Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ Dragonball Infinity ❯ Chapter Four: Imaginary ( Chapter 4 )
Chapter Four: Imaginary
I represent all. I believe I have a good idea of your personality now. Kakarotto, you are both compassionate and strong. You can consider yourself the archetype of valiant. Even though you have a strong personality, you can keep yourself in check. You are also considerate, so you can always see things from another's perspective. You put other's feelings above your own desires and sorrows. You are always passionate in your endeavors, and you do not give up. For those reasons, you are trusted by everyone. And you never stint on the effort to live up to that trust. You truly are a fantastic person. And, if you are not that way now, I am convinced you will become so. I will say it again. You are truly a fantastic person. If you don't realize it now, you will soon ... This is your personality. Dawn will soon arrive. And you will wake from your sleep. I represent all. I look forward to the day that I may see you again ... --
I represent all. I believe I have a good idea of your personality now. Vegeta, you appear to be quite an arrogant bully. Even though you are unlikely to realize it, your arrogance causes much unhappiness among the people around you. Have you ever considered what people think about you? Even if you have, since you lack any understanding of people's feelings, it would only be a reflection of your own feelings. People have their own feelings and opinions. It is a terrible mistake to assume that others all think the way you do. But, you fail to understand that. So, when you force your opinion on someone, you may think that you did a good deed, but that person will only be unhappy. However, since you are also a tough fighter, no one dares to complain. However, if you don't change, no one will stand by you for long. To avoid that, you should learn to give a little and accommodate the opinions of other people. Although it may be too late, someone should stick with you. Learn to treat that person with respect ... This is your personality. Dawn will soon arrive. And you will wake from your sleep. I represent all. I look forward to the day that I may see you again ... --
Gokuu glanced back over her shoulder back into the lush forest behind herself, shivering as she heard the howling of far off monsters. It had seemed like such a simple game when Bulma had first showed it to her. Gokuu and Vegeta would have to hunt down some kind of evil demon lord, and yet somehow, she knew that they were no closer to their goal than yesterday or the day before. The both of them hadn't found any way for them to try to save and quit the game. Gokuu just hoped that Bulma realized what was happening, and didn't leave their bodies to rot while connected to their virtual game. Vegeta ... Vegeta was furious.
And seriously hurt.
Vegeta had no real wounds though, for which she was thankful - she didn't think that she could stand looking at him bloody and covered with sick gashes for all of the days they had spent in the game already. Rather, his Hit Points were dangerously low, and now he was finally feeling the effects that this entailed, so he had opted to rest. Resting sometimes let them regain some Hit Points, and Vegeta needed as many as he could get.
She was kneeling by his head, both having found a square with no monsters to ambush them. 'Squares' as they called them were roughly twenty meters squared, and each one had a chance of bunch of monsters ambushing them - materializing seemingly out of nowhere, and no matter what they did, they could never see if there were any monsters lurking in the next 'square' unless they walked into it.
Despite the screaming and wailing of the unseen creatures out in the other squares, Vegeta seemed to be sleeping quietly. Her hand randomly brushed over his forehead, smoothing up the majestic widow's peak, dipping the tips of her fingers into his hair like she might when petting an animal.
An animal ... her mind whispered, and she paused, her hand freezing on his hair before she sank her fingers into his dark tresses experimentally. He moaned and shifted, so she froze again, waiting for him to still.
And still he did. Gokuu brushed her fingers up through his hair to extract them, amazed that they found no resistance whatsoever. This time, he sighed, brow furrowing slightly. He did not look peaceful as he slept. It appeared that – no matter what he was doing - Vegeta was always scowling, even in his sleep. Her eyes drooped sadly, and, caressing his cheek, Gokuu repositioned herself to lay beside him. Unbidden, the thought came into her head that she should kiss him – Just softly, there on his temple – he'd never have to know. However, she kept laying there, overlooking his regal features, and found that she was comparing their skin tones in her boredom.
The Prince was so very much darker than herself. Upon laying her hand to his arm, the difference was unquestionable. Not to say that Son Gokuu wasn't tan of course. She tanned very well since she was constantly out in the sun, but Vegeta's skin was at least twice as dark as her own.
