Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Deep in the Heart ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Deep in the Heart

By: Kyra Briefs



Gohan sighed deep, the seconds on the school clock ticking away like hours. He couldn't wait to get out of school - Bulma had invited him along on a camping trip. He did admit it would be kind of nice to get away from it all - and how long had it been since he had had a good spar? Certainly the mighty Saiya-jin Prince, whom Bulma had somehow gotten to go along with this thing, would be a great way to relieve his stress. He considered for a moment, could he actually beat him?


It had been a long time since they had `observed one another's powers,' as you could say, and it was true that each time he came to visit to play with Trunks he had felt a dramatic increase in his ki.


He had been dying to fight him for a while now - he was the only real opponent he had. He knew Piccolo was very strong but-


"Huh - what?" Gohan, finally snapping out of his trance, turned with nervous eyes to the teacher whom screeched his name. "Did I… miss something?" He caught the faint chuckle of students.

"Son Gohan, spring break does not begin for another 20 minutes! I expect you to spend each and every one of those 20 minutes listening to me, UNDERSTOOD?" the teacher barked, a very irritated expression on her face.

Gohan gulped. "Yes, ma'am."

The teacher nodded. "Good. Now, as I was saying…" She continued with her lecture on the hierarchy of the British empire, sending many students back to sleep.

"Zoning out again, Gohan? That's the third time this period!" Erasa whispered. "You must sure be looking forward to spring break!"

Gohan smiled. "Yea. I was invited along on a camping trip - well, me and my whole family were. However, my Mom and my Grandpa bailed out on the last minute."

"Why is that?" Videl inquired, now taking interest to the conversation.

Gohan grinned sheepishly. "Well, my Mom is kinda scared of someone we'll be camping with… and my Grandpa wanted to stay at home to help Mom with chores and stuff - you know, so she might have at least a little rest on spring break."

"Well that was nice of him," Videl said. "So it looks like you have two openings for the trip then, huh?"

Gohan nodded. "Yea." Suddenly, he caught himself. "Wait - I mean-"

"Well I don't have any plans for spring break," Videl chirped in. "How's about me and my father come along?" Videl couldn't help but invite herself. She was very suspicious about Gohan and knew there was more to him then meets the eye. She was very determined to discover such secrets.


"When will you be leaving?" Videl continued to half-question, half-demand.

"6 AM on Sunday, but-"

"Great, I'll come by your house at 5:30."


"Hey, back there, stop talking!" the teacher hissed. "I'm lecturing you know!"

"Sorry Ms. Rioa," Videl called.

Gohan face-vaulted. `I'm doomed,' he thought.


Gohan sighed deep, pacing nervously outside of his small home in the woods. His life was over, that part he was certain of. How in the world could he sustain his status as `normal' when he was vacationing with the Briefs? Vegita alone would be more than enough to disregard the whole `normal' thing. He sighed again. He wouldn't even get the good spar he had hoped for.

"Gohan, why are you pacing? You're making me dizzy," Goten spoke, his head beginning to bob left and right and up and down. It seemed as though the boy had been following him with his eyes the whole time.

"Sorry Goten, I just-"

"Hi Gohan!"

Gohan turned around, grinning sheepishly at the voice. "Oh hi Videl," he welcomed. He found with great disappointment that, next to her, was her father.

Hercule himself wanted no part of this trip - and had actually forbade his daughter to go when he found out she was invited by a boy. However, she gave him the look that told him she would go no matter what. Therefore he was obligated to go so as to keep a close eye on the boy's intentions toward his daughter.

"Gohan, whose that?" Goten inquired, blinking in confusion, a trait he picked up from his father.

"Oh yea. Goten, this is my friend from school Videl, and her father Hercule-"

"That's Hercule, the world's greatest martial artist!" the loud man boasted.

Videl sweat-dropped.

"Wow, are you really the world's greatest?" Goten asked with awed eyes.

