Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Don't Stay ❯ Don't Stay ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ, Linkin Park, or Linkin Park's song "Don't Stay"

Don't Stay

Sometimes I

Need to remember just to breathe

Sometimes I

Need you to stay away from me

Sometimes I'm

In disbelief I didn't know

Somehow I

Need you to go

"I can't believe you Yamcha. Why? Why did you do it."

Yamcha scratched his head absentmindedly. "I don't know, Bulma, it just happened."

"I can't even look at you! You make me sick."

She turned away dramatically only to turn around and continue berating him. "Was I not enough? Can't you stand being around someone who is chaste?"

"Bulma, come on," he replied incredulously, "You wore a skimpy bunny suit before, how do you expect me to think you're chaste?" He realized that he wasn't helping his situation. "Uh, I meant…"

"Someone who won't be so quick to lift up their skirt for you," she continued while glaring daggers at him. "I'm more chaste than that…that bimbo! Did you even stop to think about how I might feel if you cheated on me? Did you consider my feelings at all? Didn't you think that maybe, just maybe, I would be mad? I mean, all the other times you've cheated on me I've been mad, right?"

Her face slackened as she realized what the problem was. "It's my fault."

"What? No! Bulma, seriously it's me. I just can't help looking at other women-"

"No. All I ever do is get mad, but I always take you back. You've become comfortable with that routine." Then with sudden resolve, "Get out."

She walked towards him menacingly.

"But babe…"

"Out! And don't come back!"

She was at the door of her bedroom now and motioned for him to leave. He stood uncertainly where he was, wondering if she really meant for him to leave…if she really meant it this time that they would break up.

"Bulma please hear me out. I just-"

"There is nothing to 'hear out,' Yamcha. It's always that same story and I don't care to hear it again. I've heard that same old story enough times to know what you're going to say. It's noted, so just leave."

He stood looking at her, biting his lip. He waited for her to soften up like she nearly always did when they had an argument and just let him explain and still be her boyfriend. Yamcha waited and waited, but her angered complexion never changed and he realized that this time she was serious and wouldn't give in to him. Sighing, Yamcha kissed Bulma's cheek while she stood rigidly holding the door. As soon as he had stepped out the door, Bulma slammed it behind him.

Sometimes I

Feel like I trusted you too well

Sometimes I

Just feel like screaming at myself

Sometimes I'm

In disbelief I didn't know

Somehow I

Need to be alone

Glad that the cause of her grief was gone, Bulma grabbed a pillow off of her bed and screamed into it as loud as she could. Screaming into the open air would only alert her parents that she was in pain and both would come running to her aid and would ask questions. At the moment, she didn't want any questions asked, didn't want to answer any. She only wanted to be alone.

She flopped herself on the bed and lay thinking about all her troubles. How could she have believed Yamcha when he told her before that he would never cheat on her again? It seemed silly to her now that she could have ever believed him. How many times had it been that he had told her the same lie?

"How many little clues have gone unnoticed?" she whispered to herself. "How many signs have there been that I have overlooked or that were staring me in the face that I just chose to ignore and keep the peace? Why am I so stupid?" she moaned into the pillow.

Bulma clenched her hands against her temples as if she had a headache. Tears fell down her flawless face.

"I could have any guy I want, why do I always go back to that lying bastard? There has to be a lot of decent guys out there who would give anything to date me! …And why does Yamcha even have to look at other women when he has me? I'm not enough?"

She sneered, "He just wants his sluts. Fine Yamcha. Have your sluts."

Bulma got up and walked over to her window to look at the night sky.

"Honey?" he mother called in through the door. "Is everything all right? Yamcha looked upset when he left."

"He was upset?" She said to herself. "What is he so upset about, now he has all the time in the world to be with all those airheads, those…those whores!"


"I'm fine, Mama. Everything is the way it should be now."

"Are you sure that you don't want to talk about it?"

"I'm sure."

Don't stay

Forget our memories

Forget our possibilities

What you were changing me into

[Just give me myself back and]

Don't stay

Forget out memories

Forget our possibilities

Take all your faithlessness with you

[Just give me myself back and]

Don't stay

"Hey! Babe!"

Her blood burned in her veins. "Don't 'hey babe' me! Go away!"

She stared down at the lonely figure of Yamcha from her windows near the top of the dome of Capsule Corp. where her living quarters were.

"Don't be that way, Bulma. Please just hear me out!" he begged. Yamcha slowly began to float up to her window.

"Stay there, Yamcha. I don't want you around; I don't want to see you ever again. You've broken my heart too many times." He stopped his ascent, but kept floating where he was. "You should be happy that I've been stupid enough to take you back so many times. You're lucky that I have such a forgiving heart, but you've taken advantage of it one too many times, Yamcha. I want you to leave. Now. Forget about me, about our past together, about what our future together might have been like because now I hate you and nothing will ever be between us again. Go back to your sluts and cheat on all of them if you want, they won't care, they'll probably be cheating on you! Do whatever you want, but I won't let you walk all over me again."


"No!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. "I hate you Yamcha! Go away!"

He was taken aback. She had never yelled at him so badly in all their relationship together. "Do you really mean that, Bulma? Please, give me another chance. I promise, I promise I won't disappoint you again." There was an earnest look on his face. As of that moment, he really meant what he said, but Bulma knew better.

"No. You're a liar. We both know that you'll eventually do it again. Just go. Leave me alone."

He sighed and descended to the ground taking one last look at a still enraged Bulma before slowly walking off the Capsule Corp. grounds.