Barely a second later, his eyes fluttered open, and then rested on her, "... Why are you touching me?"
"Just bored," she whispered, though she knew not why she kept her voice so quiet. "Why are you so dark?"
Blinking, he pulled his arm away from her touch, "It's my nature to be dark. I thought that you knew that better than anyone."
"No," Gokuu took his hand, "look. You're darker than me."
He blinked, and then his raspy chuckle startled her, "You're such a simpleton, Kakarotto. I'm dark because I've been under much more worse suns than your little yellow one. We had two on Planet Vegeta, in fact."
Her interest piqued, she pushed her torso up to lean against her elbows, her face resting in her hands, "Wouldn't that be really, really hot though?" After a bit of thought, she realized that Vegeta had never spoken of Planet Vegeta to her before – besides when she had been informed of her people’s demise.
"Almost unbearably, and at night it froze over."
A smirk took over his lips at the look on her face, "We were a hardened people, Kakarotto, and none more so than me ... unless you count the Legendary." Vegeta snapped his mouth shut then, blinking in surprise when she began nodding her head while she listened.
"Who's the Legendary? You’ve mentioned it before."
Gruffly as he stood up, Vegeta said, "He was the most ruthless Saiyajin of all ... the first ever Super Saiyajin. His power was too great for his body to handle, and he accidentally blew up the planet he was on. According to the scriptures, I'm directly related to him."
"That's kind of cool," she mused. "Related to some legend ..." He grunted, and said nothing further, beginning to head for the next square, and Gokuu leapt up to follow him. When it seemed that he would speak no more of it, she decided not to press for anything more about their dead planet, and easily switched to something more important, "Do you think you're well enough now?"
"I’m as well as I'll ever be since you can't do that healing spell anymore."
Gokuu lowered her head to watch the ground that she walked over, effectively chagrined, "I didn't think that there was a limit to how many times we could use it."
"Neither of us did, just drop it." --
"That's kind of cool. Related to some legend ..."
'Cool,' he snorted softly. It sure was 'cool' all right, Kakarotto. I got to train everyday - to my heart's content - and all for my own ambition ... and that of my father's. All very 'cool.' I'm a Super Saiyajin too now - like you. I've finally reached what ... what I've wanted for so long. Once we're finally out of this damned game, I'll kill you ... finally ... You'll be nothing in my palm, and when I close my fist, you shall be crushed within it.
He looked over his shoulder at the Saiyajin girl who was gazing up at her surroundings with such curiosity and awe, frowning when he tried to think of what he’d do after she was gone for good. Her lips pouted sweetly as she looked over into the next square, and then she idly licked them, causing his face to darken. "Keh!" Vegeta averted his eyes.
"You say something, Vegeta?" To better look at his face, she jogged up to walk beside him.
Ignoring her question, he looked her over her curious features. --
Vegeta froze in shock at seeing the picture presented to him on the computer screen, and then leaned forward eagerly. Nappa had been laughing at him that morning - he wasn't anymore, of course, being sent to the regeneration tank and all - and Nappa had told Vegeta that he looked like a figure talked about in myth.
"Not only are you going to be the Legendary," Nappa had laughed, "but you look just like the Saiyajin of the Hin’I region!"
"Who?" Vegeta had asked innocently - innocently enough for Vegeta being five anyway.
"The Saiyajin of the Hin’I region was a coward that never gave into his own urges and instincts. He would rather pull his woman to his chest at night than to claim her!" Nappa had laughed louder then, holding his stomach, "He was no warrior, but a lover! 'Hair like a dark flame, and a grand widow's peak.'" He had reached out, and then pulled up Vegeta's young bangs to look underneath them. "Maybe you'll be a Super Saiyajin, but you won't have the guts to use your power like that coward."
Nappa was supposed to stay in the tank for the rest of the day.
Dumbstruck, Vegeta touched the screen, outlining the disturbingly accurate face. It was like a mix of his grandfather and father, owning his father's hair and grandfather's un-bearded visage. With a slight grimace, he pushed up his bangs, and glanced over at the mirror he had situated on the desk. He was indeed the spitting image of the Saiyajin of the Hin’I region.