Hercule beamed, showing off his muscles. "You bet kid! There is none stronger!"

"Wow, cool!" Goten chirped. "Can I spar with you later, huh can I? Can I?" he began to hop up and down with excitement.

"Uh, hold down kiddo," Gohan said, pushing his brother to a halt. "He's really strong, and I don't think Mom would want you to fight him - you might get hurt." Gohan wanted to punch himself in the face.

Hercule grunted. "Well at least the boy's smart," he commented. He eyed him cautiously. "Hopefully smart enough to keep his hands to himself during this trip too."

Videl gasped. "Dad!"

Gohan blushed. "Wouldn't… dream of it… sir."

"So where are the others we'll be camping with?" Videl inquired. "Are they going to meet us here?"

"No," Gohan sighed. Vegita had refused to go out of his way just to pick up the 3rd class trash, so out of desperation of starting a nuclear war between him and Bulma, Gohan had volunteered just to meet up at Capsule Corp. Taking out a small capsule in his pocket the boy clicked it open and tossed it to the ground to reveal a hover car. "Well, hop on in," he invited.


Vegita growled as he walked into the kitchen, finding Bulma bustling about, trying to remember each and every `last necessary thing.' Surprisingly, the Prince was in quite a good mood today. He had become bored with the gravitron and wanted a real fight with a living, breathing warrior. Gohan had shown such strength at the time of Cell, and he had longed since then to surpass him. He could not wait.

"Mom, are we done packing yet?" the 8 year old boy came from the living room, a bored expression on his face. Obviously he had been helping his mother with the packing for quite some time now.

Bulma ran over her list again, checking off every last detail. "I think… so…" She paused for a moment, then nodded her head. "Yes, we have everything. All we have to do is wait for Gohan and his guests."

Vegita arched an eyebrow. "Guests?" He had a feeling his good day was about to go sour.

Bulma smiled sweetly. "Yes, Gohan invited a girl friend of his at school along, as well as her father.


"Isn't that girl's father famous or something?" Trunks inquired, taking a soda pop out of the fridge and taking a seat at the kitchen table. "I thought his name was Hercule something."

Vegita flared. "WHAT?"

Bulma sighed. "Well I can't say the boy has very good taste - just try to get along, ok Vegita?"

Vegita crossed his arms over his chest, his face turned into a deep scowl that told her she MUST be joking.

"Look Vegita, I just don't want you to blow him up or anything, got it?" Bulma attempted. She knew she was treading on thin ice here, and did not want Vegita to back out on the trip at the last moment. He didn't know it, but Trunks had secretly been looking forward to this for a long time. He found this as a chance to spend some time with his father… kind of get to know him better. Hell if she was going to screw up that slim chance!

Vegita grunted. "I guarantee nothing, woman." And with that, he walked off into the living room.

Bulma sighed deep. `Well,' she told herself, `at least he's coming.'


Bulma's eyes widened with glee as she heard the cry of Gohan from outside. Turning to the clock on the wall, she noted he was quite punctual this morning. Walking outside, she found Gohan, Videl, and Hercule in the hover-car, Hercule and Videl looking quite surprised indeed.

"Gohan, you know the Briefs?" Videl almost shouted.

Gohan grinned. "Uh yea, we kinda grew up together."

`Woa,' thought Hercule. `She's hot. AND rich!'

"Hi!" Bulma greeted. "Gohan, we'll just take your car to the spot, ok? I packed everything up in capsules and, what do you know, they all fit perfectly in this box." She held up the set box, which was no larger than a necklace case.

"All right, works for me," Gohan said.

Turning to the house Bulma called, "Vegita! Get your ass down here now! We're going!"

Hercule slumped down a bit. He had forgotten she was married. However, a smile slowly crept up on his face. The guy was probably some rich twerp. HE could satisfy her better than him! I mean - who could resist the great Hercule?

