Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dear Diary ❯ Dear Diary ( One-Shot )

[ A - All Readers ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Ball Z or any of its characters. All credit goes to Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation, FUNimation Productions, Ltd.
B/V Just a little one shot taking place in the 3 mystery years from B's point of view (The story is from her diary). I suck at summeries so please don't mind this! THIS IS NOT A ROMANCE STORY, just an attempted comedy one-shot I wrote and was crazy enough to submit. This is the first fanfiction I have ever written so please R&R!
Entry 1
Dear Diary,
Hi! My name is Bulma and since I did something outrageous today, I feel like I'm going to need someone/something to talk to for the next three years. What horrible, horrible crime did I do you ask? Nothing. Because what I did was much worse than a crime… I sealed my own misery warrant for the next three years and you know why? Because I, the stupid Bulma Briefs, invited the Prince of all Sayajins to live here. At My home. With ME! I just want to cry right now but I bought really expensive eyeliner and it took me an hour to prefect it so I don't want to smudge it… But I still feel like crying…
Here is what happened:
We got back to Earth from Namek (finally!) and Vegeta had no money or place to stay at. So, being the generous person that I am, I invited him to stay at my house…
“Hey Vegeta!”
…No response…
“Hello, someone there?!”
“I heard you woman, you don't have to shout…”
“Well, I wouldn't have to shout if you would have answered me the first time!”
“I am the Prince of all Sayajins and I will only answer who I want. In this case, not you!”
“Ah! FINE! I just wanted to be nice to you and invite you over to stay at my house since I am so kind and you don't have any money or place to leave, and then you have the nerve to shout at me! How rude!” I said, turning my back at him.
…No response…
“Did you even hear what I just said?!” I said, turning around.
“No, I told you I only listen to who I want. And annoying, shouting females aren't on that list…”
“ARGH!!! How you can even wake up every morning from bed knowing you have to be your usual self?!”
“How dare you woman! Warriors all over the galaxy would kill planets just to have my name, reputation, or title!”
“This is how I dare. You are an egoistic bustard and the only thing you care about is yourself! I don't know where I even got the idea of inviting you over! I must be going crazy!”
“That explains it…”
“Shut up you jerk!”
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And the next thing I know I soften up to him and let him stay over my house! Argh! I really am going crazy, aren't I?! Oh well, what's done is done, at least now I can have some measure of control over him! I mean, it IS my house, right?
Yeah, right …
~ Bulma
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Entry 2
Dear Diary,
Arghhhh! The nerve that guy has! I swear, I have never seen someone so small with such a big ego! Its kills me just trying to figure out where he got it all from! I bet it's from his father! From what I heard, he was such a jerk! And the nerve the little twerp has to do something like that to me! I can't believe it! This is what happened:
It was a lovely Saturday morning when I woke up from my bed yesterday. I went to the bathroom to wash my face and teeth and while at it I took the chance to rub on some face cream I bought yesterday at my favorite cosmetics store. It was suppose to “give a healthy glow to your skin and make you the radiant woman you always wanted to be!”, I read off the bottle. “Lets see if this thing works” I said and started rubbing some of the “magic lotion” on my face.
For some reason, I was feeling all happy and peaceful inside when I came out of the bathroom so I went downstairs to catch some breakfast. I was walking down one of Capsule Corporation's many halls on my way to the kitchen and flashing a toothy grin to all of the employees that I passed. For some “strange” reason, every single person I looked at stopped and stared right back at me “Oooooooookay…” I said and rolled my eyes at them. Ha, just wait until I figured out what happened to me! Ah! The embarrassment! I couldn't look at anyone in the eye for two days! Anyways, back to the story. So, when I reached the living areas, I heard some noise in the kitchen. Being the curious (and hungry) person that I was/am (only on the curious part though, I ate dinner 30 minutes ago ^_^), I went to check it out. I will never in all my living days ever forget the sight that met my eyes once I stepped through the door. It was beyond anything words can describe! Like looking at a short giraffe… impossible! There, in all his might and glory, stood the Prince of all Sayajins with a Kiss the Cook apron and taking out a delicious smelling meat and vegetable pie from the oven.
“You can cook?!” I heard myself say out of my amazement.
“Sure I can woman! What did you take me for, a fool?! I was born royalty, the Prince of all Sayajins, and you didn't think I could handle the simple task of cooking?!... And what happened to your fa…”.
I never heard what he said next. I felt the blood rising to my head. I don't know what happened, I just lost control…
He looked taken aback. “Relax woman, or you'll pop the vain on your forehead…”.
“Oh Kami…!” he mumbled and took a step back.
“Your face, its… its…”
I didn't wait for him to finish. Since I heard he said something about my face, and since my face is my most prized possession, I hurried to the nearest mirror to look what happened. I looked at my reflection and blinked for several seconds until my brain registered what it was seeing.
*It all makes sense now*, I thought. *The reason they were looking at me… it was that cream…* I started to panic.
I did the only thing I could think of at the moment… I mean, look at the factors: Cream allergy + beautiful face = total disaster = SCREAM!. So scream I did until my throat went sore.
“SHUT UP WOMAN!” He barked, covering his ultra sensitive ears.
