14. Tossed it and grabbed the rubber inflated boat. It was rubber and filled with air. She had more luck with this then that stupid animal. Jumping up she left the body and hopped into the boat, preying for a good ending. She was too young to die!


"Look grampa! Since when do pterodactyls drop from the sky? Will the weather change?" Gokuu eyed Gohan frowning.
"I don't know..." he admitted. Something bright orange dropped down as well, with a girl clinging to it. It impacted near the Dino. They heard an explosion and then nothing. They hurried to the boat which was deflated. Unconscious a girl hung half inside and out, over it. Curious Gokuu eyed the skirt.

"Why doesn't he ware pants?" Gohan sweat dropped.
"Because, that's a girl...remember I told you about them?"
"I have to be nice to them?" Gohan nodded as he gathered the girl carefully in his arms. Gokuu laughed suddenly.

"Look gramps! You said me having a tail made me special. She has one too!" Gohan lifted her up and eyed the dangling limp appendage.
"So she does...odd. Maybe your related?" they quickly returned at the cottage were Gohan checked her for broken bones. Stunningly she had none. Only bruised a bit. Amazing...

Groaning Vegeta stirred. Her back hurt...opened her eyes and looked up at the wooden ceiling. Huh? Then shot up. Wincing. That damned bird!
"GRAMPS!!!" she winced again. Woe her, a massive headache...she cradled it in pain as she tried to snarl at the boy to shut his big mouth. Glanced over and blinked. De-javou...did she know him? The boy smirked back.

"My name is Gokuu, and yours?"
/ACK!! HE'S A BOY!? WHY NOT ME! YEMA!!!/ angry Vegeta turned Super Saiya-jin 3 suddenly being kicked out of it by a mysterious power. Slumped on the ground he peered about. Where the hell? Yema...had to be him. Grr...

"Vegeta. Aw my head..." leaving the bed she walked past Gokuu who eyed her tail fascinated. She slammed him in the face with it.

"Look at another's butt." Peeved she straightened her skirt. Shouldn't have worn such a short thing...in came an elderly man.

"Ah you woke. How do you feel?" she stood firm and crossed her arms.
"I have a headache. My head will explode any minute, my back feels like it broke and I'm moody!"
"Can't have that. A guest with so much pain. My name is Son Gohan, and your name is?"

"VEGETA! She said Vegeta! Haven't we met before?" Gokuu informed loudly as Vegeta blindly grabbed a broom and whacked his head with it.
"STOP YELLING!" Soar Gokuu rubbed his scalp.
"Grampa you said girls were nice, I don't like her."

"She's not feeling well...um, miss Vegeta, would you like some food?" Eager she nodded. Dropping broom and walking after him. At the sound of the food word, Gokuu quickly joined her.

After feeding both starving kids, Gohan eyed Vegeta who seemed to read a book. She blinked as she paged back from the Pterodactyl to a lost boy found in the woods after he tried to attack her granny over a fish? She peered over the rim of the book at Gokuu and Gohan. NAH.

"Um, mister Gohan?" she asked after 5 minutes. "May I ask how long your family lived here?" Gohan frowned.
"Well um...I think about...300 maybe longer years...why?" she shrugged then sweat dropped. WHAT? No way...NO WAY. She quickly started tossing capsules. Each spat out a pile of books. She dug in and tossed away a couple. No...no...nah...nope...AH. That Gokuu reminded her of someone... She read that name before. IN GRANNY'S DIARY. And now she knew she had a picture of him someplace... she paged through an album and tossed it aside. Wrong one. And dug around more. Gohan and Gokuu eyed her frenzy.

"What bit her?" Gokuu asked weary.
"It appears she's searching something..." Gohan patiently replied.

"FOUND IT!" she cried out and traced the image. Eyed Gokuu, image and nearly fainted.
"Same name same looks. Creepy..." She muttered to herself. Gohan rose and knelt beside her and paled.

"Gokuu come and see, a man looking just like you! And a little boy looking...like you too..." Gokuu trotted over and flopped beside Vegeta who reluctantly showed it. On it was a family. Two boys, a woman and man. Funny thing was, the man had a gold ring above his head.

"Oh...so...who is he?" Gokuu asked curious. Vegeta sighed.
"Same looks same NAME, can't you read?" Gokuu eyed simple at her.
"Yes I can." annoyed Vegeta rose and started putting things into capsules again. "Thanks for the dinner mister Gohan. But I have to be going now." she activated the Dragon ball radar and blinked. Huh? Turned around and walked to a closet.

Dug in her pouch and showed the boy and male the shiny gold ball.
"Do you have one like this?" she asked amazed. Gohan nodded as Gokuu walked past Vegeta. Opening the closet and showing her the four star ball. Vegeta grabbed it eager and compared. Same size and stars! YES.

"Wow...could I have this please? I'm gathering them...collecting them better said." Pleating she glanced at Gohan.
"It's passed down for generations...I don't know..." she glanced up thinking for a moment.
"Okay...burrow then? I'll return it." In a year. She mused smirking.
"Very well, but are you all alone?" He asked. She was still so young!

"Off course I am. Thanks mister Gohan. See you soon!" She strolled beaming outside when Gohan called out. She paused and turned.
"I don't think it's wise for such a young girl to travel all alone..." Gohan mused weary. Great, Vegeta though. A mother hen.

"I'm doing fine on my own sir, bye-bye!" and walked away again.
"Gokuu gather your things, WAIT UP YOUNG LADY." Vegeta sighed. What was it with these people and shouting? She wasn't deaf...instead of scolding him she turned sweetly.

"You will have a travelling companion." Gokuu walked out with his stuff in a cloth tied to his pole.
"Ah goody..." She muttered annoyed. She didn't need a babysitter. Besides who was he to boss her about.
"Just to make sure you return the ball." he stated. Vegeta smiled, but inside she cursed. Damn. Ah well. Try and find a stone for a year brat.


Yema paused as he followed the scene in the crystal ball. Oh dear...not those cursed balls again...
"well, if their going to look for those blasted things. Might as well warn that guardian." he mused. Contacting the immortally wished Dende.

"WHAT? So I was right? But who are they then? NO WAY? Yes I'll get right on it, thank you lord Yema..." soar Dende sat in the throne. Both back? Scanned the planet and located Gokuu quick enough. But where was Vegeta? Suddenly he sat rigid as Gohan called the GIRL Vegeta." Oh Yema that is cruel..." He mused. Calling in Popo.