"Hey Goten! Make room!" Trunks, without warning, hopped in the back of the vehicle, nearly crashing into the best friend. However, Goten didn't seemed to mind at all. He too was quite excited about this trip.

"Come on Dad, I wanna go! Let's go, let's go, let's go!" the 8 year-old brat cried out, trying to lean over to honk the horn.

"Brat. You'd do best to never order me around again."

Videl and Hercule turned… and there stood Vegita, glowering down at the bunch. Hercule began to loose his nerve, and Videl understood why Gohan's mother was too afraid to go on this trip.

Trunks gulped. He just wanted to impress his friend and get going on the camping trip real quick, he had forgotten of the consequences of what he said. Now he knew that once they got to the camping grounds he was going to regret it big time.

"Enough Vegita!" Bulma scolded her mate. "Come on, let's get in the car and have some fun already!"

Vegita glowered at Bulma. "Fun. Riiight."

Smirking, Bulma leaned in and, in a whisper said, "Of course, the REAL fun begins AFTER everyone is asleep."

Vegita smirked. "You're a pervert, woman."

"I'm only a Peeping Tom compared to you," Bulma hissed with a devious smirk.

Trunks felt like he was going to barf. Last time he saw his parents act like that they started kissing, and then made all kinds of unimaginable noises at night which scared him for weeks! He hoped to Kami they would just get in the car.

Gohan sweat-dropped. This was the first time he had ever seen Vegita act this way. It was kind of embarrassing, though more shocking than anything. `Maybe,' he thought, `he isn't such a cold-hearted bastard after all. Maybe father was right about him.'

Hercule glared at the two. They were obviously close, but that bozo was no match for HIM… right? Hmph, he could easily tear him down and then she would be all over him! He would have her body… AND her money! A devious grin arched up on his face.

"Mom, Dad, can we go now?" Trunks said in a very rude tone. When Vegita turned to him and gave him a nasty look though, he refrained himself. "Uh… please?" he attempted his innocent grin and, Goten, not really knowing what was going on, just grinned as well for the Hell of it.

Finally, the two hopped in the back with the others. Giving one last look at the city life, Gohan put the petal to the metal and raced the gang out of sight.


"Well, we're here!" Gohan announced, parking the vehicle next to a large Oak. All around them were tree's, nothing but endless rows and hoards of trees. They had chosen the largest forest in Tokyo for their camping sight, also the least-visited.

Trunks and Goten immediately hopped out, psyched that they finally arrived. "Mom, can me and Goten go swimming in the lake?" Trunks piped up frantically. Goten jumped up and down beside him. "Yea, can we can we can we Mrs. Briefs?" he chirped excitedly.

"Sure, knock yourself out," Bulma replied. "I'm just going to set up."

"I'll help," Gohan volunteered.

"Yea!" The two children began to race off, tossing their shirts to the side. However, before Trunks could make it 3 feet away, Vegita had grabbed him by his pants and held him up right to his face. "And where do you think you're going?" the angered Prince bellowed.

Trunks grinned, trying to act innocent. "Uh… swimming?"

"Obviously you have forgotten earlier when you attempted to order me around like some baka 3rd class scum," Vegita bellowed. And with those words, he took the frightened boy off deep into the woods.

Bulma sighed deep in irritance.

Goten blinked. "But then… who will go swimming with me?"

"I will," Videl volunteered, bending down so as to come face-to-face with the lad. "Me and Gohan can come with you."


"It's all right Gohan," Bulma interrupted him. "I can set up just fine by myself."

"There's no need," Hercule piped up, completely ignoring the fact that his daughter was about to go off swimming with the boy. "I can help you, Miss!"

Bulma smiled oddly. She didn't like the vibes she was receiving from him. "Uh… thanks, Hercule."

Hercule smiled, holding up his fingers in a victory sign. "No problem, little lady!"

Bulma sweat-dropped.


Muwa ha ha, end part 1.