I don't need you anymore

I don't want to be ignored

I don't need one more day

Of you wasting me away

With no apologies

"Go on! Leave! I don't need you to love me anymore. I can stand on my own. Now I won't have to watch you looking at other women all the time. I can move on and find someone better than you. Someone who will care about me. I don't need one more day of you wasting me away without one apology from you. Leave me alone!" She screamed at his retreating figure.

Bulma watched until Yamcha's figure melted into the shadows, then looked up at the moon. All she wanted to do was cry, but she couldn't. She wouldn't. He doesn't deserve her tears. Her eyebrow raised and she looked down on the grounds and saw a lone figure watching her to the right. A figure with flame-like hair…

"Vegeta?" she whispered.

He stepped forward slightly, then turned his back to her and began punching the air violently.

She continued to watch him from her window, allowing her guard down and her emotions to ebb away into calmness. Bulma rested her head on her arms and was content to watch the strong, dark and mysterious warrior train. His skin had a film of sweat which made him seem to glow in the moonlight.

"Did he think that? Did he think that I shouldn't cry for Yamcha, that he doesn't deserve my tears? That would be weird if he did, how and why would I be getting Vegeta's thoughts?"

Vegeta's back stiffened and he stopped mid-punch as soon as she had finished thinking. He slowly got out of his fighting stance and stood up straight. Before going back into the gravity room a few feet in front of him, he looked back up at Bulma who was still watching his every move. His gaze continued to be locked with hers even as he slammed the door with a sneer.

She straightened herself up and looked at the gravity room a moment longer before walking out of her bedroom.

"How does he have such a tough outer shell? Nothing seems to faze him. I want a shell like that. I want a shell that will never let anything hurt me again."

Bulma walked across the hall and walked quietly into Vegeta's room.

"I wonder if there is something here that will give me a clue of what he went through in his past…something that will let me dig into his mind. Kami knows that he won't tell me anything if I ask…"

After flicking on the light switch, Bulma immediately started looking through his dresser drawers. The first drawer only contained underwear. The drawer after that only contained sweats and socks. "At least I haven't found any dirty magazines yet. That's a plus." The next was like a treasure chest. There were many odd things in there that couldn't possibly be made on Earth. One thing she did recognize was a scouter that the Saiyans had worn when they invaded Earth. This one was broken. She spent a few minutes looking over it's mechanics before setting it down back in the drawer and continuing to rummage around.

"What are you doing in my room," a gruff and irritated voice said from the doorway. At that same instant Bulma found an amulet inside the drawer with an intricate design.

She looked up and met the angry eyes of the Saiyan. "Well, um…I guess I don't really have an excuse. But I'll tell you the truth. I wanted to find something that would tell me why you have such a tough outer shell so that nothing gets to you." She pulled the amulet out of the drawer and inspected it. In an instant it was gone and she looked up to see Vegeta standing beside her and sacredly putting the amulet back inside the drawer.

"I just figured that maybe you would want the truth," she said conversationally as she quickly grabbed the necklace back out again.

"You know, you're very brave to take that when I could very easily have slammed your hand in the drawer," he said in a deathly tone. For some reason, Bulma felt that Vegeta only wanted to scare her to make her leave, but didn't really mean it. She continued to look at the necklace turning it about to see it from every angle, choosing not to acknowledge his comment. The amulet was rather large with a big silver colored gem in the middle with a symbol engraved on the center of it, a light blue starburst of inlaid stone around the gem, and dark blue stone filling in the outside of the starburst. The chain was white and seemed to be made out of beads, but they weren't made of glass. More like ivory…or bone. It was hard to say and hard to guess since it was made on a different planet and odds were there weren't elephants on that planet to provide ivory. She flipped the amulet over, expecting just to see the silver backside of the amulet, but instead saw a glass-like case covering the entire back of the amulet, allowing it to lie flat when worn. That case contained some red earth.

She looked up at Vegeta wonderingly. "What is this?"

He took it back and set it down in the drawer again, never breaking eye contact with her. "A royal Saiyan amulet that my father gave me to wear before I was sold to Frieza."

"What was that on the back of it?"

Vegeta looked narrowly at her. "All that is left of my home planet. Now if you're done asking silly questions and invading my privacy, I'll take my shower and go to bed," he said pointedly.

"I'm sorry about going through your things without your permission…and about your planet."

"Do not feel sorry about things you don't understand, human," he lashed out. A look of fury overcame him and this time Bulma perceived that he really was mad. As he stalked toward her, she backed up until she was out of his room and he slammed the door in her face.

"He's never called me 'human' before, he's always called me 'woman.' He must be really mad at me."

"I am sorry," she said quietly and, she thought, low enough that he wouldn't hear her. "If you ever want to talk about it…or want some company, I'll be here."

She walked slowly back to her room and closed the door quietly behind her, thinking about what it would be like to be the only person left of an entire planet of people. Later as she slowly began drifting to sleep, she thought about what it would be like to have Vegeta as a boyfriend…it would most certainly be a different experience from Yamcha.

Meanwhile back in his room, Vegeta still leaned on his hand holding the door shut. He had heard every word she had said and deep down he was thankful that at least someone cared, even if he didn't admit it to himself. He left his spot at the door and gathered up some clothes before going to take his long awaited and long delayed shower.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Thanks for reading, but I have a question to ask and it would be very helpful if everyone who read this answered… I have an idea for every song on Linkin Park's CD Meteora. The songs go so well with the ideas in my head, but none of them necessarily have to be liked in order to enjoy the story. But my question is, should I just group all of them together to this story, or should I post them separately? Please answer that question or review! It would make me very happy! Thanks!

~Lady Branwen~