Grimacing, he began looking through more pictures, yet the interpretation of the author's words did not change until finally he found one picture on the computer that differed only in the slightest from the others. In the other images, the Saiyajin of the Hin’I region had been alone, but here he was with a young woman, the both of them staring into one another's eyes. They seemed to be so absorbed with each other that the two of them did not appear to mind the destruction occurring around them, and the blood splattered over the woman's white gown. --
For an instant, that woman looked like Kakarotto, but he digressed. It was certain to only be his imagination and hormones than any blurred memory stirring. After all, they both had their tails back – it was natural for him to want to force her down into his bed ... or onto the forest floor as fate might have it since they were still stuck in the ridiculous game.
"It's nothing really."
"Hey, Vegeta," her cooler hand touched onto his bare shoulder, "you've been really talkative lately."
"Is that wrong?" He gruffly said, almost wanting to yank away from her.
"No, just wondering if you wanted to talk to me about something." Kakarotto's hand pulled back, and he clenched his fist, striving not to find her touch again.
Ch', how can I even think to kill her when it's obvious that the stupid bitch has me wrapped around her little pinky? ... She should be yearning for me! Not the other way around! His fist loosened, and Vegeta directed his eyes towards her, making her head cock to the side in interest.
... Kakarotto does seem to be doing just that though. She was the first one of us to use telepathy. "Actually ..."
Her face brightened as she smiled sweetly, "Yeah?"
"About that kiss ..." the bright face began to become scarlet, "you weren't that bothered by it, were you?"
"Well ... if you really wanted to kiss me, I guess it was beyond me to try to stop you." Watching her, he saw her suck her bottom lip a bit into her mouth to chew on apprehensively.
His shoulders stiffened slightly, "... What if I wanted to kiss you again?"
"Do you?"
"No," he said without thinking. "Why would I want to do that?"
"Why did you want to kiss me before?" She quipped quietly.
He did a double-take, "That - That was an accident. Look, we're both Saiyajin, and now that we've got our tails back, we'll be having urges."
"... What does having a tail and being Saiyajin have to do with what you did?"
"A lot of things!" He sputtered, "As Saiyajin we have heightened senses, and our tails just so happen to be telling our senses that I'm a male and you're a female."
"... So?"
"Gah! Grrraah ..." Vegeta held his head as it was starting to hurt. "... Listen to me very carefully," he said slowly at last, "I'm a male, and you're a female. That means ... That means that our instincts want us to reproduce."
"... Reprobate-what?"
After growling in irritation, he said with a deadpan voice, "Babies."
Thus making Kakarotto's face light up in glee, "I love babies! They're so cute."
"Yes ..." he mumbled, "'cute' ..."
"... But what does that have to do with repro-whatever?"
Kill her. Yes, kill her ... Vegeta sighed, One, two, three ... “Are you a complete moron or something? Reproduce. Our bodies want us to reproduce. Reproducing between same species of opposite genders creates babies, Kakarotto.”
"Oh ..." Again came her smile, "What's so bad about us making babies?"
His jaw dropped, "You want a baby?"
She laughed, and poked his forehead, "No, I said 'babies.' Plural, Vegeta."
Taking her wrist, Vegeta gave it a sharp jerk to bring her against him, "Just to make sure ..." her breath caught, and her eyes widened when he brushed his nose against hers, "You want" - he smirked - "babies with me?"
"Ah ... is this that instincts thing again?"
He shook his head hard - maybe if he could jostle his brain hard enough he'd get into his right mind again! I didn't even notice it this time! There was nothing for me to resist! "Yes ..."
"I kind of like it."
XP Wow, I was just about ready to abandon this thing, but then some people randomly reviewed, and now I feel slightly better about it ... so I've fixed a few things that bugged me about it, and now hopefully it's even better. Maybe I could use a few things from my RP with my Ko-chan ... In fact, I'll ask her right now!
... XP If she was on, that is.
I think that I'm going to stop with the songs though, and also next chapter, I ain't going to do more of this Dragon Quest III anymore - I just beat the Demon Lord thing a while back, and I found out that there's a whole new little mini-adventure behind it all ... So no more of the game, I guess.
Oh, well.