But I didn't care. I screamed and ran all the way to my bedroom, earning quite a number of stares on the way. My face. My beautiful, lovely face covered with big red blotches from that “magic cream”. Oh yes, it was magic all right. And an evil one at that.
I went over to my bed, grabbed my pillow, and wept like there was no tomorrow. *Oh well*, I thought. *The damage is done… *. I sank deeper into my blankets and fell asleep.
And that's what basically happened to me. Of course, being the genius that I am, I made a cream to treat the blotches so they disappeared after a day. But still, the embarrassment!

”Oh, how lovely! My little sweetie is already using her very own face cream! Oh, she is growing up just so fast!”
Said Mrs. Briefs, forgetting that her daughter was already 32 and has been using face cream since the age of 12. She was cleaning her daughter's bathroom, again forgetting that she has about 110 maid-bots for the whole of Capsule Corporation. “Ooh, now, lets try some on! What does it do… oh, here it is! Lets see… hmmm, it's suppose to: give a healthy glow to your skin and make you the radiant woman you always wanted to be!” read Mrs. Briefs aloud. “Oooh! That is oh so very perfect! I just have to rub someone my face, just like this…”
When all of her face was covered, Mrs. Briefs left the bathroom and headed downstairs happily. Looking around, she saw that everybody she passed was staring right at her. *Oh, the face cream must be working and making my skin shine!* She thought.
“Oh, hello honey, have you seen my… umm darling, what exactly happened to your face…?” Asked Dr. Brief humbly, knowing from past experiences what happens when anything is wrong with Bunny's ( The name I, the author, will use for Mrs. Briefs since she doesn't have any known name… O_o) face. Oh, he remembered what happened last time all right… How could he ever forget…? He didn't sleep well for a week after that incident… Shuddering at the memory, Dr. Briefs decided that he would be better off just telling his wife that nothing was wrong. “Oh, it's nothing darling, really!”. “Are you sure pumpkin?” Asked Bunny suspiciously. “Never been surer!”. “All right…” said Mrs. Briefs, letting her husband off the hook this time… *It's probably his work* she thought. *He is just in his lab too much and it's all getting to his head. I need to ask him to help me bake some cookies, that will give him some rest.* “Yes, that will have to do!” Thought Bunny aloud. “What will have to do, Bun Bun?” said Dr. Briefs casually, unaware of the plans his wife had in store for him. Oh, how he hated baking… “Nothing darling, nothing…” Said Bunny absentmindedly. “Um honey pot, where are you going?” Said Dr. Briefs, deciding to have some fun. “The kitchen… why?” she asked. *Hehehe, just one look at the frying pan, and all of Capsule Corporation's inhabitants and going to be deaf for a week… A gruesome punishment, but it's worth the look that's going to be on her face when she sees it!* Thought Dr. Briefs, chuckling inwardly. “Nothing, just nothing!”. “Okay!” Said Bunny, regaining her usual cheerful mood and she resumed her walk downstairs.
When she reached the living areas, Mrs. Briefs went to the kitchen. “I just have to get that handsome young man some food! I don't know why Bulma isn't at least trying to get together with him! The fact the he trains day and night is no excuse! In my day, a man that showed that much dedication to anything was definitely husband material. A girl would have to be crazy to let him get away, I tell you! Oh my, what am I saying! I'm a married woman!” Mumbled Mrs. Briefs endlessly.
When she reached the kitchen, Bunny decided baking a cake would be a good start. Taking out the materials, she noticed she was missing some sugar. “Oh, there should be extra just above the frying pans!” She said and walked towards the cabinets. Passing the frying pans, she said “Oh, I just have to get some new pans! Just look at this!” She said, taking a closer look. “And I just saw the perfect pair at th…” She never got to finish that sentence. Looking at her reflection, she saw big red blotches covering her beautiful face. “………” She stood silently looking at the pots. “Oh my, and now they even show big blotches on my face! That must be rust! Wow, and I got scared there for a while! It looks like there really ARE blotches on my face… Oh, silly me!” She said, wandering off to the halls and forgetting her cooking. Turning at the corner, she saw her daughter sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.
“Hi honey! What are you doing?” She asked.
“Oh nothing, literally! Ah! Everyone else is working so hard to get ready for those androids while I'm sitting around the house doing nothing! I wish there was something I could do… mom, what exactly happened to your face? She said, looking closely at Mrs. Briefs.
“Oh, is the cream working?” Bunny asked excitedly.
“Cream? What cream... Oh no, mom, have you been cleaning my bathroom again?”.
“Oh yes, and while at it, I found this cream that is suppose to `give a healthy glow to your skin and make you the radiant woman you always wanted to be!', quoted from the box itself!” Said Bunny, confirming her daughter's suspicions.
“Uh mom, you may what to have a look at this…” Bulma said, handing Mrs. Briefs a compact hand mirror.
“Why?” Bunny asked, taking the mirror from Bulma's hand and studying it closely.
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What happened in the end? What did Bunny do to her husband when she found out he knew about the blotches all along? What did she do to the bottle of cream? … Use your imagination… ^_^
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Please R&R and tell me if I should write a sequel and make Dear Diary a series!
Thanks for reading!