Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ dbz vacation ❯ prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimers: we own nothing!

Please R/R this chap, hope u enjoy! And if you can please check out our other 2 DBZ fics, `CHEEKY PRINCE CHARMING' AND `KARAOKE KLASSICS' their well funny! Especially if like us u like B/V fics.

Anyway we hope u enjoy this first chapter of our brand new fic!



Vegeta and Bulma were packing for the vacation that Bulma had planned for Goku Chi Chi, Goten, Gohan, Videl, Pann, Trunks, Bra, her and Vegeta.

"Vegeta have you seen my new blue bikini?" Bulma asked thumbing through her drawers and chucking clothes and accessories in all directions.

"Bulma! How many bikinis and costumes do you need! We're only going for five weeks! Not a life- time!" Vegeta said chucking his already packed suitcase onto the bed and getting ready to go for his annual and last training session in the gravity room with Trunks for quite a while.

"Have you packed already?" Bulma said looking quite astonished at her husbands careless attitude towards the clothes he was taking.

"Yes!" Vegeta said getting quite annoyed at Bulma's constant nagging, and the vacation hadn't even begun yet!

"I'm going to call Chi and the others to see if they've packed yet?" Bulma said picking up the portable phone and pressing a number on the speed dial.

"Whatever" Vegeta huffed as he walked out of their master bedroom and glided down the stairs to the gravity room. He liked the idea of a long vacation but what he didn't like was the idea that they were going to be going to many different planets with Goku and there was only one ship.

That meant they had to stay on the same ship as him and what Vegeta also didn't like were the plans that had already been set by everybody VIA him as according to everybody else he was too hard to please,

On the first week they were going to be staying on a sunny planet, with lots of sandy beaches and clear blue water (a lazy tourists dream) and they were going to be staying in a beach house that Bulma had managed to rent out.

On the second week they were going to stay on a forestry planet (this week Vegeta was going to dislike the most he could tell it already) they were going to camp and he dreaded the idea,

On the third week they were going to be staying in a hotel on a planet with everything on to please everybody they were going to be pampered and all to make up for the week before.

On the fourth week they were going another planet like the first week with many beaches and they were going to be staying in a holiday home.

On the fifth week they were going to a planet full of theme parks non stop! (We like the sound of this planet!) they were going to be staying in a theme park hotel (like the one at Disney land world) This was to help keep the kids more occupied although the girls thought the Sayans would enjoy this planet a lot as well!

Disclaimers: how did u like the prologue? It's just a taster though to help u lot understand the plot of this fic, it properly gets started next chapter! They leave for their vacation! And arrive at their destination!

What will happen? You'll just have to wait to find out! Hopefully next chapter will be up by Friday!

If anybody wants to join our mailing list please do! Just add your email address onto a review and we will email u whenever we update a fic or create a new one on both FF.net and Media miner.

Hope to hear from you people soon! Lots of feed back would be nice!

Please review!!! Thanks!

Better go and start on the next chapter, and the other 2 fics!
